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Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story — Chapter 132 131, I see her eyebrows are darkened, fearing a bloody disaster

Facing Ota’s ridicule, Chikako Ikeda’s anger that had just subsided rose again: “What did you say!?”

Suzuki Ayako, the organizer of the party, also quickly stood up and acted as peacemaker, saying that she would make dinner and let everyone rest first. Fatty Takahashi said that he was going outside to repair the roof, because It may rain at night.

After Takahashi went out, Kakutani started calling others to play cards, but Chikako Ikeda, who was in a bad mood, left the table and prepared to leave the villa, saying she was going for a walk. Kakutani could only put aside other things temporarily and followed.

Sano sat on the sofa nearby and watched the exchanges between these people.

Judging from the current situation, Sano believes that there is a high probability that something will happen to this group of people, and the person who died should be either Chikako Ikeda or Ohta, because these two people have a bright taunting halo.

According to Sano’s experience of being affected by Conan so far, generally speaking, such people will die relatively quickly. Well, the reason may be related to the person who died two years ago.

Sano watched Chikako Ikeda leave, and Suzuki Sonoko on the side saw this and immediately came over: “Why, senior, do you like the type of Chikako sister? Hey, you did seem to have said that you like short hair before.”

“No, I like short hair, but hers is too short, her appearance is too low, and her temper is bad.”

Sano denied Suzuki Sonoko’s gossip speculation, which made the other party a little disappointed.

“Then why is Brother Sano staring at that sister?”

Conan also came over to join in the fun.

Sano lit a cigarette and faintly exhaled a white dragon: “Because I see a faint black energy lingering between her eyebrows. I’m afraid there will be a bloody disaster recently.”

Suzuki Sonoko, Conan, and Mao Lilan, who just came over, all looked stiff.

“No, it can’t be…”

“Ha, hahaha, senior really loves to watch jokes…”

“Why do you say that? Brother Sano, is it intuition again? Didn’t you really see something?”

Sano stopped replying, but he was not just being careless. Although there are currently suspects as victims… There are two people with a higher probability of death, but Chikako Ikeda’s behavior of running around in the dark late at night made him suspect as a victim. Great improvement in Sano.

What’s more, there is the report of the Cyan Kingdom that I accidentally saw in the newspaper. Well, Sano seriously suspects that what is going to happen here may be a serial murder case. There is a high probability that Chikako Ikeda will be the first to sacrifice to heaven.

Not long after Chikako Ikeda and Kakutani went out, bursts of thunder could be heard faintly outside the villa. The sky, which was only getting dark at first, seemed to turn completely dark all of a sudden, and the sound of rain poured into the villa.

“Sure enough, it’s still raining.”

Mao Lilan and Conan stood in front of the window admiring the rain.

“Hey, Xiaolan, how do you feel about that boy?”

At this time, Suzuki Sonoko couldn’t sit still and ran to Mao Lilan, pointing to Ota who was leaning on the wall and watching the rain scene on the other side, smoking a cigarette and pretending to be cool: “Handsome with a bit of coldness, I like this type of person the best. Oh!”

Aren’t you handsome? Just cross it out and say you are a pretty boy.

Zuo Ye, who was forced to eavesdrop, muttered.

“Hehe, you only have Shinichi in your heart. It’s a pity that he couldn’t come here with you. Do you really want to punch him in the face?”

Suzuki Sonoko teased Mao Lilan again, causing the little girl to retort shyly, while Conan underneath showed dead fish eyes, and when Sano’s eyes turned around, he broke into a cold sweat again.

Damn it, this guy Sano is really indebted. This type of guy really can’t make people worry about whether the other party will suddenly cheat him at some point in time. He was too careless before and actually directly attacked the other party. Confessed everything.

Conan felt regretful in his heart.

“Would you like to go for a walk outside with me?”

Ota didn’t know when he was standing in front of Mao Lilan and Suzuki Sonoko, extending an invitation with his hands in his pockets.

Of course, Suzuki Sonoko nodded ecstatically: “I do, I do!”

However, the next second Ota directly pressed against Mao Lilan, forcing Mao Lilan to retreat and lean against the wall. After that, he made a very irritating “dong”: “Anyway, you’re fine.”

That’s right, the person Ohta invited was not Suzuki Sonoko, but Maori Ran.


Sano couldn’t help but laugh, which instantly made Sonoko Suzuki, who looked like a nymphomaniac just now, feel even more ashamed. As for Conan, this kid was now jealous.

“But, it’s raining outside now…”

Mao Lilan said with some embarrassment, trying to politely refuse the other party, but it was obvious that Ota, a veteran of flowers, was far more shameless than she expected.

“Oh, it feels like walking in the rain, but it’s also very nice. Let’s go.”

After saying that, Ota directly took Mao Lilan’s hand and ran out.

Suzuki Sonoko and Conan, two guys, one big and one small, gritted their teeth and looked at their backs. There were faint angry flames emerging behind them, and then they chased after them.

For a moment, it seemed that Sano was the only person still in the villa.

…I am considered to have been left out.

After Sano looked around, he suddenly remembered that there was another person in the villa.

Suzuki Ayako narrowed her eyes.

Let’s go test it out and see if the other party is a hidden monster.

In the woods outside the villa, Conan and Suzuki Sonoko followed Mao Lilan and Ohta under umbrellas.

“It’s true, Xiaolan, you already have that guy Shinichi, why are you trying to steal a man from me? If you do this again, I will kidnap Shinichi!”

Suzuki Sonoko said angrily, and Conan, who was quite sympathetic when he heard the first half of the sentence, instantly showed his dead eyes after hearing the second half of the sentence.

Just let him go…

“But, Sister Sonoko.”

Conan finally couldn’t help asking Suzuki Sonoko his most curious question: “I think brother Sano is also very handsome. Why hasn’t sister Sonoko thought of trying him out?”


Suzuki Sonoko touched her chin: “I thought so at first, but then I don’t know why, but I always feel like I want to protect him. Unknowingly, it’s like… raising my senior as my son. Already?”

Suzuki Sonoko laughed dryly: “But that’s what I say, in fact, I occasionally feel that senior seems a bit… afraid of people, with an inexplicable sense of distance. Well, this kind of handsome guy can only be watched from a distance and not played with. Yes, it’s just for eye candy, at least it won’t distort my aesthetic sense.”

Conan showed his dead eyes again. He probably knew why the men Suzuki Sonoko always fell in love with were the pretty boys. It turned out to be Sano’s influence.

“Bandage freak?”

After Sano tested Suzuki Ayako to no avail, he learned from Mao Lilan and his party who had returned to the villa that Mao Lilan had just encountered a mysterious man in a black robe and bandages in the woods. s attack.

And that bandage weirdo, Mao Lilan and Conan happened to see him on the suspension bridge when they just arrived at the villa.

When Suzuki Sonoko asked Ota Kakutani and Ikeda Chikako, who were also in the woods at the time, if the three of them had seen the bandage weirdo, all three of them said they had not seen it. Ikeda Chikako also had a little quarrel with Kakutani.

With the help of peacemaker Suzuki Ayako, the quarrel finally stopped. Ota glanced at the two people, sneered, and said to himself: “These two are finished.”

However, when Suzuki Ayako asked Takahashi if he had seen the bandage weirdo, Takahashi said that when he first came to this villa, he saw a strange person on the suspension bridge.

“I didn’t see his face clearly. I only knew that he was wearing a black cloak and a tulip-shaped black hat on his head.”

Mao Lilan nodded immediately when he heard this: “Yes, the person I saw on the suspension bridge and the person who attacked me in the woods was definitely him!”

After Takahashi said this, Ohta and Kakutani seemed to remember it, and then said that they had seen it around the villa, but they thought they were nearby residents.

But in response, Suzuki Ayako said in surprise that this was impossible, because except for two or three villas around this villa, no one else would live here at all.

A group of people looked at each other and chose to go directly to the police. Only Sano stayed where he was, still imagining what kind of hat a tulip-shaped hat looked like.

Speaking of which, Sano doesn’t even know what tulips look like…

I don’t know what happened after that. Takahashi suddenly shouted and ran out of the villa, and the others followed him. When they came back, Sano realized that the phone seemed to be affected by lightning and could not be called, and the suspension bridge was also suspicious. It was cut off by someone.

“To put it bluntly, we are just trapped. Is that guy planning to kill all of us?”

Sano felt a little strange when he saw Chikako Ikeda and Ayako Suzuki going upstairs together.

Because if nothing else happens, the bandage weirdo should be one of the five people in this film club, and the target of the other party, even if it is not the two people Sano originally guessed, should not be Mao Lilan, who he did not know at all earlier. .

But why, the first person to be attacked would be Mao Lilan…

“Did I make a mistake? The one with the black eyebrows is actually Xiaolan.”

Hearing Sano’s muttering, Mao Lilan froze next to him, and a look of fear appeared on his face, which was already a bit uneasy.

Conan, who was standing next to him, stared at Sano dissatisfied. What was this guy doing to scare his Xiaolan?

Due to various things, the atmosphere in the villa became extremely stiff and dull, so most people chose to go back to their rooms to rest.

However, the Suzuki sisters and Mao Lilan need to stay to cook dinner. Conan continues to be Mao Lilan’s follower and calls it protection. On the second floor is Takahashi who is still repairing the roof.

Only Sano sat on the sofa in the hall and planned to watch.

Of course, Sano planned to get involved in this incident. This was not only because Mao Lilan, a well-behaved and sensible assistant who could provide homework copies and cross-outs at any time, was killed, which would be harmful to Sano, but also because the system had a mission.

[Please find and capture the bandage monster. You will get 100 strengthening points by completing it. The remaining time of the mission is – 22:39:47].

This mission was triggered when Mao Lilan first mentioned the bandage monster.


Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story

Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story

Status: Completed Author:


I, Sano Shinichiro, a time traveler, have a system.
Although the system's tasks are very strange, the rewarded equipment is even more... fresh and refined.
For example, a hammer that cannot cause damage, a small electric donkey that can fly quickly, a coat that turns into a roadie when used, sunglasses that cannot distinguish between humans and animals within 500 meters after wearing them, etc...
What, you ask me how to live better in this world?
Sano Shinichiro smiled faintly and put on his vest: "How can you not get stabbed when you are floating in the world? If you want to avoid getting stabbed, you have to open a trumpet. The more vests I have, the more slutty I will be. I will wave the flag of the winery."
When Akai Shuichi asked Conan what he thought of the black organization, Conan responded like this: The black organization? Although they act a little rough, they are all good people... Wait, which black organization are you asking about?


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