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Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story — Chapter 152 151, Where did the unknown white object come from?

“No way, why did you kill someone?”

Kuroba Kaito muttered in shock.

As the second-generation Kaito Thief Kid, today was supposed to be the day when Kuroba Kaito stole the Dark Star as mentioned in the notice. Of course, according to the real information in the notice, this was actually just an April Fool’s Day joke. .

After meeting a strange kid who claimed to be a detective and tricking the police, Kuroba Kaito disappeared in full view, leaving behind a real notice letter that would steal the Dark Star on April 19th.

Then Kuroba Kaito was ready to go home.

Unexpectedly, Kuroba Kaito saw a good show floating in the air in this factory, so he stayed temporarily and planned to enjoy it for a while.

But who would have thought, just looking at it, you can see that human life is coming.

No, it’s not certain yet. The bad boy might still be saved. We have to send him to the hospital quickly!

But before Kuroba Kaito could turn down the glider switch, his hand movement paused, and his eyes looked at the pile of debris that Sano had smashed in with a little horror.

“That is……”

The moment Sano was knocked away, he was still a little confused.

He had thought that the kid might take out a submachine gun from his arms, and he also thought that the kid might be pretending to be a pig to eat the tiger. In fact, he was very good at fighting. He pinned him to the ground with his backhand and exploded the hammer, but he just didn’t think about it. After that, the guy will park the car at the factory gate.

Good guy, the moment he took off, Sano thought he had to travel through time again.

It was only later that I changed my mind and thought that since I was still wearing the resurrection armor, I wouldn’t die at all.

Of course, now it seems that I don’t even need the resurrection armor.

It took Sano a few seconds to adapt to the pain, and the dizziness gradually subsided. However, the smell of blood in his throat told him that he was probably not in particularly good condition after the impact just now.

Raising his hands to push away the debris on his body, Sano stood up unsteadily. Blood drops fell to the ground, which showed that in addition to internal injuries, he also suffered serious external injuries.

Give your grandma a thumbs up.

Sano gritted his teeth and shook his head. In order to adapt to the various abnormal conditions that even the special attack suit could not adapt to, the eyes of the beast quietly opened, and his head finally became clearer.

In the darkness, a pair of beast eyes radiated red light. Sano took one step forward and then lifted it up, leaving a bloody footprint on the ground.

Following Sano’s footsteps, this string of bloody footprints also spread all the way behind the young man who was still talking nonsense at the factory gate.

The members of the Black Death and the Shadow River Gang thugs in the factory had not even recovered from Sano being knocked away when they saw something that made them even more horrified.

No, no, no, how could you still get up after being knocked so far away? ?

The fact was beyond cognition, coupled with the fact that the other party’s eyes were red and he didn’t know whether it was stained with blood or due to congestion. The strong sense of oppression made everyone present couldn’t help but widen their eyes and hold their breaths for a while. .

The young man seemed to gradually realize that something was wrong. It felt like these people’s eyes were not on him, but on…

Behind yourself?

The young man’s breathing suddenly stagnated, and an impossible guess came into his mind. He wanted to turn around to confirm, but found that his neck was as stiff as wood and he could not turn.

Seeing that the young man did not dare to look back, Sano of course had no choice but to take the initiative to come out from behind.

A blood-stained smooth forehead protruded from the young man’s face and entered his peripheral vision, followed closely by a pair of scarlet eyes that made people afraid to look directly.

Sano tilted his neck and squeezed out a hoarse voice from his throat: “You hurt me a lot.”

This guy is actually still alive! ?

For a moment, the young man felt as if his scalp was about to explode. His stiff body finally regained control, and he hurriedly turned around to escape. However, Sano grabbed the back of his neck and threw him hard into the air, causing him to roll over and smash him. It hit the ground with a muffled sound.

The severe pain from his whole body made the young man’s eyes almost bulge out. He felt as if his bones were broken into pieces. He wanted to shout for help, but he couldn’t make any sound at all.

Sano stepped forward and pinned the young man down with his knees. He pulled his right arm back high and unleashed a charged straight punch with the maximum force he could at the moment.

According to Gin, Sano is a fast learner and very talented. After several nights of training from him, Sano’s current boxing and kicking skills should be barely considered a master.

The young man was punched in the face, and the back of his head that he had raised subconsciously hit the ground directly. He suffered a double injury. The severe pain and dizziness both took effect, making his vision blurry and unable to see anything clearly. .

But it’s not over yet.

When Sano’s right fist fell, his left arm was already pulled up, followed by another punch.

Then right fist, left fist, right fist, left fist…

In just two or three seconds, Sano increased the speed of this attack mode to the maximum, and punched the young man’s face more than a dozen times with every breath.

Under Sano’s fist, the young man had actually fainted long ago, but he barely managed to faint for a few seconds before he was hammered awake again by Sano, then knocked unconscious again, and woken up again… over and over again, until he could not be hammered again. Not awake.

Sano didn’t care whether the young man would wake up, he opened his bow left and right, and his fists were like Gatling, waving into an afterimage.

Under such an attack, the young man’s face was already bruised with blood. Every time Sano landed a punch, some blood would spatter. The concrete floor under the back of the opponent’s head cracked and gradually spread.

Sano seemed to hear the sound of bones cracking.

He didn’t know whether it came from his own finger bones or from the young man’s skull.

After this bombardment lasted for nearly half a minute, Sano finally stopped his fist.

Because if the beating continued, the young man’s brains would probably be knocked out. Fortunately, Sano was hit by the car. Otherwise, after such a level of attack, the opponent would have died long ago.

Sano did not intend to kill the young man.

At least, not now.

Sano wanted to use this young man to catch the real big fish.

After retracting his fist, Sano stood up and looked at the melee crowd at the entrance of the factory.

Of course, those Yingjiang gang thugs couldn’t just watch Sano hit someone. Even before his third fist fell, the opponent had already wanted to rush over to save him.

What’s more natural is that the members of the Black Death will not see Sano being disturbed, and immediately change their goals to delay the pace of the Kagejiang gang thugs.


Sano shouted in a deep voice, causing the melee to stop.

“Take your people and get out, don’t let me see you again, or else.”

Sano didn’t finish the rest of his words, but the Kage Gang thugs fully understood what he meant.

“Are you kidding me? You beat our people like this. Are you saying there will be a truce?”

A Kagejiang gang thug tried to use his momentum to say a few harsh words. Unexpectedly, as soon as the words came out of his mouth, Sano rushed out and swung out a whip like an axe.

The man barely reacted, but was unable to dodge, so he could only raise his arms to block. He flew several meters away under the huge impact, rolled a few times, rolled his eyes, and fell to the ground.

It’s already this time, why are you pretending to be crazy?

“I said it was over.”

Sano turned his cold gaze to the other Kagejiang gang thugs. Although they all looked ugly, they were outmatched now. In the end, they had no choice but to take the two unconscious men and run away in despair.

The yellow-haired bad guy looked at the backs of the Yingjiang Gang’s thugs and let out a deep breath.

“Boss, what should we do next? Should we start a full-scale war? Or should we collect their prisoners first…”

The yellow-haired bad guy knew very well that what happened tonight was just a horn to declare war, and the real trouble would come next. He was about to turn around to discuss it with his boss, but he didn’t expect that he only saw a ball of air.

…where are the people?

The yellow-haired bad guy scratched his head and looked around depressedly, but still couldn’t see Sano’s back.

Alas, my boss is good at everything, but he is so elusive. Sometimes his presence is so strong that people can’t ignore him, but sometimes he is so weak that he can’t see people if he loses his focus.

On the other side, after Sano left from the factory gate, he did not follow the Yingjiang gang as originally planned.

Because the Black Death vest was seriously injured, Sano originally thought of switching to the vest to facilitate subsequent actions, and by the way, he could also use the passerby hat to get out of the sight of the Black Death members.

But when Sano tried to switch his vest, there was no movement.

Someone is watching me.

Sano frowned slightly and quickly looked around, finally finding the white figure standing high up.

…Where did the unknown white object come from?

Sano frowned slightly, not sure what this uninvited guest wanted.


Kuroba Kaito raised his eyebrows in surprise. He originally just thought that this matter was finally over and the other party should go to the hospital. However, he did not expect that the other party suddenly hid his body and followed the group of people. .

In addition to being surprised, Kuroba Kaito was naturally curious. At the same time, he also felt that he could help send the other person to the hospital if he couldn’t hold on anymore, so he followed him.

Sano and Kuroba Kaito looked at each other from dozens of meters away.

Kuroba Kaito also probably felt that his “good intentions” seemed to make the other party feel threatened, and may be regarded as hostility.

Taking into account the opponent’s extremely powerful fighting ability just now, Kuroba Kaito shrugged his shoulders and wisely chose to turn on the switch of the glider and leave directly.

But I really gained some experience tonight. After being hit by a car and flying more than ten meters, he could still get up and beat people up vigorously. I’m afraid this guy is not a monster.

Fortunately, the police officers who were staring at him all day long were not such monsters, otherwise, Kaitou Kidd would have to retire on the spot.

Sano watched the white unknown object fly away and tried to switch his vest again. This time he succeeded. He changed from a black death vest to a rye vest. It seemed that no one was watching around him.

After switching his vest, Sano quickly took off his special attack suit, put on his passerby hat, and then took out his mobile phone.

Fortunately, Sano was cautious. When he beat up the young man, he left a transmitter on the young man’s body. Otherwise, the plan might have been delayed by the unknown white object.

After hailing a taxi, Sano immediately directed the taxi driver to a hospital.

Sano found the intensive care unit where the young man was sent after receiving emergency treatment – after all, Sano had punched his head dozens of times. Although he was not dead now, he might not have survived if he was not careful.

As for the Kage Gang thug who was kicked away by Sano, he was next door.

Sano didn’t do anything else. He just sat on a bench not far from the door of the ward and waited quietly.

Within half an hour, a group of people who obviously didn’t look like ordinary people rushed over. Most of them just stood at the door. Only a middle-aged man walked into the ward.

It seems that he must be that guy’s father. Who is the hall leader of the Yingjiang Gang?

Sano tilted his neck, but still did not take action immediately.


Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story

Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story

Status: Completed Author:


I, Sano Shinichiro, a time traveler, have a system.
Although the system's tasks are very strange, the rewarded equipment is even more... fresh and refined.
For example, a hammer that cannot cause damage, a small electric donkey that can fly quickly, a coat that turns into a roadie when used, sunglasses that cannot distinguish between humans and animals within 500 meters after wearing them, etc...
What, you ask me how to live better in this world?
Sano Shinichiro smiled faintly and put on his vest: "How can you not get stabbed when you are floating in the world? If you want to avoid getting stabbed, you have to open a trumpet. The more vests I have, the more slutty I will be. I will wave the flag of the winery."
When Akai Shuichi asked Conan what he thought of the black organization, Conan responded like this: The black organization? Although they act a little rough, they are all good people... Wait, which black organization are you asking about?


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