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Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story — Chapter 157 156, if necessary, find gin

Relying on the system map, it is impossible for Sano to fight with Duokuroha Kaito. With the blessing of the special attack suit, his movement speed is also advantageous, and he can quickly find the opponent’s location.

It can be said that the time is right, the place is right, and the people are in the right place.

After repeating this cycle nearly ten times, Kuroba Kaito finally became numb.

“Brother, I’m convinced. I’m really convinced. I’ve almost thrown away all the smoke bombs. What do you want?”

Kuroba Kaito had a sad face. If the other party had just rushed up and shouted to kill him, maybe he would have felt better, but the other party had always been so leisurely.

It’s like “I can obviously catch you but I just won’t”, just like a cat playing with its prey when catching a mouse.

My heart really can’t bear it, brother!

Faced with Kuroba Kaito’s almost rotten attitude, Sano said nothing, just looked at him, and then at the mission time of only three minutes left.

It’s strange. Why hasn’t the mission been completed? Could it be that… I’m targeting the wrong person? Kuroba Kaito is actually not Kaito Kidd, but two people are targeting the Dark Star?

“Your name is Kuroba Kaito, right.”

Faced with Sano’s sudden question, Kuroba Kaito trembled, his head was covered with cold sweat, he put his head aside guiltily, and laughed dryly: “Ha, haha, what are you talking about? Who is Kuroba Kaito? I’ve never heard of it. a ha ha ha……”

Sano: “…”

This guy’s acting skills…are comparable to that of Conan. Even when he’s clearly disguised, his acting skills are quite realistic.

After confirming that Kaito Kid is Kuroba Kaito, Sano doesn’t have so many worries anymore. Maybe it’s just that, even in the last three minutes, there is still a possibility that the opponent can take away the Dark Star.

This thief has some skills.

“The ship will arrive at the port in three minutes. Are you sure you don’t want to get off yet?”

Sano suddenly asked a question from a tricky angle.

“Oh shit, I almost forgot about this!”

After Kuroba Kaito was stunned for a moment, he suddenly slapped his head: “This is too bad. They should have discovered my hang glider. How am I going to escape from the ship…”

At this time, even though Sano was wearing a mask, he could clearly feel his smile under the mask: “I have a way.”


Kuroba Kaito stared at Sano warily. This guy had been chasing him for so long, how could he be kind enough to find a way to escape for him?

“Of course, there’s a price to pay.”

Sano’s eyes were calm, not worried at all that Kuroba Kaito would reject him: “To put it bluntly, it’s a deal.”


Hearing what Sano said, Kuroba Kaito breathed a sigh of relief. There is no free lunch in the world, but if there is a charge, that would be normal.

“what do you want?”

Ten minutes later, after an investigation by the police at the port, Sano successfully made it from the ship to the shore.

Conan, who had hurriedly ran to save Mao Lilan before, only to find that the other party was fine, tugged on Sano’s clothes out of curiosity: “Hey, Sano, didn’t you catch the thief?”

Sano looked at Conan and just shook his head: “You know, I’m not very good at running, so I lost track.”

…It’s not a bad thing, it’s almost paralysis.

Conan showed his dead eyes and felt that he was a bit cerebral for being able to ask such a question, so he stopped asking any more questions.

What Conan didn’t notice was that Sano’s peripheral vision was fixed on the sea not far from Tokyo Port.

With Sano’s eyesight, he could barely see a small black spot splashing on the sea.

Look, isn’t this a successful escape?

Thinking of the image of Kuroba Kaito shivering before he was thrown from the ship like a cannonball with all his strength, Sano couldn’t help but smile a little deeper.

But then again, didn’t this kid say he could swim? How could he still be swimming so vigorously?

Could it be that he was drowning?

That’s not right. If his life was really in danger, this guy probably wouldn’t care about the police officers not far away, and would just start howling like a ghost.

Can’t figure it out.

Then simply don’t think about it.

After shaking his head, Sano swayed and prepared to leave.

But before that, Suzuki Tomoko and Suzuki Shiro, who came to Tokyo Port early to wait, grabbed Sano.

“Thanks to you for seeing Kidd’s flaw in the banquet hall before, I was able to prevent that thief from approaching me as he wished. Otherwise, I might not be able to continue wearing this dark star.”

Suzuki Tomoko solemnly handed a black box to Sano: “I remember Sonoko said, I told you that if you catch Kidd, you will be given 30 million, right? Although Kidd was not caught this time, it was still a great achievement. , I will pay you the full amount.”


Sano didn’t think much about it. Anyway, Suzuki Sonoko’s family was so rich, only 30 million, so there was no harm in accepting it. They all deserved it anyway.

On the other hand, Mouri Kogoro’s eyes were so red that they were almost like rabbits.

“Thirty million, thirty million, thirty million…”

Looking at the jealous and helpless Mouri Kogoro, Maori Lan, who was forced to hang up in the middle and only woke up at the end, couldn’t help but rolled his eyes: “Dad…”

Then, in a vehicle arranged by the Suzuki family, Sano returned home with 30 million in cash, and the first thing he did was to call Gin back.

Yes, Gin had called Sano before on the ship, but because it was inconvenient, Sano just hung up, and the other party told him to call him back immediately after the matter was over.

It looks like there is an emergency. Could it be another urgent task?

…Could it be that he was in prison again, or was he protecting Shirley?

“Hey, Gin-sama, do you have any advice?”

On the other end of the phone, when Gin heard Sano’s words, he knew that his place must be a safe environment for talking.

“Heimai, did you go find trouble with people from the Yingjiang Gang yesterday…today?”

Sano raised his eyebrows, never expecting that Ginjiu came to him for this matter.

“That’s right. Kill both of them. What’s wrong?”

“A hall master and his son, can you please stop talking like two cannon fodders?”

Gin’s tone was a little cold, making Sano couldn’t help but chuckle: “What’s wrong, does the Yingjiang Gang cooperate with our organization? Did he ask the organization to hand me over?”

“That’s not true.”

Gin seemed to take a puff of cigarette: “You are too arrogant and did not destroy the surveillance camera when you saw it, so the Yingjiang Gang is now looking for you everywhere, and their president even made harsh words, and you must meet within three days. When it comes to your head, even though your face is completely fake… and strictly speaking, the surveillance didn’t capture your face, I still have to remind you, Rye.”

“You are now in a situation where you are being hunted by both black and white. Even the organization cannot get involved too much in order to help you.”

Having said this, Gin paused for a moment: “Be cautious on all occasions. If you have any situation, please contact me.”

Hearing this, Sano couldn’t help but opened his eyes in surprise.

The front is easy to say, it is nothing more than a formulaic statement, but what the hell is behind it?

Sano took the phone and checked the number on it. It was Gin, but why did he feel that there was another person on the other end of the phone?

The organization will not mingle, please contact us if there is any problem.

There is undoubtedly a contradiction between these two rhetorics, but they happen to appear together.

Could it be that the other party meant that although the organization would not get angry and cause trouble for Sano, Gin himself could help Sano?

Is the sun rising in the west today? Gin has become so collegial? ?

Sano took out a cigarette and lit it to calm down his shock, but Gin on the other end of the phone was a little impatient: “Did you hear what I said?”

Sano came back to his senses and then remembered that the phone had not been hung up yet, so he quickly responded: “Ah, ah, um, um, um, um, um, um, um, um, um, um, um, I heard, I heard you, if you need anything, I’ll call you, and you will help me handle everything.”

“Then Lord Gin, can I ask you to do a small favor now? I need information about President Yingjiang. Please help me find it.”

“Information about the president of the Yingjiang Gang?”

There was a little surprise in Gin’s voice: “What do you want to do?”

“Yeah… didn’t he say he would see my head within three days? His men must have a headache now. After all, there are no clues at all. I just want to share the pressure for them.”

Sano blew out a puff of cigarette. If Gin was sitting directly opposite him instead of holding a cell phone, he would have noticed that the corner of his mouth had almost reached behind his ears, and his eyes were shining with excitement.

Being chased by both black and white is such a nostalgic feeling.

Isn’t this how Sano died in his last life?

The only difference from then is that Sano now has cheats!

As for being targeted by the Yingjiang Gang, Sano was not surprised.

After all, Sano deliberately blamed Rye Vest, so it was natural for him to be resented. What really surprised Sano was the opponent’s resolute attitude.

Wasn’t it just that two people died? As for getting so angry, forget it, it doesn’t make any difference, just solve it together.

After hearing that Sano directly applied for off-site assistance, Gin on the other end of the phone was silent for some reason. In the end, he just said “I will send it to your email later” and hung up the phone.

…Why do you feel like Gin is a little angry?

Sano touched his chin. Could it be that he was unhappy because he didn’t say that he would take the other person to play with him just now?

Forget it, it’s a trivial matter. Today, tomorrow, and the day after tomorrow, there are still two days before the three-day deadline for the president of the Kagejiang Gang. Sano can get it done before then.

After all, we can’t let those poor little brothers take the blame for Sano, that would be too bad.

Thinking of this, Sano suddenly felt that he was really a kind-hearted person.

The time has come to the third day, which is the last day of the three-day period for the president of the Yingjiang Gang to issue a pursuit order against the “faceless man”.

Sano had been waiting at the gate of Mihua Park early, and a familiar black vehicle slowly approached.

Sano glanced at the second car following behind, and couldn’t help but raise his eyebrows in surprise.


Gin rolled down the window and didn’t talk nonsense. Sano certainly didn’t talk nonsense either and followed him into the car.

After the vehicle started moving, Sano looked at Gin: “Who’s behind?”

“Members of two action teams.”

Before Sano could speak, Gin continued: “This has nothing to do with organizational orders. It’s just out of mutual help among colleagues. They came here voluntarily to help.”


Sano didn’t say much until the vehicle stopped. After getting out of the car, he glanced at the two people getting off the vehicle behind him.

There is a man and a woman. The man is very tall and looks a little thin. He is wearing a peaked cap and small round sunglasses… Are they goggles to be precise?

The face is a bit long, but the important thing is that the hair held down by the hat is also white.

The other woman had…probably burgundy short hair, a cold face, and a strange tattoo under her left eye, which looked a bit like a butterfly.

Both of them were carrying a long black bag. They walked up to Gin and nodded as a greeting.

“Introduction, Cohen, Chianti, this is rye.”


Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story

Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story

Status: Completed Author:


I, Sano Shinichiro, a time traveler, have a system.
Although the system's tasks are very strange, the rewarded equipment is even more... fresh and refined.
For example, a hammer that cannot cause damage, a small electric donkey that can fly quickly, a coat that turns into a roadie when used, sunglasses that cannot distinguish between humans and animals within 500 meters after wearing them, etc...
What, you ask me how to live better in this world?
Sano Shinichiro smiled faintly and put on his vest: "How can you not get stabbed when you are floating in the world? If you want to avoid getting stabbed, you have to open a trumpet. The more vests I have, the more slutty I will be. I will wave the flag of the winery."
When Akai Shuichi asked Conan what he thought of the black organization, Conan responded like this: The black organization? Although they act a little rough, they are all good people... Wait, which black organization are you asking about?


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