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Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story — Chapter 12 12. Riddler, please get out of Didan High School


Sano spoke quickly and reported the answers to the multiple-choice questions, then looked up at the math teacher on the podium.


The math teacher nodded: “Then let’s look at question 19 first.”

Are all the previous eighteen questions correct?

Sano glanced at Suzuki Sonoko in front of him and felt a little surprised.

There are a total of twenty multiple-choice questions in this math homework. Generally speaking, if the teacher asks students to report their answers, they will start with the question that the student got wrong.

It’s not that Sano looks down on others, it’s just that Suzuki Sonoko didn’t seem to have very good academic performance, but unexpectedly, she was pretty good at math?

However, the next second, the math teacher’s words directly shattered Sano’s fantasy.

“After all, this is the only question Sano got right among the twenty multiple-choice questions. I don’t think you should be fooled. After all, even if you were fooled, you wouldn’t be able to get just one question out of twenty. You say so, right Sano?”

Sano turned his gaze expressionlessly to Suzuki Sonoko, and he didn’t know if he noticed his gaze. The other person’s back trembled visibly, and then his body turned silently to the right.

You only got one question right out of twenty, what a talent you are!

Zuo Ye suddenly felt depressed. Just like what the math teacher said, even if he was asked to write blindly by himself, he wouldn’t be able to get only one question right!

Although as a person copying homework, there should be no requirements on accuracy, but normally I feel that there is a problem with my accuracy, so it is an unspoken rule to add “don’t blame me if you are wrong”! ?

There was faint laughter in the class, and the math teacher patted the table: “Okay Sano, tell me, why did you choose B for question 19?”

Sano looked away and looked at the question. He still couldn’t understand it, so he could only answer bravely: “Because ACD is wrong.”


The math teacher nodded: “Tell me, then, why ACD is wrong?”

“…because B is right.”


The math teacher looked at Sano blankly for a while, then continued to ask with wide eyes: “So I ask you why B is right?”

“Because ACD is wrong.”

Sano puffed out his chest and tried not to lose his momentum.

“Then tell me why ACD is wrong!?”

The math teacher’s face was so gloomy that it seemed like water could drip from his face.

“Because B…”

“That’s enough, you leave it here with me and leave it here, go out and stand!”

In this way, Sano’s first class at Teidan High School ended with him standing outside the classroom.

After the math class, Sano was taken to the office for a beating. After finally returning to the classroom, Suzuki Sonoko was sitting there with a guilty look on her face.

“Guo Baa Na Sai…”

Sano exhaled and could only wave his hands feebly. After all, it was an unspoken rule not to blame the person for copying homework wrongly. Even if the other party did not follow the rules, he, the initiator, had to follow the rules.

“But if this is the case, wouldn’t it be more likely that the school would expel the seniors?”

Mao Lilan said with some worry.

“What the hell is this expulsion?”

Suzuki Sonoko raised her lowered head in astonishment: “The school is expelling seniors?”

Looking at the bluffing Suzuki Sonoko and the other students who were attracted by her voice, Mao Lilan could only quickly pull the other party and explain the whole story in a low voice.

“That is to say…”

After listening to everything, Suzuki Sonoko fell into a daze: “If senior is really fired, then I am also involved??”

“Okay, don’t make such a fuss.”

Zuo Ye didn’t feel too panicked: “I’ll go back to the head teacher and ask. If you don’t know the inside story, you’re just looking for trouble.”

“Okay, if it doesn’t work, Xiaolan and I will go together to plead for you later!”

After Suzuki Sonoko calmed down, she was no longer so panicked.

Isn’t it just expulsion? What a big deal. Besides, if you really want an expelled student to come back, it’s just a matter of one sentence.

The third class in the morning was also the last class, which happened to be the class teacher of Class B of the second year of high school, so after class, Sano went to ask him directly.

“Well, teacher, I think I need to talk to you about the expulsion.”

In the corridor toward the teacher’s stairs in the teaching building, Sano and the head teacher faced each other.

“What can I do to ensure that I don’t get kicked out of school?”

The head teacher looked at Sano, sighed and said, “I know you have a lot of difficulties, but this is a school after all. If you don’t come to school, it will definitely have an impact.”

“Actually, if you ask me to suggest you, you might as well take a year or even two years off from school and make sure that after your illness is completely cured, you can come back to school safely…”

Sano’s eyes twitched. If possible, of course he would also like to drop out of school or even drop out of school, but the problem is that his system doesn’t want to. What can he do?

“No need to persuade me, teacher, just tell me how to avoid being kicked out of school.”

The head teacher pursed his lips and could only say: “If you want to ensure that you don’t get kicked out of school, you have to make sure that you show up in school often, at least once every three days.”

Sano nodded, but thinking in his heart, this didn’t seem right.

The mission requirement of the system is to keep one’s status as a student, but the method of “guaranteeing not to be dropped out” as mentioned by the head teacher is actually a long-term requirement.

“Teacher, as you said before, the school is already considering persuading me to quit. Isn’t it something that can’t be resolved for the time being?”

Sano changed the way he asked, wanting to see if there was anything that needed to be edited.

The head teacher was stunned for a moment: “Ah, you said that, since you have come to school now, you will definitely not continue. Unless your attendance rate is not enough, we will continue to implement it.”

“Hey, congratulations to the host for completing the mission. The mission reward has been distributed. Do you want to use it?”

Just as the head teacher finished speaking, a message that the system task was completed came to Sano’s mind.

Sure enough, the requirements of this task have actually been achieved, but if you don’t know it, it is not completed.

Zuo Ye clenched his fist silently, then said hello to the class teacher and prepared to leave.

“Wait a minute Sano.”

At this moment, the head teacher suddenly stopped Sano. Sano turned his head in confusion, but only saw the head teacher hesitate to speak.

“What’s wrong, teacher?”

The head teacher looked complicated for a while, then smiled at Sano: “Don’t force yourself too much.”


Sano touched the back of his head in confusion, and could only reply politely: “Don’t worry, teacher, I’ve always been in good health.”

However, the head teacher was stunned by Sano’s answer, then shook his head and said, “I’m not talking about the body.”

What’s the meaning?

It’s not the body… Could it be the psychology? What is the condition of the original body?

Zuo Ye is getting more and more confused, and so is the head teacher. Tell the whole story, don’t say half hidden and half hidden. Riddler, please get out of Didan High School!

Fortunately, the head teacher didn’t seem to have any intention of becoming the Riddler and quickly gave the answer.


Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story

Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story

Status: Completed Author:


I, Sano Shinichiro, a time traveler, have a system.
Although the system's tasks are very strange, the rewarded equipment is even more... fresh and refined.
For example, a hammer that cannot cause damage, a small electric donkey that can fly quickly, a coat that turns into a roadie when used, sunglasses that cannot distinguish between humans and animals within 500 meters after wearing them, etc...
What, you ask me how to live better in this world?
Sano Shinichiro smiled faintly and put on his vest: "How can you not get stabbed when you are floating in the world? If you want to avoid getting stabbed, you have to open a trumpet. The more vests I have, the more slutty I will be. I will wave the flag of the winery."
When Akai Shuichi asked Conan what he thought of the black organization, Conan responded like this: The black organization? Although they act a little rough, they are all good people... Wait, which black organization are you asking about?


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