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Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story — Chapter 104 104. When you come to the wedding, you think you’re trying to steal it.

“Although I sent you an invitation, I thought that with your personality, you wouldn’t come at all. You have even forgotten me as a teacher. It’s not impossible, hahaha.”

Sano: “…”

Ha, then you really guessed it right, Sano really doesn’t remember this woman.

Looking at the grinning Sayuri Matsumoto who looked inexplicably similar to Suzuki Sonoko, Sano frowned slightly.

It’s a bit troublesome. I actually know the original person, but I don’t know how familiar I am…

While thinking in his heart, Sano remained calm on the surface and nodded to say hello. However, Suzuki Sonoko and Mao Lilan asked in surprise: “Do you know the teacher and your senior?”

“Of course I know him. Although he is one grade higher than you, music teachers like us teach students regardless of grade, so I have taught him before and I was very impressed.”

Sayuri Matsumoto smiled.

“I see, but why is it so impressive? Could it be that the senior is very talented in singing, or is he just as hard to listen to as Kudo?”

Facing the curious eyes, Sayuri Matsumoto hesitated and just shook her head: “Let’s not talk about this anymore. Speaking of Kudo-san, isn’t that guy here? I still want to show off my dress to that arrogant little devil. , let him take a good look at my beautiful appearance now.”

Conan: “…”

It wasn’t just Conan who showed dead fish eyes, but also the two girls. Sano watched the reactions of the three people, and felt a little strange in his heart, because according to the previous description, the image of this teacher in his mind should be very serious and fierce. That’s right.


Sayuri Matsumoto suddenly turned her gaze to Conan again and bent down: “Kid, have we met somewhere?”

Conan was shocked and quickly denied: “No, no.”

Sano, who was standing behind, turned away slightly and reminded: “Teacher, you are wearing a dress now.”


Sayuri Matsumoto was stunned for a moment, then she realized what she was doing and straightened up quickly, laughing dryly and said: “Hehehe, I’m sorry, I forgot.”

“Okay, you guys chat, I’ll go out for a walk.”

Sano had no interest in chatting with someone he didn’t actually know, especially since doing so might expose something, so he just chose to leave and run away.

“Okay, remember to eat and drink well.”

Sayuri Matsumoto smiled and nodded.

Sano wandered around the wedding venue, occasionally picking up a piece or two of dessert to stuff into his stomach.

Until a certain moment, Sano spotted a familiar figure in the corner of the wedding.

Although the other person was wearing sunglasses and a hat, obviously not wanting others to recognize him, the blond hair and black skin still told Sano the identity of the other person.

Sano did not hesitate and leaned over: “Hey, boss, you are here too.”


Suddenly hearing Sano’s voice, Toru Amuro almost spit out the wine in his mouth.

“Sano, why are you here?”

Looking at Tohru Amuro who was “astonished”, Sano thought for a moment and replied: “Come to get married?”


Toru Amuro looked confused: “Who are you marrying?”


Sano looked at Toru Amuro with an indescribable look, until Toru Amuro’s scalp started to feel numb before he curled his lips and said, “It’s not with you anyway. My sexual orientation is normal and I don’t do homosexuality.”


Toru Amuro, who had a face full of questions, blinked and finally realized: “You mean, besides attending the wedding, what else do you mean to come here?”

“Aha, I thought you were stupid and could find a new home.”

Hearing Sano’s teasing, Toru Amuro’s already dark face turned even darker: “What I just meant was to ask you why you came to the wedding.”

Toru Amuro said angrily: “And can’t you give a good answer? Even if you don’t come to the wedding, will you come to get married? It’s better than your short answer. Don’t say half the words.”

“That’s so boring.”

Sano said boredly: “So why are you here, boss?”

The corner of Amuro Toru’s mouth twitched, and after a moment of silence, she replied: “Come to steal the marriage?”

Using your own words to block yourself, is this considered provocation?

Sano raised his eyebrows and took a sip of the drink he just held in amusement. His boss rarely looked like a normal young man, showing some anger.

Unlike before, he always had a smiling face, like an old fox. Even though Sano had tricked the other party so many times, he never saw any reaction from the other party.

Looking at it this way…

It seems to be quite fun.

Sano glanced at the small camera held by Toru Amuro and had an answer in his mind: “Then should I tell the groom that someone is here to steal the marriage?”


Toru Amuro quickly stopped Sano: “…I found a part-time job as a videographer. Today I am here to take wedding records for the bride and groom.”

That’s right, Toru Amuro was not invited to the wedding, but to work.

…There is no way, now Toru Amuro’s reputation in the part-time job circle has plummeted, and there are some things that he can no longer afford to be picky about.

Because of this, if Sano really ran over and said something to the groom, Toru Amuro’s sixth part-time job might also be lost.


Hearing Tohru Amuro’s explanation which was tantamount to giving in, Sano curled his lips and stopped provoking any more, and instead ate snacks quietly.

Seeing that Sano didn’t say anything anymore, Toru Amuro also didn’t say anything anymore.

After all, if you really want to talk about it, although it is just a coincidence, this wedding can be regarded as the wedding of the daughter of Toru Amuro’s colleague.

Although Sano has just joined the organization and looks like he can be saved, it’s better to be careful.

Fortunately, my “colleague” doesn’t really know me, so I don’t have to worry about being exposed directly.

Sano and Toru Amuro huddled in the corner without any communication. They were just in a daze, taking a sip of the wine or drink in their hands from time to time without feeling embarrassed.

Until…a familiar little black ball passed by Sano.

…Yes, it is Officer Megure.

Today, Officer Megure finally changed out of his shit yellow suit and put on a black suit. It can be said that there is no difference from the previous suit except for the color. He has successfully evolved from a small brown ball. It became a small black ball.

Officer Megure also saw Sano and Toru Amuro here. After a few seconds of silence, he raised his hand and said hello: “You two are also coming to Sayuri’s wedding.”

“Yeah, but he’s here to steal the marriage.”

Sano nodded and said, causing Toru Amuro and Officer Megure to stare at the same time.

“He’s joking, I’m here to work!”

Toru Amuro quickly raised the camera in his hand to show his identity. Officer Megure, who was almost frightened by Sano and took out his handcuffs, also let out a sigh of relief, and then nodded with a smile together with Toru Amuro.

“Counting the time, the bride and groom are about to enter the venue. Let’s hurry over.”

After hesitating for a while, Officer Megure still invited Sano and the two to go to the venue together, but as soon as he turned around, he started muttering again.

“Oh, why did you invite this god of plague? On this big day, I always feel like something is going to happen…”


Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story

Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story

Status: Completed Author:


I, Sano Shinichiro, a time traveler, have a system.
Although the system's tasks are very strange, the rewarded equipment is even more... fresh and refined.
For example, a hammer that cannot cause damage, a small electric donkey that can fly quickly, a coat that turns into a roadie when used, sunglasses that cannot distinguish between humans and animals within 500 meters after wearing them, etc...
What, you ask me how to live better in this world?
Sano Shinichiro smiled faintly and put on his vest: "How can you not get stabbed when you are floating in the world? If you want to avoid getting stabbed, you have to open a trumpet. The more vests I have, the more slutty I will be. I will wave the flag of the winery."
When Akai Shuichi asked Conan what he thought of the black organization, Conan responded like this: The black organization? Although they act a little rough, they are all good people... Wait, which black organization are you asking about?


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