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Comprehensive comic group chat: Yukino called the police on my father! — Chapter 416

Wei Ming could also understand Sylvia’s embarrassment.

But he didn’t say much.

All I can say is that everyone who understands understands.

Then he turned on the ability enhancement function.

This time there are eight abilities that can be integrated.

There are still 179 million doomsday points, which can be improved again.

After thinking about it, he chose to improve Wuji God first.

【Ding! 100 million doomsday points have been consumed!】

【Ding! S-level Wuji God upgraded to 1v9! 】

He is very familiar with the improvement of 1v9, and he knows how strong it is without testing.

Then he opened the Doomsday Unifier

【Ding! 10 million doomsday points have been consumed!】

【Ding! Start unifying! 】

Because there is already a natural unity in the characteristics of Wuji God.

So he still chose to integrate the eight elemental abilities into the Wuji God.

Half an hour’s time.

It rained heavily outside for no reason.

After packing their luggage, Ryoko and Hinami did not disturb Wei Ming, but waited for him quietly.

Slowly open your eyes.

Wei Ming successfully integrated all the elemental abilities, but something slightly surprising happened to him.

The power of faith and the unity of nature disappear from the essence of [Wuji God], replaced by 14 Wuji Nature.

Wuji Nature: The power of Wuji nature that controls yin and yang, the five elements, wind, forest and volcanoes, light and darkness.

It integrates the natural elements and the power of yin and yang to control the infinite nature.

The control of natural elements is more sophisticated and flexible than simply controlling the natural environment as a whole.

“Packed up?”

He didn’t pay too much attention at the moment. Ryoko and Hinami seemed to have been waiting aside for a while.

“Well, it’s been sorted out.”

They just packed some necessities of life.

This was also not explicitly requested.

He is not short of money at all.

When the time comes, he will buy the latest and best whatever he needs.

Liangzi also did this obediently.

Like family photos and so on. , she didn’t take any.

In the future, they will have a new family photo with Weiming, so it’s time to abandon the past.

“Then let’s go”


Space movement.

After the first time, it still felt magical the second time.

For the placement of the two, leave 102 to them.

By the way, I asked Ryoko’s permission to arrange an extra Kamidai Rise.

Ryoko and Hinami are still sleeping in the same room.

For them who are used to frugality, one bedroom is already big enough, and sleeping in two rooms is a bit wasteful.

Therefore, a second bedroom is also freed, and one person can be accommodated in the future.

Help them get settled and prepare for dinner before introducing them to others.

Wei Ming walked out of Room 102.

Then I saw two people from the 101 Glass family walking out anxiously across the street.

One of them is Nizi, and the other is a woman with long pink hair, but she is obviously more mature, and her face has bags under her eyes and she looks tired.

They were holding umbrellas and seemed ready to go out.

But it’s raining heavily outside, so you can’t hold an umbrella if you go out at this time, right?

“Glass, long time no see.”

Since we are neighbors, Weiming still said hello.


Glass opened her eyes wide. She felt that she heard it right. The sound was so clear in her ears!

The long-haired woman frowned.

She did not recognize this handsome young man.

Due to the special situation of Glass, she was worried that someone might have bad intentions against her. Nishimiya Yaeko asked warily:”Do you know Glass?”

Weiming introduced himself:”I live in Room 401, Weiming. I moved here not long ago. , I visited your home in the beginning. I think you must be Glass’s mother.”

“Well, I am her mother, and my name is Yaeko Nishimiya.”

Nishimiya Yaeko obviously spoke a little fast and seemed to be in a hurry.

“Sorry, you seem to be in a panic. What happened?”Unexplained question.

Nishimiya Glass quickly raised his cell phone, which read:”Yuzuru ran away from home in anger.” (To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

“Yuzuru ran away from home? This weather is a bit dangerous.”

No wonder the two of them were so panicked. It turned out that they were going to find Nishimiya Yuzuru.

“It’s all my fault, I shouldn’t have reprimanded her like that.”Nishimiya Yaeko felt a little regretful.

If it wasn’t for the dispute with her, Yuzuru wouldn’t have run out.

“Mrs. Nishimiya, let me help you find it too. As for Glass, if your physical condition is good, you should stay at home. The rain outside is a bit too heavy.”

He has found the person.

It’s downstairs in a desolate and unfinished building.

It seems that Nishimiya Yuzuru didn’t bring any money.”

“But I’m worried about Yuzuru.”

Jia Zi is very worried about her sister, which can be seen from the text on the phone and her expression.

Wei Ming put his big hand on her head and assured her confidently:”Don’t worry, Yuzuru will be fine.”

“After all, she is not a child anymore. She will definitely take shelter from the rain.”

“Mrs. Nishimiya, let me go look for it first.”

“Thank you so much!”

One more person means more strength. Mrs. Nishimiya is very grateful for Weiming’s help.”[]

I exchanged contact information with Mrs. Nishimiya to facilitate future contact.

Before leaving.

Glass took his arm and raised the umbrella in his hand

“Thank you.”

Weiming naturally understood the meaning, picked up the umbrella, thanked her, and went out with Mrs. Nishinomiya.

There was no wind outside, but the rain was really heavy.

Seeing that the umbrella in Mrs. Nishinomiya’s hand was about to be crushed by the rapid and heavy raindrops, Weiming took a moment. Adjusting the vector the umbrella bears makes it much easier

“Mrs. Nishimiya, I’ll go this way, you 990 go over there, and we’ll look for it separately.”


The two separated.

After Wei Ming walked around the corner, he moved directly to Nishimiya Yuzuru’s position.


Under the eaves of an unfinished building.

Nishimiya Yuzuru tremblingly hugged his knees and leaned against the wall.

The weather was cold, so I was wearing fairly thick clothes.

A sudden heavy rain soaked her whole body.

Now I just feel terribly cold.

His head was buried in his knees.

His eyes were gloomy.

The rain pattered on the dirt floor of the empty unfinished building.

Each drop was like a knock on her fragile heart.

Because it’s not mature enough.

Because I don’t want to take tutoring lessons.

I had a big fight with my mother.

She doesn’t want to study.

I rarely go to school.

She skipped class almost every day.

Her mother has a bad temper, and Yuzuru feels that her mother has always used her as a punching bag.

After my grandma passed away.

Mom’s seemed a little more severe. winter vacation.

Her mother insisted that she go to tutoring.

She had no interest in studying and was very alienated from society, so she chose to resist.

Her mother got angry and slapped her in the face. The conflict intensified and she ran away.

PS: Happy New Year! Thank you for your support! Please ask for monthly passes, evaluation votes, and flowers!.


Comprehensive comic group chat: Yukino called the police on my father!

Comprehensive comic group chat: Yukino called the police on my father!

Status: Ongoing


Unknown travels through the comic book world! Encountering the visible Yotsuya Miko, he senses the end of the world. Dad was forced to call the police by Yukino, but Yukino wet her panties instead. Invited to join the doomsday chat group! The end of the world begins! Hayasaka Ai encounters a demon! Yinglili is attacked by an evil spirit! Yukinoshita Yukino is involved in the doomsday game! … A new member has been added to the doomsday chat group. March 7: This girl is going to save the end of the world! Able Angel: Ah Pulu Sect! God willing! Barrage! Overload mode! Silver Wolf: I just want to play games, what bad intentions can I have? Nami: I don’t want to die, help me! Mr. Weiming! Makima: Am I a bad woman? The man who dominates me, Wei Ming, who are you? Weiming: Is it reasonable for members of a doomsday chat group to help each other? Tushan Yaya: Bastard! Put my sister so help to bed? … Well, a doomsday chat group for loving each other! ! !


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