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Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story — Chapter 156 155, He runs away, he chases, he can’t fly without wings

As the saying goes, the best defense is offense.

The ship will arrive at the port in more than twenty minutes, and there is no prompt to complete the task. Who knows what kind of trouble the thief will cause later.

So Sano felt that he still needed to keep an eye on him, no, it would be safest to tie him up!

What’s more, in addition to this, there is a commission fee of 30 million waiting for Sano.

“You go to Xiaolan’s side, and I’ll chase him.”

Sano glanced at Conan, whose expression changed drastically after hearing Kuroba Kaito’s words, quickly distributed the tasks, and then split up.

Conan went to look for Mao Lilan, and after Sano chased him out of the banquet hall, he originally wanted to pull out the system map to take a look at the terrain structure, but he didn’t expect that as soon as he pulled out the map, a big red dot came into his eyes.

Sano: “…?”

What’s the situation? Can Kuroba Kaito actually be able to locate and navigate?

To be honest, in recent missions, Sano has been able to use the system map less and less. He originally thought that this time he would need to find and intercept Kaitou Kidd on his own, but he didn’t expect that there would be navigation.

…without saying anything in advance.

Sano glanced at the red dot on the system map, and then he was a little surprised to find that the guy seemed to be behind the corner and not moving.

Are you preparing to squat on your own?

Sano walked over and took a look, only to see a man in a suit falling on the ground. In front of him was a set of red clothes worn by Kuroba Kaito just now.

“Kaitou Kid, it’s Kaitou Kid. That guy knocked me down and ran over there!”

Seeing Sano, the man in the suit immediately pointed to the corridor on the other side and shouted.

In this regard, Sano just looked at the other party in silence.

If it weren’t for the system map, Sano might have been fooled by this guy in his desperation.

This guy changes clothes very quickly. Does he want to lure the tiger away from the mountain, distract him, and then pretend to go back and steal the dark stars?

Thinking of what the other party had just said, clearly trying to lure him away, Sano couldn’t help but narrowed his eyes.

This guy is quite clever.

Looking at the anxious man, Sano didn’t say anything. He just walked up to the man. After pretending to look at the clothes on the ground, he suddenly swung the hammer, grazed the tip of the man’s nose, and hit the wall with a bang. superior.

Kuroba Kaito, who had been relying on his instinct to avoid danger after danger, looked at the hammer in front of him and was already sweating under his human skin mask.

Damn it, why was he seen through again! ?

Kuroba Kaito was depressed and horrified. Even if the other party was being cautious and suspected that he was pretending, he wouldn’t just give him a blow right away, right?

Also before.

Is this guy really not worried about hitting the wrong person?

At least you should ask a few questions first to test it out. If it doesn’t work, then start pinching your face. How can you play like this?

Sano failed to hit the target with one strike, and without hesitation he took the next one. Kuroba Kaito used both hands to move his butt back dozens of centimeters, causing Sano’s strike to hit the spot between his legs. on deck.

That crisp sound made Kuroba Kaito feel waves of cold air behind his back.

I almost… lost my descendants!

This person is too dangerous, run away, run away!

If Kuroba Kaito had originally had some thoughts of making a comeback, now he really has no thoughts at all.

Isn’t it just a dark star? The worst he can do is not let it go. What kind of hatred or resentment will end the incense of his Black Feather family?

Sano followed up with several more blows, and Kuroba Kaito also used his hands and feet to move his butt back, causing Sano to hit between his legs with several blows. Holding such a small position.

Every time the Hammer of Justice collides with the deck, there will be a dull sound, which fully proves the strength of Sano’s use. It also makes Kuroba Kaito even more worried, and his little heart trembles with the sound of the hammer.

Kuroba Kaito was afraid that if he hid a little too slowly, his little Kuroba Kaito would suffer.

…or tell the truth.

Sano really didn’t hit Kuroba Kaito intentionally, it was just a coincidence.

Furthermore, the Hammer of Justice will not cause any injuries. Even if it is hit by the hammer, it will not really cause any harm. At most, the psychological trauma will be serious.

So Sano didn’t care about this at all, while Kuroba Kaito was completely unaware of this and tried his best to dodge.

…This guy reacts pretty quickly.

Sano failed to throw the hammer with all his strength more than a dozen times in succession. Apart from being surprised and depressed, his arms couldn’t help but feel a little sore, so he temporarily stopped swinging the hammer.

Kuroba Kaito immediately seized this opportunity, hurriedly got up and ran away – this guy’s physical fitness was obviously good.

In just a few seconds, Kuroba Kaito had already run dozens of meters away, turned a corner and disappeared from Sano’s sight.

And Sano was not in a hurry to chase him. Firstly, because of his physical ability, he couldn’t catch up. Secondly, there was no need to chase him.

After all, Sano has a lock chicken, bah, it was Suo Ji who hung it.

Looking at the red dots on the system map, Sano raised a teasing smile. Do you really think you can run away, Mr. Thief?

Sano glanced around, quickly converted into the Black Death Vest in the special attack suit state, and rushed towards the direction of Kuroba Kaito from the closest distance.

In fact, it stands to reason that Sano should not use the Black Death vest now, because this vest has just been hit by a car and flew more than ten meters. Even if the status of the vests is not related, the injury will not matter where the vest is placed. It will automatically recover. If you forcefully use the vest, it will be useless.

What Sano originally wanted to do was to conduct a comprehensive examination of the Black Death Vest’s injuries, and the second point was to treat them.

But due to time issues, Sano did not have the opportunity to do so.

What’s more, the damage caused by the Black Death Vest being knocked away seemed to be much less than expected. At least when Sano tried to check the Black Death Vest’s injuries after returning home, he didn’t notice anything too wrong. .

Although it still hurts a little, it doesn’t affect movement at all.

…Normally speaking, after being hit by a car and flying for more than ten meters, would the injury be so minor?

Sano shook his head and didn’t think much more, concentrating on getting closer to his target.

At the other end, Kuroba Kaito had been running wildly for nearly ten minutes, almost losing his life. Then he slowly stopped and looked around panting.

Very good, as he found out, the high school detective’s physical ability was not good and he had been thrown away.

But with that guy here, Dark Star is definitely out of reach for the time being, and the next step is to evacuate directly.

After calming down his breathing, Kuroba Kaito walked towards the exit of the cabin, preparing to leave using the glider he had prepared outside earlier.

However, before Kuroba Kaito could take two steps away, there was a sound of footsteps in the shadow of the passage ahead.

Why did you meet someone again? It’s really troublesome. Just get over it as soon as possible.

Kuroba Kaito adjusted his throat and was about to speak out, but was stunned by the appearance of the person walking out of the shadows.

The familiar black back hair, the familiar black base, the mask with embroidered characters and the special attack suit.

Isn’t this the same monster he met on his way home in the early morning? ?

No, it’s only been 24 hours since he was hit by a car. Why does he look completely intact again? This guy is really a monster, right?

No, the crux of the question now is, why is this guy here?

Kuroba Kaito’s brain was working rapidly, and he suddenly came up with an unbelievable guess.

Yesterday, my kindness was regarded as hostility by the other party. Although I left quickly to show respect, the other party had no intention of letting me go.

Instead… he caught up with the ship all the way? ?

Kuroba Kaito: “…”

No way, no way, how could such an outrageous guess be true! ?

“Kaitou Kidd, right.”

Sano walked towards Kuroba Kaito and asked as if it was his first time meeting him.

It’s really for myself! ?

Kuroba Kaito was startled by the words and took a few steps back, swallowing his saliva.

Although he didn’t know how the other party was sure that he was Kaitou Kidd, Kuroba Kaito had witnessed the terrifying aspects of the other party with his own eyes.

Being targeted by such a monster is much more dangerous than being targeted by that high school detective!

“Well, well, brother, what happened yesterday was just a misunderstanding. I just thought it wouldn’t work and sent you to the hospital. There was no harm in it!”

Sano: “?”

What’s going on? Why does this guy seem to know me?

No, it should be said that it seems like he knows his vest?

I don’t know anything about it.

What happened yesterday? What did you do yesterday?

Sano immediately thought of the Kage Gang, and then he also remembered where the inexplicable sense of familiarity came from when Ichisan Sanada dressed up as Kaitou Kidd.

It turned out that the white unknown object staring at him in the middle of the night yesterday was Kuroba Kaito.

…This is really, quite destined.

Looking at the nervous Kuroba Kaito, Sano narrowed his eyes and waved to him: “Come here first.”

Kuroba Kaito only hesitated for less than two seconds before his head shook like a rattle.

“Then if you don’t come over, I will pass over.”

As soon as Sano took a step forward, Kuroba Kaito’s expression changed and he threw three smoke bombs directly on the ground.

If you can’t afford to offend, why can’t you hide? Thirty-six strategies, walking is the best strategy!

Seeing the smoke filling the air, Sano raised his eyebrows. Still not in any hurry to chase, he just waited quietly for the smoke to dissipate, then looked at the empty passage, and then slowly pulled out the map.

A minute later, Kuroba Kaito, who was squatting in a corner, looked around. Very good, it seemed that he had gotten rid of…

Kuroba Kaito’s eyes were fixed on the figure waving at him, and his whole body froze.


Damn, why is this guy catching up again! ?


Kuroba Kaito didn’t have time to think too much, he threw down the smoke bomb again, and then disappeared again. Sano was still not in a hurry, and just repeated the process of the previous round again.

So, a minute later, Kuroba Kaito saw Sano again a few hundred meters away. With a look of horror on his face, he threw another smoke bomb and disappeared. Then Sano found him again and threw another smoke bomb… This lasted for five or six times. round.

To roughly describe this situation, it is – he runs away, he chases, he can’t fly without wings.


Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story

Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story

Status: Completed Author:


I, Sano Shinichiro, a time traveler, have a system.
Although the system's tasks are very strange, the rewarded equipment is even more... fresh and refined.
For example, a hammer that cannot cause damage, a small electric donkey that can fly quickly, a coat that turns into a roadie when used, sunglasses that cannot distinguish between humans and animals within 500 meters after wearing them, etc...
What, you ask me how to live better in this world?
Sano Shinichiro smiled faintly and put on his vest: "How can you not get stabbed when you are floating in the world? If you want to avoid getting stabbed, you have to open a trumpet. The more vests I have, the more slutty I will be. I will wave the flag of the winery."
When Akai Shuichi asked Conan what he thought of the black organization, Conan responded like this: The black organization? Although they act a little rough, they are all good people... Wait, which black organization are you asking about?


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