Switch Mode

Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story — Chapter 142 141, performance must be calculated

Looking at the string of garbled codes on the instrument, several people fell silent again.

It wasn’t until a while later that a traffic policeman couldn’t help but asked bitterly: “…Then should we chase him?”

“Nonsense, can I catch up with you?”

Miyamoto Yumi rolled her eyes and said.

A few minutes later, another burst of roaring came from the other end, which frightened several people into thinking that the previous situation was about to happen again, and they quickly retreated to the side.

But after taking a closer look, I realized that what came next was a group of normal sports cars and motorcycles.

As if they noticed Miyamoto Yumi and others, these vehicles gradually slowed down and stopped on the side of the road. The first one to bear the brunt was Nakajima Sukezo.

…In fact, it stands to reason that although Nakajima Sukezo was the one who reacted the fastest and drove to catch up, how could he, an ordinary reporter, be better than the racing gang behind him in terms of racing ability?

But probably because he was too excited and excited, Nakajima Sukezo actually stayed far ahead and drove to the front.

Of course, the current Nakajima Sukezo would not pay attention to or care about this detail. After rushing out of the car, he immediately approached Miyamoto Yumi.

“Did you just see a little black electric donkey!?”

“…Um, I guess you saw it, but you?”

Nakajima Sukezo quickly took out his press pass and kept asking: “Approximately how long ago did you see it? Have you detected its speed?”

After seeing Nakajima Sukezo’s press pass, Miyamoto Yumi scratched her head and chose to tell the truth.

Nakajima Sukezo’s eyes became brighter and brighter when he heard that the testing equipment was being stretched to the limit.

Knowing how long ago Miyamoto Yumi and others saw the little electric donkey, Nakajima Sukezo took out a pen and paper and muttered: “Based on the distance from the top of the mountain to here and the calculation of time… “

Nakajima Sukezo’s breathing suddenly stagnated, his eyes filled with fear and excitement, and his whole body trembled.

“The speed of half Mach is simply terrifying!!”

“Half, half Mach?”

Nakajima Sukezo ignored the confused Miyamoto Yumi and wrote a few big words in his notebook. After the screaming silver-white witch, there is a new racing ghost – a ghost electric motorcycle with a speed of half Mach. !

Headlines, this will definitely make headlines! !

On the other end, of course Sano didn’t know what happened next.

Sano, the traffic policeman, did see them, but he didn’t pay attention.

What else could happen? Could the opponent catch up and give Sano a ticket?

In runaway mode, the running speed of the runaway eDonkey is 600 kilometers per hour, but the maximum distance limit in runaway mode is 100 kilometers.

In other words, the duration of the rampage mode is ten minutes.

Sano was actually quite curious as to whether the setting of this thing was so rigid that it was close to the law of cause and effect.

For example, whether the rampage mode ends or not depends on the distance traveled or the fixed ten minutes.

If Sano carries the little eDonkey and turns on the rampage mode, will the thing never stop, or will it run out of power after ten minutes?

Another example is that there are no restrictions on the conditions for turning on the Rampage mode. It just states that the battery is cleared after the Rampage is over, and the Rampage eDonkey can be charged in the sun…

So is there a possibility that after Sano’s rampage mode ends, he can rampage again after the sun has charged him a little bit of electricity?

After slightly adapting to the speed of the eDonkey in runaway mode, Sano gradually began to become more focused on two things, and could even think about other things.

But besides this, there was one last point that surprised Sano.

That is the danger of rampage mode, which seems to be lower than Sano imagined.

Although there seem to be a bunch of restrictions in front of it, making driving the e-mule in runaway mode as exciting as a roller coaster, in fact, as long as Sano pays a little attention, there won’t be any big problems.

However, the other two dangerous points of the rampage pattern that Sano originally expected have never been revealed.

Nearly half the speed of sound is not just a matter of words, especially if it carries this speed, it is just a small electric donkey.

The “force” brought by the speed of data explosion is extremely terrifying. Once it encounters any bumps, the little electric donkey can take Sano to flip hundreds of times in the air at any time, fly dozens or hundreds of meters away, and even slide out for a while. distance.

…To put it bluntly, it is very easy to really “take off”.

But Sano has now driven dozens of kilometers, and he has encountered bumps and slopes in the process, but the take-off he expected did not happen.

The wheels of the runaway electric donkey are as if they are stuck to the ground, and they have extremely strong grip.

Is this phenomenon actually scientific? Is it because I am overthinking it?

Or is it the influence of Ke Xue?

…If it’s the latter, then Sano is very curious, if he turns on the rampage mode along the 90-degree vertical wall, will he soar into the sky or something.

The one-hundred-kilometer dash seemed fleeting.

At the end of the tenth minute after the runaway mode was turned on, the violent power of the runaway eDonkey disappeared in an instant, and it just relied on inertia to slide away a certain distance again.

Sano pulled out the system map, estimated the distance between his current location and Tokyo, then looked at the two icons of “low battery” and “charging” on the Dashboard, and waited patiently for ten seconds.

Then ten seconds later, the “low battery” icon disappeared, the ear-piercing roar sounded again, and the black stream of light headed straight towards Tokyo.

Facts have proved that the bugs restricted by the runaway mode can be stuck.

As Tokyo approached and there were more and more vehicles and passers-by on the road, Sano finally stopped reusing the runaway mode bug.

Instead, he put away the rampaging eDonkey, modified his special attack suit and racing suit, and took a taxi back to Tokyo.

…To be honest, Sano’s legs are actually a bit weak now.

I didn’t feel much when riding the e-donkey before, but now I suddenly stopped riding, and my body gradually started to react.

That’s nearly half the speed of sound!

Once it takes off, it seems like it will just fly dozens or hundreds of meters away, but when it lands, it might be smashed into something.

Even with resurrection armor, the pain can kill someone.

Especially during the experiment just now, I actually still had time to think about other things. It was simply…

Waves of fear and heart palpitations made Sano realize in a true sense what it means to fly in front of a person while the soul chases behind.

Well, now that the soul has caught up, the brain circuit has returned to normal.

What we did just now was only under the premise that the road environment was relatively simple and there was not much traffic. As expected, it still cannot be used in urban areas…

Another thing worth mentioning is that Sano once tried to turn off the effect of Rampage after turning on the Rampage mode, and the final result was that it was turned off, but the Rampage mode continued.

It was mentioned in the restrictions of the Rampage eMule that once the Rampage mode is turned on, it cannot be stopped. It seems that the level of this restriction is higher than Sano’s control authority over the eMule.

After letting out a sigh of relief, the taxi happened to meet the traffic light and stopped at the intersection.

Sano opened the car window to get some air, but his eyes fell on… four figures in an alley.

Not to mention anything else, Sano knew exactly who was inside just by the beautiful long silver hair.

…Just pretend you didn’t see it.

Sano, who felt that his soul had not completely overlapped with his body, tried to close the car window again, but the next second, the system’s task trigger prompt came again.


Sano smacked his lips, pulled out the system and took a look, and unexpectedly found that the content of the mission was a bit different from what he imagined.

[Please be promoted to a senior cadre of the winery. You will receive one thousand strengthening points upon completion. The remaining time of the task is – 11999:59:59].

What the hell?

Sano was a little dazzled by the time limit behind this system task.

One hundred million…

One one gets one one two gets two thirty eight Women’s Day May 1st Labor Day June 1st Children’s Day…

Sano shook his head.

The mission period is twelve thousand hours, which is equivalent to more than a year when converted. It is indeed a mission with a four-digit enhancement point reward.

Sano casually pulled out a few bills and threw them to the taxi driver, then opened the door and got out of the car.

This task looks very similar to the previous task of promoting core members, but it is an upgraded version.

The core members of the winery can often be referred to by titles such as code members or cadres.

Only this senior cadre, Sano had really never heard of, but he should be a higher-level existence than the core members.

Having said this, Sano remembered what Gin mentioned when he was promoted to a core member earlier – except for the boss’s instructions and a few people, no one else could easily view the files of core members of the same level.

Could the “few people” Gin was referring to be senior cadres in the system’s definition?

In the dark alley, Gin suddenly turned around and looked behind him, causing Vodka, who had been following him all year round as if he never left him 24 hours a day, and another middle-aged man beside him to also look over.


Sano, who had switched to a rye vest, held up the visor of his passerby hat and said hello to Gin: “What are you busy with?”

“Rye, why are you here?”

After hearing Gin’s words, the middle-aged man on the side immediately relaxed his vigilance a little, and then narrowed his eyes and looked at Sano carefully.

Sano was also looking at the middle-aged man with his peripheral vision, as well as another man surrounded by Gin and three others in a corner, with a bruised nose and face covered in blood.

Which unlucky guy was caught by Gin?

“It’s nothing. I happened to see you guys when I was passing by, so I came over to see if there was anything I could help with.”

Sano approached the three of them and said.

“This person is a rat sent by another organization. I don’t know if he has obtained some important information and sent it out. We need to pry open his mouth as soon as possible, find out the flaws and fix the leaks, and stop the loss in time.”

Before Gin opened his mouth, the middle-aged man explained the situation first: “It’s a pity that this guy has a bit of a tough mouth, so now we have to wait for someone to deliver the truth serum.”

“Huh, I just don’t know what kind of information he sent out. Otherwise, I wouldn’t be so timid and worried about killing him if I strike too hard.”

Vodka also rarely expressed his opinion.

Sano glanced at Gin and twitched the corner of his mouth slightly: “How about, let me try it. Of course, if it works, it will be included in the performance.”


Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story

Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story

Status: Completed Author:


I, Sano Shinichiro, a time traveler, have a system.
Although the system's tasks are very strange, the rewarded equipment is even more... fresh and refined.
For example, a hammer that cannot cause damage, a small electric donkey that can fly quickly, a coat that turns into a roadie when used, sunglasses that cannot distinguish between humans and animals within 500 meters after wearing them, etc...
What, you ask me how to live better in this world?
Sano Shinichiro smiled faintly and put on his vest: "How can you not get stabbed when you are floating in the world? If you want to avoid getting stabbed, you have to open a trumpet. The more vests I have, the more slutty I will be. I will wave the flag of the winery."
When Akai Shuichi asked Conan what he thought of the black organization, Conan responded like this: The black organization? Although they act a little rough, they are all good people... Wait, which black organization are you asking about?


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not work with dark mode