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Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story — Chapter 144 143, Miwako Sato: Mr. Mori, you are suspected of following!

It turned out that yesterday, or should I say today, at a fire ceremony in a red ghost village, the villagers discovered a body in the burning platform.

The deceased’s name was Negishi, a man who had been followed by Mouri Kogoro for three consecutive days.

The person who entrusted Mouri Kogoro to follow Negishi was a man named Abe Yutaka.

For just three days of tracking, there was a commission fee of 500,000 yuan. If there was no conspiracy involved, almost no one would believe it.

“So Dad was called to take notes to see if Mr. Negishi’s death had anything to do with Mr. Abe.”

Sano nodded and had a general understanding of the situation. In this case, Yutaka Abe is most likely the target of his mission, and the other party has probably already cleared away all the suspicions on him, so he is needed. To ensure that the murderer is imprisoned.

“Then I’ll go in first…”

Sano, who had just planned to enter the Metropolitan Police Department to inquire about information under the pretext of taking notes, had not finished speaking when a middle-aged man with glasses and a suit walked out of the Metropolitan Police Department door.

“it’s him!”

Mao Lilan reminded Sano: “He is Mr. Abe.”

Sano didn’t say a word, but he and the two of them watched Yutaka Abe, who looked satisfied, get into the car and leave, and then the livid-faced Kogoro Mori followed him out of the Metropolitan Police Department.

“Dad, how’s it going?”

Mouri Kogoro glanced at Sano and rarely showed any hostility: “That Abe Yutaka must be the murderer. Mr. Negishi was deceived by him into taking out an insurance policy of 500 million yuan before his death. He is the beneficiary!”

“If that’s the case, then why did the police just let him go?”

Conan also started asking for clues.

“Because until the early morning of yesterday, I had been following Mr. Negishi. The body was discovered during the fire festival early this morning. The time of death was from early yesterday to early this morning, and Yutaka Abe happened to be there all the time during this period. Traveling over there in Kyushu.”

Mouri Kogoro lit a cigarette impatiently: “During the trip, Abe Yutaka took photos from time to time, and there were also company subordinates who testified for him. The only possible time to commit crimes is the two hours of lunch break, but the Red Ghost Village is in Gunma County , the distance from Kyushu to Kyushu is two hours, which is not enough time for a round trip!”

“I see……”

Conan touched his chin and fell into deep thought, while Sano made a guess: “Could it be that someone hired someone to kill someone?”


Being led into a strange train of thought, Mouri Kogoro and Conan froze in place at the same time, blinking.

Of course, this is just Sano’s complaint, because from a science point of view, there must be clues behind all cases. A clean and neat “murder method” like paying someone to kill someone is basically impossible to exist. .

“Are you sure that you followed the deceased until early yesterday morning?”

Sano changed his mind again. The breaking point of this case was to make Yutaka Abe’s alibi invalid. Then the other party’s methods could only go in two directions.

First, Yutaka Abe was not actually in Kyushu at the time of the crime, or he took some extraordinary measures to enable him to complete the round trip within two hours.

Second, the deceased named Negishi was not actually killed while Abe Yutaka was traveling.

Of course, Sano didn’t know where Yutaka Abe started from, but it would be too troublesome to verify the former. It was more direct to verify that Kogoro Mouri was right in front of him.

Faced with Sano’s inquiry, Mouri Kogoro suddenly felt dissatisfied and said: “Are you questioning my professionalism? I am a professional detective. Although you have been a step ahead in solving cases in the past few times, when it comes to tracking. In terms of investigation, you and I are still 30 years behind!”

As he spoke, Mouri Kogoro took out an envelope from his arms and pulled out dozens of photos: “No, all the photos I took while following him are here.”

Sano took the photo and was about to look through it when he noticed that Conan next to him kept putting his feet up in an attempt to peek, so he simply walked to a bench nearby and sat down.

Conan couldn’t help but grin when he saw this. Although Sano always seemed to be blaming the sky and the ground, he was actually quite good at taking care of others.

Sure enough, Sano would not be the kind of guy who tries to use force to uphold justice.

Under the gaze of Mouri Kogoro and Maori Ran, Sano’s hand flipping through the photos suddenly paused at a certain moment, and then he looked through them again and divided all the photos into two parts.

When Conan saw Sano’s actions, he immediately understood. Without any communication, he just looked up at Mouri Kogoro: “Hey, uncle, were these photos taken by you the day before yesterday, that is, Saturday?”


Mouri Kogoro took the photos handed over by Conan, took a look at them, nodded and said, “Yes, they were taken on Saturday. What’s wrong?”


Sano lit a cigarette thoughtfully. Among all the photos taken by Mouri Kogoro related to the deceased, there was a detail change since Saturday, the day before the deceased’s death.

That is, the deceased’s dominant hand was changed.

Originally, Negishi was supposed to be right-handed, but on Saturday, Negishi always used his left hand. However, his right hand was not injured. It was obvious that there were two people.

This is Abe Yutaka’s murder method, replacing the dead and shortening the time of the crime to create an alibi.


Mao Lilan suddenly asked her father curiously: “Dad, why do you think that Mr. Negishi’s death must be related to Mr. Abe?”

Mouri Kogoro pondered for a moment: “Of course this is because of the detective’s intuition.”

Haha, it’s still intuitive.

Mao Lilan returned the dead fish eyes, and then looked at Sano: “Senior, do you also think Mr. Abe is the murderer?”

“Ninety-nine percent.”

Sano was interrupted from his thoughts and responded casually, while Mao Lilan still looked like a curious baby: “What’s the reason?”

Sano touched his chin: “Intuition?”

“So this is ah.”

Mao Lilan smiled and said: “Indeed, Shinichi has said before that the detective’s intuition is the key to solving the case.”

Maori Kogoro:”???”

Whose daughter is this girl?

Mouri Kogoro, who felt the differential treatment, had an expressionless face: “Let me ask, have you noticed it?”

Sano looked at Mouri Kogoro, was silent for two seconds and then looked at the photo: “Well, I made a discovery.”


Mouri Kogoro’s body trembled, and he was about to ask Sano what he had discovered, but Sano had already said: “Detective Mouri, are you… following Mr. Negishi?”


After the air froze for a few seconds, Mouri Kogoro shouted in disbelief: “Is this the discovery you mentioned??”

“No way.”

Sano crossed his legs and said: “After all, Detective Maori has always been very disdainful towards me following me, but now I am following others. This kind of double-standard behavior is really… it is hard to watch.”

“Are you kidding me? What can I call tailing? It’s a detective matter. Can that be called tailing?”

Mouri Kogoro rolled his eyes, and folded his hands across his chest out of breath.


Just when Sano was about to continue speaking, a familiar voice came. Several people followed the sound and found that it was Sato Miwako.

“It’s really you. Why are you here? What happened?”

After Miwako Sato nodded and greeted Mouri Kogoro’s family, she approached Sano. Seeing the photo in his hand, she asked, “Are you investigating the case of the Red Ghost Village Fire Festival?”


Sano nodded and handed the photo to Sato Miwako: “Officer Sato, I would like to inquire about one thing. Detective Mouri followed Mr. Negishi for three consecutive days and took so many photos. Does it count as stalking?”


Miwako Sato was stunned for a moment. Unexpectedly, the first thing Sano asked was not the case, but whether Mouri Kogoro was following him?

Seeing this, Kogoro Mouri’s face turned even darker: “You’re enough, you brat. If you don’t help, you’ll only add to the chaos!”

Sano Yuya took out a puff of smoke leisurely and smiled faintly: “Don’t worry, Detective Mori. Anyway, the evidence is in front of Officer Sato. I believe she will make a fair judgment. Are you right…Miss?”

After Sano said the last two words, Sato Miwako, who originally didn’t want to get involved in this matter, suddenly stopped breathing.

In fact, the detective profession is not really a great and honorable profession strictly speaking. After all, the commissions that most detectives rely on for survival are either looking for cats and dogs, or investigating affairs, etc. It is an absolutely gray industry.

Especially the latter, tracking, secretly photographing and eavesdropping, these behaviors are the same as tailing, and the boundaries of judgment are extremely blurred.

It’s just that Mouri Kogoro has connections in the Metropolitan Police Department and is an old acquaintance. Everyone knows that he is not a bad person, so they won’t get entangled in it.


The word “Miss” at the end of Sano’s words reminded Sato Miwako of the fact that she was affectionately called “Miss Stalker” because of “following” Sano.

With such an obvious reminder from Sano, Miwako Sato would certainly be able to understand what the other party meant.

——If Kogoro Mouri is not recognized as a stalking criminal, then Sano will continue to work hard on the fact that Sato Miwako is a stalking criminal.

In other words – if you don’t help me punish him, I will concentrate on punishing you.

Would you trade Mouri Kogoro’s reputation for your own?

… As the saying goes, the poor Taoist friends are immortal. In addition, the people who contributed to the incident of Sano “following” Okino Yoko, except Miwako Sato, was Kogoro Mouri. Why is she the only one who is being deceived now? ?

Thinking of this, Sato Miwako, who was extremely unbalanced, immediately stopped hesitating and nodded seriously: “Yes, the evidence is conclusive. Mr. Mori did follow Mr. Negishi.”

Maori Kogoro:”……”

“What are you talking about, Officer Sato? How can I be considered following you!?”

Mouri Kogoro looked at Miwako Sato with shock on his face, as if he saw a teammate who stabbed him in the back.

In response to this, Sato Miwako just turned away her eyes and pretended not to hear at all.

“Okay, Detective Maori, give up the struggle. This kind of thing cannot be counted if you deny it.”

Sano held his chin with one hand, and the corners of his mouth curved happily. Although his eye level was obviously lower than that of the standing Mouri Kogoro, it made Mouri Kogoro feel like he was being looked down upon.

“The detective who despises stalking criminals the most is himself a stalking criminal, and the one following him is a man. Oh…it turns out that Detective Mori has such a hobby. I couldn’t tell.”


In a daze, it seemed as if a sharp arrow had penetrated Mouri Kogoro’s heart, causing him to almost kneel on the ground.

Forget it, just follow a man…?

Is my reputation for a lifetime about to be shattered…

Mouri Kogoro squirmed his lips and wanted to speak out to refute, but found that he seemed to be unable to refute anything at all, so he could only stand with a gray face, messy in the wind, like a dried salted fish.


Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story

Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story

Status: Completed Author:


I, Sano Shinichiro, a time traveler, have a system.
Although the system's tasks are very strange, the rewarded equipment is even more... fresh and refined.
For example, a hammer that cannot cause damage, a small electric donkey that can fly quickly, a coat that turns into a roadie when used, sunglasses that cannot distinguish between humans and animals within 500 meters after wearing them, etc...
What, you ask me how to live better in this world?
Sano Shinichiro smiled faintly and put on his vest: "How can you not get stabbed when you are floating in the world? If you want to avoid getting stabbed, you have to open a trumpet. The more vests I have, the more slutty I will be. I will wave the flag of the winery."
When Akai Shuichi asked Conan what he thought of the black organization, Conan responded like this: The black organization? Although they act a little rough, they are all good people... Wait, which black organization are you asking about?


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