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Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story — Chapter 15 15, how many beatings did you get?

On the playground, the physical education teacher walked leisurely and arranged groups for men and women to prepare for the physical fitness test. The men were 1,000 meters and the women were 800 meters.

Sano stood at the back of the team and moved his hands and feet.

It’s just a thousand meters, no matter what. In his previous life, Sano was one of the best in the class whether he was a sprinter or a long-distance runner.

Although many people have told Sano that he is “frail and sick” after time travel, but in Sano’s opinion, no matter how weak he is, how weak can he be?

I have never seen myself unable to walk after just a few steps.

What’s more, the head teacher has also said before that the main reason for his absence from class is not physical problems, but psychological problems, so the frailty is probably just a cover, so don’t panic.


With the sound of a gunshot, more than twenty boys began to take steps, and Sano Shinita followed leisurely, without any intention of lagging behind.

But until half an hour later…

“Senior, come on!”

“One more lap, just one more lap!”

“Keep breathing, keep breathing!”


Surrounded by a large group of people, Sano walked forward with zombie-like steps, even faster than he usually walked.

Sweat had soaked the clothes as if they had just been washed. His violent breathing made every breath of air very hot, making his throat hurt.

His chest was rising and falling like a blower, and Sano’s eyes could hardly see the road. It was pitch black, and he just walked mechanically.

Sano was wrong, absolutely wrong, couldn’t be more wrong. This body was simply the weakest on earth! ! !

Generally speaking, even an ordinary male high school student without training or talent can complete a distance of one thousand meters in about five minutes.

The actual test passing line is also above this.

But Sano never expected that he would have to run for more than half an hour, and nearly an hour to run down this kilometer!

Not to mention the boys who were as round as balls, even the girls who ran 800 meters had finished the test early.

As a result, Sano, who was lagging far behind, had to face the situation of being surrounded by everyone shouting cheers. Even the physical education teacher and classmates from another class who were suspected of being Sano’s last year, followed Sano and kept shouting encouragement.

Obviously the passing line for the test has passed long ago, and the time for physical education class has even passed.

But Sano can’t get off the stage now, as if if he doesn’t finish the kilometer today, it’s his fault and he’s a sinner!

It’s simply outrageous…

Sano finally crossed the finish line.

To be honest, Sano almost fainted on the way. He even thought about pretending to be fainted to get over it, but he felt that it was too much of a fuss and might cause unnecessary trouble in the future, so he had no choice but to run away.

However, as soon as he crossed the line, before Sano could lie down and rest, he was lifted up by the cheering students and started playing a throwing game.

Stop playing, stop playing, your body will fall apart if you play with it again…

Sano wanted to speak out to dissuade him, but his mouth didn’t obey any instructions other than breathing in and out, so he could only let others manipulate him.

So Sano finally entered the infirmary.

When Sano opened his eyes again, the sky outside was already approaching dusk, and only Suzuki Sonoko and Maori Ran were there.

“Ah, senior, you’re awake!”

Sano sat up, his brain not yet fully awake, but he subconsciously asked: “Is the physical education class over?”

“Of course, school is over!”

Suzuki Sonoko chirped: “Xiaolan has already returned from the karate club, but we were really scared to death at the time. As soon as we put you down, senior, we found that you were not moving, and we almost called for emergency treatment.”

Sano patted his head, school was already over?

“Excuse me, please look at me. Well, Ming, no, I’ll see you later when we go back to school.”

Sano said hello and prepared to go home directly, but behind him, Suzuki Sonoko and Mao Lilan looked at each other and followed them quietly, one on the left and one on the right, as if they were guarding them with knives.

Sano looked around and stopped in confusion: “What are you doing?”

“Protect…no, it’s just that we go home together after school.”

Suzuki Sonoko quickly changed her story, not wanting to expose the fact that she wanted to protect Sano, so that when Sano finds out later, she will be even more moved!

Sano narrowed his eyes, but said nothing and just walked towards the school gate.

Suzuki Sonoko followed Sano, and after hesitating for a while, she finally said: “Well, senior, although it’s a little rude, in fact, when you were unconscious before, I originally wanted to help you wipe your body, so I moved away. I took off your clothes and saw your injuries…”

Mao Lilan on the side suddenly widened her eyes and looked at Suzuki Sonoko in disbelief.

This guy actually did such a thing behind his back when he was away training at the karate club! ?

Sure enough, Sano-senpai’s biggest danger on the way home from school is her! ?

Sano didn’t have much reaction to this, but nodded absently: “Oh.”

Just watch it, Sano is not a young girl waiting to be married. As for those injuries, dozens of people in the dressing room saw them. Could it be that Suzuki Sonoko was missing.

Suzuki Sonoko pursed her lips, with some unbearable expression on her face: “Senior, don’t you feel any pain?”

Sano rolled his eyes: “Aren’t you talking nonsense? How could it not hurt?”

Suzuki Sonoko was stunned for a moment. She didn’t expect Sano to admit it so directly, so she subconsciously asked her doubts: “Then why do you always seem to be okay?”

Sano tilted his neck and replied casually: “It’s okay, I’m used to it.”

Really used to it.

Whether it was in the special attack server state before, or in the normal state where the endurance was not as good as the former, Sano had already developed a certain resistance to the pain on his body.

As long as you don’t feel it carefully, that’s it.

Especially compared to when he just finished training in the special attack suit that night, Sano had already slept in the special attack suit for two consecutive nights, and these injuries had already recovered a lot.

As the saying goes, without contrast, there is no comfort.

At least Sano doesn’t really feel the pain of this degree of injury now.

Fortunately, Sano’s injuries have recovered a lot. Otherwise, if he had shown his previous appearance to others, Sano did not doubt that the students would choose to call the police directly.

But what Sano just said had a different meaning in the ears of Suzuki Sonoko and Mao Lilan.

got used to?

You have to have been beaten so many times before you feel used to it!

Suzuki Sonoko’s eyes were full of anger. Those hateful delinquents must not be caught by Miss Suzuki, otherwise…

As for Mao Lilan on the side, although she did not see Sano’s injuries with her own eyes, in other words, the imaginary things might be more terrifying.

Based on the tragic situation I heard from my classmates before and Suzuki Sonoko’s appearance after seeing Sano’s injuries, it must be a very horrific injury.

The evil delinquent, she, the Queen of Justice, Mao Lilan, will definitely clear away all the darkness in this world!


Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story

Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story

Status: Completed Author:


I, Sano Shinichiro, a time traveler, have a system.
Although the system's tasks are very strange, the rewarded equipment is even more... fresh and refined.
For example, a hammer that cannot cause damage, a small electric donkey that can fly quickly, a coat that turns into a roadie when used, sunglasses that cannot distinguish between humans and animals within 500 meters after wearing them, etc...
What, you ask me how to live better in this world?
Sano Shinichiro smiled faintly and put on his vest: "How can you not get stabbed when you are floating in the world? If you want to avoid getting stabbed, you have to open a trumpet. The more vests I have, the more slutty I will be. I will wave the flag of the winery."
When Akai Shuichi asked Conan what he thought of the black organization, Conan responded like this: The black organization? Although they act a little rough, they are all good people... Wait, which black organization are you asking about?


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