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Comprehensive comic group chat: Yukino called the police on my father! — Chapter 378

Wei Ming:”Maybe you can relax a bit to change your mood.”

Qi Qi:”Relax?”

【Ding! Weiming sent an exclusive red envelope to Qi Qi! ]

Qi Qi tilted his head and chose to receive it.

【Ding! Qi Qi has received the exclusive red envelope! 】

What Qi Qi saw was that he had obtained 1,000 doomsday points.

Then I saw Weiming speaking in the group.

Wei Ming:”Wait for my news.”

Although he didn’t know what the situation was, Lu Qi still chose to agree.

Qi Qi:”Okay.”

Weiming closed the chat group and picked up Ansuo, who had always been shy on his lap.

This move frightened her again.

The two rabbit ears drooped.

No one dared to move.

Wei Ming’s big hands were supporting her.

He smiled and really took her back to bed like a little pet and covered her with the quilt.

Finally, he leaned over and kissed her forehead.

Ansuo wanted to reach out and grab him, but Weiming got up and dodged him.

He pinched her little face and teased:”Don’t get carried away, my little rabbit.”


Ansuo blushed and nodded.

“Rest, I’ll go there.”

After saying that, the unidentified figure disappeared in the air. She blinked her watery eyes.

Although her unidentified sudden disappearance was magical.

But the sudden change in her life made her feel that it didn’t matter anymore.

Because everything was never experienced before. Passed. 767 felt something strange in his body.

He immediately shrank back into the quilt even more shyly.

“Just kissing is so comfortable, such a warm feeling.”

An Suo has never experienced this kind of feeling of being cared for. She feels like she is sinking into it.

She slowly closes her eyes.

“Hope waking up is not a dream.”

Pray secretly in my heart


The end of the earth.

A noisy but orderly bar.

Unidentified entry into the bar.

It sounds like very rhythmic rap.

The interior decoration is pretty good.

But the customers inside were just drinking and enjoying the music.

This is obviously not the kind of bar where you swing, jump, and twist.

And his eyes quickly locked on their location.

A table surrounded by three sofas.

The aura of the powerful angel is extremely conspicuous.

Croissant took a sip of wine.

Pouting. indignant

“Aneng, you haven’t settled the score for your persecution of me today!”

She was very dissatisfied with Aneng’s behavior of forcefully dragging her into the car today.

Angel Neng glared at Croissant, and she was really dissatisfied:”It’s not that I can’t control my mouth.”

“I’m telling the truth. It’s obvious that you were talking in your sleep.” Croissant expressed dissatisfaction.

What she said was obviously true.

Texas drank wine and watched the show in silence.

A Carters blond rabbit disguised as Luper wanted to persuade the two of them, but he didn’t know what to do. How to do it

“What are you talking about in your sleep?”

Weiming intervened in the conversation between the two with curiosity.

Several people looked at him.

Angel Neng stood up immediately:”Weiming, you are here.”

Texas next to her wisely moved to one side to make room.

Weiming responded with a grateful smile and sat there.

“What were you just talking about?”

Angel Neng winked at Croissant crazily. Croissant chuckled after seeing it:”It’s nothing, it’s just that Aneng wants to buy my collection.”


Hear the words.

The capable angel suddenly opened his eyes and winked, but in fact the meaning expressed was quite clear to Croissant.

Push your limits!


do you mean? When did I say I wanted to buy your junk?”

The smart Croissant grinned:”Oh, I seem to have remembered it wrong. We were talking about Aneng…”

Neng Tian was shocked. Seeing that Croissant was about to tell her the story again and make her die, he quickly said:” Hahaha, I remember correctly, I just want to buy the croissant collection.”

She admits this!

Weiming smiled and said nothing.

(afed) How could he not hear what they said before.

He took the initiative to change the subject and said:”Aneng, why don’t you introduce this lovely girl to me?”

He was naturally looking at him curiously.

“Oh, hello, I’m Kong, an employee of Penguin Logistics.” (To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

“Nice to meet you. I am Aneng’s friend, Wei Ming.”

The two stretched out their hands and shook hands briefly.

Then they politely asked how many people

“Can I invite a friend to play? She had been in a bad mood recently due to something and wanted to relax.”

Neng Tian’s eyes lit up.

She guessed who she was talking about. It was the Lu Qi in the group.

None of the three people in Texas had any objections to this.

Wei Ming winked at Aneng.

Then everyone in the group started talking. Pray.

Unknown:”Qi Qi, initiate a world travel application to the person named Enangang in the group, use the points I gave you. Of course, our points are not free and will be returned to me in the future.”

As for how to repay it,

Wei Ming said with a smile.


My loan is a loan shark.

I can’t pay it back if I don’t take it from myself.[]

Angel Neng:”Hey! It’s me!”

Qi Qi:”Yeah.”

In the eyes of Weiming and Aneng, Qi Qi appeared in a black hole.

In other people’s eyes, Qi Qi just walked in, and Wei Ming deliberately affected the perception in the bar.

Qi Qi was wearing a pink sportswear and jacket.

She was a little confused by the unfamiliar scenes around her

“This is where?”

“This is the place to relax, the bar, come and enjoy it.”

Weiming waved to her


Have a drink.

Have a casual chat.

Play the wine table game.

All in all, it’s just simple relaxation and fun, nothing special.

Because of his unfamiliarity and personality, Qi Qi is not very open-minded.

Just when Weiming was thinking about how to make her adapt, he found that her eyes were looking towards the bar’s resident singer’s seat from time to time.

There was a faint light shining in his eyes.

He remembered Yu Qi’s identity, an internet singer.

Then he pointed to the singing platform and asked the capable angel:”Can I go up there and sing?”

“Yes, just tell the person above.”The capable angel nodded.

After getting the answer, he looked at Qi Qi:”Do you want to give it a try?”


She seemed hesitant.

Wei Ming took her hand without saying a word and walked to the singing stage. After a brief exchange with the singer and taking out a stack of Longmen coins, the other party decisively retreated and gave way.

With his encouragement Under the gaze, Qi Qi walked up.

However, Qi Qi’s song was her own song. As for the music, Wei Ming directly adapted the music in Qi Qi’s mind to reality and reproduced it directly.

Adjusting one’s senses, the music that suddenly appeared was also There is no surprise.

Hearing the familiar music, Qi Qi was startled and looked at Wei Ming. He just smiled back.

PS: Happy New Year! Thank you for your support! Please ask for monthly tickets, evaluation votes, and flowers!.


Comprehensive comic group chat: Yukino called the police on my father!

Comprehensive comic group chat: Yukino called the police on my father!

Status: Ongoing


Unknown travels through the comic book world! Encountering the visible Yotsuya Miko, he senses the end of the world. Dad was forced to call the police by Yukino, but Yukino wet her panties instead. Invited to join the doomsday chat group! The end of the world begins! Hayasaka Ai encounters a demon! Yinglili is attacked by an evil spirit! Yukinoshita Yukino is involved in the doomsday game! … A new member has been added to the doomsday chat group. March 7: This girl is going to save the end of the world! Able Angel: Ah Pulu Sect! God willing! Barrage! Overload mode! Silver Wolf: I just want to play games, what bad intentions can I have? Nami: I don’t want to die, help me! Mr. Weiming! Makima: Am I a bad woman? The man who dominates me, Wei Ming, who are you? Weiming: Is it reasonable for members of a doomsday chat group to help each other? Tushan Yaya: Bastard! Put my sister so help to bed? … Well, a doomsday chat group for loving each other! ! !


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