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Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story — Chapter 127 126, there is really a bomb this time

“Ah, brother Sano!”

When Officer Megure saw Sano, he immediately said hello in surprise: “It’s great that you are here too. Did you find anything?”

As mentioned before, bombing cases are often taken very seriously in the eyes of the authorities, so Officer Megure naturally takes this case very seriously.

At this time, Sano appears, and the case is more likely to be solved. Of course, Officer Megure will be happy.

…Well, even if he encounters Sano in an ordinary case, Officer Megure will be very happy, after all, it means that he can get off work as soon as possible.

Only occasionally, really only occasionally, would Officer Megure feel that Sano was slightly unlucky.

Sano casually said hello to Officer Megure, then turned his attention to Conan who was busy with something unknown.

This kid must have seen the truth of the matter, and was planning to sing a double act with Kogoro Mori, who had not recovered from drinking too much. The tool was naturally his anesthesia needle.

Conan turned on the sight on his watch, and Sano didn’t know what to aim at at the distance of two or three meters.

And more importantly.

This time Conan really missed his shot.

I don’t know how these eyes grew, but they actually shot Mao Lilan in the butt. Mao Lilan probably had something in his butt pocket, and he didn’t even faint.

This forced Conan to carefully touch the anesthetic needle on Mao Lilan’s butt, preparing to recycle it.

Then Conan stumbled and “accidentally” touched Mao Lilan’s butt.

This made the karate master think he had encountered a pervert, but even with an instinctive roundhouse kick, the sharp whip leg instantly passed by Conan’s head with a negligible gap – the kick was knocked aside. On Mouri Kogoro’s head.

At that moment, there were many cracks on the stone pillar behind Mouri Kogoro’s head, making people wonder whether his skull was still intact.

…To be honest, this picture is so beautiful that Sano can’t bear to look at it anymore.

Conan touched the cold top of his head, feeling a little frightened unconsciously. The whip kick just now was only 0.001 millimeter away from his scalp.

Just a little bit away from him, he was about to follow in the footsteps of Mouri Kogoro!

“Conan, was it you who did it just now? How could you…!?”

Mao Lilan didn’t notice at all that she gave her father a whip of love, and just stared at Conan with some embarrassment.

After Conan let out a sigh of relief, he immediately turned his head and prepared to find an excuse to fool Mao Lilan.

Unexpectedly, when he turned his eyes, he discovered that Mouri Kogoro was kicked unconscious by Mouri Lan by chance. Isn’t this a double act opportunity that came to his door?

So Conan quickly reminded Mao Lilan to put down his legs, trying to divert the other party’s attention so that he could hide himself…

“Brother Sano, we have discovered a lot of clues here. Do you want to take a look first?”

While Conan was creating a beautiful scene, Officer Megure next to Sano never stopped pestering him.

According to past experience, Sano always watched silently from the sidelines until the scope of the suspects was determined, then he would search all the suspects, and finally solve the case in one go based on the progress of the clues.

Therefore, the most important thing now is to let Sano grasp the situation as soon as possible.

To Officer Megure’s surprise, Sano lit a cigarette after looking away from Conan: “No need, I already know who the murderer is.”

Officer Megure was stunned for a moment. He didn’t expect that Sano would not follow the routine this time, but he was also very surprised: “Oh, are you serious, brother Sano?”


Sano directly named the murderer without saying anything: “That bomb should be Takeshita’s.”

As he said that, Sano pointed his hand at Takeshita who was standing not far away, instantly making the other person’s heart tense.

“Catch him quickly!”

Officer Megure now had 100% trust in Sano, and without saying a word, he directly ordered his subordinates to detain Takeshita.

This is the suspect in the bombing. Who knows if he has other bombs on him. Since Sano has targeted him, the possibility must be close to 100%, so it should be controlled as soon as possible.


Takeshita was shocked. Just when he was about to make a final death struggle, Sano continued to speak, describing the whole thing in one breath, leaving him no room for error.

“The bomb Takeshita was supposed to kill Mr. Nakajima, because the number plates of the three of them in the storage area at the front desk were ninety-seven to ninety-nine respectively. He took advantage of Nakajima’s inattention to change the number plates. , want Nakajima to get the box with the bomb.”

“It’s just that there was an unexpected element in his plan. For some reason, Nakajima changed the number plate that Takeshita had exchanged with the deceased, so that the box containing the bomb got into the hands of the deceased and became what it is now. “

“There was not just one person at the scene who saw the number on the number plate Takeshita got at that time, so no matter how much you want to quibble, the final result will not change.”

Of course Conan on the other side also noticed the situation on Sano’s side, and he couldn’t help but be stunned.

Damn, this guy has been invisible just now. Why did he tell the truth as soon as he appeared? Then wouldn’t his work have been in vain?

Conan felt a little depressed. After all, he almost lost his life trying to sing the oboe, but he was actually told that he didn’t have to sing anymore?

In addition, Conan is still a little unhappy, because if you really think about it, he should have figured out the truth faster than Sano this time!

No, the most important thing at the moment is to quickly remind Sano and ask him to ask Nakajima about the black organization.

Conan came to his senses and ran towards Sano.

Takeshita stared at Sano blankly, not knowing that the other person’s last words were pure nonsense. He just thought that he had no way to escape, and laughed sadly and angrily.

“Hahaha, it’s all because he deserves to die. Who asked him to kill Liangmei!?”

Takeshita’s face was ferocious and he wanted to pounce on Nakajima, which made Officer Megure confused: “Who is Yoshimi?”

“Ah, Yoshimi was the manager of our university’s boxing club. She committed suicide because she was dumped by Nakajima.”

The last of the three suspected employees in Mantiantian finally has a sense of existence.

“So that’s it…”

Officer Megure nodded in understanding, and Conan, who was next to Sano, tugged on Sano’s pants, trying to remind him to ask about Nakajima’s black organization.

However, at this moment, Takeshita, who was about to be taken away, yelled again: “Wait a minute, I want to say something else, I want to report, I want to report this guy Nakajima for selling company secrets, and he also talked to a criminal The organization is involved, it’s the white-haired murderer you wanted before!”


Officer Memu, Conan and others all shrank their pupils and quickly recalled the arrogant guy in the Moon Shadow Island incident.

Only Nakajima’s face turned extremely pale in an instant: “Idiot, if you are looking for death, don’t take me with you!”

“What’s going on? Let him go and let him explain clearly!”

Under the roar of Officer Megure, the policemen on both sides of Takeshita let go of him and gave him a certain amount of space.

“Just now, this guy Nakajima took me to the safe passage. I saw that guy. He said that my bomb killed his companions, and asked Nakajima to take the box and take it from inside. Got a document!”

Takeshita looked at Nakajima with a happy face and told all what he had discovered, with the words “Come to hell with me” written on his face.

Of course, Nakajima was not the only one who was affected by Takeshita’s words.

Officer Memu roared angrily and asked his subordinates to seal the entrance and exit, and started investigating from the safe passage. As for Conan, his pupils were trembling.

Is that guy really a member of the black organization? Damn it, is he actually Bourbon? If not, what is his relationship with Bourbon?

After some orders, several policemen who went to the safe passage also ran back.

“Officer, no one was found in the safe passage, but… we found this.”


Officer Memu took the small note from the policeman with some doubts, opened it and said, “I left you a gift, brilliant fireworks?”

Conan, who had his ears straightened, frowned slightly when he heard this. Is this another attempt to scare people with a bomb? No normal person would think that it could succeed a second time, right?


Sure enough, after reading the words on the note, Officer Memu sneered disdainfully: “This guy, do you plan to use the same method twice? Do you really think I would be so stupid as to fall down in the same pit twice?” Second-rate?”

After snorting coldly, out of caution, Officer Memu ordered the police officers to pay attention to the presence of explosives while investigating suspicious persons.

Then, Officer Megure returned his attention to Nakajima: “Mr. Nakajima, don’t you think you have something to say?”


Nakajima pursed his lips in despair. Considering that he had no way to escape, instead of insisting on imposing a large amount of punishment, it would be better to serve the crime and make meritorious service. He opened his mouth and prepared to confess everything: “Actually, I don’t know much about them. I just know that they… …”


Conan, who was listening to Nakajima’s explanation of the situation with a solemn expression, suddenly moved his ears and looked around in confusion. This seemed to be the sound of… snapping his fingers?


The next second, two loud noises burst out at the same time. Before everyone could react, two groups of fire, which were large or small, had already emerged from the backs of Takeshita and Nakajima’s necks, covering their bodies. The head is shocking.

“It’s a bomb!!!”

“Evacuate quickly, evacuate!!!”

Officer Megure’s eyes widened and he kept shouting. The gossips in the hall who were just watching the show also screamed and ran away.

A scene similar to that on Moon Shadow Island reappeared again.

But it was different from that time. This time, there was a real bomb.

This was beyond the expectations of everyone familiar with the matter, especially the location where the bomb was planted. It was so… strange.

Sano’s mouth curled up slightly, then he picked up Conan who was stunned and evacuated.

Yes, Takeshita and Nakajima both had bombs planted by Sano through the explosive gloves.

Sano had no intention of keeping these two people alive from the beginning, because Nakajima knew the location of a stronghold of the organization, which was something Gin specifically mentioned.

It’s not a big deal for Nakajima to reveal information related to a certain organization, because he has no idea what the organization he is dealing with actually exists.

But if Nakajima were to tell the location of the stronghold, they would be completely different concepts.

Maybe Sano’s behavior of standing by and watching might be treated as a deliberate leak.

As for why he didn’t just silence him through the safe passage…

Of course, this was not Sano’s good intention. He planned to see if Nakajima would leak the secret before deciding whether to silence him or not.

It was because what Sano wanted was for these two people to reveal the appearance of their vests, and then silence them openly in front of the public.


Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story

Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story

Status: Completed Author:


I, Sano Shinichiro, a time traveler, have a system.
Although the system's tasks are very strange, the rewarded equipment is even more... fresh and refined.
For example, a hammer that cannot cause damage, a small electric donkey that can fly quickly, a coat that turns into a roadie when used, sunglasses that cannot distinguish between humans and animals within 500 meters after wearing them, etc...
What, you ask me how to live better in this world?
Sano Shinichiro smiled faintly and put on his vest: "How can you not get stabbed when you are floating in the world? If you want to avoid getting stabbed, you have to open a trumpet. The more vests I have, the more slutty I will be. I will wave the flag of the winery."
When Akai Shuichi asked Conan what he thought of the black organization, Conan responded like this: The black organization? Although they act a little rough, they are all good people... Wait, which black organization are you asking about?


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