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Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story — Chapter 130 129. Gin: What kind of outrageous statement is this?

That’s it? ? ?

Not to mention mediocre, it can be said to be just a little better than a beginner.

Even if you are a beginner with some talent, you may not be worse than Sano after practicing for two or three days.

Where did he get the courage and confidence to hold a gun?

Sano was also a little embarrassed. In fact, his shooting skills were really not that bad.

Although Sano didn’t think he could match the pervert Gin’s performance just now, but at least he should still be at the level of a junior master.

Sano’s shooting was taught by an old policeman who had retired for a long time in his previous life. Although the training time was not long, he practiced it day and night for more than half a month, not to mention the practice afterwards, so it was certainly not bad.

Even now with the dynamic vision blessing of this body abnormality, it should be considered very good.

But the real problem with this shooting was that Sano failed to hold down the gun.

Of course, this refers to serious gun pressure.

And the reason why the shooting skills are not bad but cannot suppress the gun is simply because…this body is too weak without the special attack suit and cannot control the recoil at all.

“Forget it, you don’t use the gun very much anyway. It’s up to you whether you practice or not.”

Gin frowned: “Originally, the fourth point was long-distance sniping, but I see your close-range shooting skills, I’m afraid it won’t be much better, so I won’t take a test. I still have missions and I’ll leave first. , you can practice here by yourself.”

“Okay Gin-sama.”

Sano watched Gin leave, then started to try again excitedly.

Although it was a bit embarrassing just now, this kind of realistic projection shooting practice is much more fun than any online shooting game.

After fumbling around with the instrument, Sano even discovered a mode that could carry out actual combat simulations. The scene could be switched at will, the weapons could be chosen at will, and the number of enemies could be set at will.

It’s simply a different kind of Sword Art Online SAO!

Sano, who played games all night, slept until dusk the next day. If Mao Lilan hadn’t called him, he might have slept until later.

And Mao Lilan’s call to Sano was nothing serious, just to inform him that there was an exam tomorrow.

Well, midterm exam.

Please, how could he, a core member of Sano’s criminal organization, the messenger of justice and the leader of Tokyo’s largest criminal organization, waste his energy on a midterm exam?

Besides, the timeline of this world keeps jumping around. It says there is an exam tomorrow, but maybe it will be winter tomorrow…

Sano suddenly fell silent.

This logic doesn’t seem right.

Although the timeline of this world is wrong, Sano is the only one who will be affected, and everyone else is still normal.

In other words, although tomorrow may jump several months in time, as long as others say what day tomorrow is, then tomorrow will definitely be that day.

…Forget it, it doesn’t matter, missing an exam is not a big deal anyway.

The next second.

“Hey, the system task has been triggered.”

[Please complete this midterm exam. You will receive thirty strengthening points upon completion. The remaining time for the task is – 47:59:59].

Sano: “…”

Abba, Abba Abba.

Sano sighed and lay down again. It didn’t matter. Anyway, the system only required him to complete the exam, and it didn’t say whether he had to pass or not.

Just fool it and that’s it.

So Sano staggered to school the next day with a pen.

“Senior, senior!”

Sano glanced at Suzuki Sonoko, who was waving to him from a few classrooms away, and then looked at the class in front of him. Just when he was wondering if he hadn’t been to school for a while and didn’t even recognize the class anymore, Suzuki Sonoko shouted again. .

“Come here, senior, you are in the same examination room as me and sit behind me!”

…Tsk, it’s so troublesome that even the mid-term exams have to be conducted in separate examination rooms, even though the school in my previous life seemed to be like this too.

After scratching his head, Sano walked towards Suzuki Sonoko and was arranged to sit in his seat without asking anything.

“How about it, senior? Did you review last night?”

Suzuki Sonoko turned around on the bench and chatted with Sano.

Sano, on the other hand, snorted perfunctorily: “Review? Who would be a serious person to review? Are those who review serious?”

What’s more, Sano has never even studied, so how can he review it?

“Ah? Then you’re not worried about failing the exam?”

Suzuki Sonoko said worriedly.

Failing the class… Sano was a little surprised that this nightmare that had troubled him for many years in college would reappear in high school.

The neon student’s nightmare began too early.

Sano shook his head and asked casually: “What, will there be any bad consequences for failing the exam? Will I be expelled?”

“That’s not the case.”

Suzuki Sonoko shook her head: “I just have to make up the exam.”

“Just make up the exam, it’s no big deal.”

Sano shrugged nonchalantly.

“But if you fail the re-examination, you have to continue to take the re-examination until you pass the re-examination.”

After Suzuki Sonoko blinked, she seemed to have discovered what Sano really cared about, and added: “The make-up exam is actually not a big deal. The problem is that if you don’t even come for the make-up exam, you will really be expelled.”

Um? ? ?

Hearing this, Sano also blinked.

Wait a minute, something doesn’t seem right, think about it a little bit.

The current situation is that although whether you fail the exam or not will not affect your normal schooling, and the system tasks do not indicate the need not to fail the exam, once you fail the exam, you will fall into a never-ending cycle.

There’s nothing wrong with the cycle, it’s just that it’s a waste of time, and if you don’t follow it, you’ll lose your student status, that is, you’ll lose a steady source of income from reinforcement points.

…But the problem is how could Sano not die! ?

“Okay, everyone, sit back down. The exam is about to begin.”

It happened that the invigilator walked into the class at this time, and Suzuki Sonoko could only sit upright and go back.

When the test paper was handed out, Sano bit his pen and stared at the paper for a long time. Well, sure enough, although he knew every word, he couldn’t understand it when they were put together.

There is no other way but to find another strange way.

Sano observed the invigilator with his peripheral vision, and after confirming that the attention was not on him, he immediately tore off a corner of the draft paper he was given, wrote a few words, crumpled it into a ball, and poked Suzuki Sonoko in front of him on the back.


Suzuki Sonoko didn’t dare to look back, she just looked up at the invigilator, quietly stretched her hand behind her back, and caught the paper ball handed by Sano.

What is it, Masaka, a love letter? ?

Suzuki Sonoko’s heart was pounding. She didn’t know whether it was because of the thought just now, or because she was afraid of being discovered if she made small moves in the examination room.

With excitement and anxiety, Suzuki Sonoko spread out the ball of paper – “Give me the answer to the multiple choice question.”

Suzuki Sonoko: “…”


After an operation, Sano got the answer from the cautious Suzuki Sonoko.

Looking at the row of English letters on the note, Sano turned the penholder but did not start writing immediately.

Nonsense, Sano is not a fool, of course he can’t copy it directly. How could he make the same mistake twice?

Who would believe the answer given by Suzuki Sonoko, a scumbag who is no worse than himself?

When Sano asked for Suzuki Sonoko’s answer, he just wanted to eliminate a wrong answer.

Although this is a bit unreliable, as long as one wrong answer is eliminated based on Suzuki Sonoko’s answer, the probability of choosing the correct answer among the remaining three answers must be higher than choosing one out of four!

After exhaling, Sano began to write “swish”.

Soon the day was over.

And Sano, who followed the same pattern as the first exam and quickly completed all today’s exams with the help of tool man Suzuki Sonoko, slept for almost the whole day, now just feels refreshed and energetic.

So Sano did not go home immediately, but moved to a safe spot to play games again.

It should still be the same the next day.

But this time Suzuki Sonoko stopped Sano before parting.

“Senior, are you free tomorrow and the day after tomorrow?”

Sano thought for a while: “You probably have to tell me what it is first, so that I can know whether I have time.”

Suzuki Sonoko choked for a moment: “That’s right, I’m having a party with my sister’s club friends from college, so I wanted to ask if the seniors are interested in coming over. By the way, the location is a villa in the mountains.”

Sano touched his chin: “Conan is going too.”

“…I haven’t told Xiaolan yet. I plan to talk tomorrow. But if she comes, she probably should take that brat with her.”

“Then I should have time, detailed time and place.”

“No, senior, just leave with me tomorrow.”

“Let’s go together?”

Suzuki Sonoko nodded: “Yes, because the results will be out tomorrow, we will only have half a day of classes. We are going to go there in the afternoon… Senior, won’t you come to school tomorrow?”

“…It’s okay to come.”

Considering that it wouldn’t be good to ride in other people’s cars and ask them to take a detour to pick him up, Sano decided to come to school for a half-day class tomorrow morning and completely decided on his departure method for tomorrow before continuing to a safe place.

However, when Sano came to a safe spot wearing a vest, he unexpectedly saw the shadow of Gin’s classic car outside the villa. When he looked carefully, only Vodka was sitting on it.

…What’s going on, where’s Gin?

After tilting his neck, Sano came to the underground training ground and saw Gin who seemed to be waiting for him.

“What’s wrong? Do you have a mission? This is it.”

Gin had already noticed Sano coming in. He blew out a puff of smoke and asked an unexpected question: “I saw your training records for the past two days, and there is no progress at all.”

Sano: “…”

Did this guy wait for me to come over just to ridicule him? ?

Not getting an answer, Gin didn’t care, but continued to ask: “It seems that the close combat ability training is only done once. Is there anything wrong with it?”

“…Ah, that stuff isn’t fun, cough cough, it’s just not very effective, so I didn’t practice it.”

After Sano instinctively spoke, he felt something was wrong and quickly changed his words.


Gin frowned and used his eyes to signal Sano to elaborate.

“Well, after all, the training method of this thing is nothing more than practicing through projection. But close combat is no better than shooting and sneaking. There is no real feeling when punching it. How can it be effective?”

Sano’s words are not nonsense. After all, in boxing training, there is indeed a saying that dry striking practice is not good.

The training equipment in the underground training ground is completely based on projection technology. Let’s not talk about shooting. The training of stealth technology is reasonable for the time being. Various data calculations can be used to provide the results of whether the person in stealth has been discovered. .

It’s just about close combat, which is not interesting at all.

After all, it’s still not as good as SAO…

After listening to Sano’s explanation, Gin nodded thoughtfully: “Well, that makes sense. In that case, I will personally help you train in melee combat.”


As soon as Sano was confused, Gin was already approaching quickly and punched Huanglong directly.

Although Sano tried his best to dodge, he was still hit in the stomach by the second punch that followed.

The severe pain forced Sano to squat down and sit down gradually. A breath of cold air was stuck in his throat and he could not swallow it or spit it out. He almost retched directly.

This guy, with no respect for martial arts, actually made a sneak attack!

Zuo Ye cursed secretly and sent greetings to all the eighteen generations of Gin’s ancestors.

Gin obviously didn’t expect Sano to fall down after the second punch. He looked at his fist in surprise. This is wrong. Is Sano that weak, or has his strength improved a lot?

After the accident, Gin looked at Sano again, planning to pull him up and try again.

Seeing that Sano was still unwilling to continue, he quickly stopped: “Wait a minute, wait a minute while I go put on some clothes!”

Gin: “…?”

What outrageous statement is this?


Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story

Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story

Status: Completed Author:


I, Sano Shinichiro, a time traveler, have a system.
Although the system's tasks are very strange, the rewarded equipment is even more... fresh and refined.
For example, a hammer that cannot cause damage, a small electric donkey that can fly quickly, a coat that turns into a roadie when used, sunglasses that cannot distinguish between humans and animals within 500 meters after wearing them, etc...
What, you ask me how to live better in this world?
Sano Shinichiro smiled faintly and put on his vest: "How can you not get stabbed when you are floating in the world? If you want to avoid getting stabbed, you have to open a trumpet. The more vests I have, the more slutty I will be. I will wave the flag of the winery."
When Akai Shuichi asked Conan what he thought of the black organization, Conan responded like this: The black organization? Although they act a little rough, they are all good people... Wait, which black organization are you asking about?


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not work with dark mode