Switch Mode

Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story — Chapter 166 165, I heard that you are in love with Shirley?

Sano and Belmode stayed in the forest outside the Navy Cave until dawn, and finally waited for the organization’s ship.

“The transportation has started below and will be completed in about half an hour. We will stay here and leave with the ship.”

Belmode hung up the phone and mentioned it to Sano.


Sano nodded and continued to lazily lean against the tree in a daze.

It wasn’t until ten minutes later that Sano and Belmode became alert at the same time. While hiding their figures, they turned their eyes to the two short figures not far away.

…It’s Conan’s busybody and the little girl named Suzu Mikami.

“Conan, if you kiss me, you will be responsible for me.”

Mikami Suzuki said with a blushing smile, and Conan’s little face was actually a little red: “Stupid, stupid, that’s just a transaction. Isn’t that the navy cave in front?”

…What the hell, this is already a dirty py transaction and a kiss?

Sano, who had his ears perked up, had a little shock in his eyes. Can’t you tell, this boy Conan is actually such a fool?

Forget about cheating, the affair was still… so small, no, it seemed like it was already a crime.

It can be tortured and tortured.

Go back and report to Mao Lilan.

While he was amusing himself in his mind, Sano was also thinking about business.

The transportation work at the back of the Navy Cave has not yet been completed. Of course, Conan and the little girl cannot be allowed to run away and do bad things. So now it stands to reason that Sano should take action to silence them.

It’s just that with Belmode beside him, the other party cares about Maorilan, but it doesn’t mean he cares about Conan, so Sano can’t show any abnormality unless he chooses to silence the other party as well.

So, how to choose, kill Conan or kill Belmod?

While Sano squinted his eyes and thought, he didn’t know that Belmode beside him was already panicking.

Why did this kid show up! ?

The reason why Belmode advised Sano not to act rashly was true, but it was not entirely true.

The old man’s frame-up methods were really frustrating, so much so that even a smart person would be able to detect the truth after a careful search, but that Mouri Kogoro… really had no brains.

At that time, Mouri Kogoro was not able to make a successful rebuttal at all, and he was almost attacked by a group of angry and ignorant islanders and burned as a sacrifice to the gods.

Later, it was Mouri Kogoro who suddenly fell into a deep sleep and finally convinced the islanders.

Of course, for Belmode, it is not easy to observe Conan hiding behind Mouri Kogoro.

The reason why Belmode did not raise this point is also very simple. She was suspicious that Conan was Kudo Shinichi.

Yes, Belmod not only knew Mao Lilan, but also knew Kudo Shinichi.

Belmod took the risk and came back from abroad. Naturally, the reason could not be as simple as wanting to meet the newcomer Sano. More importantly, she had not seen any information related to Kudo Shinichi for a long time. After a little inquiry, it was all clear. Everyone is saying that Kudo Shinichi has disappeared.

Kudo Shinichi and Mao Lilan are of special significance to Belmode. To find out whether Kudo Shinichi is alive or dead is the biggest reason for her return to China.

If you can’t gain anything, or if you do gain bad news about Kudo Shinichi, you should immediately deal with the affairs abroad and return home as soon as possible.

This was Belmod’s original plan, but he didn’t expect that he would get such a big… surprise during this mission.

The face that felt extremely familiar to Belmod, and the reasoning ability that was not suitable for her age, told her that Kudo Shinichi had become a child.

Of course, Belmod now only has suspicions and no evidence. The exact investigation will have to wait until she can stay in the country stably before she can continue.

But no matter what, the possibility is still there, and Belmode naturally does not want to let the rookie teammate next to him kill Kudo Shinichi just because of neglect.

“I’ll deal with it.”

Belmod weighed the possibility of killing Sano, his teammate, and immediately chose the curve rescue. He quickly tore off the mask on his face, then took out another mask and put it on. Sano took a look and was surprised. I found that the other party actually used Mao Lilan’s face this time.

How many human skin masks did this guy make in advance?

After changing his face, Belmod also quickly changed his clothes. Of course, the human skin mask can still be used depending on the situation, but the clothes are not so good.

So Belmod just changed the men’s suit he was wearing into a women’s skirt, and then walked out with a smile on his face: “Conan, why are you here?”


Hearing Belmode’s perfectly imitated voice, Conan looked over in surprise: “Why are you here and… changed your clothes?”

Belmod smiled: “Isn’t the self-defense force formed by the islanders searching? I’m here to help them. I’ve already searched here. There’s nothing strange. But the guy still has a gun on him, just in case. Just in case, you two can’t run around.”

With that said, Belmod was about to pull the two little devils away. Of course, Conan was unwilling. While struggling, he shouted that he wanted to take a look at the Navy Cave.

And then…Belmod punched Conan.

“I told you to go back quickly!”

Although Belmode still had a smile on his face, the clenched fists and the veins on his forehead still made Conan cover his head and shrink his neck, and he could only follow and leave obediently.

A few minutes later, Belmode returned, facing Sano’s gaze, and was silent for a moment.

Although Sano wisely did not mention the other party’s behavior just now, Belmode was not clear about it and immediately asked a question as if to change the subject.

“Rye, I heard that you are in a relationship with Shirley?”

“What the hell?”

Sano looked at Belmode in astonishment: “Who said that?”

“Everyone says so, doesn’t it?”

Belmode carefully observed Sano’s facial expression secretly.

As mentioned before, if members of the organization want to find out relevant information about another member, they basically have to rely on interpersonal relationships… to put it mildly, it is actually just gossip.

As for the gossip about Sano that Belmode had found out before, there were only two points.

The first one is that this new cadre seems to be a bit unlucky. Several cadres who have teamed up with him have all been sacrificed… which seems to be a bit of a disadvantage to his teammates.

The second one is that this new cadre seems to be in love with Shirley from the scientific research team.

…The authenticity of information obtained solely by relying on gossip and rumors is of course difficult to guarantee, but for Belmode, the second point is one that must be paid attention to.

This is especially true now that he has seen the other party’s abilities.

Thinking of Shirley, that guy that he hated so much, Belmod couldn’t help but narrow his eyes.

If the other party is really in love with Shirley, then he is the opposite of himself and may be a big trouble. He must find a way to get him as soon as possible.

“You’re overthinking it. Although that little girl is indeed pretty, we’ve only met her twice in total. I’m not the kind of person who takes things lightly.”

After Sano rolled his eyes at Belmod, he didn’t talk much about this topic. He just looked at the time and said, “It seems to be almost there.”

“Well, there’s still a little bit left, let’s get down first.”

Belmod looked at Sano’s reaction and estimated that the probability of Sano lying was low. He breathed a sigh of relief, then nodded to confirm. The two immediately set off from the navy cave into the cave where gold was piled.

What is different from before is that there is already a medium-sized boat on the seaside, and four or five peripheral members are constantly carrying the bricks.

Sano took a look and saw that there were only a few dozen yuan left. Four or five people could probably finish it in less than a minute, so they jumped on the boat.

But before Sano could put the cigarette he took out into his mouth, the cave suddenly began to shake crazily.

what’s the situation?

Sano and Belmode looked at each other, and the latter rushed into the cabin without saying a word and started the boat, then madly increased the power and rushed out of the cave.

“Wait a minute, we haven’t boarded the ship yet!!”

A few peripheral members stood on the shore inside the cave, shouting with pale faces, but unfortunately, the boat was not waiting for them.

Rubbles continued to fall from the cave, and within just a few seconds, large areas began to collapse. However, because Belmod’s reaction was quick enough, the ship had already rushed out of the cave early, and no life-threatening incidents occurred. First line, it’s just a drama that only narrowly escaped with such a small difference.

Sano looked at the waves surging due to the collapse of the cave, and couldn’t help but sigh with regret: “There are still dozens of pieces of gold that have not been taken away.”

Belmod in the ship suddenly twitched his eyes when he heard this. In this guy’s eyes, human life is really worthless.

“We are lucky enough. If it had been even half an hour later at night, all the gold would have sunk into the sea. By then, the cost of salvage is estimated to be no less than the value of the gold.”

After Belmode turned on the autopilot, he also came to the deck.

In fact, there was something else that Belmode did not say, that is, she seriously suspected that the collapse of this cave was inseparable from the small bomb that the other party used in the first place.

…To put it bluntly, they were almost wiped out because of Sano Dan.

No wonder people say that this guy is unlucky and can defeat his teammates. He is so desperate for death. Let alone his teammates, he will probably have to defeat himself sooner or later!

However, Sano did not answer Belmod, but just stared to the side. Belmod also followed subconsciously, and then saw several boats speeding up crazily, aiming directly at them breaking through the waves.

“Looks like I’m being targeted.”

Belmod frowned slightly: “We are a transport ship, and there is gold on the ship. We will definitely be caught up.”

“Then what can we do? We can only kill them.”

Looking at Sano with a dull expression, Belmod didn’t know whether to make it clear that she was not good at such head-on combat situations.

There were at least dozens of people on those ships, and they were most likely beasts that were blinded by greed. On the swaying narrow deck, Belmod really didn’t think that his little gun could do its job. How useful it is.

I hope this guy can give me some help later.

In just a few minutes, the boats chasing after Shikishima were less than a few dozen meters away from Sano’s boat.

Belmode took a deep breath, took out his pistol and reloaded a magazine. He was just about to be prepared for the islanders to rush onto the boat and engage in a bloody battle, but saw Sano suddenly take out a few from his pocket. Unidentified objects were thrown into the sea.

“what you do?”

Sano ignored Belmod’s doubts and just stood in front of the railing, watching the ships getting closer and closer to the thing he threw on the sea, and then at a certain moment, he snapped his fingers.


A violent explosion broke out, and several balls of fire rose at the same time.

Amidst the huge roar, the ships were overturned by the shock wave, and the Shikishima Islanders on the deck fell into the sea like dumplings.


Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story

Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story

Status: Completed Author:


I, Sano Shinichiro, a time traveler, have a system.
Although the system's tasks are very strange, the rewarded equipment is even more... fresh and refined.
For example, a hammer that cannot cause damage, a small electric donkey that can fly quickly, a coat that turns into a roadie when used, sunglasses that cannot distinguish between humans and animals within 500 meters after wearing them, etc...
What, you ask me how to live better in this world?
Sano Shinichiro smiled faintly and put on his vest: "How can you not get stabbed when you are floating in the world? If you want to avoid getting stabbed, you have to open a trumpet. The more vests I have, the more slutty I will be. I will wave the flag of the winery."
When Akai Shuichi asked Conan what he thought of the black organization, Conan responded like this: The black organization? Although they act a little rough, they are all good people... Wait, which black organization are you asking about?


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not work with dark mode