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Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story — Chapter 176 175, Gin, do you want a bomb or not?

Thinking of the newspaper headlines about the theft of the Toyo gunpowder depot that he had seen on the desk of Miyano Shiho’s office, Sano suddenly became more convinced.

… Just when I said there was going to be trouble, trouble came, tsk tsk tsk.

But in this case, this mission may be more dangerous than I imagined.

The newspaper only mentioned a large amount of adjectives about the amount of stolen explosives, but did not specify the specific amount.

But Sano certainly wouldn’t think that the so-called large number would be just like the pebbles he threw casually, which could only kill a handful of people close to him.

This is most likely to be used for large-scale attacks.

For such a dangerous mission, a reward of 50 strengthening points is actually given. The system is too shady. Be careful of being hung up on the street in the future!

…Of course, even though he said this, Sano definitely did not intend to let this mission go.

After all, it had been more than a week since there was no income from strengthening points. Now let alone fifty points, even if it was five points, Sano would definitely get it.

Sano stopped waiting and walked straight towards the three members of the team. According to the direction in which the red dot flashed just now, the bomb should be in that direction. He only needed to bring the distance within fifty meters, and the location should appear again.

Sure enough, Sano saw the red dot again a few seconds later.

But when Sano looked over according to the map, he didn’t see anyone at that location.


Seeing the red dot approaching quickly, Sano raised his head suddenly, and a remote-controlled aircraft came into view.

Is the bomb up there?

Sano wanted to reach out and grab the remote control plane, but unfortunately it flew into the sky again.


Not far away, the little fat Yuanta was holding the remote control and laughing. Mitsuhiko and Ayumi on the side were obviously very greedy and wanted to play, but Yuanta ignored them at all and only focused on having fun. However, this guy still Because of its size advantage, the other two children holding the remote control couldn’t snatch it away.

Sano held up the visor of his visor. He had no choice but to play the role of a villain who bullies children.

Sano quickly walked up to Gentai, and in the face of the other party’s doubtful eyes, he snatched the remote control and flew the remote control plane to him.

Seeing this scene, Genta slowly lowered his head and glanced at his empty hands. His dull brain finally reacted and rushed towards Sano angrily: “You even snatched the children’s toys. You bad guy, give the plane back.” I!!!”

This little fat guy is still as courageous as ever.

Sano raised one hand to grab the flying remote control plane, and with the other hand he took out a gun and put it against the head of Genta who was rushing over.


Seeing the gun in Sano’s hand, Mitsuhiko and Ayumi behind them couldn’t help but scream in surprise, and Genta himself was certainly taken aback.

As a member of the team whose courage was only weaker than that of Conan, the little fat man, although he was covered in cold sweat, still spoke with force, “Hey, you, an adult, don’t even have the guts to duel with a kid like me, and you still take a A toy gun is enough to scare people…”

However, before Genta could finish speaking, Sano raised the muzzle of his gun and fired a shot into the sky. The explosion made the three members of the team tremble involuntarily.

After the shot was fired, naturally it was not just the three people in the team who were frightened. The other tourists in the park quickly became confused after a brief daze, screaming and running away. .

Sano put down the raised gun again and pointed it at Genta, saying coldly: “Now do you think this is still a toy?”

Yuantai swallowed, his legs were shaking like sieves, he could only raise his hands subconsciously, and said with a trembling voice without tears: “I don’t think so, I don’t think so anymore, don’t shoot, the big deal is this remote control I’ll just give you the plane, okay? If it doesn’t work, I’ll ask my mother to buy you another one!”

Yuantai never expected that he, who had always only snatched other people’s toys, would one day be robbed of toys by others, with a gun pointed at his head.

…You said you have a gun. Why don’t you rob a bank? Why are you robbing a child’s toys?

Sano didn’t think too much, he just glanced at the two little kids behind Gentai who were also frightened and their eyes were red. He didn’t know whether it was because of his weak legs or his righteousness, but he ran away without leaving the little fat kid behind.

Turning his gaze to the remote-controlled plane, Sano took back the gun, pulled off the small bomb tied to the remote-controlled plane and stuffed it into his pocket, then threw the plane back to the little fat man Genta.

Unexpectedly and reasonably, the amount of explosives on this plane was pitifully small, almost equivalent to less than one kilogram of TNT.

So after Sano grabbed the plane, it took less than three seconds to complete the dismantling. At the same time, it was precisely because of this that he was in the mood to “intimidate” Genta calmly.

But apart from this, there is another point that Sano is more concerned about, and that is the feedback given by the blasting gloves when dismantling the bomb mounted on the remote-controlled aircraft.

This is a dual-detonation bomb that can be detonated by impact and by remote control.

In other words, the person who installed the bomb on this remote-controlled aircraft may be watching nearby, ready to detonate it at any time.

If Sano hadn’t appeared suddenly enough and removed the blasting gloves quickly enough, there’s no telling whether that guy would have detonated the bomb directly in Sano’s hand.

…Although in Sano’s opinion, the probability of this happening is low.

Although I don’t know who the person who installed the bomb is, since the other party stole so much explosives and only used a small amount here, its purpose cannot be as simple as killing three children. .

Perhaps, there will be follow-up tasks related to this matter.

While Sano moved quickly and kept trying to switch vests, at a certain moment he was sure that the sight that had been locked on him had disappeared.

But during this period, Sano did not see any suspicious people in the park, which was already empty.

They were probably observing with the help of a telescope or some other height advantage.

“Hey, the system task has been triggered.”

[Please find the bomb in the square in front of Mihua Station and defuse it. If you complete it, you will get 30 strengthening points. The remaining time of the mission is – 0:59:59].

Sure enough, as soon as Sano’s idea arrived, the mission was triggered.

At the same time, a figure came quickly, it was Conan on a skateboard.

Sano just glanced at the other party from a distance and quickly set off to the target location.

Conan felt extremely strange when he saw that there were not many left in the Green Park…well, actually, they were the only three members of the team.

Isn’t this park quite famous? Why are there so few people?

The reason why Conan came here is very simple, because a person who claimed to have stolen the explosives from the Toyo Gunpowder Depot called him and told him, or more accurately, his boss, Kudo Shinichi.

The other party put a big surprise in Greenland Park and wanted to invite Kudo Shinichi to watch it. If he was late, the children might die or something.

Faced with such a statement that was threatening and provocative, and a warning of crime, Conan could not understand what it meant, and immediately rushed to the park in a hurry.

But looking at this situation now…why is something not right?

Could it have been an explosion and everyone was scared away?

Then why are these three children still standing here, so scared?

After hesitating for less than a second, Conan chose to approach the trio directly, which happened to be in line with the setting of the child on the phone.

…And his intuition is also telling Conan that his friends who often encountered various troubles in the past are probably inseparable from this matter.

“Gentaibumi Mitsuhiko!”

Conan stopped suddenly and jumped off the skateboard: “Did you see any strange people or things?”

The tearful trio turned to look at Conan, burst into tears, and then swarmed up and pushed Conan to the ground.

“Conan, it’s so scary!”

“We were almost killed!”

“Uuuuuu, I will never play with remote control airplanes again…”

“What, what’s going on…”

Conan was lying on the ground, almost breathless under the weight of the three children stacked up like an arhat, with a confused look on his face.

The chattering words of the trio were mixed together, and Conan could roughly make out the outline——

A gun-wielding gangster suddenly appeared, fired a shot into the air, and then robbed Yuantai’s remote-controlled plane.

…What kind of outrageous case development is this? ? ?

Before the confused Conan could think about it, the phone in his pocket rang again.

“Kudo Shinichi, you are so powerful. You actually found my bomb quietly and defused it in such a short time… No, that guy actually gave his cell phone to a kid?”

Conan pressed the phone against his phone, feeling like he knew every word the other person said, but he couldn’t understand them when they were put together.

When did you defuse the bomb?

Also, how did that guy know that the phone was in the hands of a little ghost…

Masaka, that guy is nearby! ?

Conan hurriedly crawled out from under the trio of Arhats and yelled into his cell phone: “Who are you and what do you want to do?”

“Don’t worry, since that guy gave you the phone, I’ll tell you the location of the next bomb. The location is the square in front of Mihua Station. I’ll give you another reminder… Under the tree, you don’t have time. There are too many.”

After saying that, the other person hung up the phone. Conan could only leave the crying trio behind, get on his skateboard, and start playing Fast and Furious.

On the other side, Sano had already arrived at the square in front of Mihua Station—it was not that far away after all.

Although the mission content requires that the bomb be found first and then defused, so there is no location on the system map, the square is still not big after all, and the bomb detection range of Sano’s blasting gloves is not too small, so I only walked around for a few minutes. , the target has been found.

It was a pink cat…bag that was placed on a bench.

It should be called Cat Bag, right?

Sano’s eyes swept over the area. He wondered if the guy who installed the bomb was also nearby. What if he saw him later and chose to detonate it directly?

Sano narrowed his eyes. The rewards for this mission were smaller, but in fact Sano himself didn’t know whether the difficulty of the mission was linked to the reward.

Even if it is, then the low reward for this mission may just be because Sano is blessed with explosive gloves, so it is easy to find bombs, not that it is also easy to defuse bombs.

After hesitating for less than two seconds, Sano tried to switch vests in the corner. After he succeeded, he immediately changed his black sweatshirt into ordinary casual clothes, and then walked over like an ordinary person who just discovered the cat on the bench.

Although there is no evidence, Sano saw Conan’s arrival before leaving Greenland Park, so he has reason to suspect that these successive bombs were actually aimed at the other party.

…After all, he is the God of Plague.

In this case, even if an unrelated person appears in the eyes of the bomber, he should not detonate it casually.

Sano gently opened the zipper of the cat bag and tugged at the queen cat inside. The beating scarlet numbers came into view.

This time it seems like it’s just timed.

…Of course, it is also possible that it was the same as the previous bomb, with a remote control detonation, but logically speaking, since the other party was watching near the park before, they shouldn’t have been able to get here so quickly.

Sano’s tensed nerves relaxed a little, but on the surface he was still pretending to stroke the cat. In fact, his explosive gloves had already touched the bomb and began to dismantle it.

The power of this bomb is obviously much greater than the previous one.

According to preliminary estimates, it may be close to the power of the five kilograms of TNT explosives converted by Sano.

…Probably more powerful than the one Sano used at the end of the Shenlong mission, so it took longer to dismantle, taking Sano nearly a minute.

After confirming that it had been dismantled, Sano calmly took out the bomb and put it in his arms.

As for the tool cat that was still rubbing its head against Sano’s palm in an attempt to get a long-term meal ticket, it was ruthlessly abandoned by Sano.

Otherwise, why don’t you take her back to take care of her, eat, drink, sleep, and sleep?

…If this thing can take care of Sano’s eating, drinking, sleeping, sleeping, etc., then you can consider it.

After completing this task, Sano also did not go home immediately. Instead, he found a nearby cafe to sit and wait.

Again, the guy who installed the bomb must have other explosives in his hands. This matter is not completely over, and there must be sequels.

… Could it be that I am going to be a bomb disposal expert for a day today?

Sano was thinking wildly.

Then, as expected, before Sano could warm up his butt, the system came up with another mission trigger prompt.

[Please go to the target location to prevent the bomb from exploding. If you complete it, you will get ten strengthening points. The remaining time of the mission is – 1:59:59].

Yo, it came pretty fast.

Sano pulled out the system map. As soon as he determined the location of the mission target and was about to set out to defuse the bomb, the system prompted again.

[Please go to the target location to prevent the bomb from exploding. If you complete it, you will get ten strengthening points. The remaining time of the mission is – 1:59:59].

Sano: “…”

Looking at the two mission target locations on the map, Sano determined that this was not a bug in the system, and then…

[Please go to the target location to prevent the bomb from exploding. If you complete it, you will get ten strengthening points. The remaining time of the mission is – 1:59:59].

[Please go to the target location to prevent the bomb from exploding. If you complete it, you will get ten strengthening points. The remaining time of the mission is – 1:59:59].

【Please go to the target location…

Looking at the series of double-digit identical system tasks, Sano’s eyes widened slightly. He who thought he was already used to Ke Xue was in a rare state of confusion at this moment.

What’s going on? Why are there so many bombs all of a sudden? ?

Even if you really want to be a bomb disposal expert for a day, you should do it one by one. You can’t shadow the clones. How can you go to these dozens of different places that are closely spaced within two hours? Last time?

Sano lowered his head and fell into deep thought, only to feel a severe headache.

Is it possible that I have to give up part of it, but I feel a bit reluctant to do so…

No, if you procrastinate any longer, you will only lose more and more, so you should be more decisive.

However, just when Sano gritted his teeth and prepared to defuse as many bombs as possible, a thunder and lightning suddenly flashed in his mind.

A must-have secret skill for detectives – a flash of inspiration!

The system mission only said to prevent the explosion, but it didn’t say how to stop it, let alone what the prohibitions were.

Then why do you have to let yourself dismantle it?

If we find some foreign aid, can’t we solve it within two hours?

Thinking of this, Sano no longer hesitated and took out his mobile phone to call Gin.

“Hey, Gin, do you want a bomb?”

Gin, who was monitoring Miyano Akemi with Vodka on the other side, thought there was an accident on Sano’s side of the mission.

Unexpectedly, after the call was connected, the other party asked him if he wanted a bomb. Gin could not help but slowly type a question mark.

A moment later, Conan arrived and started a frantic search in the small square, but unfortunately, nothing was found, and of course it was impossible to find anything.

Because the thing is on Sano.

As time went by, Conan, who had become increasingly anxious, suddenly had a flash of inspiration after seeing an old lady holding a kitten, and understood the true location of the bomb.

Not under a tree, but a cat!

Conan went to the old lady with a ferocious expression, grabbed the cat bag and took a look!


What is the situation, my reasoning is wrong?

Conan stood there with a confused look on his face. It was not until a while later that he gradually came back to his senses under the strange gaze of the old lady beside him. While he was embarrassed, he also noticed that something was wrong.

If there really is a bomb here, why hasn’t the bomb exploded after all this time?

Or are you saying that you have been fooled, but in fact there is no bomb at all?

After all, everything was safe and sound in the green park before…

No, no one would make such a cruel joke that could be easily exposed. Moreover, although everything in the previous green park seemed to be fine, there was still something wrong.

Conan frowned, a large number of trivial clues filling his mind, but he couldn’t connect them, which only gave him a huge headache.


Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story

Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story

Status: Completed Author:


I, Sano Shinichiro, a time traveler, have a system.
Although the system's tasks are very strange, the rewarded equipment is even more... fresh and refined.
For example, a hammer that cannot cause damage, a small electric donkey that can fly quickly, a coat that turns into a roadie when used, sunglasses that cannot distinguish between humans and animals within 500 meters after wearing them, etc...
What, you ask me how to live better in this world?
Sano Shinichiro smiled faintly and put on his vest: "How can you not get stabbed when you are floating in the world? If you want to avoid getting stabbed, you have to open a trumpet. The more vests I have, the more slutty I will be. I will wave the flag of the winery."
When Akai Shuichi asked Conan what he thought of the black organization, Conan responded like this: The black organization? Although they act a little rough, they are all good people... Wait, which black organization are you asking about?


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