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Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story — Chapter 172 171. Vodka: Bourbon, please wish for yourself.

And the black man directly tore off Conan’s vest while Conan was solving the case.

Discovered the fact that Conan is Kudo Shinichi.

But it was obvious that Hattori Heiji hadn’t noticed it when he ran over last time, so why was it exposed so quickly?

But thinking of Conan’s various suicide attempts on weekdays… Sano suddenly felt that there was nothing surprising.


On the other end of the phone, Conan rubbed the back of his head in confusion: “What vest? I’m not wearing it.”

“I know you’re not wearing any.”

Sano came back to his senses and lit a cigarette: “So, you confessed everything to him?”

“Well, I’m sure. He has already discovered that I am Kudo Shinichi. If I don’t tell him the truth, he will tell Xiaolan directly. He can’t lie. After all, his reasoning ability is also very powerful. , it will definitely be easy to find the flaw.”

Conan rambled on, his tone full of grievances: “By the way, I didn’t tell that guy Hattori Heiji that you knew it too, and don’t tell him either. When he comes over next time, I have to give him a good treatment! “

Sano raised his eyebrows, couldn’t he tell that Conan had a strong desire for revenge?

It’s just that Conan’s vest was torn off, and it has nothing to do with Sano. Why, and why should he help this plague god to fix his black skin?

Sano blew out a puff of smoke and thought of more than a dozen operations to deceive the black man from different aspects. He said perfunctorily: “Okay, I have something else to do, so I’ll hang up first.”


After hanging up the phone, Sano packed up and prepared to go out.

What he said just now was not entirely to deal with Conan, Sano really had something going on.

“Rye, we have a new mission.”

Just a moment before Conan’s call arrived, Sano received a call from Gin.

“Oh, just send it to my email.”

Sano, who was woken up by the phone in a daze, said lazily, but he didn’t expect Gin to directly reject his request.

“No, come over and meet me. Cocktails are waiting for you.”

After saying that, Gin hung up the phone, and Sano could only get up and scratch his head.

What kind of important task is this? It’s really troublesome to have to meet in person to talk about it.

Sano, who had switched to a rye vest, was a little surprised to find that as soon as he entered the cocktail bar, in addition to the gin duo, the Cohn Chianti duo, and even Toru Amuro, a fake bourbon drinker, were also present.

What’s the situation? Could it be that the members of the organization code also need to engage in team building?

Sano narrowed his eyes and made a joke. Such a serious gathering would certainly not be for team building, but for some mission.

But what kind of mission is actually worthy of such a huge effort?

Are you trying to assassinate the leader of a country?

…Hey, it would be really interesting if that were the case.

“Yo, there you are, Rye.”

The chatty Chianti stretched out his hand to say hello, causing Amuro Toru’s pupils to shrink instantly.


Finally I met the new person who inherited this code name.

Toru Amuro looked at Sano walking from the door, with his hands in his pockets, wearing the hood of a black sweatshirt, and a black peaked cap underneath. He could not see his face clearly, but he could vaguely see some white hair.


Sano also took out his left hand and said hello, and Toru Amuro immediately noticed the opponent’s gloves.

Wait, white hair, black hat, black sweatshirt and black gloves…

It turns out to be this guy! ?

Amuro Toru’s heart was shocked. One of the reasons why he rarely appears in Sano’s sight recently is because he heard that a new person came to the organization and took away the code name of Rye Whiskey, so he thought We need to investigate, and the other reason is to investigate that arrogant bomb maniac faceless man?

The latter, in particular, can be said to have aroused the anger of the top brass of the Metropolitan Police Department. He committed two, no, strictly speaking, three high-profile crimes in succession. Recently, I heard that he even collaborated with Yingjiang.

First, he killed the other party’s hall master and the hall master’s son. Then, apparently because of the death order issued by the president of the Yingjiang Gang, he chose the last day of the three-day period to come to the door and directly killed the old man and a group of people. The top thugs’ methods and minds can be said to be extremely terrifying.

And this guy is still missing, and there is no trace of his existence at all.

The police suspect that this is an experienced underground person. As a “criminal” with this identity, Toru Amuro is certainly the most suitable candidate for investigation.

But who would have thought that these two goals are actually the same?

After Sano came and sat down at the round table where Gin and the other five were sitting, Gin said, “Okay, everyone involved in this operation is here. Let me explain the situation.”

“I plan to kill Miyano Akemi.”

As soon as these words came out, the expressions of Conchianti and Toru Amuro changed slightly. Only Sano looked confused: “Miyano Akemi is… Miyano Shi… Shirley’s sister?”


Gin looked at Sano and seemed to be explaining to him alone: ​​”That woman is a peripheral member. Although she has a sister who is a code member, Shirley is just a thing in our hands. We don’t need to take anything into account. We really do.” What I noticed was another person related to that woman.”

Speaking of this, Gin stopped and glanced at Toru Amuro: “Bourbon, tell the newcomers some history.”

Toru Amuro glanced at Gin expressionlessly and said, “Morohoshi, his real name is Shuichi Akai, a member of the FBI. He once deliberately approached Miyano Akemi in order to infiltrate our organization as an undercover agent.”

“After his successful relationship with Miyano Akemi, he entered our organization and was finally promoted to a code member. The code name is… Rye Whiskey.”

Hearing this, Sano’s expression couldn’t help but become strange.

Sano had already heard that the code name of his rye whiskey was inherited from someone else, but he didn’t know that that person was actually a mouse?

Wait a minute, then the BOSS assigned this code name to himself, is it a subtle reminder to himself not to be a mouse…

That’s not right. I’m not a mouse. What’s the point of panic?

Sano corrected his attitude and continued to listen to the gossip.

“Later, Shuichi Akai tried to capture the codename member of the organization, but unfortunately, he failed and was exposed. What’s even more regrettable is that we failed to catch him and let him run away.”

Toru Amuro calmly stated the first and last words of a codename member in two or three sentences, but I don’t know if it was an illusion, but Sano could always mention the words “rye” and “Akai Shuichi” in the other person’s mouth. At that time, I felt so embarrassed… I gritted my teeth.

… Could it be that these two people had some kind of love-hate relationship?

Or is this just a disguise to avoid suspicion, but the two of them are actually accomplices?

Sano has not forgotten that Toru Amuro is suspected of being an undercover agent.

Earlier, Sano even thought about investigating and finding evidence to hand over to Gin so that he could reap a wave of business results.

It’s a pity that Sano has never seen Toru Amuro since the incident with Sayuri Matsumoto, let alone any investigation… Even if he did, Sano probably wouldn’t have the time or mood to investigate.

After Amuro Toru stated the mission background setting, Gin also took over the topic.

“Although Akai Shuichi was indifferent to the life and death of the Miyano sisters when he escaped, we still have reason to suspect that this guy might just be pretending.”

“This mission can be said to be careful, or it can be said to fish out Akai Shuichi. In short, we must keep an eye on Miyano Akemi until the day we kill her.”

After listening to the gossip, Sano Ye already had a certain impression of Akai Shuichi – a scumbag.

And the image of Miyano Shiho’s sister has also changed from the original gentle elder sister to a pitiful tool whose emotions are being toyed with.

After coming back to his senses, Sano raised his hand curiously, like a student asking a question in class: “Well, until the day I kill her, what do you mean? Isn’t it just killing her directly? So in fact, I still want to do everything possible. Maybe lead to Shuichi Akai?”

“That’s one of the reasons.”

Gin said calmly: “Miyano Akemi’s current identity can be used. I plan to let her go to the bank to rob one billion yuan and then kill her, so that I can make the most of it.”

…If Miyano Akemi had never been able to grab it, she would have been able to earn back the billion yuan just by the time these codename members wasted on her.

In fact, the main purpose is to fish.

Sano stretched out his right thumb and bit it.

“To this end, I am going to divide the six of us into three groups and take turns to keep an eye on them. Me and vodka, Cohn and Chianti, rye and… bourbon.”

Gin made a simple grouping, but paused slightly when mentioning Sano and Toru Amuro at the end.

“During the surveillance period, once you find Akai Shuichi, don’t hesitate to ask for support directly. Once he is successfully captured or killed, the one billion yuan will be fully distributed by us based on performance after being laundered.”

“And if Shuichi Akai does not show up, then after this task is completed, everyone will receive a bonus of 10 million.”

It means that no matter whether it can be done or not, you will still have money.

This is barely a good thing.

Sano continued to bite his thumb. He didn’t expect that after so many days, he would be followed again… That’s not right. After careful calculation, in order to complete the system protection type task, he had to follow quite a few people.

There’s even Kogoro Mori among them.

Huh… thinking about it, I suddenly felt sick.

Sano shuddered and quickly shook off the dirty thoughts in his head.

After setting the tracking time for each of the three groups, the pre-war meeting was over.

But before leaving, Gin stopped Sano, leaned into his ear and said, “This mission may be dangerous, don’t be impulsive. Also, pay attention to Bourbon.”

Sano raised his eyebrows and looked at Gin in surprise.

In the eyes of the other party, is the danger level of Akai Shuichi really that high? And the last sentence, does Gin also suspect that Amuro Toru is a rat?

Glancing again at Toru Amuro, who was looking back at the door, Sano nodded calmly: “I understand.”

Next to Toru Amuro, Vodka, who also came out first, was looking at him with an incomprehensible look.

The intensity of his gaze can be detected even through sunglasses.

So Toru Amuro looked over doubtfully: “What’s wrong?”


Vodka’s head shook like a rattle, but after hesitating for a while, he still patted Toru Amuro on the shoulder, swallowed the words “You wish for yourself”, and said only “Be careful in everything” “.

After Toru Amuro blinked, he thought that Vodka was warning him that Akai Shuichi might appear, and immediately smiled confidently: “Don’t worry, if Akai Shuichi really appears, I will definitely kill him with my own hands…and I can kill him.” His will only be mine.”

Vodka opened his mouth. He wanted to say, “It’s not Akai but Rye that I asked you to be careful about.” But considering that Sano was right behind him, he finally kept silent.

I don’t know what my eldest brother was thinking. He knew that teaming up with that Sano guy would easily lead to death, but he actually arranged for Bourbon to team up with him.


Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story

Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story

Status: Completed Author:


I, Sano Shinichiro, a time traveler, have a system.
Although the system's tasks are very strange, the rewarded equipment is even more... fresh and refined.
For example, a hammer that cannot cause damage, a small electric donkey that can fly quickly, a coat that turns into a roadie when used, sunglasses that cannot distinguish between humans and animals within 500 meters after wearing them, etc...
What, you ask me how to live better in this world?
Sano Shinichiro smiled faintly and put on his vest: "How can you not get stabbed when you are floating in the world? If you want to avoid getting stabbed, you have to open a trumpet. The more vests I have, the more slutty I will be. I will wave the flag of the winery."
When Akai Shuichi asked Conan what he thought of the black organization, Conan responded like this: The black organization? Although they act a little rough, they are all good people... Wait, which black organization are you asking about?


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