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Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story — Chapter 118 117, Sano: I really am not a beggar

The ferry swayed with the waves, whining and steaming. Finally, after approaching Yueying Island, it slowly slowed down and docked.

Sano, who had been rubbed by Cohen for almost half an hour, breathed a sigh of relief when he saw this.

So I’m not good at dealing with Jilaisui…

After getting off the boat, Sano took Cohen and the Maori family of three in the completely opposite direction without saying anything. Then he bought a map and started exploring the island.

Regardless of whether Conan, the god of plague and a businessman, would make his target disappear directly when he came to this island, Sano would still have to do what he should do to prevent unexpected events.

There were originally five informants organized on this island.

The famous pianist Aso, the former village chief Kameyama of Moon Shadow Island, the entrepreneur Kawashima, the current village chief Kuroiwa, and… the unemployed vagrant Nishimoto.

But now there are only three. Among them, Aso committed suicide twelve years ago, and Kameyama also died of a sudden illness two years ago.

In fact, strictly speaking, there are definitely more than just these people involved in the smuggling criminal network on Moon Shadow Island, but probably because these are the only three people who have actually come into contact with the organization, so Sano has to solve only these people. Three people.

Sano adjusted the passerby hat on his head, hiding in the shadows and looking at Nishimoto’s residence not far away.

If Sano really wants to take action, the first one to be killed is naturally Nishimoto, who has the lowest sense of existence among the three people and has almost no one at home.

Because only in this way can other mission targets not notice that something is wrong in a short period of time.

Of course, even if you notice it, the outcome of the matter will not change in any way.

Sano glanced at the sun that had not set yet. Night was the best time to take action. Before that, he had to fill his stomach.

“I’m going to have dinner first. You stay here and watch. I’ll come over and change with you later.”

Cohen waved his hand carelessly, indicating that there was no problem.

Then when it got dark, Sano, who squatted next to Nishimoto’s house for several hours after dinner, gradually felt sleepy.

“Da da da.”

A figure trotted past Sano, then turned back a few seconds later and stood in front of Sano.


Sano slowly raised his head and looked at the woman standing in front of him.

She is about twenty years old, very beautiful, with a small ponytail tied on the back of her head. The most important thing is that she has a very good temperament.

The woman lowered her head and looked at Sano sitting on the ground. After pursed her lips for a while, she took out a crumpled ten thousand yuan bill from her pocket.


Sano couldn’t help but type a question mark again, his eyes fixed on the banknotes in the other person’s hand.

What’s going on? Why is someone treating me as a beggar again? ? ?

As for the chain reaction caused by the momentum bonus of the ghost coat, Zuo Yizhong already had a rough guess.

Different people often have different perceptions when facing the same person, which is normal.

With the blessing of the ghost coat, Sano’s image in the eyes of others will be roughly divided into two types.

First, this man feels so weak, and seems to be dying soon, so pitiful.

Second, this person feels so gloomy and doesn’t look like a good person. You should stay away from him.

This also verified why Sano was regarded as a beggar on the street before and gained a lot, and it also verified why Sano was regarded as a suspicious person when he was at the entrance of the kindergarten.

But the problem now is – Sano is not wearing a ghost coat now. What is this woman thinking?

There is also the effect of the passerby’s hat that reduces the sense of presence. How could such an ordinary young woman see through it?

Just when Sano was confused, the woman sighed, grabbed his hand, forced the money into Sano’s hand, and said with encouragement: “Live well.”


Sano no longer knew how many questions he had raised because of this woman. Even because of the opponent’s sudden movement just now, he almost instinctively changed the inner lining into a special attack suit, and then punched the opponent.

Still seeing that the other party had no ill intentions, Sano suppressed the impulse.

After giving Sano the money and encouraging him, the woman started trotting in the original direction again.

Sano watched the woman leave, curled his lips, and stuffed the money into his pocket. Forget it, if you have money, don’t use it as a joke.

But when Sano turned his eyes to Cohen aside, he found that the boy was looking at the woman’s leaving figure in a daze, his mouth almost drooling.

Sano: “…”

Although Sano still didn’t quite understand why the woman gave him money, he seemed to understand why he was noticed by the other party when he was in a state of low presence, and he also understood why Cohen didn’t make any movement just now.

In addition to being familiar and talkative, this girl is also a nymphomaniac? ? ?

Brother, you are also a core member of a criminal organization. Can you stop being so unreliable?

As if he was gradually aware of Sano’s strange gaze, Cohen finally came to his senses and coughed a few times: “Ahem, Rye, you see Nishimoto hasn’t come back yet, I’m afraid there’s something wrong with this island. What’s the matter? Otherwise, why don’t I follow you and take a look?”

You make it up, you make it up again.

Sano looked at Cohen expressionlessly, seeing that the other person was getting more and more guilty.

However, Sano then thought about it. With Conan, the God of Plague, it was not impossible that the reason Cohen concocted could become true. It would be a good idea to go and find out.

Thinking of this, Sano stood up, and followed the direction in which the woman left with the brisk steps of Cohen.

“Kawashima is dead?”

Sano and Cohen walked all the way to the building with the characters “Citizen Hall” hanging on it, and then heard from the melon-eating crowd gathered at the door that one of their mission targets had died.

This is probably the case.

Today was originally a memorial service for Kameyama, who died two years ago, so most people on the island came to the public hall to pay their respects. But as a result, when it was just getting dark, Aso and his whole family had In the piano room where he set fire to himself, the same piano sound as that night suddenly sounded again.

Moonlight Sonata.

When everyone followed the sound and looked for him, Kawashima was lying on the piano, soaked all over. It seemed that he had drowned alive on the beach next to the public hall.

Sano and Cohen stood behind the crowd, and the people around them were still discussing the matter with saliva.

There are only two kinds of comments made by these gossips. One is that the ghost of Aso committed suicide, and the other is that Kuroiwa, the current village chief of Yueying Island, was worried about losing his position in the village chief selection, so he The other candidate, Kawashima, was killed.

Ghost Sano thought it was impossible.

It’s not that Sano doesn’t believe this, but that the incident that happened after Detective Ke Xue arrived on the island was destined to be a murder case.

Just like the haunted house imprisonment incident and the Middle Age Museum incident that Sano had come into contact with earlier.

Is Kuroiwa the only suspect currently? But if it is really him, the motive may not be as simple as the selection of the village chief.

Sano looked inside the public hall. The woman who gave him the money seemed to be the only doctor on the island. She had just completed an autopsy on the dead Kawashima.

Well, so normal doctors and forensic doctors have the same thing?

“Rye, what do we do?”

Cohen asked Sano.

…You, a veteran, always ask a newcomer what to do, are you really not embarrassed at all?

Sano glanced at Cohen quite speechlessly. It seemed that since the first meeting, this guy had no opinion and always asked Sano first about everything.

It feels quite similar to the big guy with vodka and gin.

After touching his chin, Sano chose to say “I’ll go in to investigate the situation” and then found an uninhabited corner.

The passerby hat on his head turned into a knitted hat and was stuffed into his arms, and the black sweatshirt turned back into a ghost coat. As for Sano himself, he changed from the white-haired No. 2 vest Rye back to the original vest.

That’s right, it’s the body vest, not the real body.

This was Sano’s idea from the beginning.

Even before the No. 2 vest, Sano had already fabricated this body, and its appearance, shape, and voice were almost 100% replicas.

The only change is that a hair on the back of the head has been stretched by one millimeter.

——This is because Sano couldn’t fabricate a body that was 100% replica of the original body, otherwise he wouldn’t even change his hair.


Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story

Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story

Status: Completed Author:


I, Sano Shinichiro, a time traveler, have a system.
Although the system's tasks are very strange, the rewarded equipment is even more... fresh and refined.
For example, a hammer that cannot cause damage, a small electric donkey that can fly quickly, a coat that turns into a roadie when used, sunglasses that cannot distinguish between humans and animals within 500 meters after wearing them, etc...
What, you ask me how to live better in this world?
Sano Shinichiro smiled faintly and put on his vest: "How can you not get stabbed when you are floating in the world? If you want to avoid getting stabbed, you have to open a trumpet. The more vests I have, the more slutty I will be. I will wave the flag of the winery."
When Akai Shuichi asked Conan what he thought of the black organization, Conan responded like this: The black organization? Although they act a little rough, they are all good people... Wait, which black organization are you asking about?


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