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Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story — Chapter 136 135, I will hang you on Tokyo Tower to watch the scenery

Sano walked up to Takahashi with an indifferent expression: “You can still say that for killing Chikako Ikeda, but can you please tell me that in order to escape punishment, you want to kill someone like Mao Lilan, who has never said a few words, right? I heard that you are still pretending to be dead, trying to take Yuanzi to death together?”

Takahashi suddenly froze there, his eyes evading.

“To be honest, I don’t like to judge other people’s rights and wrongs, and I don’t think I’m qualified to judge.”

“If I have to judge, then I don’t think there’s anything wrong with you avenging your goddess, nor do I think there’s anything wrong with you killing unrelated people to escape punishment, let alone for psychological comfort or anything else. What’s wrong with thinking you’re right?”

Sano suddenly raised his hand and swung the hammer of justice from his sleeve, with a sneer full of mockery on his lips: “But if you are chirping like a disgusting insect in front of someone who was woken up because of you, then I will I can’t bear it anymore.”

“You don’t really think that I stay up so late at night just to calmly reason with you, do you?”

Takahashi’s head was stepped on the ground by Sano, the hammer of justice danced, and wailings came from the villa, as if heartbreaking.

Others in the villa watched Sano keep hitting Takahashi’s torso, but no one stepped forward to stop him.

Mao Lilan and Conan are used to it and know that nothing will happen to Sano if he does this. As Mao Lilan’s best friend, Suzuki Sonoko was persuaded by Sano’s words just now and believed that it was understandable for Takahashi to be taught a lesson. She even retorted after seeing Takahashi being beaten. Feeling refreshed, as for the other film club members…

That’s just because I don’t dare to stop him.

After all, Sano now looks like he’s trying to beat anyone who stops him.

A dead Taoist friend is not a poor Taoist.

Three seconds of silence for Takahashi.

After torturing Takahashi unconscious, Sano and his team finally successfully called the police. With the help of the rescue team led by Officer Megure, they took a helicopter across the cliff without the suspension bridge and left the villa.

And when the helicopter arrived at the villa and saw Sano, Officer Megure couldn’t help but show his dead eyes: “It’s you again, Sano brother, you and Maori brother, are you two taking over the work? “

Sano: “?”

Looking at the question mark on Sano’s face, Officer Megure coughed a little awkwardly, cursing in his heart, why did he say what was in his heart.

In fact, Officer Megure had already complained about the frequent cases where Sano and Kogoro Moori were.

It’s just that the relationship between Officer Megure and Mouri Kogoro can be said to be very familiar, so they often say whatever comes to mind without any taboos.

But Sano and Mouri Kogoro are not different.

Not to mention that the two of them were not particularly familiar with each other, and they needed to pay attention to etiquette and propriety when speaking. Even in order to get Sano’s help when needed, Officer Megure had to build a good relationship between the two.

The Sayuri Matsumoto incident is the best example.

Therefore, of course Officer Megure didn’t want to complain about Sano to his face.

It’s just that I complained a lot in front of Mouri Kogoro in the past two days, and when I saw Sano, I couldn’t react.

Thinking of this, Officer Memu couldn’t help but bury his injustice in his heart, “Brother Maori, you misunderstood me!”

Fortunately, Officer Megure breathed a sigh of relief because Sano did not get angry or anything else because of his previous complaints, but sat there quietly.

…Although after that, Officer Megure had to take the initiative to find Sano because of Takahashi’s injury.

“Brother Sano, you are confused. Why did you kill him this time? This guy’s waist will probably be left with a lifelong disease… Although he deserves it, you will be at a loss if it affects you!”

Then Sano looked at Officer Megure with a heartbroken look on his face, and couldn’t help but ask another question.

“Officer Megure, the injuries on Takahashi’s face and side don’t seem to have anything to do with senior. They were beaten by others.”

Mao Lilan silently raised his hand to speak, causing Officer Memu’s breathing to stagnate for a moment.

“Then who beat him…it couldn’t be you, Xiaolan, right!?”

“It’s black death.”

Conan finally spoke up, and purposely mentioned the appearance of “Black Death” to Officer Memu, so that the other party could leave some people to investigate near the villa.

Although Conan seems to have little hope of finding Black Death.

Because Conan is almost 100% sure that Sano is a black death.

But precisely because of this, Conan wants to find evidence even more.

This is not to put Sano in jail, but to prove that Sano did not die a black man.

Yes, the entanglement in Conan’s heart has disappeared. As a detective, he has always been a loyal supporter of justice and law, even if the prisoner is his good friend, no matter how many personal feelings are involved.

Official business should also be conducted openly.

If we find out the truth and prove that Sano is not dead, everything will be fine.

And if Sano is really dead…

Then he can only be rehabilitated in prison.

Although Black Death did kill someone, considering the influence of various factors at the time, he should have been dealt with leniently.

This idea seems a bit contradictory, but it is the best reflection of Conan’s current mood.

But Officer Memu didn’t pay too much attention to what Conan called “black death”.

Although this matter had attracted great attention from the Metropolitan Police Department earlier, now it has been taken away by the police after all, and Officer Megure is not technically qualified to intervene.

Furthermore, what Officer Megure is most concerned about at the moment is the true culprit behind the “Mantian bombing case” and the “Moon Shadow Island serial murder case” a few days ago.

Compared to this, a man who killed three damned people and took away a billion Maple Leaf gold coins that should have been lost is nothing.

Of course, Sano also noticed the little thoughts behind Conan’s actions. Although he didn’t know the other party’s real thoughts, he was sure that Conan was doubting himself.

There is actually nothing to say about this.

After all, Sano is not a fool. How could he not know that in such an environment, the appearance of the Black Death Vest would arouse suspicion for himself.

Rather, this is Sano’s true purpose.

That’s right, what Sano wants is Conan’s suspicion. Otherwise, without suspicion, where would the “truth” come from?

Not to mention the versatile vest that Sano currently relies on the most, and the blasting gloves that are firmly tied to the rye vest, the most powerful of the remaining enhancements is the special attack suit.

Although this thing is basically the same as the blasting gloves, and even more tightly tied to the black death vest than the blasting gloves, the black death vest is not as “evil” as the rye vest. .

When doing some “good things” that are difficult to achieve with the main body vest, Sano needs this vest to appear.

But just like Sano’s main body vest and rye vest always appear at the same time and place, which can easily arouse suspicion, the appearance of the black death vest also has this problem.

For this reason, Sano must first let Conan know that everyone around him can be sure that Sano and Black Death are not the same person.

Instead of waiting to be suspected later and then trying to find a way to get out, it is better to take the initiative now, which will achieve better results and solve the problem faster.

This time it was just a foreshadowing. Sano couldn’t want the entire plan to be completed from the beginning, as that would be too deliberate.

Conan needs to be more difficult.

When they got off the helicopter, Officer Megure licked his face again and approached Sano: “What about that, Brother Sano, look, you have accumulated another record of the case. Otherwise, today you… give it to me. Cleared?”


Sano turned around and remembered the phone call that Officer Megure made to him before.

…It’s really like debt collection, so annoying.

After scratching his head, Sano said casually: “I really want to be clear about it, but I have something to do today and I really don’t have time.”

Sano wasn’t lying, he did have something to do.

Gin’s close combat training doesn’t end overnight.

According to what Gin said, Sano needs to be trained for at least a week. If he hadn’t accepted Suzuki Sonoko’s invitation to go to this party, he would have been training last night.

“Ah, what can be more important than taking notes? It will be soon. I will take you back together, and we can have lunch together…”

Officer Megure tried hard to persuade, and even tried to use a meal to lure Sano to take notes with him.

But it is a pity that Sano is now a winery cadre with a basic salary of millions. How can he be tested by just one meal?

Which cadre would not be able to withstand such a test?

So Sano only hesitated for less than half a minute, gave up on the meal, quickly took advantage of Officer Megure’s distraction and slipped away, stopped a car and went home.

It’s the next day again.

“Ding Lingling!”

Sano, who was ravaged by gin in the underground training ground until early in the morning and didn’t return home until early in the morning, tried to ignore the ringing of the phone in the entrance and sleep a little longer. Unfortunately, it seemed like there was something urgent on the other side. No one answered the call and he quickly called again. The second pass, then the third pass and the fourth pass.

A rhythm that would not give up until Sano was knocked up.

There’s something wrong with your brain! ?

Sano threw away the quilt and ran to the entrance angrily. Even Gin had to greet the eighteenth generation of his ancestor today!

“Hello, hello, this is Shinichiro Sano. You finally answered the phone. Come out and meet me. I have something to say to you.”

On the other end of the phone was a voice I had never heard before.

“You’d better be in trouble.”

Although he couldn’t see it through the phone, Sano still smiled: “Otherwise, I can’t promise that I won’t kill you.”

As if he sensed the murderous intent in Sano’s words, there was a brief silence on the other end of the phone: “Ahem, well, if you really have something to do, or else…”


Sano straightened the phone cord, his forehead full of veins: “Forget it? How can I forget it? Your accent doesn’t sound like you are from Tokyo. Are you from out of town? Is this your first time in Tokyo? So, tell me Where are you now? I will go find you and take you to enjoy the scenery of Tokyo.”

For example, hang you on the Tokyo Tower to take a bird’s-eye view of Tokyo and enjoy the scenery.


The call was hung up directly, and the smile on Sano’s face became more and more dazzling, which was in sharp contrast with the two blue veins popping out on his forehead.


Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story

Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story

Status: Completed Author:


I, Sano Shinichiro, a time traveler, have a system.
Although the system's tasks are very strange, the rewarded equipment is even more... fresh and refined.
For example, a hammer that cannot cause damage, a small electric donkey that can fly quickly, a coat that turns into a roadie when used, sunglasses that cannot distinguish between humans and animals within 500 meters after wearing them, etc...
What, you ask me how to live better in this world?
Sano Shinichiro smiled faintly and put on his vest: "How can you not get stabbed when you are floating in the world? If you want to avoid getting stabbed, you have to open a trumpet. The more vests I have, the more slutty I will be. I will wave the flag of the winery."
When Akai Shuichi asked Conan what he thought of the black organization, Conan responded like this: The black organization? Although they act a little rough, they are all good people... Wait, which black organization are you asking about?


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