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Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story — Chapter 175 174, Sano’s subordinates want to take over

…But because of Sano’s crazy missions recently, he has indeed thrown a lot of bombs. For those who don’t know that his bombs can be made at will, suddenly seeing this report, they wonder whether he has insufficient gunpowder stores, so he needs to add more. ——

It seems that it is not incomprehensible.

Tsk, so who is taking the blame for this?

While he was speechless, Sano did not ignore this report – because when Toru Amuro and Toru Amuro were monitoring Miyano Akemi yesterday, the other party seemed to have mentioned this matter.

Could that guy, like Gin, be suspecting that he did it, so he was testing it secretly?

But having said that, this report hadn’t even been published yesterday, so how did Toru Amuro know about this… This guy is really an undercover, right?

Although as an intelligence officer, I have some relatively deep information, there seems to be nothing suspicious about it.

Just looking at it this way, I feel like something is going to happen because of the theft of the gunpowder magazine…

“Do you think it’s reasonable for a normal woman to have a crush on a boy she’s only met twice…and now it’s the third time, and she can’t even see his face clearly, let alone that you’re still in this situation? in environment.”

“You’re a little impatient. Although I don’t know where you heard the news, I still want to remind you.”

Although he was reading the newspaper, Sano’s mouth did not stop, and as he spoke, Miyano Shiho’s fake smile gradually retreated, staring at Sano expressionlessly.

Sano also turned to look at Miyano Shiho. Even though she couldn’t see his face clearly, she could still clearly feel that the other person’s eyes were extremely cold and full of joking sarcasm——

“It’s better not to think that I’ll be as love-minded as your stupid sister, and that I’ll fall for you so easily.”

“Okay, I won’t argue with you about this matter, and I won’t snitch on Gin. Just take your time and get busy.”

After saying that, Sano put down the newspaper, picked up his suitcase, and walked straight out of the office, leaving Shiho Miyano who could not say a word and secretly clenched his fists.

Yes, Miyano Shiho was indeed seducing Sano, but this was certainly not because she was in love and wanted to fall in love, but because, as Sano said just now, she wanted to win over the other person as her tool.

Miyano Shiho has almost had enough of this kind of life.

No freedom, no hope, forever dark.

Miyano Shiho, who couldn’t see the light of day, wanted to escape and took her sister with her.

Of course, this idea is not a recent one, but has been around for a long time.

It’s just that Miyano Shiho is very aware of the energy of the organization. It is as difficult as climbing to the sky to escape with her own strength. Therefore, in the past, she has only been laying the groundwork in secret – which is actually equivalent to zero progress.

The reason why Miyano Shiho made such a move today was because he accidentally overheard gossip among peripheral members while eating in the cafeteria yesterday.

“Hey, have you heard that our organization now has a name? It’s called the Winery.”

“Ah, I know. I heard it was the Rye cadre who suggested it.”

“Chairman Rye? Is that the one who seems to be talking to Lady Shirley about a partner?”

“Well, that gentleman has been very popular recently!”

“That guy used to be very popular, and he specialized in taking away the limelight from his teammates…”

“Haha, I heard about it too. It is said that five cadres who teamed up with him to do the mission have died.”

“Five people? Why do I remember it was four? When did another one disappear?”

“You are talking about the fourth one. That one is not dead. I just heard that after the mission, there was no trace again. But a few peripheral members are really gone.”

“…It’s terrible that a code member dies on a mission. Is it some kind of curse?”

“I do think that this is not necessarily just a coincidence. Those cadres who died were probably killed by that person…”

“Shh! Be careful with your words and actions, you don’t want your head anymore!”

“If Mad Dog listens to this, the BOSS may not even be able to protect you!”

“Who is the mad dog?”

“It’s that Rye. Because he acts too crazy, everyone calls him a mad dog now… It is said that when he goes crazy, he will even rush forward directly towards the bullet. Alas, when I saw him anyway, They all feel frightened.”

“…Since that person is so scary, wouldn’t it be a bad idea to give him such a nickname?”

“Idiot, of course this was not taken by us, but by those who were killed by Lord Rye. During this period, he has killed at least hundreds of people, but judging from that person’s reaction, he didn’t seem to care about this either. What’s the conflict with nicknames…”

The memory stopped abruptly.

Miyano Shiho let out a deep breath.

Most people believe that gossip and rumors have never been credible, but when it comes down to it, there are no holes. Key information is often hidden behind the rumors.

… Putting aside the outrageous rumors that he and the other party were dating, the important thing was that the other party lost five teammates in five consecutive missions.

There is bound to be something wrong when something comes out of nowhere.

To say that there is nothing wrong with this rye, Miyano Shiho doesn’t believe it anyway.

Especially considering the other party’s experience of “protecting” himself and his sister last time, not to mention whether the other party is an undercover agent, at least his loyalty to the organization is definitely not high, and no matter how bad it is, he is also the type who is not afraid of the organization. .

And such a person is naturally not weak in ability – this is no wonder that when they first met that day, he felt that Gin was too kind to him, and his trust level seemed to be extremely high.

If she could get help from such a tool, Miss Miyano’s chances of escaping from the organization would undoubtedly be greatly improved…

Unfortunately, it failed.

Or as the other party said, I was indeed too impatient and should take my time step by step.

After all, in the face of such sudden changes, how could a person with such a strong ability not notice the difference.

Miyano Shiho sighed again. According to her past personality, of course she would not be so reckless, but the uneasiness in her heart was really getting stronger. She always felt that something bad would happen.

…But why does this guy laugh at his sister?

Miyano Shiho felt dissatisfied again. Is even being affectionate a shortcoming these days?

…It seems that for criminals, it seems to be true.

After entering the elevator from the underground research institute, Sano couldn’t help but look at his appearance through the reflection of the elevator door: “It’s strange, he doesn’t show his face. Doesn’t his appearance just look so…innocent? ?”

Sano really didn’t expect that a genius like Miyano Shiho, who could outlast countless big guys in the field of scientific research, would do such a stupid thing.

Could it be that he is a one-sided genius who can only do research but is not good at other aspects?

…It doesn’t feel like it, I must have heard something.

But even so, you can’t regard yourself as a fool’s tool man reserve, how presumptuous.

If the genders of the two parties were swapped, could Sano sue the other party for sexual harassment?

After some self-doubt and contempt for Miyano Shiho, Sano took several peripheral members of the research institute into three black cars and headed to the place where the drugs needed to be delivered.

In a deep mountain on the outskirts of Tokyo, Sano walked a few kilometers further after getting off the bus, and finally succeeded in seeing his destination.

It was a small bungalow. After confirming with a few peripheral members in the house, Sano entered the basement.

This basement is much larger than the safe underground training ground that Sano was taken to by Gin before, and it can even be compared with Aooka Research Institute.

There are three floors, each floor is as big as a dozen football fields, with various rooms, laboratories, training grounds, canteens, everything you need.

Just for the peripheral members that Sano met after coming down, the guarantee was three digits higher.

It wasn’t until he came to an office similar to Miyano Shiho’s that Sano met the contact person this time.

It was a middle-aged man in his fifties, and he looked like a scientific researcher in the white coat he wore.

“The medicine has been delivered.”

Sano said hello, but the man didn’t look at Sano. He just said “hmm” softly, his eyes still locked behind the large glass on the side.

Sano also looked over, and then saw a man in his thirties who was tied to a chair and covered with various testing instruments.

Next to the man, two other people in white coats were busy taking out various small medicine bottles and syringes from the cart. After a while, they gave the man an injection and kept recording the results on the instrument with a small notebook. Numbers change.

Sano knew what kind of medicine this was, because there was such a medicine among the medicines he sent this time.

This is a drug developed within the organization.

It has only one effect, and that is to improve the physical fitness of the person being injected.

Probably similar to the super soldier serum that Captain America was injected with?

Of course, there will definitely be a gap, otherwise the organization would already have Sano’s special attack server combat power per capita.

In addition, this drug also has various other side effects. Whether it can be effective and how effective it is varies from person to person, and it is an incomplete drug.

Therefore, this drug is only used on peripheral members for the time being.

No, more strictly speaking, quasi-peripheral members.

As we all know… No, it should be said that here in Sano, the members of the organization are roughly divided into four levels from high to low.

The only BOSS, a few senior cadres, then ordinary code-named cadres, and finally the peripheral members who are like ants.

…But for people in the organization, they are just peripheral members, cadres, and then to the BOSS.

The existence of senior cadres is just like the organizational name of the winery. No one has this concept.

Because of the task of being promoted to a senior cadre, Sano had tricked Gin in secret or overtly.

Although the other party did not have this concept, Sano still roughly figured out what it was.

The rest is really well known.

If the winery is treated as a real factory, BOSS is the absolute boss, and downwards, it is divided into three departments: intelligence team, action team, and scientific research team.

The peripheral members are the screwdrivers, and the cadres are the supervisors – which can also be said to be senior technical workers. Above the cadres, it is the turn of the directors and managers of the three departments.

It goes without saying that the role of the scientific research team is to be discussed. Although the cores of the two large departments, the intelligence team and the action team, are different, there are many areas of overlap.

For example, although intelligence officers mainly focus on collecting intelligence, they are not allowed to use guns to kill people and participate in some operational tasks.

For another example, although operatives focus on murder and arson, they are not allowed to collect intelligence, and even participate in various fancy tasks such as personnel recruitment and logistics transportation.

At present, the only department manager that Sano knows is not the team leader. Gin is the only one who is responsible for the action team. Miyano Shiho may also be regarded as the scientific research team… It is unlikely, after all, she is just a puppet.

It’s just that inside and outside Gin’s words, there seems to be some other information revealed.

It seems that in addition to the three team leaders, there are several special cadres in the organization whose status is not as good as that of the team leaders, but is higher than ordinary cadres.

I just don’t know how many special cadres there are and whether they are considered senior cadres.

Anyway, at present, if Sano wants to be promoted to a senior cadre, the safest way is to work hard, wait for his performance to be sufficient, and then slowly wait for a senior cadre to retire or die unexpectedly…

Of course, Sano himself prefers to directly look for opportunities to kill a senior cadre and then rise to the top.

It’s fast and convenient.

At worst, just put in more effort to make it look like the other party died accidentally.

And the first choice, or the only choice, can only be gin for now.

Speaking of which, Neon seems to particularly appreciate this kind of thing…

Ahem, the topic is askew.

Sano calmed down his eagerness. As for the organization’s current talent recruitment channels, he only knew of two, one was to join voluntarily, and the other was forced to join.

Well, Sano stated that it was the second one, but it was actually the first one.

At the same time, not all peripheral members will be called for interviews and so on like Sano. More of them are forced to join, but the organization just lacks cannon fodder, and the other party happens to bump into them.

But even though it sounds like cannon fodder, it must have the value of cannon fodder itself.

If, like Sano’s normal situation, they are physically weak and don’t know other skills such as firearms, and the organization pulls them over, then they are really just cannon fodder in the practical sense.

It has no other use than blocking bullets. Whether it can even block bullets is another matter.

As a result, the organization began on-the-job training for these quasi-peripheral members. It was considered a long interview, and it could also solve the organization’s shortage of experimental subjects.

Kill two birds with one stone.

Just like the man in front of me.

Sano looked calmly into the glass, and the man inside also looked at him, his eyes full of bloodshot eyes, anger and fear, two completely opposite emotions mixed together.

Of course, not all quasi-peripheral members will experience this kind of thing, only a few people. After all, the probability of being cultivated through drugs is too low. Even if it is successful, it usually won’t live long, which is a true counterproductive force.

If possible, the organization naturally hopes to obtain a stable group of cannon fodder for sustainable development.

Even if you can have outstanding… special talents like Sano, you may be specially trained in order to be promoted to a core member and obtain a cadre code name.

…Although Sano doesn’t think he has the special talent that Gin and Toru Amuro think.

Before leaving, Sano’s eyes glanced over the experimental report placed on the desk of the scientific researcher and saw the man’s name.

Numagachi Kiichiro.

“Then I’ll leave first.”

The scientific researcher still ignored Sano, which made him curl his lips. This group of guys who are extremely enthusiastic about science always do this, like crazy people.

After such a comparison, Sano suddenly felt that Miyano Shiho was quite cute.

At least he can look good and he can talk.

After leaving this experimental site, Sano was naturally ready to go home, but when he was still halfway there, the system suddenly sent a task trigger prompt.

“Hey, the system task has been triggered.”

[Please rescue three innocent bear (crossed out) children. You will receive fifty strengthening points upon completion. The remaining time of the mission is – 2:59:59].

Sano: “…”

Cross that out, are you serious?

Sano pulled out the system map and took a look, and immediately asked the taxi driver to change direction.

Again, although there is no evidence, Sano has reason to suspect that these are the members of the Dog Rider Team.

I just don’t know why, but this time it doesn’t seem like they took the initiative to commit suicide, but instead seemed to be innocently implicated.

But if these three unlucky guys were affected by Conan’s troublemaker, why is there no Conan in this mission?

No, it’s also possible that Conan is among them, but a certain child is not here today, or it’s possible that Conan, the dog, killed someone but was fine.

Well, that makes sense.

Soon, Sano came to a park.

Before entering the park, Sano glanced at the sign at the door, Jinchuan Greenland Park.

…I have never heard of it. The only name of the park that Sano can remember is Rice Flower Park.

After finding an uninhabited corner and putting on his passerby hat, Sano quickly switched to the Black Death vest without the special attack uniform, and then found the three little red dots.

On the lawn by the river, three little kids, Motai, Mitsuhiko and Ayumi, were playing with a remote control plane together.

It is indeed them…

Sano glanced around, but in such a large public, what danger would they encounter later?

Unable to find anything wrong, Sano pulled out the system map again to take a look at the terrain, and then saw a small red dot suddenly flash for a moment and then disappear.


Um? ? ?

What the hell, flashed past in a flash?

Sano tilted his neck in surprise, confused by this unexpected situation.

There are obviously only three mission objectives, how could it be…

Wait a moment.

Sano suddenly remembered that his system map, in addition to playing a positioning and navigation role when needed for some tasks, also had a reinforcement that could also play a positioning role.


Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story

Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story

Status: Completed Author:


I, Sano Shinichiro, a time traveler, have a system.
Although the system's tasks are very strange, the rewarded equipment is even more... fresh and refined.
For example, a hammer that cannot cause damage, a small electric donkey that can fly quickly, a coat that turns into a roadie when used, sunglasses that cannot distinguish between humans and animals within 500 meters after wearing them, etc...
What, you ask me how to live better in this world?
Sano Shinichiro smiled faintly and put on his vest: "How can you not get stabbed when you are floating in the world? If you want to avoid getting stabbed, you have to open a trumpet. The more vests I have, the more slutty I will be. I will wave the flag of the winery."
When Akai Shuichi asked Conan what he thought of the black organization, Conan responded like this: The black organization? Although they act a little rough, they are all good people... Wait, which black organization are you asking about?


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