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Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story — Chapter 13 13. The extremely vulgar bourbon, the ungrateful gin

“Is your depression still gone?”

Of course, after hearing this answer, Sano’s brows frowned even more tightly.

Is it really a psychological problem, but what the hell is depression?

Why didn’t you find the illness report in the room?

“To be honest, when I couldn’t contact you for a while, I was really panicked. Even when I went to look for you, no one opened the door. If I hadn’t seen the unthrown garbage at the door, I would have really panicked. I thought you did that again, and I almost called the police.”

The head teacher sighed, took a few steps forward, smiled and touched Sano’s head: “Well, all in all, only by living can you have hope, right?”

Sano stupidly watched as the head teacher left after giving him a mouthful of chicken soup.

And… that?

What does it mean?

Although the homeroom teacher had just made the Riddler again, Sano still roughly guessed what the other party was talking about.

Predecessor, committed suicide?

Did the head teacher find out?

This is really… quite silly.

Sano shook his head and didn’t pay too much attention to it. His predecessor was his predecessor, and he was him. Apart from an identity setting, there was nothing else in common between the two, so there was no need to care about those little things.

After the mission was completed, Sano, who was originally a little depressed because of Suzuki Sonoko, suddenly became much more relaxed.

And now there was no need to stay any longer. Sano immediately walked briskly towards the stairs, preparing to go home and rest.

But what neither Sano nor the head teacher noticed was that from the moment they started talking, there were two little heads at the corner at the other end of the corridor.

It is true that it was Suzuki Sonoko who came to eavesdrop because of uneasy conscience, and Mao Lilan who was forced to come here by Suzuki Sonoko even though she felt that eavesdropping was not good.

After hearing that Sano would not be fired, the two people were relieved and prepared to leave immediately.

But who would have thought that at the very end, the head teacher would reveal such a big thing…

“Senior, he…”

Mao Lilan quickly grabbed Suzuki Sonoko and said with a serious face: “This matter must not be spread, otherwise someone in the class will definitely look at the senior in a strange way. I think the head teacher must also think so, so he will never Said.”

“Of course, I’m not stupid!”

Suzuki Sonoko stared, trying to express that she was not the kind of person who gossiped.

Sano is a little panicked now, well actually very panicked.

I want to ask why Sano, who had just returned home happily, was so panicked.

Then you have to ask what the guy who hid behind Sano’s house and pointed a gun at his head from behind as soon as he came in was thinking.

Zuo Yezhong probably knew where this person came from.

Ninety-nine point ninety-nine percent, the long-haired man and the man in sunglasses from the night before were the same group.

After all, judging from the fact that the two people strived to make the death next door natural enough, it was absolutely impossible to keep such a big flaw like Sano alive.

It’s just that the person next door who died just the day before yesterday dies again today, especially if he was obviously murdered, then the condition of “naturalness” itself does not exist.

Therefore, in Sano’s opinion, it is impossible for the other party to take action in a short period of time. Staying near the crime scene may be a better choice. Running away casually may be more dangerous.

In addition, Sano has been busy in the past two days, with two tasks coming in succession. Last night, he was involved in a murder case because of following him. Naturally, he has no time to move and run away, and of course, he has no money.

“How did you know my identity?”

Sano raised his hands sincerely again, but he was really curious. That night he was wearing a special attack suit, with a mask covering half of his face, and his hairstyle was changed. How did the other party know that person was Sano?

“Huh, although Gin’s description is indeed not clear enough, you seem to have forgotten that you are the only man in this house whose height, build, and voice correspond to the age range.”


The long-haired guy from that night?

As for the man in sunglasses, there is nothing to care about just a ponyboy.

The man who pointed the gun at Sano’s head chuckled: “What’s more, your special attack suit is too obvious. I didn’t even need to turn it over to see it. I can only say that you are still too young.”

After Sano heard the other party’s reason, he was stunned for a moment, and then smiled to himself.

“Okay, let’s just tell you what you want from me.”

The expression on Sano’s face returned to calmness, and he was thinking in his mind whether, with this body without a special attack suit, he could take down the opponent before he pulled the trigger.

The conclusion is…the success rate is 0.0001%, so let’s find another way out.

“If you want to silence me, you shouldn’t do it at my home. Even if you are at home, you should poison me or shoot me directly. You shouldn’t talk so much nonsense.”

“You are quite smart.”

The man’s voice also turned cold: “It’s also thanks to you not talking to the police yesterday that you have an opportunity to join our peripheral team. Only in this way can we rest assured about you.”

“Peripheral team.”

Sano nodded, this was to pull him onto the pirate ship.

“Of course I have no problem. After all, the gun is still pointed at my head. It would be bad to refuse such a warm invitation, but you must at least tell me what the hell you are joining, right?”

“It doesn’t look like a Yakuza organization, so it’s a killer organization?”

“You don’t have to worry about it. You just need to know that whatever we ask you to do, you just do it and wait at the entrance of Mihua Park at twelve o’clock in the evening.”

The feeling of the gun muzzle on Sano’s head disappeared, but he could still feel that the other party’s gun muzzle was still pointed at his head.

“You’re already here, at least tell me your name?”

Sensing that the other party was probably about to leave, Sano asked politely.

“Oh, what, are you going to wait until you become an old member and then take revenge on me?”

In the sound of the door opening, the man faintly left a few words: “My name is Bourbon.”

Gin, bourbon, what is this code name?

Sano turned around and looked at the closed door faintly, and then looked away after a while.

“Hey, the system task has been triggered. Please participate in a school class. If you complete it, you will get 10 strengthening points. The remaining time of the task is – 3:59:59.”

“Hey, the system task has been triggered. Please be promoted to become a core member of the winery. If you complete it, you will get 300 strengthening points. The remaining time of the task is – 719:59:59.”

Sano, who was walking in, paused and raised his eyebrows in surprise.

It’s another dual mission, but this time, the content of the former mission is a bit intriguing, and the word “winery” in the latter mission is also a bit interesting.

Is this the name of the organization Gin and Bourbon are a part of?

The duration of the mission is so long, a whole month, and it seems to be quite difficult. After all, the rewards are so high.

Sano narrowed his eyes, turned off the system again, got up again and set off back to school.

Really, if this previous mission were triggered earlier, wouldn’t there be no need to run one more time? It would also allow the guy who refused to let me even look at him even at the end to squat behind the door. afternoon.

The extremely vulgar bourbon, the gin with no martial ethics.

Sano remembered these two people, and remembered them fiercely.


Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story

Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story

Status: Completed Author:


I, Sano Shinichiro, a time traveler, have a system.
Although the system's tasks are very strange, the rewarded equipment is even more... fresh and refined.
For example, a hammer that cannot cause damage, a small electric donkey that can fly quickly, a coat that turns into a roadie when used, sunglasses that cannot distinguish between humans and animals within 500 meters after wearing them, etc...
What, you ask me how to live better in this world?
Sano Shinichiro smiled faintly and put on his vest: "How can you not get stabbed when you are floating in the world? If you want to avoid getting stabbed, you have to open a trumpet. The more vests I have, the more slutty I will be. I will wave the flag of the winery."
When Akai Shuichi asked Conan what he thought of the black organization, Conan responded like this: The black organization? Although they act a little rough, they are all good people... Wait, which black organization are you asking about?


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