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Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story — Chapter 159 158. Is this how the saying that one is better than the other is better?

When I go back this time, I will definitely burn incense and worship Buddha, be more vigilant, and then…

Find this guy again and peel off his skin with cramps!

That’s right, the president of the Shadow River Gang did not intend to let Sano go. Not only was he angry because he had just escaped from the opponent’s hands and almost lost his life, but also because Sano killed his father and son. .

If you don’t kill the opponent to scare the monkeys, then both the Yingjiang Gang’s president’s prestige in his own territory and the Yingjiang Gang’s status in the entire Neon will be greatly affected.

In fact, when he received the call just now, the president of the Yingjiang Gang had not thought about finding a scapegoat or something, but looking at this situation now…

The president of the Yingjiang Gang has no doubt that once he releases the news that he has killed the other party, the other party will immediately come back and kill him.

Although I don’t know why the other party let me go, the survival rules of the dark world are so ruthless. Not to mention such trivial matters, repaying kindness with hatred is commonplace.

The elevator door slowly closed, but at the last moment, two black figures suddenly flew into the elevator through the crack in the door, rolled several times on the ground, and stopped just between the legs of the president of the Yingjiang Gang. between.


The president of the Yingjiang Gang lowered his head and looked, what are these things, one big and one small, are they rocks?


The moment the elevator was about to start, the smaller stone cracked several cracks, and blazing white light bloomed from between the cracks.



The huge impact swept through the flames, and even rushed out from the crack of the elevator door, causing Sano, who had already reached the safe passage, to subconsciously look back.

Let the Yingjiang Gang president go?

What an international joke.

Don’t mention anything else, let’s just say that the two sides have already been fighting to the death order for Sano. Even if the other party wants to stop, Sano will never agree.

For example, Sano could have just thrown a bomb into the elevator of the Kage Gang president at the beginning, but he didn’t.

Instead, he chose to enter the elevator and played with the other person’s mentality.

It’s a pity that the old man’s mentality collapsed so quickly that Sano found it boring and ended it immediately.

However, in the end, I still gave the opponent a small chance of survival before killing the opponent, which relieved him a little bit.

Not far from the hotel, Chianti and Cohen, who had just returned to the car, were staring at the hotel entrance.

“What’s going on? Why hasn’t he come out yet? Isn’t it said that it’s done and ready to evacuate?”

Gin held the binoculars and ignored Chianti’s nonsense.

Half a minute later, Gin clearly saw that the members of the Yingjiang Gang in the lobby on the first floor of the hotel suddenly started to make a commotion, and the muscles in their bodies became tense.

It wasn’t until a certain figure came into view that Gin relaxed and put down the binoculars.


The four of them got into two cars each.

Sano opened the back door of Gin’s car, and as soon as he got in, the car started quickly, maxed out the speed, and sped away.

Watching Sano take off the hat on his head, Gin lit a cigarette for himself: “Have you taken care of it?”

“Don’t worry, according to your method, not even the bones and residue will be left.”

Sano waved his hand casually, and Gin immediately understood that this kid had used a bomb again.

Forget it, as long as the matter is resolved, there are no accidents and no big commotion. I just feel like my trip was in vain.

At this moment, Sano suddenly snapped his fingers again, and there was a faint roar in the distance.

Gin looked back with some confusion, listening to the direction and distance of the sound…


Sensing Gin’s thoughts, Sano said with a smile: “I left a bomb next to that old guy. After all, the president died so mysteriously. Those poor guys will definitely be punished when they go back. It’s better to just solve it.” It’s dropped.”

That’s right, the last thing Sano threw into the elevator were two bombs. The less powerful one was timed to kill the president of the Kagejiang Gang, while the more powerful one was remotely controlled.

The purpose is to blow up those other people who went to check the body of the Yingjiang Gang president who fell in the elevator.


After hearing Sano’s answer, Vodka, who was driving, was already covered in cold sweat.

You will be punished anyway, so you might as well die – what the hell kind of logic is this? If you have the ability, you should ask those guys whether they want to die or accept punishment first!

This guy Rye is indeed a devil!

Gin was also slightly silent.

To be honest, Gin himself couldn’t remember when his impression of Sano’s ability gradually changed from close combat to sneak assassination and now to the bomb maniac.

The first time Sano used a bomb seemed to be during the mission in Tequila?

It was also at that time that Gin learned that Sano also had the special skill of making bombs on his own.

At the same time, since then, Sano seemed to like to use bombs to solve problems.

This also includes the last mission with Mezcal.

Thinking of mezcal, Gin couldn’t help but start to have a headache.

Although Gin did give Sano a silence reminder before the mission started, he really didn’t think the probability of needing to silence him was high.

After all, unlike Colum and Tequila, who were operational personnel earlier, Mescal is an intelligence agent. There is no way that there will be any stupid phenomena that leave people speechless, right?

This time will definitely allow Sano to truly see the experience and qualities that a Codename member should have.

…That’s what Gin originally thought, and then the facts told him – yes!

Of course, in comparison, Mescal’s failure was not that stupid. It was just a simple mistake that was discovered. It is considered a normal phenomenon for the time being. There is nothing to say, it can only be said to be bad luck.

Gin didn’t pay much attention at first, until the peripheral members who were sent to check the surveillance video of the Metropolitan Police Department and confirmed the situation that day came back.

Only then did Gin learn that Sano, the guy who was playing the supporting role that day, had been silenced by Mescal without even trying.

Although Sano also said later that there was no condition to respond at that time, and forcing the response would only lead to the possibility of both of them being arrested, but in addition to this, based on the surveillance that day, it could be seen that the bomb on Mescal was in action. It had been installed before.

What does this mean?

Does it mean that the core members of their family are so stupid that they didn’t even notice that a bomb was planted on them?

…Well, this probably means that Sano was already prepared to “silence” before the mission began.

Even though Sano used excuses like “just in case” and “prudentness” to explain this, Gin always felt that there was something wrong with this guy.

…The train of thought is distorted, the deceased has passed away, and what matters is the present.

At least if Gin really had to choose between Sano and Mescal to survive, he would choose Sano without hesitation.

Gin rubbed his eyebrows. Before the Tequila incident, Sano had not shown any signs of being connected to the bomb. Why was it like this now?

Could it be that during the Sanhua meeting earlier, he used a bomb to destroy corpses and eliminate traces, thus triggering some hidden attribute of Sano, which led the other party to the current path?


Gin couldn’t help but become even more silent, feeling unbelievable at the idea that just popped up in her mind.

Although he did teach Sano something, there was no need for the other party to imitate him so actively, or even be so… A person who is better than his master is better than his master, right?

Can this sentence be used in this way?

Sano on the side glanced at Gin who was silent for some reason. Why did he feel that something was wrong with this person?

In the front, Chianti, who had just gotten into the car, couldn’t help but look back at the vehicle behind him: “Hey, Cohen, did you say that newcomer really killed the president of the Yingjiang Gang? It’s less than an hour, why is there no movement at all?”

Honest Cohen just drove: “…I think that guy is a bit scary.”


Chianti was just talking to himself, and actually didn’t expect to get an answer at all, so when he heard Cohen speak, he looked over in surprise.

“Although I didn’t see it with my own eyes, judging from the reactions of the people in the lobby on the first floor at that time, there was indeed some trouble inside, and Rye came out from the hotel entrance. If the president of the Yingjiang Gang really did something, What kind of accident happened? Do you think those Yingjiang Gang members guarding the lobby would let even a fly out?”

Seeing Cohen who was completely different from before and said a lot of words, Chianti was stunned and finally reacted.

“Yeah, let’s not talk about how that kid killed people. How he came out after killing people is a big problem…”

Just as Chianti murmured, they heard a faint roar in the distance, causing both of their pupils to shrink involuntarily.

Although there was no evidence, the two naturally did not believe that the suspected explosion had nothing to do with the newcomer who inherited the code name of Rye and was also known as the Bomb Maniac.

But the two of them didn’t know what the explosion was for. The other party didn’t actually kill the Yingjiang Gang president before, but just set up a trap to let the other party fall into the trap now, or something else. .

There were also what the other party had done after entering the hotel before, etc. A large number of unknown doubts filled their heads, making them more and more serious.

As the saying goes, the unknown is always the most feared existence.

Just like the vodka and mezcal back then, they knew clearly that Sano had done something…excessive to the unknown rat, but they couldn’t imagine the process at all.

At this time, the vast space for imagination gives humans the opportunity to use their powerful imagination.

Therefore, at this moment, both Chianti and Cohen unconsciously began to look at the newcomer Rye more highly.

Although I don’t know what the other party is so powerful, I just feel that the other party is very powerful, even terrifyingly powerful – that is, I don’t realize how powerful he is.

After solving the hidden danger of the Kagejiang Gang, Sano drank gin for a while, then got off the car and changed back into his body vest, then transferred to another car and returned home.

Of course, before that, Sano did not forget to thank the duo in the other car through his earphones.

…Although the other party didn’t actually help, you still have to be polite.

The true love between colleagues depends on you and me.

You help me today, I will help you tomorrow, this is the wisdom of the world.


Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story

Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story

Status: Completed Author:


I, Sano Shinichiro, a time traveler, have a system.
Although the system's tasks are very strange, the rewarded equipment is even more... fresh and refined.
For example, a hammer that cannot cause damage, a small electric donkey that can fly quickly, a coat that turns into a roadie when used, sunglasses that cannot distinguish between humans and animals within 500 meters after wearing them, etc...
What, you ask me how to live better in this world?
Sano Shinichiro smiled faintly and put on his vest: "How can you not get stabbed when you are floating in the world? If you want to avoid getting stabbed, you have to open a trumpet. The more vests I have, the more slutty I will be. I will wave the flag of the winery."
When Akai Shuichi asked Conan what he thought of the black organization, Conan responded like this: The black organization? Although they act a little rough, they are all good people... Wait, which black organization are you asking about?


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