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Comprehensive comic group chat: Yukino called the police on my father! — Chapter 431

Why this decision was made.

Hayasaka’s love for herself was not clear at first.

Out of guilt for betraying the eldest lady, do you want to make amends?

But this kind of thing should be a kind of enjoyment for the eldest lady who is completely trapped in the whirlpool of love.


She has already experienced it deeply, and she enjoys it so much that it makes people want to forget everything.

At the moment of deep understanding,

Hayasaka Ai understands what she wants.

She is a person who has been saved several times by Wei Ming.

From the sidewalk of death From the whirlpool of betrayal.

From the battle in the fourth house.

My dead heart has been beating uncontrollably for a long time. It is only because of the existence of Miss Kaguya that I suppress my heart.

There is no need to suppress it now, She has got what she wants.

From the initial expressionless expression, to being completely melted by Wei Ming

“Um, did I fall asleep?”

The sudden murmur made Hayasaka Ai freeze up.

Her head facing the unknown cheek slowly turned to her side.

This time, what she faced was Kaguya’s pupils that gradually became clear from hazy and finally trembled.

“You guys…”

As soon as Kaguya opened her mouth, Hayasaka Ai immediately put away her exposed tongue, and her rolled-up eyes turned into dull eyes like dead fish eyes.

“Miss Kaguya, you finally woke up, I have helped you until now, and I will leave the rest to you.”

As she said that, she stood up from Wei Ming, got down to the ground, and limped away.


Huiye’s half-awake brain was trembling, and she still didn’t understand what happened. As soon as Weiming came in, he came towards her fiercely.

“Anyway, enjoy the moment, Kaguya”


The next morning.

Wei Ming stretched his body in the manor.

He spent one night explaining and convincing Kaguya about Hayasaka Ai.

Since she is a dowry maid, there is nothing wrong with doing what a dowry maid should do.

“Master, breakfast is ready.”

Nao came up to remind Wei Ming. Wei Ming turned around.

A complicated look flashed across Nao’s face.

After finishing her work yesterday, she was also ready to take a rest. What she never expected was to see a disheveled man walking out of Miss Kaguya’s room. Hayasaka Ai was limping.

Especially Hayasaka Ai stood at the door for a long time before leaving.

She could clearly see the expression on the other person’s face.

In addition, there was only one unknown male in the entire Shinomiya Residence..

What happened is self-evident.

But how it happened, she didn’t know.

Was it an unspecified order? Or was it forcibly carried out?

In this regard,

Nao chose to go directly to Hayasaka Ai’s room to ask clearly.

Fortunately, everything was not the best. A bad development.

Hayasaka Ai wears a mask when facing others.

But only when facing herself, she is a coquettish girl.

Although Hayasaka Ai was shy during the answer,

Nao still knew the general idea of

her own love. She is in love with Weiming, she is sure.

The biggest problem now is that he is Miss Kaguya’s fiancé.

If something like this happens, even if it is sunk into Tokyo Bay, it is not an exaggeration. Therefore, Nao is also uneasy.

Weiming is just as sharp. He was aware of her mood.

When he passed by her, he patted her shoulder to give her comfort.

“Don’t worry about Xiao Ai, Kaguya has already agreed”


Nao raised her head, her expression of disbelief naturally revealed. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Staring straight at Wei Ming’s back, he opened his mouth and said nothing for a long time.

Can you convince Miss Kaguya about this kind of thing?

This doubt appeared and was immediately buried in my heart.

There are some things she is not suitable to ask.

All in all the results are good.

Xiao Ai can also be with the person he likes


Breakfast was prepared by Nakiri Erina and the others.

Count as payment before leaving.

It can be said to be quite rich.

It is no exaggeration to say that it is full of color, flavor and taste.

But Kaguya, who was sitting on the main seat next to Weiming, looked away from time to time towards Hayasaka Ai.

The impression of Xiao Ai and Wei Ming at that time lingered in my mind.

Although I have been convinced by Wei Ming, I still feel weird in my heart.

Wei Ming saw that she was absent-minded and was just about to say words of comfort.[]

But I never thought that something unexpected would happen

【Ding! Doomsday game overhaul completed!】

【The fifth apocalypse game is loaded!】

【Map: Creation Mountain!】

【Gamers: 20 people!】

【Game goal: climb to the top of Chuangjie Mountain within 30 days and have 15 people survive!】

【Failure penalty: Chuangjie Shenshan breaks through reality immediately!】

【Attention warning: This doomsday game has been revised and improved and implemented for the first time. All players have 10 minutes to prepare!】

【Games start!】

【You have been exposed to one of the unusual doomsday factors of the world!】

【The doomsday chat group has been connected, and the rewards are converted into doomsday points!】

【Ding! It was detected that the group members were exposed to abnormal doomsday factors, and the Doomsday Journey started!】


He understands the doomsday game.

But what the hell is a doomsday companion?

Doomsday games have never been triggered in previous doomsday games.

This happened so suddenly, it caught him off guard.


Kaguya tapped Wei Ming’s arm, her eyes were serious, as if she wanted to tell him something.

Wei Ming understood.

He concluded that Kaguya was chosen by me.

So he quickly glanced at the others.

On the spot, he discovered that there were no one at the same time at the same time. The expressions of the young people changed.

This doomsday game is really special.

Weiming crossed his arms and asked in a deep voice:”Everyone, listen to me.”

“There must be many of you who have seen something strange. Needless to say what it is, if (Zhao) you see it, please raise your hand.”


The table was silent for a moment.

Kaguya was the first to raise her hand.

Hayasaka Ai and Nao followed closely behind.

After looking at each other in silence for a few seconds, Nakiri Erina and others also raised their hands.

“Tsk, are they all selected?”

Weiming smacked his lips.

It is true that the Doomsday Games chose beauties, and he liked them very much, but did a group of ordinary people make it difficult for him?

And this time it was a group of people directly.

“That…Mr. Weiming, is the strange thing you are talking about the sudden appearance of the screen?”

Nakiri Erina was eager to know what was going on.

She had never heard of this kind of technology.

Weiming sighed and nodded:”Yes, congratulations on recognizing the reality of the world. Doomsday games are real..”

PS: Happy New Year! Thank you for your support! Please ask for monthly tickets, evaluation votes, and flowers!.


Comprehensive comic group chat: Yukino called the police on my father!

Comprehensive comic group chat: Yukino called the police on my father!

Status: Ongoing


Unknown travels through the comic book world! Encountering the visible Yotsuya Miko, he senses the end of the world. Dad was forced to call the police by Yukino, but Yukino wet her panties instead. Invited to join the doomsday chat group! The end of the world begins! Hayasaka Ai encounters a demon! Yinglili is attacked by an evil spirit! Yukinoshita Yukino is involved in the doomsday game! … A new member has been added to the doomsday chat group. March 7: This girl is going to save the end of the world! Able Angel: Ah Pulu Sect! God willing! Barrage! Overload mode! Silver Wolf: I just want to play games, what bad intentions can I have? Nami: I don’t want to die, help me! Mr. Weiming! Makima: Am I a bad woman? The man who dominates me, Wei Ming, who are you? Weiming: Is it reasonable for members of a doomsday chat group to help each other? Tushan Yaya: Bastard! Put my sister so help to bed? … Well, a doomsday chat group for loving each other! ! !


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