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Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story — Chapter 138 137, here comes the question, will the bonus be given?

Hattori Heiji, who was lying down, immediately stood up when he saw this and said: “Uncle, let me go with you. After all, there are detectives going to the diplomat’s house, but it is easy to cause a scandal. If you go with me, you can still pretend to be father and son. “

“Xiaolan, Sano, will you two come too?”

Sano glanced at Hattori Heiji and was about to refuse, but the next second a prompt came from the system.

[Please let Hattori Heiji feel the difference in strength. After completing it, you will get one hundred strengthening points. The remaining time of the mission is – 5:59:59]

Sano: “…”

Where does the gap in strength come from? This is clearly the gap between cheating players and operating players… Although the upper limits of players’ operations in this game are ridiculously high.


At the same moment, Sano’s cell phone rang. He took it out and saw that it was an email from Gin.

“New mission, to deal with a diplomat. We will take action tomorrow. The relevant information is below. Take a look at it first. I will give you the number of my teammate later.”

Sano: “…”

Isn’t this a coincidence?

“Miss Tsujimura, if I remember correctly, you just said that your husband is a diplomat?”

Tsujimura Kimie, who had put on his sunglasses again, stared at Sano for a few seconds and nodded to confirm.

“Okay, let’s take a walk.”

Hearing Sano’s answer, Hattori Heiji immediately smiled on his face, but Mao Lilan asked with some resistance: “Forget it, senior, why should I go?”

“It’s better to have more people and more companions. And I always feel that if you go, that guy Kudo Shinichi might show up too.”

As soon as Hattori Heiji said these words, Mao Lilan immediately became silent. So, Sano, Hattori Heiji and the three members of the Maori family followed Tsujimura Kimie to a mansion.

There is no mistake, this location is the residence of the mission target given by Gin.

Sano looked at the structure of the mansion as if he were admiring the scenery. Although according to his intuition, something would definitely happen here today, no one knew who the accident would be, so just in case, he decided to check it out in advance. It’s better to come.

“Madam, you are back.”

As soon as I walked in, I saw a middle-aged man in a suit, who should be a butler.

“Well, where is the master now?”

Tsujimura Koe nodded and asked about his husband’s location.

“The master should be in the study now.”

“Okay, I’ll take these friends of the master over to have a chat.”

And just when Tsujimura Kimiji was about to walk upstairs, a “Mom” called out to her. Everyone looked at the sound and saw a man and a woman appear.

The girl among them is exactly the same as the photo of the girl named Sachiko Katsuragi that Kimie Tsujimura gave at the Mori Detective Agency. The man next to her is holding her shoulders. She must be Sachiko Katsuragi’s boyfriend and the son of Kimie Tsujimura.

“Why are you here?”

After seeing Sachiko Katsuragi, Tsujimura Kimie’s face became obviously unhappy.

“I asked him to come.”

The man on the side said: “I think dad has always been too willing to meet Sachiko, so I forced him to meet her.”

Lord Tsujimura snorted, and Sachiko Katsuragi, who was a little embarrassed, changed the subject and said, “Mom, are these your friends?”

“What does this have to do with you!”

The disgust on Mr. Tsujimura’s face was barely concealed: “As a daughter-in-law who has not married yet, I don’t think you have the qualifications to be mean to my mother!”

After saying that, Tsujimura Kimie went directly upstairs, and Sano and his party could only follow. As they were going upstairs, Sano clearly heard the man curl his lips and mutter.

“Tch, it’s just a continuation. What’s so big about it?”

Sano paused for a moment before continuing to follow.


In other words, Tsujimura Kimie is not actually her son’s biological mother?

And it seems that the relationship between the two is not that good. In that case, why does Tsujimura Kimi care so much about his son and daughter-in-law?

Sano narrowed his eyes. Originally, he saw Tsujimura Kamie’s wild taunting expression just now, and thought that the victim this time had already been identified.

Now it seems that things today may not be that simple…

As soon as they got to the second floor, the group bumped into an old man with white hair and a long beard. According to Tsujimura Kojie’s exchange, he should be her father-in-law.

“Axun must have fallen asleep in the study. I just went to call the door and no one opened it. I was planning to go to the Japanese room.”

Axon is the owner of the Tsujimura family, and he is also the target that Sano has just received, diplomat Tsujimura Isao. As for the Japanese room, it should be a place similar to a lounge.

Sano watched Mr. Tsujimura go downstairs, silently collecting clues and traces that might be related to this case.

When he came to the study, there was faint music in the room. Tsujimura Koe knocked on the door and no one answered, so he took out the key and opened the door himself. Then what everyone saw was Noda’s study and the person who was sitting there. A Mediterranean man sleeping soundly behind the desk with his chin propped up.

The first time he entered the study, Sano noticed a strong sense of dissonance.

When everyone else, including Hattori Heiji and Conan, gathered to the side of the machine that was playing music, Sano’s eyes were still fixed on Tsujimura Isao.

“Master, why did you fall asleep here? Wake up quickly.”

Tsujimura Kimie, who had already walked to Tsujimura Isao, pushed him. Sano frowned and felt that the thick pile of books on the table was obstructing his vision. He was about to change his position and continue to observe, but Tsujimura Isao was pushed directly. Fall down.


Amidst the exclamations, Conan and others quickly focused their attention on Isao Tsujimura.

“It’s useless, he’s already dead, call the police!”

Mao Lilan ran to call the police with deft steps, while Sano looked at his target that had become a victim and fell into deep thought…

So now the question is, the mission goal is gone before the mission starts. Will there still be a bonus for this mission?

Although so far, countless people have died in Sano’s mission because of Conan, the god of plague, but in every previous time, Sano has contributed more or less, and this is the only time…

Nothing was done and nothing needed to be done.

Soon, an old acquaintance, Officer Megure, arrived again. When he saw Sano and Mouri Kogoro, he showed his dead eyes: “You two… brothers are actually here.”

They complained about the shift handover before, but now they work together. How can this family be so upset?

“Hahaha, Officer Memu, we meet again.”

Mouri Kogoro licked his face and laughed, and Sano just nodded slightly as a greeting.

“So, how’s it going?”

Officer Megure waved his hand tiredly and asked about the business: “Is it a murder?”

Mouri Kogoro touched his head and smiled: “I can’t say for sure, after all, there were no external injuries on the deceased’s body…”

“It’s poison…”

“The lips of the deceased were purple, obviously poisoned, and there was a small red dot behind the ear. There was also a silver needle that was suspected to be a murder weapon on the ground. It was very likely that the poison needle was pierced behind the ear and died. Judging from the condition of the body, the time of death should have been not long ago, probably between three-thirty and four o’clock.”

Before Conan finished speaking, Hattori Heiji had already said a lot, making Officer Megure stunned on the spot: “Who are you?”

“I am a high school detective from Osaka, Hattori Heiji.”

Hattori Heiji once again put his hat on backwards and introduced himself.

“Hattori Heiji, isn’t that…”

Officer Megure suddenly reacted: “Head of the Osaka Prefectural Police Headquarters, the son of Hattori Heizo?”


Mouri Kogoro and others on the side were a little surprised: “So your kid has such a background?”

“What’s more important now is the case.”

Hattori Heiji said lightly. Officer Megure and Mouri Kogoro looked at each other and could only ask about other things: “I think the windows in this room are well locked, so the only entrance and exit to this study is the door. One, Mrs. Tsujimura, how many keys are there in total to this door?”

“There are two in total, one for me and one for my master.”

“On your master?”

Officer Megure quickly dug out Tsujimura Isao’s pocket, and from the sandwich pocket of his pants pocket, a key with a pendant slipped out.


Seeing that there was indeed a key in the deceased’s pocket, Officer Megure and Conan Hattori Heiji’s expressions changed. Only Mouri Kogoro was still confused: “What’s going on?”

“What else could it be? There are only two keys to the study. One is on Mrs. Tsujimura, who has been staying with us, and the other is on the deceased. This means that this case is an impossible crime. The secret room murder case!”

Hattori Heiji scolded Mouri Kogoro with a solemn expression. Only Sano was muttering to himself, could it be that the murderer quietly obtained the third key, or that he could use other methods to open and close the lock without leaving any trace? ……

Forget it, Ke Xue’s detectives have the final say in Ke Xue’s world.

“What are you still doing? Why don’t you quickly ask the suspects what they did between 3:30 and 4:00?”

And just when Officer Megure and others were shocked when they discovered that this was a secret room murder case, Hattori Heiji urged dissatisfiedly. Officer Megure could only arrange the work quickly, and then realized something was wrong a few seconds later.

Even if Hattori Heiji is the son of a high-ranking official, Hattori Heizo is not in the same area as him, so why should he listen to a young boy yelling at him?

Officer Megure glanced at Moori Kogoro, hesitated for less than a second and came to Sano’s side, whispering: “Brother Sano, you need to work harder. You must not let outsiders look down on our Tokyo detectives!”

Sano blinked, Officer Megure said this as if he was also a detective…

“Ahem, then, Mr. Koike, please first tell me what you were doing between 3:30 and 4:00.”

Officer Megure remembered Sano’s way of handling cases and quickly began to question the suspect so that Sano could find out the truth more quickly.

After a few operations, the situation became clear.

Koike, the housekeeper of the Tsujimura family, had been chatting with the neighbors at the gate. It wasn’t until Tsujimura Kimie came back that he hurried home to greet him.

Katsuragi Sachiko and Tsujimura Takazan, the young couple, came back shortly before four o’clock. When Koike went to greet Tsujimura Kimie, the two went to the study to look for the deceased, but did not get a response. So I went downstairs and happened to run into Sano and the others.

Finally, there is Tsujimura Isao’s father, the old man Tsujimura Toshimitsu. He arrived here after two o’clock. Just because he couldn’t open the door like the young couple, and Tsujimura Kimie also went out, he stayed in the study. Watching TV next door.

Judging from these confessions, the two most suspected at present are probably the young couple and the old man Toshimitsu Tsujimura.

Hattori Heiji probably thought so.

Sano looked away from a photo on the bookshelf and looked at Conan again. The boy’s cold seemed to be getting worse. He was in a daze and his steps were wandering.


Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story

Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story

Status: Completed Author:


I, Sano Shinichiro, a time traveler, have a system.
Although the system's tasks are very strange, the rewarded equipment is even more... fresh and refined.
For example, a hammer that cannot cause damage, a small electric donkey that can fly quickly, a coat that turns into a roadie when used, sunglasses that cannot distinguish between humans and animals within 500 meters after wearing them, etc...
What, you ask me how to live better in this world?
Sano Shinichiro smiled faintly and put on his vest: "How can you not get stabbed when you are floating in the world? If you want to avoid getting stabbed, you have to open a trumpet. The more vests I have, the more slutty I will be. I will wave the flag of the winery."
When Akai Shuichi asked Conan what he thought of the black organization, Conan responded like this: The black organization? Although they act a little rough, they are all good people... Wait, which black organization are you asking about?


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