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Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story — Chapter 1 1. Thor, the Messenger of Justice!

“Hey, the system task has been triggered.”

[Please go to the target location to pick up the mission target. If you complete it, you will get a random strengthening opportunity. The remaining time of the mission is – 0:29:59. 】

Shinichiro Sano, who was sitting on a public bench on the street, came back to his senses, put out the almost burnt cigarette butt in his hand, and sighed quietly.

Shinichiro Sano is a time traveler, or a reborn person.

From the 996 welfare society of the 21st century, I came to the neon Tokyo of the 1990s and became this man named Shinichiro Sano.

Not to mention anything else, as the card of the time traveler, the system naturally has arrangements.

The function of the strengthening system is very simple. It is to complete the tasks issued by the system, and then you can obtain randomly strengthened equipment and so on.

The regular novice welfare system is also available, with a random enhancement opportunity, and Sano had already used it more than ten minutes ago.

As for what has been strengthened…

Sano reached into his arms and took out a small hammer…well, it was actually a hammer.

It is one foot and three minutes long, made of pure steel, and the handle is only half the thickness of the wrist. The top has a common square head on one side and a horn on the other, but it is not as big as an ordinary hammer.

Then, in the next second, a small white screen that looked like a detailed explanation of the equipment in the game appeared in front of Sano.

Reinforcement item name: Hammer of Justice.


Sin Buster (the deeper the sin committed by the person being hammered, the greater the pain multiplier caused by the hammer…).


Justice is merciful. This hammer will not cause any direct physical harm to people. Even if it is hit on the back of the head a hundred times, there will be no concussion or death, but the host can use it with confidence.

Note: I am Thor, the Messenger of Justice!


Sano looked at the description of the Hammer of Justice again with an expressionless face, but still had mixed feelings in his heart.

First of all, in terms of the effect of Hammer of Justice, it fits the name of the enhancer. However, the restrictions behind it always feel like it is actually another effect?

Especially the sentence “use it with confidence”, how can I always hear a sense of encouragement from it.

Also, there is obviously a slip of the tongue in the description of the effect, and the word “hammer” is used directly in the description of the restriction. It could just be renamed “The Hammer of Justice.”

What the heck is Thor, the messenger of justice, who has a different head than a horse? Or is this thing really a modified version of Thor’s hammer?

After Sano’s rising blood pressure calmed down, he couldn’t help but sigh again as to why his first reinforcement was a hammer.

That’s just because when Sano was about to use the enhancement, he happened to meet a maintenance master passing by. The other person’s tools fell on the ground, and Sano picked them up for him.

Who knew that just a good intention would actually…

In the end, Sano even had to pay for it out of his own pocket, and after a long period of talking, he forced the maintenance man to sell him the hammer.

Sano recalled what happened before, and his temples couldn’t help but feel a stinging pain. He could only put the hammer back in his arms.

“So the first mission is… to pick up things?”

Sano focused on the present. Although he was reborn, he didn’t even inherit any other memories except the name of the original owner and the Japanese language he probably inherited. There was inevitably some confusion in his heart, but His intuition told him that at this time, it would be better to follow the novice tutorial instead of following the system tasks.

Sano tried to pull out the system interface and focused on a small map in the upper left corner that looked like a game. It was the system map. It only came into play when there was a mission. It marked Sano’s current status. location and mission target location.

It’s quite convenient.

Sano judged the direction and distance, and turned his gaze to the side of the amusement park where he could see roller coasters and other game facilities even through the wall.

The mission objective is inside.

Sano acted quickly and arrived at the main gate of the amusement park, looking up at the big characters on the sign.

“Dorobite Tropical Park.”

It seems that the restaurant has just opened.

Sano looked at the dense crowd of people in front of him and couldn’t help but feel slightly ashamed. Thinking of the mission deadline that was less than half an hour away, he immediately tightened his muscles and charged towards the crowd…

ten minutes later.

Sano, whose clothes were messy as if he had just experienced something inhumane, panted and came to the vicinity of the roller coaster he had seen outside.

Looking down at the wallet with only a few coins left in his hand, Sano couldn’t help but twitch the corner of his mouth. Was it because he was too poor or the ticket was too expensive? How could he enter an amusement park and lose most of his wealth?

Forget it, there will always be money, reinforcements are the most important thing.

Sano’s eyes suddenly turned to the reflective glass on the side.

This was the first time Sano noticed the appearance of this body.

He is nearly 1.8 meters tall, wearing long black clothes and trousers, slightly curly black hair, and clear facial features… Well, even though Sano’s vocabulary is limited, he has to admit that he is a handsome guy.

She has quite a decadent temperament, but also has a “receptive” tendency, a thin type, what’s that word, a little milk dog?

After admiring himself for a while, Sano withdrew his gaze, straightened his clothes, and followed the system map to explore the amusement park for a while, and finally set his sights on the roller coaster project.

The mission target seems to be in a tunnel that the roller coaster will pass through in the middle?


Sano looked at the other tourists around him and tried his best to walk to the edge of the deserted area. Finally, he successfully avoided the sight of others and got into the tunnel, but…

“This is too damn dark.”

Sano crouched and groped forward in the dark tunnel. If he had known better, he would have brought a flashlight in. However, although his feet would stumble from time to time, with the system map, he would not go wrong after all. He and the mission The distance between the targets is getting closer and closer.


Until a certain moment, Sano felt as if there were three more small black shadows in front of his eyes. After all, he had been in the tunnel for so long, so he would more or less get used to it.


Sano reached out and touched it with some doubts, and then touched… a head, and at the same time there was an exclamation.


Two voices obviously came from little boys.

“There’s someone ahead!”

This was a little girl whose voice was full of panic, and she was most likely the owner of that exclamation.

“No, run!”

Before Sano could even react, three black figures rushed up and hit him one after another, causing him to become unstable and fall directly to the ground. He didn’t even know he was being hit. Which one stepped on.

“Hurry up!”

Along with the chaotic footsteps, three groups of black shadows gradually moved away.

Grab your mother!

Sano rubbed his butt, cursed and got up, “Those three brats!”

“Even if you ran faster this time, I won’t let you go if I catch you next time!”

After feeling depressed, Sano moved on.

Soon, Sano arrived near the red dot on the system map. After groping on the ground for a while, he successfully found the mission target.

This should be a… tightrope?

There are several round beads on the steel wire, and there are several iron hooks at the top.

So is this done?

Sano was stunned for a while holding the thing. Is this task too simple? Is it really just about picking up something?

But yes, the difficulty of newbie tasks really shouldn’t be too high.

Sano wound the wire in his hand several times and put it into his pocket with the hook. His task was not completed yet, and he didn’t know whether he had to wait until the end of the task period or whether he had to take the things away first.

Regardless, it never goes wrong to make a few extra just in case.

Sano quickly started the return journey. The total length of the tunnel was only about a hundred meters. With the experience of entering, it would be much faster to exit. In just over a minute, he came out from the entrance of the previous tunnel again.

“Hey, congratulations to the host for completing the mission. The mission reward has been distributed. Do you want to use it?”

And at the moment Sano stepped out of the tunnel, the system task completion prompt finally came.

Sure enough, you still have to take things out of the tunnel.

Sano glanced at the mission, which showed that there was only more than a minute left before the mission was completed. Good guy, if he were slower, or simply didn’t bring the things out, would it be considered a failure?

Suddenly, Sano, who was about to leave, stopped and noticed several police cars with red and blue lights not far away and a place crowded with tourists.

“This is……”

Sano narrowed his eyes, and the instinct of the flower-growing family in his body to be deeply interested in the existence of “liveliness” came into play, and he changed direction and walked towards the entrance of the roller coaster project.

After standing on the wall of people and looking around, Sano listened to the gossiping whispers of passers-by and roughly understood what was going on.

It turned out that on the last roller coaster ride, a male passenger suddenly lost his head after coming out of the tunnel, and blood was spraying all over the sky, so he called for an emergency stop and the police came.

His head just disappeared?

Sano rubbed his fingers thoughtfully. It was most likely that he just hit something, just like the wire owl that motorcycles often encounter.

This man is also unlucky, but this amusement park is even more unlucky. This happened just after it opened. I don’t know if it can continue to open…


Sano fell silent.

Wait a minute, Wire Owl Head, isn’t that…

“Originally, everyone thought it was an accident, but a high school student detective denied that it was a homicide. Later, the police found the knife from the man’s girlfriend’s bag, but the high school student detective said that she was not the murderer. .”

Passers-by were still discussing.

Nonsense, if you want to take off the entire head with a knife, even if you don’t have a two-meter strong man carrying a two-meter sword to do it, let alone a woman, do you think she is a superman?

Zuo Ye was complaining, and at the same time he continued to eavesdrop on the onlookers’ explanations, which were nothing more than the high school detective’s methods of cracking the murderer.

Under such circumstances, Sano quickly caught up with the progress of the scene.

“So the murderer is you, Miss Xiaotong!”

This is a boyish voice that gives off a confident feeling just by listening to it.

“Where is the evidence? You have said so much, where is the evidence!?”

“Oh, what’s the evidence? The evidence is the pearl necklace you wore around your neck before. Don’t worry, I’ve asked Officer Memu to arrange for someone to find it. The results should be available soon.”

“Officer Megure, we have searched all the tunnels and found nothing!”


Sano, who was still outside the human wall: “…”

It really seemed like he was in trouble.


Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story

Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story

Status: Completed Author:


I, Sano Shinichiro, a time traveler, have a system.
Although the system's tasks are very strange, the rewarded equipment is even more... fresh and refined.
For example, a hammer that cannot cause damage, a small electric donkey that can fly quickly, a coat that turns into a roadie when used, sunglasses that cannot distinguish between humans and animals within 500 meters after wearing them, etc...
What, you ask me how to live better in this world?
Sano Shinichiro smiled faintly and put on his vest: "How can you not get stabbed when you are floating in the world? If you want to avoid getting stabbed, you have to open a trumpet. The more vests I have, the more slutty I will be. I will wave the flag of the winery."
When Akai Shuichi asked Conan what he thought of the black organization, Conan responded like this: The black organization? Although they act a little rough, they are all good people... Wait, which black organization are you asking about?


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