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Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story — Chapter 109 108, Sano: My pain is greater than yours? (First order required)

Having said this, Officer Megure and his party couldn’t react, and they all turned their attention to the pale groom Takasugi.

“Wait a minute, if that’s the case, then the capsule problem is actually used as a blind eye?”

Toru Amuro smiled slightly and answered Officer Megure’s doubts for Sano: “Of course, if you put sodium hydroxide and capsules into lemon tea together, you may be able to clear the suspicion, but sodium hydroxide cannot be dissolved in the air. He has been exposed for too long, I think if you search on his body or other places, you should be able to find the storage objects.”

Sano glanced at Toru Amuro.

Is there still such a saying? This is the first time I’ve heard of it, and I’m really excited about it.

“Officer, we found this in the trash can downstairs!”

Just at this time, a policeman ran over. In the bag in his hand, a glass bottle contained some unknown objects: “There is desiccant and sodium hydroxide in it!”


Officer Megure nodded: “It seems there is nothing wrong. Mr. Takasugi, what else do you have to say?”


Gao Shan was stunned for a moment, but then he laughed: “Yes, I did it.”

Matsumoto Kiyonaga suddenly rushed over and grabbed the groom Takasugi’s collar. His face that had been sullen all afternoon was full of shock and anger at this moment: “You bastard, you really did it. Why? What on earth did you do?” Say it!?”

“That’s because I also want you to taste the feeling of losing your family, just like you did when you killed my mother!”

The groom, Takasugi, roared angrily.

Hearing this roar, Matsumoto Kiyonaga suddenly froze, and there was silence in the entire lounge.

Sano smacked his lips, put out the cigarette butt, and walked out of the lounge.


Toru Amuro reached out and grabbed Sano: “Where are you going?”


Sano said matter-of-factly: “The case has been solved, so of course I have to go home. The wedding banquet is already gone.”

Toru Amuro: “…”

This is true, but…

“Don’t you want to know what’s going on?”

Because of the actions of Sano and Toru Amuro, everyone who was originally preparing to listen to Takasugi’s explanation of his motives due to the change in situation could not help but be distracted.

“I’m not interested in understanding why a murderer kills.”

Sano pushed Toru Amuro’s hand away and glanced at the groom Takasugi who was not far away: “Just kill someone, no matter what excuse you make, it’s like being a miserable person. I’m embarrassed for him. Now that he’s been caught, then Just follow the rules. Could it be that he still expects someone to pity him and understand him?”

After saying that, Sano turned around and left. It wasn’t until he left the lounge door that he seemed to remember something. He turned back to Mao Lilan and the others and said, “By the way, if you want to eat for free later, you can call me again.”


There was silence in the lounge.

“What do you know about this guy!?”

Suddenly, Takasugi became furious and rushed towards Sano.

Sano could only say that he was used to it, and the hammer of justice slipped from his hand, ready to execute justice again.

But this time it wasn’t Sano’s turn to take action.

Because Toru Amuro had already stepped forward, he threw Takasugi to the ground in a few seconds and pinned him tightly.

Takasugi was pressed to the ground. Although he couldn’t move, he still looked up and glared at Sano with all his strength. His face was filled with anger and his eyes were blood red: “My mother died because of this man. She died in front of me! You don’t have anything at all.” What does a guy who understands know, and who has the right to judge me!!?”

There was a hint of crying in the angry roar. Sano did not answer Takasugi, but just stared at him for a few seconds before waving his clothes and leaving.

Watching Sano’s leaving figure, Toru Amuro unconsciously used more force on the back of Takasugi’s neck: “Do you really think you are the most miserable person in the world?”


Takasugi asked subconsciously.

Amuro Toru said coldly: “You just said that Sano can’t understand you at all, but in my opinion, it’s actually the opposite. Sano may be able to understand you, but you absolutely can’t understand Sano.”

“Ha, is there anything in this world that is more painful than watching your mother die without anyone willing to lend a helping hand!?”

Takasugi showed a little ridicule again on his face, probably because he thought Toru Amuro’s words were a bit funny.

But the next second Toru Amuro’s voice continued to sound, not to mention other people in the lounge, even Takasugi’s expression could not help but become dull.

“Not only did Sano’s mother die in front of his eyes, she was also killed.”

Toru Amuro grabbed Takasugi’s hair and forced him to look directly at him: “The one who killed his mother was his father, and then his father committed suicide in front of him.”

“Faced with such a life, do you still have the nerve to think that you are actually going to be even more miserable?”

“Although it’s not a good thing to say, at least you still have a target to hate. What about Sano, who can he hate!?”

“You feel sorry for yourself and think you are the worst person in the world. Who do you think you have to judge him!?”

Toru Amuro suddenly grabbed Takasugi by the collar and stared at him: “Now tell me, does Sano know your pain? Tell me again, can you know Sano’s pain!?”

Takasugi stared blankly at Toru Amuro, his breathing almost stopped, and he didn’t know whether or how to speak.

The Maolilan trio on the side also looked dull. They never expected that they would encounter such a big… melon in today’s case.

“Senior’s mother was…”

Suzuki Sonoko instinctively covered her mouth, her eyes full of horror: “How could this happen? I thought that the senior was an orphan who was abandoned since he was a child. He has never seen his parents. How could this happen…”

Mao Lilan and Conan also looked a little dazed, because they originally thought so.

Well, let alone these three people, even Sano himself thought it was like this.

Outside the lounge, Sano leaned against the door, frowning slightly and lost in thought.

Originally, Sano really planned to leave just like that, but Toru Amuro’s reaction just now was a little strange, so he wanted to stay and wait and see for a while, but he didn’t expect to eat a melon related to the original person.

This experience was indeed miserable enough, and it is no wonder that psychological problems later appeared.

It just seems like this, I have to collect information related to the original body when I go back, otherwise it will be troublesome if something goes wrong in the future.

…Toru Amuro’s education is really a bit embarrassing.

Sano pursed his lips, should he turn around and shout, “My pain is greater than yours,” and then carry the bag of rice with his backhand?


Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story

Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story

Status: Completed Author:


I, Sano Shinichiro, a time traveler, have a system.
Although the system's tasks are very strange, the rewarded equipment is even more... fresh and refined.
For example, a hammer that cannot cause damage, a small electric donkey that can fly quickly, a coat that turns into a roadie when used, sunglasses that cannot distinguish between humans and animals within 500 meters after wearing them, etc...
What, you ask me how to live better in this world?
Sano Shinichiro smiled faintly and put on his vest: "How can you not get stabbed when you are floating in the world? If you want to avoid getting stabbed, you have to open a trumpet. The more vests I have, the more slutty I will be. I will wave the flag of the winery."
When Akai Shuichi asked Conan what he thought of the black organization, Conan responded like this: The black organization? Although they act a little rough, they are all good people... Wait, which black organization are you asking about?


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