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Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story — Chapter 115 114, Sano: The pig teammate is actually me? (Please subscribe)

Gin asked after two seconds of silence.

My eyesight is really good, I can see it at a glance.

Sano curled his lips, and then took off the hood of his sweatshirt and the passerby hat and the pure black mask modified from the mask of the special attack suit.

Then what appeared in front of the Gin duo was another unfamiliar face that they had never seen before.

A pair of round and big eyes with pure blue pupils. Compared with Sano’s original face shape, the facial lines are much softer. More importantly, the pure white slightly long curly hair.

Yes, this is the body specially tailored by Sano for Rye Whiskey, the core code member of the distillery, which is the No. 2 vest.

Sano had actually created this vest a long time ago, but he had never used it. This time Gin called him over. Although he didn’t know why, of course he had to use the body that the vest was supposed to be used on.

Many factors in appearance make Sano’s No. 2 vest look like a foreigner, or a mixed race… In fact, the inspiration for the facial features of this vest is Sano’s boss on the surface, Toru Amuro.

This face meets Sano’s requirements very well. It is eye-catching enough and paired with a perfect smile. It is pure, harmless and innocent.


Looking at the two people who were obviously a little dull, Sano smiled and said hello again: “I am Rye.”

After all, now that he has a new face, Sano still feels that he must get vaccinated in advance, otherwise Gin, who is a victim of paranoia, will get nervous and pull out a gun and fire a bullet as a greeting gift for No. 2 vest.

“Big, big brother!”

Hearing Sano’s greeting, Vodka could barely hang on to the sunglasses he was wearing. He was truly shocked and called out to his eldest brother in panic.

Gin was also a little surprised, and his brows furrowed visibly.

After just a second of thinking, Gin suddenly stepped forward and touched Sano’s face, and Sano almost subconsciously raised his hand to block it.


Sano looked at Gin’s hand in confusion. Why did he feel that the other person wanted to touch his face?

Gin stared at Sano’s face for a few seconds: “The first time we met, what was my first sentence.”

Sano was stunned for a moment, blinked his big eyes twice before remembering: “…Get away? I guess so.”

Gin slowly retracted his palm, but his eyes were still locked on Sano’s face: “Is this the confidence you have to hide your identity? Where did you learn the disguise technique? It’s a good level.”


Sano’s eyes shifted for a moment, and he was a little surprised that Gin would accept the setting of “Sano changed his face” so quickly and proactively, and also proposed the setting of the Disguise Technique.

As early as before, Sano had the idea of ​​​​learning how to make human skin masks with Conan’s mother.

After all, although Sano now has a vest that can completely change his identity, this thing is quite limited, especially in terms of quantity, so it would be very convenient if he could make a large number of different faces at any time.

It’s a pity that Kudo Yukiko later rejected Sano.

There are two reasons.

First, this kind of disguise technique was also learned by Kudo Yukiko from others, so it cannot be taught to others without permission. This is probably a set of rules similar to those taught by masters.

Secondly, learning the art of disguise is extremely difficult. In addition to requiring unique talent, it also requires decades of hard practice.

Now let alone the former, Kudo Yukiko has already gone abroad with Kudo Yu, and it is impossible to abandon her husband and turn around and devote herself to teaching Sano carefully.

Well, unless Sano can be a Cao thief for once.

But even then, Sano still may not be able to learn it. Of course, he can also choose to lock Kudo Yukiko with chains and turn her into a ruthless——

…Human skin mask making machine.

In addition, Sano also asked Conan and Kudo Yukiko a more critical question on the phone.

That is, how realistic is this disguise technique? For example, can it be directly disguised as a face exactly like Sano? If so, then how should we judge if someone uses this method to pretend to be someone else to commit murder and frame the crime.

The final answer Sano got was…


It was almost impossible to tell, so I had to catch him on the spot and pull off his mask.

But then Kudo Yukiko added, telling Sano not to worry about this problem, because there are only one slap in the world who have mastered this kind of disguise technique, and they basically know each other.

Therefore, the probability of Sano encountering a murderer who uses disguise to commit crimes is smaller than the probability of him winning the first-prize lottery seven times in a row.

… Damn it, it makes people want to learn even more!

Ahem, anyway, according to Kudo Yukiko, there should be very few people who know this kind of disguise technique.

But what does Sano think of Gin’s current reaction? It seems that he has seen people who know this kind of disguise technique, and there are even people in the organization who know it?

Is the winery so full of talents?

Sano’s eyes were wandering and he was thinking secretly, but Gin probably didn’t know that even if he pinched his face, he couldn’t pull off the human skin mask.

Sano didn’t plan to explain anything to Gin. Since the other party had already misunderstood, it would be better to continue the misunderstanding and save trouble.

After shrugging, Sano said casually: “It was said to be taught by an old Taoist priest from the flower garden. It has never been of much use, but it is useful now.”

Listening to Sano’s…explanation, Gin’s brows were already frowning so much that he could pinch a fly, but he didn’t say anything more and just glanced at Sano’s white hair again.

“Since you know the art of disguise, why don’t you make an inconspicuous face instead of making it look so high-profile?”

Sano raised his eyebrows and tilted his head back to look at Gin’s white hair.

And Gin watched Sano looking at his hair without saying a word, and couldn’t help but glance at his hair.

Then the air fell into silence.

When he first met Gin, Sano wasn’t sure what color Gin’s hair was, but after getting to know her more, he discovered that Gin’s hair was a slightly different shade of light blond than Toru Amuro’s.

But later, I didn’t know if this outstanding model worker was too tired, so that his light blond hair gradually, slowly, turned white at some point.

…I guess this outstanding employee of a criminal organization would not follow trends and waste time dyeing his hair.

However, the inspiration for Sano’s white hair is indeed Gin himself, otherwise he would have continued to imitate Toru Amuro and have blonde hair.

In short, no matter what, Sano doesn’t think Gin is qualified to talk about him.

“So why did you call me here this time?”

In the end, it was Sano who took the initiative to break the awkward atmosphere.

Gin came back to his senses and said, “Well, I have a mission for you. Did you catch a smuggler yesterday?”


Sano immediately thought of the weakling Director Tsukawa and nodded: “Well, what’s wrong?”

“That guy is our downline.”

Gin lit a cigarette and said calmly.

Sano: “…”

Good guy, could it be that this wave of pig teammates is actually me?

Then Ginjiu asked him to come here because he wanted to raise an army to punish him, right?

“But that guy acted carelessly, and people saw things they shouldn’t have seen. He didn’t even dispose of the body. It’s inevitable that he would be caught. Even if you don’t do anything, you still have to deal with it later.”

Hearing Gin’s words, Sano raised his eyebrows unexpectedly again. Gin was… um… um… ah…

Anyway, this means that I don’t intend to hold anyone accountable.

“The important thing is that this guy originally had a few downlines in other places. We should have rearranged people to take over, but after careful inspection, we found that those lines were a little restless, so the organization decided It will be dealt with immediately, you need to arrange for someone to go there.”

Zuo Ye suddenly understood: “Let me handle it?”

1w has been achieved, and a book club group has been established.

The mysterious number 706085177 (anyone can apply), the first person to join the group will be given to the management, so hurry up (refill).


Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story

Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story

Status: Completed Author:


I, Sano Shinichiro, a time traveler, have a system.
Although the system's tasks are very strange, the rewarded equipment is even more... fresh and refined.
For example, a hammer that cannot cause damage, a small electric donkey that can fly quickly, a coat that turns into a roadie when used, sunglasses that cannot distinguish between humans and animals within 500 meters after wearing them, etc...
What, you ask me how to live better in this world?
Sano Shinichiro smiled faintly and put on his vest: "How can you not get stabbed when you are floating in the world? If you want to avoid getting stabbed, you have to open a trumpet. The more vests I have, the more slutty I will be. I will wave the flag of the winery."
When Akai Shuichi asked Conan what he thought of the black organization, Conan responded like this: The black organization? Although they act a little rough, they are all good people... Wait, which black organization are you asking about?


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