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Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story — Chapter 163 162, It feels so good to slap someone in the face with money

And the old man was obviously well versed in officialdom’s routines. He was the best detective in the world and coaxed Mouri Kogoro so much that his tail almost went up to the sky.

However, it is worth mentioning that after hearing the words “Detective Detective Mouri Kogoro”, the man standing on the deck was startled and ran into the cabin.

…There seems to be something wrong with that guy becoming more obvious.

Sano did not return to the cabin, but continued to eavesdrop on the exchanges between Mouri Kogoro and others as if nothing had happened.

Now the man’s identity, at least on the surface, was revealed.

A staff member from a travel agency in Tokyo seems to want to use the Shenlong gimmick to turn Shikishima into a tourist attraction.

At the same time, the identities of Sano and Bellmode were also revealed. Of course, those were all fake, whether it was the registered names or the excuse for traveling to Shikishima.

Sano asked the organization’s personnel specifically responsible for this aspect to produce more than a dozen types of identity certificates, including but not limited to residence permit, driver’s license and work permit.

The name of each certificate is different.

Such as Ken Kaneki, Gintoki Sakata, Gin Ichimaru, Killua, Hatake Kakashi, etc…

Well, Sano really rarely watched anime in his last life. It was just that one of his closest friends claimed to be two-dimensional all day long, and even dragged him to follow the anime together. Subtly, he absorbed a little bit of knowledge.

Of course, Sano used the Black Death Vest’s identification to board the ship.

Among the identification certificates of Sakuragi Hanamichi, Onizuka Eikichi, Urameshi Yusuke, Norma Suga and Serizawa Tamao, etc., a random one was drawn.

Then while listening, Sano heard another rumor about the Shenlong.

Ghost ship.

This is what everyone in Shikishima calls the Shenlong.

It is said that before the Shenlong disappeared seven years ago, a distress signal was sent. However, when the people of Shikishima prepared to go to sea for rescue, the distress signal was cut off again. It was not until the next morning that the body of the ship owner was found on the nearby coast.

The residents of Shikishima all believed that the enemy of the navy was at work and wanted to take revenge on them, which was why the Shenlong disappeared so mysteriously.

As for what the Marine Revenant was, the old man didn’t mention it again.

Tsk, if you want to say it, just say it once and for all. Why are you so tight-lipped? The Riddler may be thrown into the sea!

Sano, who failed to collect complete information and failed to hear the gossip, secretly pouted.

…Just at the mention of throwing corpses into the sea, a question appeared in Sano’s mind.

That is because Sano originally thought that this time would be the same as last time, and that he would not encounter Conan’s mission, but now he still encountered him. The high probability means that an accident will inevitably happen on the island.

So problems similar to Moon Shadow Island arise.

Can Belmode survive this mission?

Even if all external possibilities are ruled out…does Sano really not need to “silence” Belmode?

One thing that is different from the previous time on Moon Shadow Island is that Belmode may not necessarily have early dissent like Coren. Even if he did, Sano may not make the same choice as he did on Moon Shadow Island.

Let’s pray for Belmod for three seconds.

…The next words were just some small talk. After listening to it for a while, Sano lost interest and started to feel dazed.

After several hours of sailing on the sea, the ship finally arrived at Shikishima before lunch.

Before getting off the boat, Sano saw a large number of people gathered around the ferry, waving small flags in their hands and cheering non-stop, “Warmly welcome the famous detective Mr. Mouri Kogoro to give a speech.”

After getting off the boat, a fat Mediterranean man grabbed Mouri Kogoro’s hand with enthusiasm and exchanged polite greetings. He probably meant that he was the village chief of Shikishima, and he was very grateful and welcomed.

Another thing that interests Sano is the little girl who pops out in the middle, who should be the granddaughter of the village chief.

Of course, Sano was not interested in the little girl, but he was very amused by the little girl’s appearance of being interested in Conan.

“Your name is Edogawa Conan, and my name is Mikami Suzu, but I seem to be older than you, so you are my brother, but it doesn’t matter, the most popular thing nowadays seems to be sibling relationship!”

Looking at the girl holding Conan’s hand and holding two small hands on her head, Sano couldn’t help but curl up his lips. This boy is very lucky.

Belmode, who was following Sano, couldn’t help but chuckle at this moment: “Junior, do you also like the relationship between siblings?”

This guy is actually secretly observing himself…

The curve at the corner of Sano’s mouth calmed down, and then he glanced at Bermod: “Senior is joking. In the eyes of junior, feeling is the most important.”

Belmode smiled again and did not continue the topic, as if he had just asked casually.

But in Sano’s opinion, Belmode’s question just now might be to test his age range.

Gee, I always feel that this senior is not simple…

Soon, Sano left with Belmod, who had inquired about the location of the Shenlong, and came to the site where an old ship was placed.

“Is this the Shenlong?”

Belmod originally wanted to go up and have a look, but unfortunately the islander responsible for guarding the island refused with a serious face, saying that this thing can only be viewed from a distance, not played with.

At this time, Mouri Kogoro and others also arrived next to the Shenlong, surrounded by the islanders.

The man from the Tokyo travel agency who came with the ship hurriedly rushed onto the Shenlong without saying a word, and no one stopped him.

This is treating them differently.

Sano and Belmode pouted at the same time, but the other’s eagerness made him more suspicious in Sano’s eyes.

After all, which employee would be so active in completing the work assigned by the boss? If there is no urgent matter and he needs to leave quickly, then he must have his own thoughts.

Like one billion gold.

Suddenly, Sano suddenly turned his head and looked behind him. Belmode frowned when he saw this: “What’s wrong?”

“It’s nothing, I just feel like someone is watching me.”

Sano also frowned lightly, but unfortunately he couldn’t see anything wrong behind him. If he really wanted to say it, there was only one… lighthouse?

Could someone be peeping up there?

“Let’s go, eat first, and then find a place to stay.”

Belmode said lazily, while Sano, of course, went with the flow.

And just when Sano and Belmode were about to leave first, Conan on the side noticed something was wrong again.

“Only the bottom of the Shenlong is severely rusted. Doesn’t it look like it has been sunk at the bottom of the sea for many years?”

Mouri Kogoro curled his lips and said: “Nonsense, otherwise how can we say it is a ghost ship?”

Sano retracted his peripheral vision and kept walking, just squinting his eyes. Is there any other way to say this?

If this is really the case, then the Shenlong has actually been floating on the sea these years?

The probability of not being discovered after wandering for many years is too small, that is… someone has immobilized the Shenlong’s movements.

In a noodle shop, Belmod asked casually: “How are you doing? Do you have any ideas?”

Sano clapped his fingers: “One thing, I will follow Mouri Kogoro later, and you, senior, can inquire about the dead souls of the navy.”

Belmod raised his eyebrows: “What are you doing with Moori Kogoro?”

“Shikishima will invite a detective here, of course, and it won’t be just for a speech. They also want to find the billion gold. If someone collects clues for us, why don’t we just ignore it?”

Sano explained calmly, while Belmode narrowed his eyes and chuckled: “In that case, let me keep an eye on them. After all, I am a senior, and I don’t think you can bear to see me doing field work. How tiring.”

Hearing this, Sano’s interest was immediately piqued again. Of course, he would not think that Belmod simply didn’t want to do field work, so he was putting on a senior airs in front of him.

This should be a deliberate attempt to drive away Sano, or to put it more directly, he does not want him to have any interaction with Mao Lilan.


“That’s for sure. It all depends on senior’s orders.”

Sano stopped talking nonsense and started eating noodles. After lunch, he found a small and shabby hotel and booked two rooms, and the two of them started to separate.

I hope Belmode can be more reliable and not miss out or even directly conceal any important information.

Sano did not wander around aimlessly. Instead, after switching his vest and putting on a passerby hat, he went directly to the owner of a convenience store and expressed his interest in the rumor of the Marine Revenant.

However, as soon as these four words were spoken, the convenience store owner’s expression immediately changed, and his attitude was extremely bad, saying that he didn’t know anything and told Sano to get away.

Of course, Sano also had perfect countermeasures for this.


Sano threw a stack of 10,000-yuan bills in the boss’s face: “Can we talk now?”

I have long wanted to enjoy the feeling of using money to slap someone in the face. I really don’t want to poke. I really don’t want to poke.

The convenience store owner was suddenly thrown out of a big bag. He was about to get angry. After seeing what was thrown at his face, he fell silent for a while. Then he tremblingly picked up the stack of big bills, counted them again, and then He counted it once, swallowed, licked his face and said with a smile, “I can add more…”

“Give it back and I’ll ask someone else.”

Sano stretched out his hand to pull the money back, and the convenience store owner suddenly became anxious: “Hey, hey, hey, I said, I said it’s still not possible!”

Then, thanks to the popular science popularization from the convenience store owner, Sano learned the ins and outs of the legend of “Naval Souls”.

It turned out that it was said that a group of defeated navy came to Shikishima a long time ago. The residents of Shikishima who were supposed to entertain them, betrayed the navy under the temptation of offering a reward.

He even helped the enemy hunt them down, and finally chased them all into a cave on the island and killed them all.

Since then, some strange things have happened on Shikishima Island from time to time. Out of fear, the residents of Shikishima Island worshiped the navy as gods again, and then peace and calm returned.

Then, there is the matter of the Shenlong.

The islanders of Shikishima all said that it was caused by the ghost of the navy, so they immediately lost information and disappeared for seven years.

In addition, many people have seen dead souls wearing navy armor appearing in the forest. Even in the caves dedicated to the dead marine souls, creepy wailing screams can be heard from time to time.

Finally, five years ago, a group of university professors from Tokyo who specialized in naval history attempted to investigate the matter of the dead souls of the navy.

According to the convenience store owner, the university professors went directly to the cave dedicated to the navy to investigate without asking any questions, thus offending the dead navy souls.

So two or three days later, the navy ghosts appeared again and directly attacked the university professors.

As for what happened to those university professors, the convenience store owner did not know, but what is certain is that the investigation will not continue.

After getting the answer, Sano did not continue to stay in the convenience store. He turned around and went to another restaurant, and used the same method to get a similar rumor description from the boss.

…Don’t ask if this will be a waste of money. Anyway, it is a task expense. You can just ask Gin for reimbursement later.

Otherwise, Sano would probably be out of his mind and use his own money to slap others in the face.

Of course, in addition to asking about the dead souls of the navy, Sano also asked about another thing, which was about the lighthouse on the edge of the island.

The final answer was the same.

The current keeper at Shikishima Lighthouse is a man named Hamada.

It is said that Hamada is not actually an aborigine of the island, but an outsider who came to the island about seven years ago and wanted to find a job. Because there was no lighthouse keeper on the island at that time, he was asked to do it. The tower keeper.

…Seven years, which happened to be the time when the Shenlong disappeared, and there was another major suspect.

It took Sano less than an hour to listen to the gossip on both sides.

Sano looked up at the sky and felt that it was still early, so he decided to go directly to the naval cave to take a look.

The cave dedicated to the navy is in a forest, and its location is very remote. Most people will not be discovered when they go there, except for… the lighthouse.

Sano looked at the white lighthouse and felt that Hamada’s suspicion was getting bigger and bigger, even bigger than that of the man from the travel agency in Tokyo.

I hope Conan’s evil constitution slows down and he can have a chat with these two guys tonight.

Sano lowered his passerby hat a bit and continued to the Navy Cave.

The Navy Cave is not that big, to be precise, it is not even bigger than Sano’s room. There is simply an… altar?

There was a gust of wind blowing in front of me, which was so cool that it made my back feel chilly. It seemed that due to the sound of the wind, there were strange sounds in the cave. Those so-called screams and howls probably refer to this.

Sano was not surprised that the residents of Shikishima mistook the sound of the wind for the sound of the dead.

Not to mention the 1990s, even thirty years later when technology was developing rapidly, Sano had seen many feudal and superstitious villages.

The ignorance of the world will always be far beyond your imagination.

However, there does seem to be something wrong with the wind in this cave.


Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story

Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story

Status: Completed Author:


I, Sano Shinichiro, a time traveler, have a system.
Although the system's tasks are very strange, the rewarded equipment is even more... fresh and refined.
For example, a hammer that cannot cause damage, a small electric donkey that can fly quickly, a coat that turns into a roadie when used, sunglasses that cannot distinguish between humans and animals within 500 meters after wearing them, etc...
What, you ask me how to live better in this world?
Sano Shinichiro smiled faintly and put on his vest: "How can you not get stabbed when you are floating in the world? If you want to avoid getting stabbed, you have to open a trumpet. The more vests I have, the more slutty I will be. I will wave the flag of the winery."
When Akai Shuichi asked Conan what he thought of the black organization, Conan responded like this: The black organization? Although they act a little rough, they are all good people... Wait, which black organization are you asking about?


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