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Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story — Chapter 17 17. Becoming stronger and not becoming bald

“I have something to do today, so I’ll let you go for now. But don’t think that this matter is over. I may complain to your teacher at any time.”

The red light just happened to have ended. After Sano said the last words, he turned the accelerator and drove away quickly.

As a result, these three little devils may have to live with the uneasiness of “may be called to educate them by the class teacher at any time” for a long time.

Happy happy.

Conan looked at the three people with “survival after disaster” expressions on their faces, and then at Sano’s back that turned into a dot, with a slightly thoughtful look on his face.

It turns out that Sano and these three children were also at the Dorobite Tropical Park the day before yesterday. Was it just a coincidence?

On the other side, Sano, who was in a good mood, after riding a few dozen meters, his peripheral vision glanced at three strange people in black suits.


Sano turned his eyes to the rearview mirror and watched the three men sneakily chasing the Dog Rider team, and he suddenly became interested.

Kidnapping criminal?

No, is it the “treasure map”?

No way, is it so outrageous that that thing can actually be a treasure map?

Sano applied the brakes with interest, wanting to turn around and quietly follow the three people following the Dog Rider team at this moment, but he still couldn’t forget that there were only more than two hours left before eight o’clock.

There is no way, the task is more important.

Sano stopped thinking about it, increased the accelerator, and rushed towards home quickly.

At Rice Flower Fourth Chome, Sano has already changed into his special attack uniform at home and styled his hairstyle with a slicked back.

Looking at the face in the mirror, Sano couldn’t help but smacked his tongue a little. He should say it or not, but he was handsome and it didn’t feel too out of place to wear such silly clothes.

However, Sano dressed up in this way really looks different from his normal state. If Sano was a “little milk dog” before, is he closer to a “little wolf dog” now?

…Isn’t it a bad thing to say that to yourself?

Sano touched the stiff hair and found that the latter was more in line with his aesthetics. Unfortunately, the body looked too thin and the shoulders were not wide enough.

But even with such a thin body, Sano could still feel the sudden surge of terrifying power.

He became stronger, and instead of becoming bald, he changed his hairstyle.

After admiring himself, Sano’s eyes turned to the system interface in front of him.

In fact, Sano was also puzzled before as to why a person’s front and back vision could change so much just by a piece of clothing and a hairstyle.

And now Sano knows the reason, because at noon when he returned home and was pointed at his head by Bourbon, in order to increase his chances of survival, he used the enhancements he had obtained from the student identity task completed in the morning The opportunity was used up.

As for what the reinforcements are this time…

“It is undergoing random enhancement. Congratulations on the host’s eyes being strengthened. The enhancement is successful. The details are as follows…”

Reinforcement item name: Eyes of the Beast.


Beast (after use, it will turn into beast eyes, the eyes will glow red and the momentum attribute will be +100, and the will attribute will be +10).

Limitations: Beast effects take three seconds to take effect after use and may have other effects.

Note: Transform into a beast, which is terrifying, although you may be targeted by hunters for doing so.


That’s right, the object of Sano’s random enhancement this time is none other than his…eyes!

And looking at the description of the effects and restrictions, strictly speaking, it is an upgraded version of the “extremely evil” effect in the “Strongest Bad Special Attack Server” of the enhancer?

Other than that, it probably just has a red-eye special effect and a note that is full of meaning.

It seems that the effect is not even as strong as that of the Rampant Little Electric Donkey, but at least this time strengthening, Sano is not completely without gains, because after the strengthening, the system prompts again.

“Congratulations to the host for unlocking all attributes. Details of the attributes are as follows.”

Among Sano’s previous three enhancements, only the special attack suit has attribute-related effects, and there are four of them at once. This time, the Beast Eye has a new attribute.

Will, that is to say, in the definition of the system, there are a total of five attributes.

Sano has carefully studied the detailed explanation of the system’s attributes, and if you understand it according to his meaning.

Explosive attributes directly affect attack power, attack speed, movement speed, jumping ability, etc.

Flexibility attributes directly affect dynamic vision, reaction speed, body flexibility and coordination, etc.

Physical attributes directly affect physical strength, recovery, and defense.

The reason why it is said to be “direct influence” is because these three attributes will also have an impact on other attributes besides themselves.

After all, reality is not a game. There cannot be pure independent physical data. An increase in explosive attributes means that the physical ability has become stronger. Naturally, flexibility and physical attributes cannot remain unchanged.

In short, it’s like Sano got a hundred physical attributes improved after putting on the special attack suit, but under the surface, his burst and flexibility attributes also improved to a certain extent, but there was no specific data. That’s all.

As for the momentum attribute and the will attribute, it is more complicated.

It can probably be understood as the magic attack and magic resistance in the game?

The function of the momentum attribute is to oppress the enemy, and under this pressure, the enemy will be affected psychologically, which will also affect the physical ability.

Including but not limited to body stiffness, trembling, accelerated physical exertion, etc.

As for the success and degree of this oppression, it is necessary to consider the comparison of attribute levels.

If the enemy’s magic resistance is high, the attack will not work, but if your own magic attack is high, the attack will work, or the attack will be offset by the magic resistance, and how much damage will be caused is calculated.

Of course, as mentioned before, reality is not a real game after all, it only depends on attack power and defense power.

Regarding the issue of momentum and will, the real comparison is actually more subtle.

Just like in a real fight, the “attack power” of both sides will cancel each other out, and then the party with the weaker attack power will need the existence of “defense power”.

In other words, the momentum attribute can be used to attack and defend, but the will attribute can only assist momentum in defense.

In addition, the level of the momentum attribute can be changed, and the level of the will will probably be affected by the momentum to a certain extent, and the fluctuations will be relatively large.

Just like that night when Sano was experimenting with the effects of the special attack suit, some little Karami might be a little submissive when they saw Sano alone, but if he had a dozen companions around him, his momentum would suddenly disappear. rose.

It’s so tedious.

Sano was a bit scornful of the momentum and will attributes, because to put it bluntly, it was an auxiliary method in combat, but it was obviously something that could be solved with one punch, why should it be so complicated?

Bells and whistles.

What’s more, having a high momentum attribute is not necessarily a good thing.


Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story

Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story

Status: Completed Author:


I, Sano Shinichiro, a time traveler, have a system.
Although the system's tasks are very strange, the rewarded equipment is even more... fresh and refined.
For example, a hammer that cannot cause damage, a small electric donkey that can fly quickly, a coat that turns into a roadie when used, sunglasses that cannot distinguish between humans and animals within 500 meters after wearing them, etc...
What, you ask me how to live better in this world?
Sano Shinichiro smiled faintly and put on his vest: "How can you not get stabbed when you are floating in the world? If you want to avoid getting stabbed, you have to open a trumpet. The more vests I have, the more slutty I will be. I will wave the flag of the winery."
When Akai Shuichi asked Conan what he thought of the black organization, Conan responded like this: The black organization? Although they act a little rough, they are all good people... Wait, which black organization are you asking about?


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