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Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story — Chapter 148 147, there is no harm without comparison

Guessed it!

This guy is indeed the wanted criminal, and he is also carrying a bomb with him!

This time I will be able to live!

Just as the thought came to him, Mescal felt a faint burning sensation on the back of his neck, which made his smile freeze instantly, and what appeared in his eyes was full of disbelief and fear.

According to the intelligence collected by Mescal, there are currently only two incidents where the newcomer is suspected of going on a mission.

The other case was a serial murder case on Yueying Island. There was nothing much to say about this except that the other party was too arrogant and audacious.

The other case was a bombing case in Mantian. In addition to continuing the arrogant attitude of the previous case, the other party also used bombs more importantly.

Although for an existence like the organization, it is not unusual for core members to use bombs, but as an intelligence officer, Mescal can certainly detect something special about it.

Generally speaking, the organization’s bombs are made for purposes such as destruction and trace destruction. Even if they have other uses, they will always highlight a need.

That is powerful.

But in the Mantian explosion case, the explosions suffered by the two guys who were silenced by Rye could only be said to be just right in terms of power.

This is enough to prove that it is not a wholesale product obtained from the organization.

Rather, it is a product made by rye itself!

That’s why Mescal thought that the other party would definitely carry a bomb with him.

In addition, bombs were installed on the two people silently without any notice, which also proved that the other party had already found its own way in the use of bombs.

So now comes the problem.

I heard that the location where the bombs were installed on the two unlucky guys was on the back of their necks. Now there is something strange happening on the back of my neck. What does this mean?

Mescal, who had countless thoughts flashing through him in an instant, already had the answer in his mind.

Rye that bastard! ! ?


Fire erupted from the back of Mescal’s neck as he was running wildly, swallowing his head, and the violent impact tore his neck open instantly.

In this way, Sano’s new teammate Mescal died less than an hour after the team formation started.

After snapping his fingers, Sano came to the explosion site, took a look at the body surrounded by suspicious police officers, and confirmed Mescal’s death.

That’s right, as early as when he tested Mescal with the Hammer of Justice, Sano had already left a bomb converted from explosive gloves on the opponent’s collar.

After all, God’s will is unpredictable, and the devil knows whether he will be silenced today. For the sake of his own performance, it is definitely right to make more preparations.

…Of course, Sano had not originally considered trying to rescue Mescal first, and then silence him if that didn’t work.

Although Sano really doesn’t like Mescal very much, at least he didn’t show any hostility when meeting him this time. In addition, he had already lost two teammates in the previous two missions. Losing another one this time would always be a problem. It feels weird.

But the moment the system task was triggered, Sano gave up the idea.

Sano didn’t want to continue wasting time here. Mescal should just die. Who let him be such a waste and be discovered by others?

This is the Metropolitan Police Department, and there are police officers everywhere. How difficult it is to save someone and leave.

I just strictly followed the instructions given by Gin, so what else could I fault?

Sano took advantage of the chaos and quickly left the Metropolitan Police Department. After gaining some distance, he quickly switched his vest to Black Death.

“At this speed, are you in a car?”

Sano stared at the system map for a while, hesitated, and pulled out his little eMule from his backpack.

Although the mission goal is to be in a car, and the speed is faster than an electric donkey, it is obviously also in the city. The speed is sometimes fast and sometimes slow, and it also turns corners from time to time, waiting for traffic lights and so on.

In addition, the other party does not know that he is chasing, but he can always grasp the other party’s position. The eMule can also drive better in complex road conditions. If he catches up within an hour, it should not be a big problem.

And if you are taking a taxi, you may not be able to catch up due to various factors – after all, paying someone to speed through a red light is a bit of a shame in reality.

You can consider using force, but it’s too troublesome. Unless you use a gun, it should be more straightforward.

…If it really doesn’t work, Sano doesn’t mind taking this opportunity to test the suitability of the runaway mode in the urban area.

Sano stepped on the electric donkey, and suddenly felt a strange sense of sight in his heart.

I had just played the role of a criminal in the Metropolitan Police Department, killing him with a bomb, and in the blink of an eye, I changed my clothes and prepared to save a child. The feeling of separation was a bit too strong.

Is this considered a superhero now?

If it was at the very beginning, when you had to hurriedly take off your clothes and change your hairstyle to transform into Black Death, it would be a low-end version of Spider-Man or Superman. After you have a little money, you can barely be regarded as a low-end version of Iron Man or Batman. Xia?

And after having the vest… is it closer to Kamen Rider?

Just yell “transform” and you can transform into a messenger of justice. There is also a small electric donkey mount on your crotch, which is indeed worthy of the match.

The card surface comes to fight – Black Death appears!

Sano tilted his neck involuntarily, and then shook away this goosebumps-inducing thought with a shudder.

“Hurry up, hurry up.”

After twisting the accelerator, Sano rushed out quickly, aiming directly at the red dot on the system map.

There is only one red dot this time. It seems that Conan, the troublemaker, did not bring his team members to work together.

Half an hour later, Sano arrived near the target, but it took a little more time to identify which car the mission target was in.

“This is the car.”

Taking advantage of a traffic light, Sano stopped not far from the target vehicle.

However, after observing, Sano unexpectedly discovered that except for the two men on the driver’s and passenger’s seats, there was no one else in the car.

In this case, there is only one possibility.

Sano focused his attention on the trunk of the vehicle. The mission target was inside. It seemed that he had been kidnapped.

Hehe, that guy Conan is actually here today?

Sano imagined that the troublemaker was being locked in the trunk with his hands and feet tied.

Tsk tsk tsk, should I wait a little longer before taking action?

After sighing, Sano retracted his mind and focused on business. One against two was not a big problem, but there was a gap between the two sides’ mounts, and a chase would be too dangerous.

At the next traffic light, take immediate action and control the person on the driver’s seat first to prevent the vehicle from starting again.

Sano calmly made plans for the meeting.

…As for whether Sano’s special attack suit will cause any other effects, there is no need to worry at all.

Because now there are many bad boys dressed like this on the streets every day, riding around on electric donkeys. After a while, the public has become accustomed to it.

Finally, they arrived at another traffic light. As the target vehicle stopped, Sano accelerated and rushed to the side of the driver’s door without saying a word.

In order to prevent the driver from running away, Sano didn’t even have time to hit the bracket, so he smashed the glass with one punch, grabbed the driver’s head out of the window, and knocked him unconscious with two punches.

Then there was another person in the co-pilot who hadn’t had time to recover.

…These two guys are a bit weak.

After knocking out the two kidnappers, Sano groped around in the cab for a while, but couldn’t find the switch of the trunk, so he walked thoughtfully behind the trunk.

“…The car stopped again. I just seemed to hear some movement…”


Listening to the faint voice coming from the trunk, Sano couldn’t help but raise his eyebrows.

This voice doesn’t seem to belong to Conan, but it sounds familiar. Could it be…

Sano touched the button of the trunk, opened the trunk, and sure enough, a miniature version of Suzuki Sonoko was revealed.


The trunk was suddenly opened, and Ayumi who was sitting inside immediately let out a scream. She didn’t even have time to see who was outside, so she closed her eyes and started crying.

“Don’t kill me, don’t kill me, don’t kill me!!!”

It’s really this little loli…

Sano seemed to feel suddenly a little disappointed.

“Ayumi, Ayumi, what happened Ayumi!?”

Sano turned his attention to the gadget that made Conan’s voice in Ayumi’s hand, reached out and snatched it away, then looked around and reported the location in a cold voice.

“Come get her.”

After saying that, Sano threw the communicator back again. He didn’t care about Ayumi who noticed that something seemed wrong. He stopped crying and looked at him blankly. He returned to the driver’s side, picked up the little electric donkey, and left quickly. on site.

When the matter is over, he brushes off his clothes and goes away, hiding his merit and fame.

However, not long after driving away, Sano accidentally saw Conan and the other two team members across the road.

I only saw the three children, two real and one fake, all crowded on a small yellow skateboard and speeding. The speed could even be compared to Sano’s little e-mule without running in rampage mode.

This is another new piece of equipment.

Zuo Ye couldn’t help but lament that he was so busy that he finally managed to get the whole piece of equipment out. After it was done, he had to spend a lot of time and energy to explore the function of the equipment.

Conan is a good guy. The equipment is delivered directly to your door, maybe with instructions attached.

Damn it, how enviable!

Tears flowed out of the corners of his mouth.

On the other side, Conan didn’t notice that he passed by a certain messenger of justice, and rushed to Ayumi’s location with two other naughty children.

Conan looked at Ayumi with a serious look on his face: “Are you sure that the person who saved you was a man wearing that special black clothes, a killer mask, and a slicked back head?”


Ayumi nodded like a chicken pecking at rice and said, “That’s the big brother!”

Conan squinted his eyes and turned to Miwako Sato, who had received the alarm.

“These two people probably have concussions. We need to send them to the hospital first.”

Miwako Sato tried to wake up the two kidnappers who were lying on the car window. After her attempts failed, she could only arrange for other police officers to take the two to the hospital.

“Officer Sato, what’s the matter?”

Conan came closer and said, “It feels like you have something on your mind.”


Sato Miwako was stunned for a moment, then hesitated and sighed: “That’s right, it shouldn’t be a problem if you know about this.”

“Actually, just an hour ago, my colleagues discovered a sneaky guy in the Metropolitan Police Department. They originally wanted to arrest him for interrogation, but unexpectedly, he was killed before he was caught…”

“Blasted to death?”

Conan raised his eyebrows: “Could it be…”

“Well, the explosion caused by the nape of the neck is the same as Mantiantian before.”

Sato Miwako nodded heavily: “Officer Megure and the others are investigating the scene and obtaining surveillance. This matter is very serious. I’m afraid we will have to deal with those reporters next…”

Could it be that guy?

Conan’s brows knitted together instantly, his expression even more solemn than before.

Unexpectedly, it was discovered here that Heidi came to save people, and another guy over there started killing people again.


With such a comparison, I suddenly feel that the image of Black Death’s messenger of justice seems to be more profound.

Sure enough, there is no harm without comparison…


Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story

Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story

Status: Completed Author:


I, Sano Shinichiro, a time traveler, have a system.
Although the system's tasks are very strange, the rewarded equipment is even more... fresh and refined.
For example, a hammer that cannot cause damage, a small electric donkey that can fly quickly, a coat that turns into a roadie when used, sunglasses that cannot distinguish between humans and animals within 500 meters after wearing them, etc...
What, you ask me how to live better in this world?
Sano Shinichiro smiled faintly and put on his vest: "How can you not get stabbed when you are floating in the world? If you want to avoid getting stabbed, you have to open a trumpet. The more vests I have, the more slutty I will be. I will wave the flag of the winery."
When Akai Shuichi asked Conan what he thought of the black organization, Conan responded like this: The black organization? Although they act a little rough, they are all good people... Wait, which black organization are you asking about?


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