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Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story — Chapter 14 14. The biggest risk factor is you, right?

In Class B of the second grade of Tedan High School, Mao Lilan and Suzuki Sonoko, who were eating lunch, immediately waved and said hello after seeing Sano returning.



Sano nodded at the two of them and sat back in his seat.

Suzuki Sonoko stretched her neck and asked curiously: “Senior, did you go out for lunch and didn’t bring a lunch box?”

Sano, who was about to take out a book to show off, was stunned for a moment, and then realized that he hadn’t eaten lunch yet.

Tsk, it’s all that bourbon’s fault…

“When does lunch break end?”

Suzuki Sonoko twirled her chopsticks and looked at the clock above the blackboard: “Class starts at half past one. There’s still more than half an hour left.”

Such a short time is not enough to go out to eat.

Zuo Ye sighed inwardly: “There should be a canteen in the school, right?”

Suzuki Sonoko suddenly stopped talking, just looked at Mao Lilan next to her, and then clapped her chopsticks together: “Senior, whatever you want to eat, we will buy it for you!”

Sano: “…”

What is the situation with the strange enthusiasm of these two little girls?

After enjoying the bread and coffee milk that Mao Lilan and Suzuki Sonoko bought for themselves while panting and sweating profusely, Sano noticed that instead of taking out their textbooks, Sano noticed that the other students in the class instead of taking out their textbooks, were all excitedly heading outside the class. run.

“Senior, the next period is physical education class.”

Thanks to Suzuki Sonoko’s reminder, Sano knew what was going on and quickly got up and followed him.

“Senior, follow the boys’ team and go change clothes first!”

Before leaving, Suzuki Sonoko loudly reminded Sano what to do next. Although she called “senpai”, she was like an old mother sending her son to kindergarten.

Feeling the glances from the people around him because of Suzuki Sonoko’s voice, Sano could only reply with a dark face.


Why does this guy think he is a three-year-old kid?

In the changing room next to the boys’ playground of Didan High School, dozens of boys crowded together noisily, taking off their school uniforms and putting on sportswear.

Sano originally stood out because he was not wearing a school uniform, but it wasn’t until he came to the changing room that he was surprised to find that he didn’t seem to have any sportswear either…

“Wear this.”

A boy took the initiative to hand the sportswear in his hand to Sano and said with a smile: “I knew you didn’t bring any, so I brought two spare sets.”

Sano took the sportswear in confusion, looking at the boy with a bright smile, but he was confused in his heart.

Who is this?

Why do you look so familiar to me?

“Ah, I still have to help the teacher get the basketball, so I’m leaving first. I heard that your class is going to take a one-kilometer test today, so work hard!”

The boy waved his fist at Sano and ran away quickly.

And Sano also roughly understood it. From what the other party meant, the two of them were not in the same class, they just took physical education classes together. That is… they were acquaintances from the class before the predecessor repeated the grade?

Forget it, why are you thinking so much?

Sano shook his head and changed his clothes.

However, after Sano took off his clothes, the students who were changing clothes next to him gradually stopped what they were doing and stared at Sano blankly.

Looking at it, I saw that Sano’s body was covered with purple bruises and swelling, and there were wounds in many places that had just become scarred. The patches were densely packed and terrifying, as if he had just experienced a severe beating.

Some students who couldn’t stand it couldn’t help but cover their eyes, and many people also frowned. The originally noisy changing room suddenly became quiet.


Sano also noticed the strange looks around him, and was wondering what happened, but he remembered it the next second.

Aha, my injuries haven’t healed yet…

Worse, would he be misunderstood by the class teacher as self-harm or something, and would he be dismissed again?


A boy suddenly reached out and grabbed Sano’s shoulder, and said with a serious face: “Are you being bullied by a bad boy or something? You can tell me directly, I am the leader of the karate club. If you have any problems, I will not hesitate to do so.” I can help you solve it!”


Sano blinked. In fact, he really wanted to put on his special attack suit and tell the other party, why don’t you ask the bad boys in Tokyo who is bullying whom.

But if you think about it carefully, it seems that being bullied by a bad boy is better than misunderstanding it as self-harm.

Sano simply put on a forced smile and shook his head at the boy: “It’s okay, it’s just a fall. Don’t worry…”

However, facing Sano’s “explanation”, the boy’s eyes were obviously darker, but he did not dwell on the issue and just patted Sano on the shoulder.

“You can always ask me for help if you need it.”

Sano watched the boys leave and couldn’t help but sigh in his heart, the students at Teidan High School are all good people…

Not like bourbon.

After Sano changed his clothes, he followed the large group out of the changing room and came to the playground.

At the same time, the rumor that “Sano was blackmailed by a bad boy, and was beaten severely when the blackmail failed” spread like wildfire among the girls in the two classes that had just arrived.

As expected, apart from those aggrieved people, Mao Lilan and Suzuki Sonoko went directly to Sano.


Sano didn’t even need to look to know what the two of them wanted to say, especially Mao Lilan. He hadn’t forgotten the kick the night before.

“I said I wasn’t targeted by bad boys, that was just a rumor.”

Now that the rumor has spread, even if the injury on his body is seen again, the other party will definitely assume it first, so there is no need for Sano to act like he did at the beginning.

It’s very tiring to squeeze the muscles on your face.

“Senior, Xiaolan is the leader of the karate club. She even won the Kanto Competition some time ago. You don’t have to worry and leave the matter to her!”

Suzuki Sonoko said with excitement.

Mao Lilan on the side also solemnly put on a karate stance and threw a few punches in the air, as if to prove that what Suzuki Sonoko said was true, and worried that Sano would not believe it.

It turns out he is the champion of Kanto. No wonder he is so strong. This may be the difference between professional fighting and amateur fighting.

Sano glanced at Mao Lilan, pursed his lips, and let it go once or twice. He had been asked too many times, and he was already a little impatient.

“I said, please don’t talk about this again, okay?”

Seeing that Sano’s voice had become somewhat subdued, Suzuki Sonoko and Mao Lilan looked at each other and could only close their mouths.

But after leaving Sano’s side, Suzuki Sonoko quickly started talking to Mao Lilan: “Perhaps, senior just simply doesn’t want to make people worry?”

“Probably, otherwise, the injury wouldn’t have been discovered until I went to change clothes just now.”

Mao Lilan said that he also recognized this view.

“In this case, if we can’t do it in the light, we will do it in the dark!”

Suzuki Sonoko suddenly became excited: “From today on, we will escort Sano-senpai home and secretly protect the prince’s female knight. Ahhh, I also like this counter-routine!”

Mao Lilan: “…”

How does she feel that the biggest danger factor for Sano on his way home is Suzuki Sonoko?


Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story

Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story

Status: Completed Author:


I, Sano Shinichiro, a time traveler, have a system.
Although the system's tasks are very strange, the rewarded equipment is even more... fresh and refined.
For example, a hammer that cannot cause damage, a small electric donkey that can fly quickly, a coat that turns into a roadie when used, sunglasses that cannot distinguish between humans and animals within 500 meters after wearing them, etc...
What, you ask me how to live better in this world?
Sano Shinichiro smiled faintly and put on his vest: "How can you not get stabbed when you are floating in the world? If you want to avoid getting stabbed, you have to open a trumpet. The more vests I have, the more slutty I will be. I will wave the flag of the winery."
When Akai Shuichi asked Conan what he thought of the black organization, Conan responded like this: The black organization? Although they act a little rough, they are all good people... Wait, which black organization are you asking about?


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