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Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story — Chapter 121 120, actually want to be a psychiatrist?

The passerby’s hat briefly left Sano’s head, which means that its effect and low presence have failed.

In this way, a few people with keen observation or intuition finally noticed the sudden appearance of such a person in the hall.

Of course, this also included Nishimoto, who was standing next to Sano.

And Conan, who was the most perceptive, the moment he noticed Sano, his eyes were fixed on the gun in his hand.

As his pupils shrank suddenly, Conan’s heart rang with alarm bells, and he quickly shouted crazily: “Be careful of the gun!!!”


Just as everyone’s confusion flooded their faces, Sano suddenly moved his left arm sideways, and there was only a few centimeters between the muzzle of the gun and Nishimoto’s neck.

Before the dullness in Nishimoto’s eyes faded away, Sano pulled the trigger.

“Bang bang bang!”

Amidst the fierce gunfire, flames suddenly appeared, and several bullets penetrated from one side of Nishimoto’s neck to the other, exploding a few blood flowers, as if they were going to break his entire neck. The smell of gunpowder smoke and blood. Diffuse instantly.

Nishimoto’s eyes widened and he fell to the ground. He wanted to scream or roar, but when he opened his mouth, he just kept spitting out blood bubbles. The pool of blood spread, making everyone in the hall’s pupils tremble crazily and their breathing stagnated.

Panic began to grow.

Officer Megure instinctively wanted to call everyone to take cover and order his subordinates to draw their guns and kill the madman in front of them, but Sano randomly selected a lucky spectator first and pulled him in front of him to use as a shield.

Immediately afterwards, Sano raised his gun and fired several shots at the ceiling, causing the chaos that was about to break out to fall into silence for a short time.

“I advise you to leave as soon as possible. I left a gift for you in the studio. It will explode in about thirty seconds. I wish you all good luck.”

The faintly smiling words made the already frightened crowd even more frightened.

“What, there’s a bomb!?”

Officer Megure showed a look of astonishment in disbelief.

At this moment, panic was born directly in everyone’s heart. Not to mention ordinary people, even some police officers began to rush towards the door uncontrollably.


The corner of Sano’s mouth under the mask twitched slightly, and he seized this opportunity and kicked away the lucky spectator who was shaking into a sieve in front of him, then jumped out of the window on the side and flew down.

While falling, Sano quickly switched his vest, confirmed that no one was watching, and immediately put on the special attack suit. During this period, the vest kept switching. After landing, he ducked to an uninhabited corner and then removed the special attack suit and switched back. The body vest.

This is solved.

Sano breathed a sigh of relief.

Yes, this is Sano’s plan.

Take action for Asai Narumi, kill the people he wants to kill, and put all the blame on Rye, the vest.

Of course, there must be many loopholes in this plan. After all, Asai Narumi has killed two people by himself, and it is still unknown how many traces were left.

And for this reason, Sano took the last step so arrogantly.

Sano wants to make things bigger, and the bigger the trouble, the better.

Only in this way can everyone’s attention be drawn to “himself”, so that Asai Narumi can become a black man under the lamp and escape.

Sano glanced around, took off his hat and acted as if he had just arrived and didn’t know anything.

“Damn it!”

In the public hall, Officer Megure was so anxious that he was sweating. After looking at the window where Sano left and the crowded crowd at the door, he gritted his teeth and yelled: “Calm down! Don’t be crowded. Everyone should go out in an orderly manner immediately.” Evacuate the public hall, quickly!”

No one can care about chasing the mysterious man who dared to kill people in front of dozens of police officers. The priority must be to reduce the casualties that may be caused by the explosion as much as possible.

However, after everyone hurriedly ran out of the public hall and arrived at the open space dozens or hundreds of meters away, three minutes, not to mention thirty seconds, had passed, but the public hall was still standing there intact.

“Being, being fooled…”

Conan stared at the public hall blankly, and finally realized: “That guy didn’t install a bomb at all, he just wanted to attract our attention and cause a commotion so that he could escape!”

The expressions on the faces of Officer Megure and Kogoro Mouri were also extremely ugly: “How dare you be so arrogant… It seems that Mr. Kawashima was also killed by that guy.”

“You guys, block the exit of Yueying Island immediately and search carefully for me. That guy’s hair is white. This feature is rare. It will definitely be easy to find!”

“You guys, go to the public hall broadcast room immediately to check. Although it is very likely that you have been tricked, but just in case, we must completely eliminate the possibility that the bomb still exists!”


When Officer Megure mentioned this, Conan was immediately startled. Yes, the mysterious man wearing the cap just now was the same guy who came over on the same ferry as them yesterday.

White hair and black hooded sweatshirt.

Could it be that I was careless, that guy was really bourbon, just with dyed hair?

But if it wasn’t Bourbon, then who could this person be…

Also, was Kawashima really killed by the man in the white-haired hat? What does the previous Moonlight Sonata and the code left on the score mean?

Why did he kill Nishimoto again this time, and in such an almost arrogant way…

Conan’s face gradually became distorted, and a large amount of information that seemed to be related but could not be found was mixed together, making his brain faintly start to feel hot, that is.

cpu overload.

In the Tsukiying Island serial murder incident, everyone originally thought that the dead people were only Kawashima on the first night and Nishimoto on the last night. Unexpectedly, when the police went back to check the broadcasting room of the public hall, they found someone who seemed to be dead more than Nishimoto. Kuroiwa, who was one step ahead, and Asai Narumi, who fell to the side and passed out.

A total of three people died.

The identity of the murderer was firmly pinned by the police on the man in the hat who suddenly appeared in the end.

Nishimoto was killed in full public view, and there was a white hair in the hand of Kuroiwa’s corpse. The evidence was conclusive and no longer needed any discussion.

A large-scale search was launched on Moon Shadow Island, and Officer Megure mobilized a large number of police forces from Tokyo, because the guy still had a police gun that he had taken from his subordinates, which was very dangerous.

However, after a busy night, the police found nothing, not even a hair.

In the end, in desperation, Officer Megure could only choose to leave some police forces to continue the investigation, and then returned to Tokyo with the large force.

…After all, there are so many cases happening in Tokyo every day. It is impossible for Officer Megure to put all the police force on such a small island, and he does not have the power.

“Well, don’t worry. The police just conducted a search. The fact that I can still talk to you on the phone safely proves that I won’t be found out, doesn’t it?”

Sano took the mobile phone given by Gin and reported the detailed process of the mission to Gin. As expected, he was severely criticized, but that was all.

“There is nothing we can do about it. Who could have predicted that as soon as I arrived on the island, my target would be killed first?”

“That Nishimoto sensed something was wrong and kept following the policemen. If I didn’t take action, he might just confess.”

“I have also found the murderer of Kawashima. Don’t worry. He didn’t see my face. Of course it doesn’t matter if he did. I will take care of it.”

“Cohen… he was killed by a murderer. Well, I didn’t notice it. He was said to have been thrown into the sea. I know, I will summarize the situation later and send it to you by email.”

After fooling Gin, Sano hung up the phone and put out the burnt cigarette butts. Then he looked at Asai Narumi who was sitting opposite and said with a smile: “Look, I said just leave it to me, there won’t be anyone.” Thinking that you, who were affected by a mad murderer, were the ones who killed the two previous deceased people.”

Asai Narumi looked complicated for a while, then exhaled and asked, “How did you manage to avoid the police’s search in such a closed place?”

“you guess?”

“…Then can you tell me why you want to help me? You can wait until I help you kill them, ignore whether I will be caught later, and get away easily. Who are you and why do you want to kill Nishimoto and the others? Also, you just said…who was killed by me, that friend of yours?”

Listening to Asai Narumi’s series of questions, Sano stood up and sighed: “I won’t say anything else. If you want to ask me why I helped you, just think of it as repaying the favor of 10,000 yuan, okay. , remember to hide this matter completely in your heart, whether it is you killing someone or my existence, otherwise, you will not survive long.”

After saying that, Sano was ready to leave. His mission had been completed and there was no need to stay any longer.

The reason why I stayed on this island for another night was simply just in case.

Because Conan’s troublemaker hasn’t left yet, he might find some important clues at any time, which makes him suspicious of Asai Narumi.

In addition, Sano was also worried about the boss Asai Narumi, who chose to confess everything directly to the police after he woke up.

…In that case, even if the police don’t believe it, Conan will definitely continue to pursue this line of investigation.

But it’s fine now.

Since it was never discovered, Conan had been dragged onto the ship by Moori Kogoro two hours ago and returned to Tokyo.

So Sano can retreat with confidence.

But before Sano walked out of the door of the clinic, Naomi Asai, who lowered his head, smiled bitterly again: “You might as well kill me directly. After all, a sinner like me with blood on my hands has to live in this world.” There is something wrong with the world.”

Sano paused, turned around, and stared at Asai Narumi expressionlessly. Is this… guy planning to commit suicide?

Well, Sano said, why the system’s mission hasn’t been completed yet? Before, it could be said that it was because of Conan’s trouble-making, but now it turns out that the problem lies with the mission target himself.

To save Narimi Asai, I am afraid that he must be saved both physically and mentally in order to achieve the standard of the system’s mission.

It’s really troublesome, after wiping my butt, I still have to be a psychiatrist.

Sano curled his lips, turned around, sat down in front of Asai Narumi, and crossed his legs: “Do you think people who kill people shouldn’t live?”

Asai Narumi raised his head blankly and nodded silently.

“Then why do you think those guys were able to live happily for more than ten years despite killing a whole family except you?”

The chapter is closed, there is one more chapter to go


Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story

Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story

Status: Completed Author:


I, Sano Shinichiro, a time traveler, have a system.
Although the system's tasks are very strange, the rewarded equipment is even more... fresh and refined.
For example, a hammer that cannot cause damage, a small electric donkey that can fly quickly, a coat that turns into a roadie when used, sunglasses that cannot distinguish between humans and animals within 500 meters after wearing them, etc...
What, you ask me how to live better in this world?
Sano Shinichiro smiled faintly and put on his vest: "How can you not get stabbed when you are floating in the world? If you want to avoid getting stabbed, you have to open a trumpet. The more vests I have, the more slutty I will be. I will wave the flag of the winery."
When Akai Shuichi asked Conan what he thought of the black organization, Conan responded like this: The black organization? Although they act a little rough, they are all good people... Wait, which black organization are you asking about?


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