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Comprehensive comic group chat: Yukino called the police on my father! — Chapter 246

I’m afraid no one can imagine it.

On her body, which was free of obscene clothes under her kimono, there were still traces of her recent self-liberation, as well as feelings that were difficult for her to express.

That was the source of her guilt.

Especially when faced with uncertainty.

The object of his fantasy is standing in front of him, and even his daughter is behind him.

The feeling of disdain for herself spread throughout her body, making her want to escape involuntarily.

But now is the moment that cannot be escaped.

She took a deep breath, calmed her heart and asked,”What do we need to do now?”

Others also looked towards Weiming. obvious.

Wei Ming is the backbone of everyone.

Weiming pinched his chin and looked around, shook his head and said:”There is too little information about the Doomsday Game. At present, there is only this round table.”

A large round table was placed in the middle of the room.

This area is connected to everyone’s room, and there is a seat in front of everyone’s door.

“First, sit according to the seats corresponding to each room.”

You Weiming spoke, and everyone 08 immediately took action.

The moment everyone sat down, a rotating holographic image appeared in the center of the round table.

The image was a picture of a starry sky.

In the depths of the universe, there was a rotating galaxy..

It attracts the attention of several people with its unique beauty and mystery. The holographic picture of this galaxy is composed of countless stars, planets, nebulae and black holes.

They rotate according to certain rules in the endless space, forming a A grand and complex celestial system.

Yukino and others saw a huge black hole in the center of the galaxy.

It was so massive that even light could not escape its strong gravity.

Around the black hole were circles of stars.

They were surrounding The black hole rotates, forming a bright halo.

The light of these stars illuminates the entire galaxy, making it shine in the universe.

In this rotating galaxy, there are many planets and satellites.

Some of them revolve around the stars, Some are floating freely among the stars.

The edge of the galaxy is a nebula.

They are composed of dust and gas, with different colors, including red, blue, yellow…

The nebula shines charmingly under the light. , like a rainbow in the sky.

The matter in the nebula continues to gather under the action of gravity.

New stars and planets may be formed, and new black holes may be formed.

This rotating galaxy is like a clock that never stops, every time Each part moves according to its own rhythm.

The burning of stars.

The rotation of planets.

The changes of nebulae.

The devouring of black holes.

And so on.

These are the dance of life of the galaxy, the rhythm of the universe.

The holographic influence is perfectly displayed to everyone. The majesty of the galaxy was lost.

Only text suddenly appeared in the image, interrupting the beautiful galaxy.

【Insect Swarm Galaxy: A galaxy completely eroded by the interstellar swarm of insects! 】

With the appearance of words.

The image of the galaxy begins to change.

From colorful stars to gray galaxies.

It starts zooming in on parts of the area.

From galaxies to stars.

Let’s look more specifically at planets orbiting stars.

Next, the planet’s surface zoom is fully displayed

“Are those…monsters?”

Mrs. Yuigahama covered her mouth with fluctuating eyes.


There are many monsters on the surface of the planet.

They are densely packed together.

The earth beneath them is completely wrapped in a strange carpet of flesh and blood.

Some have sharp claws and fangs.

Some have long… There are strange-shaped armors or capsules. (To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)


ellar Zerg: A race that plunders the vitality of the universe. 】

Then there is an introduction to the interstellar Zerg.

Interstellar Zerg.

A mysterious group of creatures.

Their existence transcends human cognition and imagination.

In this vast universe, the interstellar Zerg has become an amazing miracle with its unique way of survival and ability to reproduce.

The body structure of the interstellar Zerg is extremely complex.

They can range in size from tiny to gigantic and come in a variety of shapes.

Their skin is a riot of colors, like stars twinkling in the sky.

The surface of the interstellar Zerg’s body is covered with countless tiny tentacles.

These tentacles not only help them sense their surroundings, but are also used to capture food and communicate.

The way of life of the interstellar Zerg is very special.

It does not depend on a fixed living environment, but can travel freely in the universe.

Can live on different planets, even on the surface of stars.

The food source of the interstellar Zerg is very rich[]

It can swallow various materials, ranging from rocks, metals to living organisms, which can become their food.

This powerful digestive ability allows the interstellar Zerg to survive in extreme environments.

The interstellar Zerg reproduction method is also very strange.

Reproduction can occur through division, egg laying, or spores. during the reproduction process.

The interstellar zerg will produce a special energy field.

This energy field can transform surrounding matter into new life forms.

This method of reproduction allowed the number of interstellar Zerg to grow rapidly, becoming one of the largest biological groups in the universe.

The social structure of the interstellar Zerg is very complex.

There is a strict hierarchy between them. in this hierarchy.

Each interstellar zerg has its own specific role and responsibilities.

Some interstellar zerg are responsible for finding food, some are responsible for protecting the territory, and some are responsible for reproducing offspring.

This high degree of organization and collaboration allows the interstellar Zerg to survive and thrive in the universe.


When the number of interstellar Zerg becomes too large, they may cause damage to the surrounding 937 planets.

The strong vitality and reproductive ability of interstellar Zerg also make them an uncontrollable disaster in some extreme environments.

“Alas! So many bugs!”

Qianhua shrank, those monsters were just bugs in her eyes at the moment.

She was very afraid of bugs!

“It’s so scary. Has the entire galaxy been eroded by this kind of creature?”

Hai Meng asked a question that no one could answer.

Just by looking at the description, you can tell how terrifying this monster called the Interstellar Zerg is.

“It can eat almost anything, and can reproduce and grow extremely quickly. At the same time, it has a strict racial system and can cross the star sea.”

“If all of this is true, it’s really possible to erode entire galaxies.”

Xue Mu has immersed herself in the current situation and calmly analyzed the possibilities.

The others looked solemn after listening.

Because it is very likely that their enemies this time are these interstellar Zerg.

It is not clear yet. He looked weird.

Are these interstellar zerg?

He didn’t know what to say.

Because those zerg looked very much like the zerg in StarCraft.

When the holographic screen moved, he took a quick look.

Good guys!

Springtails, hydralisks, cockroaches , Thunder beast… I can’t say that it is completely similar, I can only say that it is exactly the same!

Except that the body is covered with tentacles and the color is more exaggerated, you can definitely see the traces of the zerg.


Comprehensive comic group chat: Yukino called the police on my father!

Comprehensive comic group chat: Yukino called the police on my father!

Status: Ongoing


Unknown travels through the comic book world! Encountering the visible Yotsuya Miko, he senses the end of the world. Dad was forced to call the police by Yukino, but Yukino wet her panties instead. Invited to join the doomsday chat group! The end of the world begins! Hayasaka Ai encounters a demon! Yinglili is attacked by an evil spirit! Yukinoshita Yukino is involved in the doomsday game! … A new member has been added to the doomsday chat group. March 7: This girl is going to save the end of the world! Able Angel: Ah Pulu Sect! God willing! Barrage! Overload mode! Silver Wolf: I just want to play games, what bad intentions can I have? Nami: I don’t want to die, help me! Mr. Weiming! Makima: Am I a bad woman? The man who dominates me, Wei Ming, who are you? Weiming: Is it reasonable for members of a doomsday chat group to help each other? Tushan Yaya: Bastard! Put my sister so help to bed? … Well, a doomsday chat group for loving each other! ! !


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