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Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story — Chapter 100 100, Sano: I’m Red Star Erguotou!


Conan stared blankly at the gun in Sano’s hand, his pupils couldn’t help but shrink slightly, and his brain fell into a brief blank.

Kudo Yusaku’s face also became solemn: “Who…are you?”

The corners of Sano’s mouth were slightly raised, and his cold eyes were filled with murderous intent: “Ah, I forgot to introduce myself. My name is Sano Shinichiro, and my code name is… Red Star Erguotou.”

“Red Star Erguotou…is it the wine from the flower garden?”

After receiving the confirmation, Kudo Yusaku’s face instantly became extremely ugly, and Conan on the side turned into a stone man.

Impossible, absolutely impossible!

How could Sano be a member of the black organization! ?

Sano is a good person, and he is an excellent teammate that I just got today!

Why did he change from a teammate to an opponent in the blink of an eye? ? ?

But people’s hearts are at odds with each other, and hadn’t I doubted the other party earlier?

Then everything that happened today was actually Sano lying to him?

Damn it, the people from the black organization have been hiding next to him! ?

He even took the initiative to confess everything to his enemy just now…

Wait a minute, if you say this, doesn’t it mean that you have tricked your parents?

Good guy, my pig teammate is actually me?

No, I can’t blame myself entirely.

If it weren’t for this weird pair of parents who insisted on playing a trick game, how could he have confessed everything to Sano, and how could he have fallen into the trap?

Conan’s brain was spinning wildly, and the large number of thoughts made his head more and more chaotic, his pupils were trembling, and he looked completely lost, unable to utter a single word.

“You’d better calm down. After all, you should be a little worried about staying in such a dangerous organization. You are only eighteen years old and have a bright future. You had a mental disorder before because you couldn’t stand the organization. Let’s do it.”

Compared with Conan, Kudo Yusaku’s psychological quality is obviously stronger.

Kudo Yusaku forced himself to calm down and explained the pros and cons to Sano: “Countless official agencies around the world are already watching you. Now is your best chance to get out of it. I have good friends in the FBI. You are completely You can apply for witness protection…”

“Oh, he is really calm and impressive.”

Seeing that Kudo Yusaku was still interested in being affectionate and rational towards him, Sano couldn’t help but chuckle: “Have you even investigated me in advance? Although it’s not in-depth enough.”

“Don’t worry, your son has high experimental value. He will not die until all his value is drained. As for you.”

Sano turned the gun and pointed it at Kudo Yukiko next to him: “I just want to see what kind of situation would make you panic.”


Kudo Yukiko’s face turned a little pale, and she instinctively called the name of the person she relied on most.

Upon seeing this, Kudo Yusaku tried to continue to persuade, but before he could speak again, Sano had already pulled the trigger without hesitation.


Kudo Yusaku rushed towards Sano’s gun.


Conan also came to his senses instantly, his expression changed drastically, and he rushed out after Kudo Yusaku.

It’s just that Conan is obviously inferior to Kudo Yusaku in terms of save time and save speed.

So when Sano completely pulled the trigger, it was Kudo Yusaku who stood in front of the gun, and then…


A column of water hit Kudo Yusaku’s face.

Today was originally a snowy day with low temperatures, not to mention it was still midnight. The cold and biting water splashed on Kudo Yusaku’s face again, causing the uncle to shudder involuntarily.

However, compared to the coldness in his body, Kudo Yusaku’s heart, which was originally chilled by Sano’s fright, seemed to be less cold.

…What the hell, water gun? ?

Before Kudo Yusaku could react, Sano, who had hit the target with a single shot, continued to pull the trigger without changing his expression, while dubbing in his mouth.

“biu biu biu!”

A few more water jets hit the face of the petrified Kudo Yusaku, flowing down his cheeks and dripping on the ground.

The third turning point after the polar reversal made the tense atmosphere in the wooden house freeze instantly, just like the dull expressions of the Kudo family of three.

“Hum hum……”

Looking at Kudo Yusaku who was in a state of embarrassment with water stains on his face and even the clothes on his chest being wet, Sano couldn’t help but raise the corners of his mouth, and finally suppressed laughter.

Yes, this is the intimidation plan that Sano specially prepared for the Kudo couple. The inspiration is naturally the plan that the other party prepared to intimidate Conan.

Didn’t the Kudos and his wife want to pretend to be members of the winery, so why don’t Sano pretend to be members too.

…Ahem, although strictly speaking, Sano doesn’t need to pretend, he just does.

As for the code name of Erguotou…

Sano also improvised to make up the numbers. He had no choice but to know too little about wine, especially foreign wine.

In addition to the famous flammable oolong tea, Sano also knows whiskey.

Shisano, who grows flowers, knows quite a lot about it, such as Maotai Niulanshanjiang Xiaobai, etc… Although I don’t know if it can be used as a code name.

Fortunately, the Kudo family is not a flower grower, otherwise it is hard to say whether they can fool him this time.

…If so, there is a high probability that he would just laugh out loud.

Sano Yuya took the specially bought water gun back into his arms, bowed politely to the Kudo couple with his hands behind his back and said thank you: “Thank you, uncle and aunt, I had a great time with this show, so I won’t disturb the three family reunions, Goodbye and I wish you a happy relationship.”

After saying that, Sano didn’t give the three of them any time to recover, and strode out of the cabin to go home.

As for the intimidation mission, it was actually prompted to complete the moment Sano took out the water gun.

And the reason why Sano continued to play the intimidation game to the end even when there was no need to continue intimidation was because he simply thought it was fun.

“You are happy, I am not happy, some are happy and some are crying…”

Along with Sano’s soft humming that seemed to imply something and gradually faded away, after Conan looked weird for a while, he finally couldn’t help pointing at his father and burst out laughing, laughing so hard that tears almost came out.

“Hahahaha, Dad, there was a day when you were fooled, and you insisted on playing this kind of game with me. Now it’s okay. You were played by Sano. It’s so embarrassing. I laughed to death. Hahaha…”

To be honest, Conan was certainly frightened just now, so it stands to reason that he should be very, very unhappy now.

But when Conan thought about it carefully, it was clear that his parents were the first to scare him, and what Sano did just now was completely to avenge him!

In other words, Conan should have been the only one who was tricked and frightened today, but now, he has two more people to keep him company.

Isn’t this a good thing?


Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story

Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story

Status: Completed Author:


I, Sano Shinichiro, a time traveler, have a system.
Although the system's tasks are very strange, the rewarded equipment is even more... fresh and refined.
For example, a hammer that cannot cause damage, a small electric donkey that can fly quickly, a coat that turns into a roadie when used, sunglasses that cannot distinguish between humans and animals within 500 meters after wearing them, etc...
What, you ask me how to live better in this world?
Sano Shinichiro smiled faintly and put on his vest: "How can you not get stabbed when you are floating in the world? If you want to avoid getting stabbed, you have to open a trumpet. The more vests I have, the more slutty I will be. I will wave the flag of the winery."
When Akai Shuichi asked Conan what he thought of the black organization, Conan responded like this: The black organization? Although they act a little rough, they are all good people... Wait, which black organization are you asking about?


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