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Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story — Chapter 162 161, Conan’s sins

Sano still wore a modest smile: “Hey, it’s not that exaggerated. The number of people who died in my hands has not even exceeded double digits. How can I compare with my predecessors.”

Belmod twitched the corner of his mouth and rolled his eyes in his heart. Let’s just say it. Except for scientific researchers and a very small number of logistics personnel, which core cadre with a code name doesn’t have blood dripping on his hands?

Only dozens of people were killed, who would believe it?

…Besides, even if it were true, there were still dozens of living lives. How could you put it in the other person’s mouth and make it look like the slices of bread he had eaten in the morning?

With just one glance and one sentence, Sano’s image in Belmod’s mind has become a cold-blooded perverted murderer who is full of lies and murderous people.

“Then, let’s first…”

Belmod was just about to say that he should leave quickly to complete the mission, but suddenly there was a conversation not far away.

There are actually people on the ship going to a remote place like Shikishima?

Bermod and Zuo Ye were shocked at the same time… because those exchanges sounded familiar.

It’s Conan who’s the master of business.

Sano smacked his lips and quickly switched his vest while Belmod’s eyes were not on him.

After all, Sano’s rye vest, whether his face is seen directly or his face is invisible after wearing a passerby’s hat, will most likely make the Conan boy alert.

That would be too much trouble.

Of course, Sano is not planning to use the main body vest. As he said before, the main body and the rye vest always appear at the same time, which can easily arouse suspicion.

Especially now that Sano has a criminal standing next to him.

So when Belmode looked at Sano again, the white-haired boy had turned into a boy wearing casual clothes and with a black short-back hairstyle.

what’s the situation?

Belmode was even more shocked. He was the only one who didn’t notice. Why did the person change?

“Do you know how to disguise yourself?”

Belmod stared in confusion at Sano, who had switched to the Black Death Vest without the special attack uniform.

“know a little.”

Sano still upholds the good moral character of being humble. As Gin said, as a person, you have to be low-key.

Belmod narrowed his eyes, but his heart became more and more surprised.

Because Belmode also knows the art of disguise, even the face she is using now is fake.

In fact, Belmode had always stayed abroad before, and strictly speaking, it was not convenient for her to return to Neon.

But recently I heard that there was a new person in the organization, and it was a new generation of rye whiskey named by the boss, so Belmode wanted to know more about it.

Unexpectedly, Belmode, as a person with a special status in the organization, did not have the authority to view the other party’s detailed information in the information database.

This made Belmode even more curious.

There must be some secret about this newcomer.

Therefore, after Belmod came back this time, he greeted Gin by the way and took the initiative to propose the team completion of this mission and the selection of teammates.

As for the disguise technique, Belmode was surprised at how perfect the other party was.

As a veteran who is at the pinnacle of the art of disguise, Belmod could not see any flaws in Sano’s face. At this level, he had already completed the art of disguise that was no less than hers.

But logically speaking, not many people in the world should be able to master this level of disguise. In fact, everyone knows each other more or less…

And in addition to this, Sano changed his face and clothes too quickly. In just a moment of turning his eyes away, his face, hairstyle, and clothes were all changed.

From this point of view, whether the other person’s previous face was real or fake is another matter. No wonder he was able to commit suicide in front of the police continuously without being arrested.

Thinking of this, Bellmode suddenly felt a little unhappy, because the other party had clearly shouted before, “Senior, it’s an honor to see the junior’s face,” but in the end, the face she was shown was a fake one!

At this moment, Belmode had already ignored the fake face he used to see the other party, and his heart became slightly solemn. What is the origin of this new generation of rye?

While Belmode was deep in thought, the sound of communication was getting closer and closer, and several figures came into Sano’s eyes, which truly confirmed that this mission would definitely not be peaceful.

“Hey, there are other people here?”

Mouri Kogoro looked at Sano and Bellmode in surprise: “Are you two also going to Shikishima? Are you residents of the island, or did you travel there?”

Mao Lilan on the side looked at Sano curiously, and reached out to pat Conan: “Hey, Conan, look at this person, he looks similar to my senior.”

“It’s indeed a bit like…”

Conan was also secretly sizing up Sano, but why did he feel that compared to Sano, there was someone who was more similar to Sano? Who was it…

Sano originally wanted to maintain the cool persona of the Black Death Vest and didn’t want to speak, but after waiting for a while, he didn’t hear Belmod’s reply, and his eyes were still fixed on Maori Lan, even Maori Kogoro. The shameless ones became embarrassed and could only bump into Belmode.

“What are you doing.”


Belmod came back to his senses and smiled quickly: “I’m sorry, because this lady looks like an acquaintance of mine, so I was stunned for a while. Yes, we are traveling to Shikishima.”

“Oh, that’s how it is……”

However, Maori Kogoro had no intention of chatting anymore, and just moved his steps quietly, blocking the sight of Belmod and Maori Lan.

A man who stares at his daughter as soon as they meet her and uses lame excuses like being acquaintances to get closer is not a good person at first glance.

Mouri Kogoro felt that he needed to fulfill his responsibilities as a father and solve the problem from the root.

Belmode was obviously aware of this, but she didn’t pay too much attention and just turned her head to look at the sea.

Just because Belmode didn’t care, it didn’t mean that Sano wouldn’t care. Mouri Kogoro could see something was wrong with Belmode, so how could he not see it?

“You know that girl.”

Although it was a question, Sano used a declarative tone.

Belmode’s expression remained normal: “I told you that I just feel like she looks a lot like an acquaintance.”

“Some acquaintance, how old is he, where does he live, what is his name.”

Belmode asked in a funny yet indifferent tone: “Are you checking your household registration? Do I need to answer your questions?”

“Of course not. As a junior, I’m just curious about the seniors’ affairs.”

Hearing the obvious resistance in Belmode’s words, Sano did not continue to delve deeper. After all, the other party was unwilling to tell, so he couldn’t arrest the person and torture him.

However, after such an episode, Sano can be sure that his teammates this time do know Mao Lilan, and the relationship is not just as simple as meeting a few times.

But the time Sano and Mao Lilan have been together is not that short. How come they never knew that there was such a character beside the other party?

A high school detective, the childhood sweetheart of the world pig’s feet… she must also be a female pig’s feet. As Belmode is a core member and cadre of a criminal organization, how did the two get related.

Judging from his attitude, Belmod doesn’t seem to be the opposite… Could he also be an undercover agent?

Sano looked at the sea and rubbed his fingers thoughtfully. Judging from the amount of undercovers Gin caught every day, it was not impossible. Didn’t he have an undercover by his side?

How about we go to Shikishima later and try it out with Mo Lilan?

…In fact, Sano also thought about using the Hammer of Justice to test, but now Sano feels a little confused about the role of the Hammer of Justice.

Logically speaking, the more sinful a person is, the higher the pain multiplier he will endure after being attacked by the Hammer of Justice.

But how is this “sin” defined?

Sano didn’t think much about it at first, but later he gradually realized that the scope of this thing was too vague.

Just like Toru Amuro.

Although Sano had previously determined that the other party was an undercover agent and a “good guy”, but really speaking, wasn’t there any crime in the undercover agent?

As an undercover agent, the important thing is not to fall into the tiger’s den to catch the tiger’s cubs, and you can’t bear to let the child fall into the trap of the wolf. As Sano communicated with Gin intentionally or unintentionally, he also knew that the blood on Toru Amuro’s hand was not considered a crime. few.

Could it be that just because he is an undercover agent, these crimes are not crimes?

Another example is Conan, the pig’s foot. The same is true.

At first, Sano didn’t react to the opponent when he used the hammer of justice, and didn’t think much about it, but now it seems that the opponent is a detective after all. Just like what he said when he tricked Kogoro Mouri before, this is a gray industry.

Even though Conan didn’t need to follow and secretly take photos like Mouri Kogoro, Sano had seen countless small evils with his own eyes.

For example, illegal eavesdropping in the Mantiantian incident, breaking into private homes in the haunted house and twin corpse cases, and the last time I used a modified skateboard to overload and speed, etc…

No matter how bad it is, using your shrunken body to take a shower with a woman you haven’t established a relationship with yet is considered obscene.

Although it is not as big a sin as murder, it is still a sin.

But even under such conditions, the Hammer of Justice still did not react to Conan.

What exactly is called sin, is it about the heart or the deeds? If it is the latter, which deed is it talking about?

If it is calculated according to Neon’s law, then if Sano changes to another country, will the calculation method change again?

Can’t figure it out.

Sano originally thought that the setting of the reinforcements given by the system would be very strict, but now it feels… that it is almost the same as the timeline of this world. Ke has learned very well.

A headache.

In the silence of the people on both sides, a small ship finally slowly approached the shore.

During this period, another man in a suit appeared. I don’t know if he was a tourist or a resident of the island. He didn’t communicate with anyone, but his face was gloomy.

After boarding the ship, Sano looked at the man with his peripheral vision. His intuition and… experience told him that this man was probably related to the Shenlong.

It might be a direct relationship, or of course it might just be a simple fog bomb.

Regardless, it’s always good to pay more attention.

On the ship, apart from the normal staff, there was an old man wearing glasses who looked like he was about to retire.

This old man seemed to be some kind of civil servant on the island, and he came here specifically to “greet” the three members of the Maori family.

Sano also listened to their exchange for a while, and then realized that it turned out that Mouri Kogoro came not because of any commission, but was invited to give a speech.


Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story

Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story

Status: Completed Author:


I, Sano Shinichiro, a time traveler, have a system.
Although the system's tasks are very strange, the rewarded equipment is even more... fresh and refined.
For example, a hammer that cannot cause damage, a small electric donkey that can fly quickly, a coat that turns into a roadie when used, sunglasses that cannot distinguish between humans and animals within 500 meters after wearing them, etc...
What, you ask me how to live better in this world?
Sano Shinichiro smiled faintly and put on his vest: "How can you not get stabbed when you are floating in the world? If you want to avoid getting stabbed, you have to open a trumpet. The more vests I have, the more slutty I will be. I will wave the flag of the winery."
When Akai Shuichi asked Conan what he thought of the black organization, Conan responded like this: The black organization? Although they act a little rough, they are all good people... Wait, which black organization are you asking about?


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