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Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story — Chapter 16 16, Dog Rider Squad

Sano didn’t notice the fighting spirit of the two girls behind him, because at this moment he had arrived at the gate of Didan High School and found his little electric donkey.

“Well, see you next time.”

Sano waved his hands at the two of them, and when he pulled the accelerator, his figure quickly shrank in their sight.


Lingmu Yuanzi and Mao Lilan finally reacted and stood there dumbly with their eyes wide open.

Damn, the target of protection ran away on an eDonkey, what should the two bodyguards do?


“I always feel like I’ve been abandoned.”

Suzuki Sonoko squatted beside a tree and drew circles on the ground.

On the other side, Sano, who was riding a small electric donkey, was blown by the cool breeze. The sticky feeling that was still a little uncomfortable due to the sweat in the afternoon had disappeared a lot.

Until an intersection, Sano stopped the car and waited for the red light.

At this moment, a team of children led by a dog knight quickly sprang out from the side, attracting Sano’s attention. Sano was also discovered at the same time.

“Ah, it’s the big brother who was the stalking criminal yesterday!”

In the team, a little girl wearing a headband and the same hairstyle as Suzuki Sonoko pointed at Sano and shouted.


Pedestrians around him all cast strange looks at Sano.


“It’s such a shame that he’s so handsome, but he’s a stalking criminal.”

Amidst the sighs of the other two boys, one fat and one thin, Sano twitched the corner of his mouth, ignored the strange looks around him, and looked at the team of dog knights expressionlessly.

In this team of children, except for the dog knight and the little girl, there was a tall and thin man with freckles on his face and a fat man with a head like a rice ball.

“You know me?”

Faced with Sano’s question, the little girl explained: “Yesterday we also went to Yoko’s sister’s house with Conan, but we went too late, so we didn’t talk to the big brother.”

The freckled boy picked up the topic: “But we saw Big Brother from a distance.”

The rice ball boy finally added: “Conan has also told us that the eldest brother was following Sister Yoko, so he was taken there because he was considered suspicious.”

Sano silently turned his gaze to the dog knight, who also turned his head with some guilt.

It turns out to be this guy…


In the end, Conan was the first to lose control. He had not forgotten that his previous use of Mouri Kogoro’s identity to solve crimes at Okino Yoko’s house seemed to have been discovered by the other party.

It would be a real sin if the secret was leaked because of the person behind it.

“Well, actually we found a treasure map, Brother Sano.”

Sano glanced at the note in Conan’s hand, and probably saw a few patterns on it, and felt speechless. This topic was too awkward, and he actually used this kind of child’s game to deceive himself.

Why does it feel like one day has passed, and this dog knight seems to have really become an ordinary child.

“This is a real treasure map!”

The smaller version of Suzuki Sonoko noticed Sano’s disdain and frowned with dissatisfaction: “And this will also be the first battle for our young detective team to make a name for itself!”

“Young Detective Team?”

Sano raised his eyebrows, feeling a little amused.

“That’s right!”

A smaller version of Suzuki Sonoko put her hands on her hips: “I’m Yoshida Ayumi!”

The freckled boy followed with his hands facing east: “I’m Mitsuhiko Tsuburaya!”

The rice ball boy pointed his hands toward the west: “I am Genta Kojima!”

Sano and the three little kids all looked at Conan, who could only raise his hands feebly: “I am Edogawa Conan…”

“We are the Young Detective Team!”

Sano rolled his eyes inwardly and cursed, calling the young detective team the Dog Knight Squad.

“If big brother needs anything in the future, you can entrust our young detective team!”

Yoshida Ayumi smiled and said: “Of course, if big brother dares to follow girls in the future, our young detective team will also personally arrest you!”


Sano showed his dead eyes, turned to look at Conan and asked, “Isn’t your surname Maori?”


Conan was stunned for a moment, and then he realized that the two parties had not actually communicated with each other. He only knew Sano’s surname was Sano from other people’s names. How could Sano know his name, so he touched his head and answered with a smile.

“Well, actually I’m just temporarily staying at Sister Xiaolan’s house.”


After his doubts were answered, he turned to look at Ayumi aside: “Your name is Yoshida Ayumi?”


Ayumi nodded: “What’s wrong? Doesn’t this name sound good?”

“Hey, stalking brother, why do you care so much about Ayumi’s name?”

Genta stood in front of Ayumi, his eyes full of suspicion. Mitsuhiko on the side also asked: “You don’t even want to follow a little girl, do you?”

A vein popped out on Sano’s forehead, and it was endless.

“Have you ever been to that Bige Tropical Park the day before yesterday?”

Sano directly asked what he wanted to ask. In fact, when the three children spoke just now, he had already inexplicably felt that the voices of these three children were a bit familiar, plus the name Ayumi Yoshida.

Sano was 100% sure that these three kids were the three imps who hit him in the roller coaster tunnel the day before yesterday.

Genta and Mitsuhiko’s expressions visibly stiffened, just like Conan before, they looked away guiltily: “Ha, I’ve never heard of a tropical park, right Mitsuhiko?”

“Ah…ah, I haven’t heard of it either…”

It seemed right, it was these three brats, I didn’t expect to meet them here.

Sano narrowed his eyes. It’s just that these three brats probably didn’t know that he was the one they bumped into in the tunnel. So what were they guilty of?

After recalling the map structure of the tropical park, Sano had the answer.

“Ah ha, it turns out that he got in by evading the fare. He is really a bad boy.”

Sano pretended to sigh: “Conan, are you classmates? Which school and class are you in? I have to tell your teacher later.”


Conan was still in a daze because of the words “the day before yesterday” and “tropical park”. He was suddenly cueed by Sano and immediately came back to his senses: “Oh, we are Didan Elementary School…”

“Conan shut up!!”

Genta, who was covered in cold sweat, rushed out and covered Conan’s mouth, as if he wanted to cover Conan to death.

This kid probably thought that he could avoid being sued if he blocked Conan’s mouth.

Children are innocent.

Mitsuhiko and Ayumi on the side didn’t move. They didn’t know whether they were simply too timid and frightened, or whether they were not as bearish as the fat guy named Genta.

And in the next second, Sano’s joking voice plunged Genta into despair.

“It’s useless if you don’t let him talk. Anyway, I can go to school tomorrow to ask his sister Xiaolan. In short, you are finished.”

“No, Brother Sano, we were wrong!”

Genta finally gave up the struggle, and together with the other two brats, they grabbed Sano’s trouser legs, crying.

“Just spare us this once, really just this once!”

On the side of the road, three children were pleading one after another, and Conan couldn’t help but twitching at the corner of his mouth as he watched this scene. He seriously suspected that Sano was simply retaliating against the three little devils for calling him a stalker.

He is really very vindictive.

Sano didn’t get entangled with these little brats for too long. He didn’t forget that he had an appointment at eight o’clock, and he was the kind of person who was likely to get slapped on the forehead if he was late.


Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story

Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story

Status: Completed Author:


I, Sano Shinichiro, a time traveler, have a system.
Although the system's tasks are very strange, the rewarded equipment is even more... fresh and refined.
For example, a hammer that cannot cause damage, a small electric donkey that can fly quickly, a coat that turns into a roadie when used, sunglasses that cannot distinguish between humans and animals within 500 meters after wearing them, etc...
What, you ask me how to live better in this world?
Sano Shinichiro smiled faintly and put on his vest: "How can you not get stabbed when you are floating in the world? If you want to avoid getting stabbed, you have to open a trumpet. The more vests I have, the more slutty I will be. I will wave the flag of the winery."
When Akai Shuichi asked Conan what he thought of the black organization, Conan responded like this: The black organization? Although they act a little rough, they are all good people... Wait, which black organization are you asking about?


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