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Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story — Chapter 154 153, this is called worldliness

If Sano remembered correctly, this party seemed to have gathered many famous people from Neon Country.

These include but are not limited to various entrepreneurs worth tens of billions, as well as many politicians and celebrities from all walks of life.

Suzuki Sonoko’s father is qualified to speak on this occasion. It seems that the power of the Suzuki family may be more powerful than he thought?

Then when Sano entered the banquet hall, the banner hanging high had the words “Sixtieth Anniversary of the Founding of the Suzuki Foundation” in big words, and he was immediately confused.


Sixtieth anniversary? ?

Sano licked his lips and asked Suzuki Sonoko with a dry throat, “Is this banquet hosted by your family?”

Suzuki Sonoko turned around with a puzzled look on her face: “That’s right.”

“Then this boat…does it also belong to your family?”

Suzuki Sonoko nodded again matter-of-factly.

Sano: “…”

Sano didn’t know the exact size of the ship currently under his feet, but he was certain that even if he spent all his savings, he might not be able to buy an ordinary yacht, let alone a follow-up one. Maintenance costs.

But the Suzuki Sonoko family actually used such a large cruise ship to hold a party…

Sano stopped asking, just patted the shoulder of Conan who had just followed him, and asked in a low voice: “Boy, what’s the level of the Suzuki Consortium in Neon?”

“You don’t even know this?”

Conan gave Sano a strange look.

“The Sonoko family’s Suzuki Consortium is probably one of Neon’s largest consortiums… after all, there are still two or three equally matched opponents.”

One of the largest…

About the same level as Ma Daba?

Sano fell into silence, and for a while the only thing that echoed in his mind was that sentence.

The wealthy man is by my side.

To be honest, Sano knew that Suzuki Sonoko’s family was very rich before, but he really didn’t know that he was so rich.

After all, in Sano’s view, he is already a small rich man with nearly 100 million yuan, and if he works a little harder, he will have a ten-digit deposit.

And Suzuki Sonoko is at best a rich second generation with a little money. There may be a gap between the two, but that should be because he is of a higher level than Suzuki Sonoko.

Why does it seem that now that I have a little bit of money, I have suddenly become poor?

We agreed to pretend to be a pig and eat the tiger, but the co-author is Suzuki Sonoko, a young tigress pretending to be a pig?

Sano felt a little bit of a blow to his self-esteem.

“Suzuki-kun, no, you are a wealthy woman. Do you still need a pendant on your thigh? I’m hungry. The doctor said that my gastrointestinal condition is not good and I should eat soft food.”

After coming back to his senses, Sano almost instinctively asked Suzuki Sonoko for a job offer, which made the other party stare at him blankly, not understanding what the words meant at all, and could only touch him with a confused look on his face. Touch the back of the head.

Conan, on the other hand, understood the meaning behind Sano’s words and looked at Sano with dead fish eyes.

I didn’t expect you to be such a worldly person…

You’re a tall kid who hasn’t been beaten up by society. No, you’re a primary school student. How can you possibly understand the value and charm of money?

Sano understood Conan’s eyes and immediately looked back at him. Of course, Conan couldn’t understand, so he could only ask questions.

On the podium, Suzuki Sonoko and Suzuki Shiro, the inexplicably similar father of the police officer, had finished their speech, which was nothing more than some polite words. The only thing that needed attention was that the other party mentioned that there were more than 500 people on the ship.

After all, Sano now knows that Suzuki Sonoko is not an ordinary rich second generation, but an enhanced version of the ultimate rich second generation super plus, so the commission fee of 3 million to 30 million mentioned before is naturally not a big problem.

Regarding that thief, Sano is determined to win!

But how on earth can we find a target among more than 500 people…


Sano suddenly noticed a blind spot, looked at Suzuki Sonoko and asked: “The guests attending this party are all named. In that case, how can an uninvited person pass the inspection?”

Especially since it was still daytime when we boarded the ship, and there were many police guards around the ship. If the thief could avoid such a defensive net and board the ship quietly, Sano would not believe it anyway.


Suzuki Sonoko turned around and said, “Senior, don’t you know? Kaitou Kidd is a great magician. What he is best at is transforming into the appearance of others. Even his voice can be imitated perfectly.”

This is…disguise?

Sano was stunned for a moment, and almost immediately thought of the God of Plague’s mother, and then shook his head the next second.

No, no, how can a big star, even a retired big star, be a thief, not to mention the age is not quite right.

Unless Kudo Yukiko has been a thief since middle and high school.

But in this case, it would be a bit difficult to find an impostor among more than five hundred people… The thief’s disguise technique should also rely on a human skin mask.

How about dragging everyone’s faces?

Sano glanced at the partygoers around him who thought “either rich or noble” just by looking at their clothes, and couldn’t help but slowly type out a few points.

The police shouldn’t be unaware of what Sano could easily think of in the first place. As for why they didn’t implement it…

Hehe, this is called human nature.


Sano suddenly noticed the blind spot again and looked at Suzuki Sonoko doubtfully: “Who is Kaitou Kid? Didn’t he say something before? Did he change to a thief?”

“Kaitou Kidd is Kaitou No. 1412. The original one is the number, and the last one is the name.”

Conan raised his little head and gave Sano some science knowledge. He just said that he wanted to share information with you, but you don’t want it. Now he is starting to be stretched.

Unfortunately, to Conan’s disappointment, Sano actually didn’t continue to ask after he nodded, which immediately made his desire to share gradually begin to swell.

Can’t this guy be a little more curious?

“Okay, before the banquet starts, I want to tell everyone about a game I came up with.”

On the podium, just when Shiro Suzuki said the last sentence, “I wish everyone a good time,” a fashionably dressed short-haired woman came out from behind, holding a delicate small box in her hand.

“Before boarding the ship, every guest present should have received this small box that I handed out. Now you can open it and take a look.”

Sano also remembered the box given by the security personnel before boarding the ship, and immediately took it out and took a look. The box contained a black pearl embedded in a decoration.

“This is…Dark Star!?”

Except for Sano, everyone present got exactly the same thing after opening the box…Dark Star. The short-haired woman, Suzuki Sonoko’s mother, Suzuki Tomoko, continued to speak.

“This is the challenge I launched against that stupid thief. Now everyone has a family heirloom of our Suzuki family. Of course, most of them are just fake imitations. As for the real thing, I am the only one.” One knows in whose hands it is.”

“Okay, now everyone, please keep this pearl on your chest. If the thief really has the ability to steal the dark star, then let him look for it first to see which dark star is the real one. alright.”

Tomoko Suzuki had a confident smile on her face.

Sano, on the other hand, was a little speechless. This kind of behavior felt meaningless. It was said to be a family heirloom. Could Tomoko Suzuki really be willing to let others wear it?

There is a high probability that Tomoko Suzuki is the one who is most suspicious of her own family members.

Of course, Tomoko Suzuki might also go against the grain and let outsiders wear the thing. If that were the case, Sano could only say one thing – rich and crazy.

Then, the banquet officially started, and the guests in the banquet hall naturally began to engage in activities to expand their contacts and get closer to each other.

Of course, Sano didn’t need to participate in this kind of activity. He just got together with Maorilan’s family of three and Suzuki Sonoko, but Suzuki Tomoko took the initiative to come over and say hello to Sano.

“Are you the famous high school detective?”

Tomoko Suzuki raised her glass: “I’ve heard your name many times from Sonoko. I’ve always been curious. I thought I had a chance to meet last time, but you didn’t come. This time I finally met you in person. .”

“Sorry, there was something urgent that needed to be dealt with last time.”

Sano politely greeted, while Mouri Kogoro on the side quickly asked Suzuki Tomoko: “Well, madam, I understand your plan to hide the dark stars in the crowd, but at the very least, you should Tell me where the authentic copy of Dark Star is, otherwise how can I protect it?”

“Oh, Detective Mori, just like Detective Sano and Officer Nakamori, you are one of the knights who are trustworthy and can protect our family heirlooms. But even so, such secrets cannot be easily told to you.”

Tomoko Suzuki chuckled: “I have given it to the most suitable woman in the room. If you observe carefully, you can see the difference.”

“That’s it…”

Mouri Kogoro frowned in thought, and Sano on the side couldn’t help but curled up his lips. Didn’t you understand the meaning of Suzuki Tomoko’s words? It seems that this confused detective is not very good in terms of emotional intelligence in addition to his IQ.

But apart from this, Sano was also thinking about what Tomoko Suzuki just said.

The Dark Star was given to the most suitable woman.

It always feels like she is boasting and selling herself off. If Tomoko Suzuki is really thick-skinned, the one on her body should be the real dark star.

“Hello? Sister, where are you? Why didn’t I see you?”

Suzuki Sonoko suddenly made a call on the other end of the phone. She frowned for a while and then said in shock: “What, you and dad didn’t get on the ship. The police officer told you that the sailing time was delayed by three hours?”

Hearing this, Sano and Conan looked at Sonoko Suzuki at the same time. Shirou Suzuki didn’t get on the boat. So wasn’t it Kaitou Kid who spoke just now?

Without saying a word, Conan chased in the direction where Suzuki Shiro left after speaking, while Sano did not move and continued to stay next to Suzuki Tomoko.

Seeing Suzuki Sonoko still looking confused after hanging up the phone, Sano’s mouth couldn’t help but twitch. He didn’t even realize that his father had been replaced.

Then it seemed that Conan was suddenly missing. Mao Lilan said that he went out to look for it and then left.

After a while, Conan ran back and revealed that he found the human skin mask and other props used by Kaitou Kid to disguise himself as Shiro Suzuki in the bathroom on the ship.

“I have informed the officers and a search should be carried out soon.”

Sure enough, soon a policeman who called himself Chamu came on stage and explained that Kaitou Kidd had sneaked into the banquet hall.

“Originally, we were supposed to conduct a careful search of everyone present, but in order not to spoil everyone’s interest, we decided to adopt a plan.”


Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story

Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story

Status: Completed Author:


I, Sano Shinichiro, a time traveler, have a system.
Although the system's tasks are very strange, the rewarded equipment is even more... fresh and refined.
For example, a hammer that cannot cause damage, a small electric donkey that can fly quickly, a coat that turns into a roadie when used, sunglasses that cannot distinguish between humans and animals within 500 meters after wearing them, etc...
What, you ask me how to live better in this world?
Sano Shinichiro smiled faintly and put on his vest: "How can you not get stabbed when you are floating in the world? If you want to avoid getting stabbed, you have to open a trumpet. The more vests I have, the more slutty I will be. I will wave the flag of the winery."
When Akai Shuichi asked Conan what he thought of the black organization, Conan responded like this: The black organization? Although they act a little rough, they are all good people... Wait, which black organization are you asking about?


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