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Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story — Chapter 124 123, oh, the new teammate is gone again

…But now, there is only one Cohen left, and we don’t have to worry about confusion in the future.

Of course, what Gin actually didn’t know was that the Cohen who teamed up with Sano, that is, Colen, was not actually dead, but ran away.

That’s right, I ran away, quit working, and gave up my career.

That night, Sano went to Coren and explained that the person who killed Kawashima was Asai Narumi, and the other party was stunned.

Logically speaking, in such a situation, it is indeed the best choice to deal with Asai Narumi, but after all, there is still a simple but very profound… one-way emotion between Colon and the other party.

So Coren hesitated, hesitated.

A few minutes later, Colen knelt down directly to Sano and begged him to let Asai go.

…Colen’s reaction was far beyond Sano’s expectations.

From Sano’s point of view, although Colen did seem to have a crush on Asai Shimizu, that was just the first meeting, let alone… something like that happened later.

Sano had guessed that Colon might hesitate, and also guessed that Colon might directly betray him and attack him. He also guessed that Colon might attack Asai Shigemi even more because of what happened before. After all, love is as deep as hate. Everything.

But Sano just didn’t expect that Coren would kneel down and beg him.

He is a terrorist after all, so shameless and naive? ?

And something even happened next that surprised Sano even more.

At that time, Colen was kneeling on the ground, dripping with snot and tears. While pleading with Sano, he poured out his bitter history like beans.

Colen didn’t join the winery by choice.

Colen’s father was a member of the previous generation of the winery and died relatively young.

As a “second generation black man”, Kelen has been living under the surveillance of the winery since he was a child, and even started on-the-job training early.

Shoot, fight, lurk.

When Colen came of age, he officially joined the winery. After working hard for several years, he got the code name six months ago.

But Coren doesn’t like this kind of life. He wants to live a peaceful life and be an ordinary person, but he can’t, because once he chooses to quit, he will be killed directly.

For a core member of a criminal organization, such words should never be uttered.

Because this is likely to be regarded as having different intentions.

As long as Sano tells Gin what Coren said, he will undoubtedly be severely punished.

Even if there is no evidence, Colen will be subject to close surveillance and scrutiny for a period of time.

No matter how bad things go, Colen will be arranged to do many things that he doesn’t want to do. If a flaw is revealed during this period, it will be death.

But the stimulation Kelun received at night was too great. Under the continuous mental shock, this young man who had been suffering from a long-term backlog of emotions could not care about anything else.

It was as if Sano was being treated as a psychiatrist, the last spiritual haven, and was used by Colon to pour out his bitterness.

After saying this, Colen directly said that he wanted to escape and did not want to continue like this. He even wanted to escape with Asai Narumi. He never thought that if Sano recorded such words, he would be killed. He will not have any responsibility.

Coren should feel lucky that Sano didn’t kill him.

However, Sano originally planned to kill him. The reason why he asked Column if he wanted to kill Asai Narumi was to test the other party’s attitude, but in fact it was just a simple question.

Because Sano’s real purpose is to save Asai Narumi.

If he was just acting alone, then forget it, he could do whatever he wanted, but Sano still had a teammate with him.

Let’s not talk about how Sano will persuade the other party not to hinder his actions. It is a question of whether Colon will be arrested by the police after things will inevitably get bigger.

Therefore, after many considerations, it is the most beneficial and convenient choice for Sano to deal with Coren first.

Sano originally planned to deceive Column out first, and then throw his body into the sea, destroying the body and destroying all traces, leaving no evidence of his death.

But Colen’s unexpected reaction and his subsequent words that seemed to be crazy made Sano not want to take action.

Sano couldn’t explain why, and he didn’t bother to say it. Maybe it was due to various factors that caused his moral bottom line to rise, or maybe he simply felt that the other party was disappointing.

Anyway, Sano really didn’t want to kill Colen.

If you don’t want to kill, then don’t kill. Sano always does what he wants.

What’s more, whether Column dies or not will not have much impact. Of course, this has a prerequisite.

So Sano gave Coren the last and only option.


Escape alone.

No matter where he fled or how far he fled, Sano would tell the organization that Colen was dead.

Sano is not afraid that if Colon is caught later, he will confess to him.

First of all, Sano was not prepared to say that he witnessed Coren’s death with his own eyes. Even if something went wrong later, it would be difficult to implicate him.

Secondly, even if Sano is involved, so what?

who care?

If I really want to break up with the winery, the worst I can do is throw away the original vest and replace it with a passerby vest.

Someone has said that a person’s thoughts should not be affected by the outside world, but should come from one’s own heart.

In Sano’s eyes, without external factors, it seems to make no difference whether a person is alive or not.

But external factors are never single.

The winery may be one of the factors that influenced Sano’s ideas, but it is by no means the only factor.

So Sano took Coren to find a small boat.

Then, as Sano repeated “I will help you take care of Asai Narumi” for the thirty-sixth time, Coren set sail overnight and drifted into the distance.

After leaving the cocktail and taking the elevator down, Sano looked at Tequila out of the corner of his eye.

After arriving on the first floor of the Daikoku Building, Tequila got into a black car. Just as Sano was about to open the door, the door clicked and locked.

Sano: “?”

What does this mean?

The car window slowly rolled down, revealing Tequila’s mocking face: “Why, do you still want me, a senior, to drive for you, a newcomer? You can find a way to get there by yourself. For such a simple task, I really can’t figure out why. Take your little brat with you.”

After saying that, Tequila stepped on the accelerator and drove ten meters away.

Sano’s hand pulling the car door stopped in mid-air, a vein popped out on his forehead, and he moved his index finger again, making a crisp sound.

After taking a deep breath, Sano raised his palm: “Hey, Lord Gin, I wonder what the punishment will be if a core member of our organization kills another core member?”

Then, after the earphone given by Gin clicked in Sano’s left ear, a cold voice sounded: “Don’t do unnecessary things, concentrate on completing the task.”


Sano clicked his tongue in displeasure.

Maybe it’s because the technology of the times hasn’t caught up yet, so unlike the communication methods in those movies where you can talk by pressing the earphones, Sano’s method of communication is earphones plus a gadget similar to a bug.

In other words, this is actually a public channel that cannot be turned off, so the Tequila guy must have heard it.

There was no response at all, which was really unpleasant.

But no matter what, there is a high probability that Tequila will encounter trouble in this mission, and the mission may not proceed safely. In order to ensure the success of the transaction, Sano cannot give up his job.


Sano pulled up the hood of his sweatshirt to cover the white hair outside the passerby’s hat, then reached out to stop a taxi and headed to the place where the game conference in heaven was held.

Soon, the vehicle stopped steadily, and at the same moment, Sano’s system suddenly sent a prompt.

what’s the situation?

Sano paused for a moment because this was not a task trigger prompt.

After pulling out the system, Sano discovered that a red dot was flashing on the map.

What the hell?

Sano was stunned for a few seconds, and finally realized that this was the effect of the explosive gloves.

In other words, there is actually a bomb within fifty meters of him?

Just as Sano frowned, Tequila’s voice came from the headphones again.

“This is Tequila. The deal has been completed. You guys can rest assured. Gin, vodka… Tsk, there’s an annoying kid, get out of here!”

Sano frowned, and was about to enter the building. He paused again. The so-called annoying kid in Tequila’s mouth…Isn’t he a fake kid?

“How’s the situation?”

Gin asked aloud.

“Well, I’ve already entered the toilet and was about to check things. It’s strange, why can’t I open it? Is there no lock… Boom!!!”

…Oh, my new teammate seems to be gone again.


Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story

Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story

Status: Completed Author:


I, Sano Shinichiro, a time traveler, have a system.
Although the system's tasks are very strange, the rewarded equipment is even more... fresh and refined.
For example, a hammer that cannot cause damage, a small electric donkey that can fly quickly, a coat that turns into a roadie when used, sunglasses that cannot distinguish between humans and animals within 500 meters after wearing them, etc...
What, you ask me how to live better in this world?
Sano Shinichiro smiled faintly and put on his vest: "How can you not get stabbed when you are floating in the world? If you want to avoid getting stabbed, you have to open a trumpet. The more vests I have, the more slutty I will be. I will wave the flag of the winery."
When Akai Shuichi asked Conan what he thought of the black organization, Conan responded like this: The black organization? Although they act a little rough, they are all good people... Wait, which black organization are you asking about?


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