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Comprehensive comic group chat: Yukino called the police on my father! — Chapter 211

Facing the unknown compliment, Echidona raised her lips slightly and was in a good mood:”Not only that, Ani, show it to the master.””


Ani walked to the open space in the distance obediently.

Weiming turned around and looked over.

Pandora, who had been released, leaned quietly in his arms and remained silent.


I saw that Ani did not move at all, and there was a golden thunder light on his body. Flash.

Loud bang.


Ani directly transformed into a female giant!

But it was far from over.

After a while,

Ani’s body developed hardened armor.

This is the characteristic of the armored giant!

Her body continues to grow. Even reaching the sixty-meter level, the body began to emit high-temperature steam.

This is the characteristic of the super giant!

Then, Ani began to truly demonstrate.

She can use all the characteristics of the nine giants!

Echidna also Make an introduction

“Various characteristics of the nine giants can appear on her at the same time, and she can also transform into any type of giant alone.”

“In addition, Ani no longer has the flaw of the back of his neck. In the giant’s body, she can change her position in the giant’s body according to her will”

“Finally, there is the power of the ancestor giant.”

Echidna finished speaking.

Ani’s giant body quickly shrank, turning into a body wrapped in strange hard armor, with a pair of bone wings spread out from behind.

The most important thing is that her body is the size of a normal person!

“Is this the ancestor giant?”

Weiming is full of doubts. Shouldn’t the ancestor giant be very huge?

“This is Arnie’s ancestor giant form, Arnie, punch.”

Following Echidna’s instructions, Ani punched in the air.


The bursting air buzzed and shook. One can imagine how terrifying the power of this punch was.

A light flashed in Weiming’s eyes.

He instantly I understood Ani’s current state.

Although her body was no different from that of an ordinary person, her body contained all the energy of the ancestor giant. Now Ani was a superman!

Echidna hooked her hand.

Ani immediately Exiting the state of the Ancestral Titan, he walked back quickly and stood quietly in front of Weiming.

Weiming curiously reached out and touched Ani’s muscles from head to toe, not sparing his heart, thighs and buttocks.

Some of them were touched When touching the body, Ani’s body also trembled

“There was no change. After exiting the giant form, Ani returned to being an ordinary person~.”

We haven’t come to such a conclusion yet. This may be the only drawback of the giant’s power at present.

But it is undeniable that Echidna is very powerful.

First, the passive transformation of injuries is solved, and Ani can transform into a giant at will.

Second, it solves the shortcomings of the giant’s neck meat.

Third, Arnie has all the power of the giant.

“Can this ability be replicated?”Weiming turned to ask Echidna.

Echidna naturally did not disappoint him and told him confidently:”It can be done, and it’s very simple.”

She grabbed it casually and held a ball of black energy from the air. It was the power of sin that pervaded the realm of sin.

“In fact, I can only do this because of my master’s strength.”


Echidna nodded the power of sin in her hand and explained:”The master’s power of sin is a very powerful force, its magnitude is far higher than the power of giants.”

“With just a little sinful power, I can perfectly simulate the characteristics of the giant’s power.”

“Master, your power is amazing!”

Echidona excitedly hugged Weiming as she spoke, and gave Weiming a good facial cleanser.

She didn’t care at all about Pandora’s feelings in the middle.

After a while, Echidna let go of Weiming and asked

:”Master, it’s not for the giant’s power, right?”


Weiming didn’t think that the power of giants could be researched so quickly at first.

His purpose was actually the person in the painting. He took out SCP-085 from the created space, and Weiming explained to her the strangeness of this thing. (Read the Baoshuang novel , just go to Feilu Novel Network!)

In an instant,

Echidna’s attention was attracted by the person in the painting, and she fell into seeking knowledge, completely forgetting the existence of Weiming and others.

This look of obsession made Weiming speechless on the spot.

So , he turned to look at the other witches, and asked with a smile:”Do you also want to take physiology classes?”


Suddenly, several witches were frightened and fled away.

They patted Pandora’s soft buttocks, put Pandora down, and straightened her tea-stained white robe:”I still have something to do, you can go back by yourself.”

“I know, honey, come to the Love Nest next time”

“no problem.”

Then he glanced at Ani, whose clothes were soaked, and sighed in his heart that Pandora might have water magic. He coughed dryly, and wiped off her clothes in his mind.

After appreciating the wonderful body for a while, he created a new set for her. clothing

“You stay here for a while and I will take you out when I move.”

“Thank you…Master.”Ani lowered his head and responded.


Wei Ming went to the world of faith.

Tallulah and Alina were found easily.

They are shopping.

Alina was jumping around like an elf, curious about everything.

Tallulah just smiled gently at the side. With Alina here, she felt relieved.

Street shopping and more are also part of the city Xia Shi created.

It is worth mentioning that the currency created by Xia Shi is used to fulfill wishes.

As long as the angels have enough money, they can see Weiming and ask Weiming to help them fulfill their wishes.

This was Xia Shi’s suggestion when he had an in-depth communication with him in the nameless world.

From this arises the active life of the angels.

Wei Ming can also clearly hear the wishes of every angel child.

Every one is

“I want to be brother Weiming’s bride!”

“I want to give birth to a child for my brother Weiming!”

Such words make Weiming ashamed.

This source of power is really terrifying.

So much so that when he enters the City of Angels, he has to change his sense of existence to avoid causing a big commotion.

What if 300,000 people come with the Son of Angel? , he had to fight for a year and a half.

Although he had the original energy, he would not become a cow that was exhausted.

But the scene was still too exaggerated.

He did not dare to imagine it at all.

His sense of existence did not affect the tower Lula and Alina hid.

Alina soon noticed the unknown presence:”Master!”

Her whisper made Tallulah’s smile freeze. She turned around a little and saw Weiming walking towards them with a smile.

Thinking of what Alina had said to her before, Tallulah opened her mouth with difficulty:”Lord…Master.”

Weiming’s eyes lit up.

Alina really did not disappoint me.

Not only did she bring Tallulah out of her negative emotions, but she also seemed to persuade her very well.

Weiming chuckled:”There’s no need to call me master, just call me Weiming. Can”

“How about it? Tallulah, Alina, how are you adapting?”

Grateful Alina, with bright eyes:”Thanks to Mr. Weiming, as an infected person, I have never experienced such a wonderful life.”

Although they are no longer infected, they will not forget the hard life of infected people.

The experience here is like paradise to Alina

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Comprehensive comic group chat: Yukino called the police on my father!

Comprehensive comic group chat: Yukino called the police on my father!

Status: Ongoing


Unknown travels through the comic book world! Encountering the visible Yotsuya Miko, he senses the end of the world. Dad was forced to call the police by Yukino, but Yukino wet her panties instead. Invited to join the doomsday chat group! The end of the world begins! Hayasaka Ai encounters a demon! Yinglili is attacked by an evil spirit! Yukinoshita Yukino is involved in the doomsday game! … A new member has been added to the doomsday chat group. March 7: This girl is going to save the end of the world! Able Angel: Ah Pulu Sect! God willing! Barrage! Overload mode! Silver Wolf: I just want to play games, what bad intentions can I have? Nami: I don’t want to die, help me! Mr. Weiming! Makima: Am I a bad woman? The man who dominates me, Wei Ming, who are you? Weiming: Is it reasonable for members of a doomsday chat group to help each other? Tushan Yaya: Bastard! Put my sister so help to bed? … Well, a doomsday chat group for loving each other! ! !


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