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Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story — Chapter 129 128, belated induction training

what is this?

What is the difference between this and the police cultivating evil forces to boost their own performance?

Facing the strange looks from Gin and Vodka, Sano was about to explain, but the host on the TV continued to report.

“At the end of this explosion and murder case, the criminal Takeshita and the original victim, Nakajima, who was suspected of selling company secrets, were all silenced and died in the explosion. Moreover, their deaths were related to Bai Shi who was wanted some time ago. Related to the man in the black hat…”


Silence is still silence, silence is tonight’s gin and vodka.

“Rye, you better give me an explanation.”

Gin looked at Sano coldly: “I should have told you that the organization’s principle is to keep a low profile.”

Good guy, if this hadn’t happened to be broadcast on TV, Gin would not have known how to imagine the expression on his face when he came home and learned through the newspaper that Sano’s “silence” was actually a bomb.

“I also want to keep a low profile, but the situation doesn’t allow it.”

Regarding this, Sano looked innocent: “There were police all around at that time. It was different from the time on Moon Shadow Island. If I messed up, I would be caught easily.”

If you co-author this, it doesn’t count as messing around? ?

Gin took a deep breath and felt that his brain was a little confused. After taking a deep breath, he asked coldly: “Where did the bomb come from?”


Gin’s breath suddenly stagnated: “Can you still make bombs?”

Sano touched the back of his head, showed a shy smile, then raised the thumb and index finger of his right hand and gestured: “You know how to throw it away.”

Well, Sano doesn’t know how to make bombs, but if he says he can’t do it, he can indeed conjure up some bombs anytime and anywhere.

So since Gin asked this, Sano felt that he should compromise a little bit, neither being particularly good at it nor not at all.

It happens to be in line with the traditional virtues of modesty and low-keyness among large flower growers.

After hearing Sano’s answer, Gin took a sip of wine.

He has strong close combat skills, has a large number of subordinates to collect intelligence, has strong stealth ability, seems to be confident in his close range shooting, has certain reasoning ability and has become famous as a detective, can disguise himself, and can make homemade bombs… …

Compare Column, who was thrown into the sea by passers-by, and Tequila, who was blown up by passers-by… Bear with me, this is a good boy.


Gin put down his glass: “There won’t be a next time.”

“Okay, Lord Gin.”

Sano happily agreed.

“By the way, come here tomorrow afternoon. I need to make a full assessment of your abilities and formulate a corresponding improvement plan.”

Before leaving, Gin stopped Sano and said this.

Is this going to be on-the-job training?

Even though he has been joining the organization for a long time and has even climbed to a very high position?

Sano didn’t say anything more, but still nodded happily.

The day after the Mantian explosion.

Sano changed his vest early and waited for cocktails.

“Ding Lingling!”

The bartender behind the counter put down his glass, answered the phone, and then looked at Sano: “Master Gin is waiting for you downstairs.”

“Oh, thanks.”

Sano drank the rest of the coffee milk in one gulp, put on the passerby hat he had put aside, and got up and went downstairs.

It was still the familiar black car. Gin, who was sitting in the back seat, lowered the window and raised his chin slightly to signal Sano to get in the car.

After driving for half an hour, the vehicle arrived in front of a villa in a relatively remote area.

“This is a safe spot. Only the core members know about it. The basement is a training ground. It can barely be regarded as a logistics supply point.”


Gin took Sano into the villa, came to the basement entrance door, and opened the door through his palm prints.

“Remember to enter your palm print here later.”


After entering the gate, what caught Sano’s eyes was an empty room that was five meters high and at least the size of a dozen football fields…a room, let’s call it a room.

There are no decorations in the room. There are just a few boxes in the corner, rows of various firearms and cold weapons, a few tables, and a few instruments that look like projectors for unknown purposes. .

Gin came to a table and sat down: “For operational personnel and intelligence personnel, there are only a few aspects that need to be paid attention to. One is close combat ability, including fighting skills, dagger use, etc.”

“I have personally experienced your melee combat ability before, so there is no need to test it again. I just want to remind you that although your physical ability is excellent, your skills can be said to be a mess.”

“You need to learn some skills from scratch. There are instruments for training melee skills over there, and there are instructions next to them. You can practice them when you have time. Although it will take a lot of time to start from scratch, in other words, it will be very easy to improve. quick.”

Sano glanced at the projector pointed by Gin. Although he didn’t quite understand why that thing could improve melee skills, he still said “oh”.

“The second point is stealth technology. I have seen this before, and you have used it to accomplish many… feats. Although I don’t quite understand how you achieved such a flawed technique, I also I won’t ask too much, you can go there and practice if necessary.”

Sano took another look at the projector that Gin just said could improve fighting skills.

That thing can improve fighting skills, but it can also improve stealth skills.


Gin suddenly frowned: “You only know how to answer.”

Sano blinked, thought for a moment and replied, “Yes.”

Gin was silent for a moment, and for a moment he didn’t realize whether Sano’s answer meant that he really could only say oh, or whether it meant that he could say yes in addition to oh.

“The third point is shooting at close range.”

Gin wisely ignored the topic, stood up and walked to the instruments. Sano followed closely. After watching the other party operate for a while, a dozen more figures appeared in the empty room.

“Oh, this is it?”

Sano stepped forward to touch one of the men in black out of curiosity, but his palm passed through the middle of the other person’s body, bringing out a snowflake.

“Projection technology?”


After Gin signaled Sano to come back, he suddenly drew his gun and fired continuously. In less than three seconds, one magazine had been emptied by Gin. Twelve bullets passed through the heads of the figures and dissipated one after another. What came out was twelve humanoid silhouettes standing side by side.

These twelve human figures seem to represent the twelve people just projected. A red dot can be clearly seen on the head of each silhouette, and above the head is a “death” mark.


Sano exclaimed in admiration again: “It’s amazing. In less than three seconds, all twelve shots were killed instantly?”

If you are someone who has really understood shooting, you will basically know that in the eyes of most laymen, you will die immediately if you are hit by a bullet. In fact, you will not die immediately after being shot. It is the consciousness that will still remain for a while.

Just like many experiments have shown that after a person’s head is cut off or his heart is penetrated, it often takes a few seconds before he truly loses consciousness.

Therefore, the instant kill that veterans are accustomed to will only aim at two places, one is the back of the person’s neck, and the other is the T-shaped area, also called the tunnel, or the almond. This requires accuracy in aiming and shooting. Very high.

Of course, there are also many high-power bullets, the kind that can directly blow a hole in the body, and the accuracy requirements will be much lower, but that still depends on the gunman’s control of the firearm.

After all, the more powerful the firearm, the more difficult it is to control the accuracy of aiming, which is a double-edged sword.

In addition, whether the enemy will make other counterattacks because they are not killed immediately depends on the person. There are also many people who will directly lose their ability to fight due to pain and fear even if they are only hit in non-fatal parts.

Finally, if you simply want to kill the target, the requirements for the target location will be much lower.

For example, the famous Mozambique shooting method, that is, two shots in the chest and one shot in the head, seems to be close to the so-called last hit, but in fact there is a certain difference.

Because its main purpose is to prevent the target from being saved even if it receives subsequent medical assistance – it can effectively expand the enemy’s death-to-injury ratio.

But no matter what, Gin’s shooting technique of instantly killing twelve people in three seconds is absolutely terrifying. At least this is the first time Sano has seen it in his life – maybe he is short-sighted.

“Come and try it.”

Gin didn’t say anything about his results, he just changed the magazine and threw the gun to Sano.

Sano caught the gun and after operating the instrument a little unfamiliarly, twelve men in black appeared again.

This time, Sano did not hold the gun with one hand like he had done twice before. Instead, he held the gun with both hands and aimed carefully.


“Bang bang bang…”

As the fire continued, Sano put down his gun, looked at the projection interface in front of him, and couldn’t help but slowly hit a few points.

Among the twelve humanoid outlines, only three have red dots on their heads, and the other six are on the neck, shoulders, and chest.

Sano carefully scanned back and forth twice, and finally determined the hits of only nine of the twelve figures.

This also means that Sano’s three more shots missed the target directly.


Gin was silent for a moment and couldn’t help but ask: “How dare you take a gun that night?”

What Gin was referring to was, of course, the night when Sano had just obtained the passerby hat as a reinforcement and went to support him and Vodka.

That time, Sano had a rare temper tantrum. He picked up a gun and looked like he was going to attack Gin if he disagreed with her.

When Gin saw the situation, he thought that Sano would be very confident in his close-range shooting skills, but…


Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story

Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story

Status: Completed Author:


I, Sano Shinichiro, a time traveler, have a system.
Although the system's tasks are very strange, the rewarded equipment is even more... fresh and refined.
For example, a hammer that cannot cause damage, a small electric donkey that can fly quickly, a coat that turns into a roadie when used, sunglasses that cannot distinguish between humans and animals within 500 meters after wearing them, etc...
What, you ask me how to live better in this world?
Sano Shinichiro smiled faintly and put on his vest: "How can you not get stabbed when you are floating in the world? If you want to avoid getting stabbed, you have to open a trumpet. The more vests I have, the more slutty I will be. I will wave the flag of the winery."
When Akai Shuichi asked Conan what he thought of the black organization, Conan responded like this: The black organization? Although they act a little rough, they are all good people... Wait, which black organization are you asking about?


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