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Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story — Chapter 181 180, just a card player passing by to fight


In his sleep, Sano vaguely seemed to hear someone talking. He irritably pulled the quilt aside to cover his ears, and then began to dream.

It wasn’t until the sun shifted and gradually began to set, causing half of the room to turn orange, that Sano sat up in confusion.

…so tired, even though I didn’t do anything.

After yawning, Sano got up to wash up, made a bucket of instant noodles, and then…

“Hey, the current task has been triggered, you can check it at any time!”

The mission trigger sound is coming.

[Please rescue the four naughty children who only want to die. If you complete it, you will get fifty strengthening points. The remaining time of the task is – 3:59:59].


Sano, who was already used to babysitting tasks, first pulled out the map and took a look at the mission target, which was at least two hours away from his home – Marutan Department Store.

…Which kind of bastard boss is this, who actually gave his company such a shameful name?

No wonder he was visited by Conan, the god of plague.

After complaining rather speechlessly, Sano stared at the mission time limit of only four hours for a while. He sighed secretly in his heart and could only reluctantly put down the instant noodles he had just made and set off for the mission target.

Soon, Sano arrived at Wan Dan Department Store.

But it seemed that because it was already off work, the door of the department store was tightly closed.

…No, it’s just before seven o’clock, right? Do you get off work that early?

Sano was quite envious and despised the work spirit of the department store staff.

We should really let Gin, that model worker, come over and teach these guys what it means to be dedicated.

After adjusting his mentality a little, Sano looked at the surrounding environment. No one was there. He tried switching vests with equal success, and immediately took out the Masked Superman pendant from his arms.

Let’s use this opportunity to experiment, and let the No. 3 vest show its face.

Sano held the pendant in his hand and remained expressionless for a while, then whispered: “…hen~shin!”

In the department store, Conan was jumping up and down with his three team members, constantly escaping.

Today was originally the day when three real children made an appointment to watch the Masked Superman doll show. Conan, the fake child, was forcibly dragged here, but this is not important. What is important is that when everything is over, that guy Genta, When they were all on their way home, they suddenly discovered that the Autograph of Masked Superman they had gotten was missing.

Looking at the impatient real child, Conan immediately showed off his reasoning. Based on the photos taken, he determined that Genta’s signature was lost in the department store.

So the team went back to look for it.

Unexpectedly, because it happened to be the off-duty time of the department store, he was locked inside.

I thought it would be no big deal, just tell the guards, but I didn’t expect that the guards in the department store had already been knocked unconscious and tied up.

A group of robbers seems to have taken control of this department store!

This group of robbers should be the guys who committed many home invasions and robberies some time ago and made several headlines in the newspapers. This time, they probably used the name of the doll show to sneak into the department store to figure out the plan. Then stay and take direct control of the situation.

And their techniques were sophisticated and experienced, and they even cut off things like telephone lines, making it impossible for Conan and the others to contact the outside world.

It’s really troublesome.

Conan’s two short legs were almost turned into afterimages. Although they had painted the “SOS” sign on the top floor window before, it was late at night after all, so it was difficult for anyone to notice it.

The window glass in the department store is also made of thickened anti-theft glass, which cannot be opened at all. Yuantai even made a lot of noise because of this, which led to them being discovered by the bandit team, and then they embarked on the road to escape.

Then Conan and the others managed to tie up the two robbers with quilts through hard work, and the other two robbers appeared again, so that the current situation became more and more dangerous.

“Damn it, what should I do?”

Seeing two bandits in black tights emerging from the front, Conan was forced to stop. He wanted to go back, but he didn’t expect that another bandit in tights and a Masked Superman costume had also blocked the back.

“Hey, kid, let’s see how you can run away now!”

The robber wearing a masked Superman suit had a cruel smile on his face and stepped closer to the panic-stricken team members in the middle.

“What should we do, Conan!”

A few real children fearfully look to their subconscious mastermind for instructions.

But Conan also doesn’t know what to do now.

If there were only two people on the opposite side, he might be able to gamble with his foot-strengthening shoes and anesthesia watch, but there were four enemies.

Even if two are solved, the remaining two still cannot be solved.

I can’t control it anymore. Let’s open a gap and escape first!

However, just when Conan was about to make the final move, a black shadow suddenly fell from the sky and landed directly between the two sides, causing the people on both sides to be stunned.

The sudden intervention is undoubtedly equivalent to adding a third beam to a balance. The original… imbalance may be changed.

Who is coming?

People on both sides looked carefully with doubts.

Sano, who jumped from the upper floor in a superhero-like landing position, slowly stood up and turned his eyes to the robber wearing the Masked Superman suit, and he suddenly felt a little depressed.

After getting the enhanced Masked Superman pendant, is it the Masked Superman robber mission?

…Then should I feel guilty now that I am a pirate?

“Ah, it’s Masked Superman!”

As loyal fans of Masked Superman, all members of the team recognized this sudden figure at first sight, but only Ayumi, the little girl, was still able to say in surprise: “… Even though it’s black.”


Little girl, in this situation, why don’t you complain?

Sano was speechless and choked. After the robber wearing Masked Superman clothes across from him reacted, he sneered and mocked: “What is your situation? Do you really think you are Masked Superman? How dare you come out to do justice?”

“Even if you have a bad mind, you should at least get a genuine suit and wear it. Don’t you think it’s embarrassing to get a pirated one?”


Looking at the bandit gang laughing wildly, Sano finally spoke: “I never said I was Masked Superman.”

A lazy voice came out from under the helmet, which seemed a bit dull.

“I’m just a passing Kamen Rider.”

Since the enhancement this time is a pirated version of Kamen Superman, and the Masked Superman is a pirated version of Kamen Rider, doesn’t this mean that Sano’s is the original version?

Hmm, the logic is very smooth.

It’s a pity that these robbers obviously don’t understand Sano’s jokes.

It was already troublesome enough that the plan was foiled, but the person who needed to be silenced also had an adult added to the group of children, so there was no time left to talk nonsense.

Making money is the most important thing!

Without saying a word, the four robbers took advantage of their numerical advantage and rushed towards Sano.

When Conan saw this, he originally wanted to warn the unknown person who seemed to have a problem in his mind, but at least he was not the opposite. After all, he was the only teammate on his side with a relatively high combat effectiveness.

But what he didn’t expect was that the black figure just turned sideways twice and perfectly passed through the attacks of the four robbers.

“what’s the situation?”

The four robbers who had missed the attack were lying on the ground with confused faces. Among them, the Masked Superman robber reacted the fastest. After getting up, he directly pulled out a dagger and stabbed Sano.

“go to hell!”

too slow.

Sano casually grabbed the opponent’s arm and punched the opponent in the face, causing two lines of nosebleeds to flow out immediately.

The three tight-fitting bandits who followed him also followed up with punches and kicks at Sano, but Sano easily dodged them, and each of them was rewarded with a friendly fist.

… Sano’s substantial improvement in flexibility attributes is most directly reflected in his vision, hearing, and reaction speed.

But this does not mean that there are no other convenient improvements to the flexible attribute.

Putting aside the areas that are greatly affected by explosive attributes and physical attributes, the other most important point is – control.

Let’s say it’s control, maybe it’s coordination?

Anyway, it is a kind of control over one’s own body. It may not sound good, but it is actually very useful, especially when combined with the previous factors.

In a certain popular anime, the setting of “the eyes can keep up, but the body can’t” was once proposed. The body here can’t keep up. In Sano’s opinion, the main reason is because of flexibility… It should be said that it is not enough control. high.

With the blessing of the superhuman effect, whenever Sano concentrates, he seems to be able to clearly feel the existence of every cell in his body.

The contraction and expansion of every muscle, even the ripple of every hair.

And in this state, Sano’s body can receive orders faster than others… To put it bluntly, it may be equivalent to the dodge rate in the game.

Of course, this alone is not enough.

The improvement in body control means that Sano can perform some fighting skills that were previously impossible with great ease, and his skill level has been slightly improved.

In addition, with the high flexibility attribute bonus, even Sano’s explosive attributes and physical attributes have also received a considerable improvement.

Combining the two together, it is easy to deal with several little Karami.

Sano held down the four bandits and gave them a hammer blow.

It’s a pity that the strength of Sano’s fists alone is not as powerful as the blessing of the special attack suit.

What’s more important is that Sano also plans to turn the image of this black masked superman into a real superhero. Some of the more ruthless tricks are not convenient to use – after all, a superhero who can kill people is not a superhero.

Looking at the four robbers who were beaten bruised and swollen by themselves, and the four members of the squad who had begun squatting on the ground to watch the show, and even shouted for relief.

Sano let out a deep breath.


Sano suddenly performed a roundhouse kick, followed by the Knight Kick, and kicked a stone pillar nearby.


It looked like it was just a light kick, but the moment it landed, the warm spring breeze turned into a violent storm.

The rubble was flying and cracks were everywhere. There was no doubt that as long as a little more force was applied, the pillar would collapse.

If this kick fell on a human being, it would probably be no less than being hit by a high-speed truck and flying ten or twenty meters. It is not an exaggeration.

It will definitely kill someone!

Sano retracted his legs and looked at the dumbfounded audience of four adults and four children. He was also very satisfied with his performance.

The knight’s kick is ten times more powerful, and even the whip kick with the blessing of the Bit Attack Suit is so strong that it can’t be crossed. Unfortunately, it needs to be cooled down for a whole day after being used once.

“Do you faint on your own, or do you want me to help you faint?”

Facing Sano’s question, the four gangsters looked at each other and immediately and conscientiously chose to squat down with their heads in their hands.

“Why are you still standing there? Why don’t you quickly find something to tie them up.”

Sano looked at the four-person team again, causing the four naughty children to recover from the shocking kick just now. They nodded quickly like chickens pecking at rice, and walked with their short legs to find the tools to tie people up. .

When the four robbers were tied up tightly, the four naughty children looked at Sano eagerly.

——For the three real children, what happened today was undoubtedly very dreamy. They were chased by a gang of robbers and rescued by the “Masked Superman”. If it had been put aside before, the three of them would have shouted excitedly and excitedly. shouted.

At least I have to take a picture with this black masked superman, sign an autograph or something.

Just because they had seen each other’s kick just now, the three of them seemed to suddenly recall the feeling of Sano next to them, and unconsciously became a little cautious.

But in the group of four, there is still a fake child after all.

Compared to the three restrained real children, Conan didn’t care so much and just asked all the things he wanted to ask in one go.

“Who are you? Are you imitating Masked Superman? Then why do you wear a black Masked Superman suit, which gives you the source of inspiration to do heroic things behind the scenes? Are you the Black Death’s group?”

…It is generally accepted that members of the bad organization Black Death often go around doing heroic things.

Although in Conan’s view, these delinquents are just imitating “Black Death”, after all, not everyone knows the existence of Black Death.

Even if someone really came up with the idea of ​​playing a vigilante because of Black Death, in the eyes of the other person, it is not wrong to say that he is imitating Black Death.

The reason why Conan asked the last question was because he was worried that someone would imitate the Black Death, just like the Black Death imitated Black Death.

Of course Sano ignored Conan.

Because after tying up the four gangsters, Sano did not receive a task completion prompt from the system.

This also means that Conan will still seek death, no, because the dangerous factors have not been completely eliminated.

Are there any accomplices in the robber gang who have not been caught?

Or is there someone in this building who hasn’t shown up yet?


Sano’s ears suddenly twitched and he immediately turned his head to look at the surveillance camera at the top of a corner behind him.

Although the camera stopped rotating immediately after Sano looked over, how could he not see it clearly with the dynamic vision enhanced by the Superman effect?

Sure enough, there are others.

“Where is the control room?”

On the side, after following Sano’s line of sight and seeing the camera, Conan, who also noticed something was wrong, was stunned again when he heard this.

This Masked Superman is okay, can you actually see it?

…Yes, after all, unlike me who saw four robbers in the guard room and thought that there were only four people in the robber gang, the other party never thought about how many people there were in the robber gang. After noticing the details, he guessed that there was also a robber gang. It makes sense that the members are watching.

Conan, who thought he had the upper hand in reasoning ability, nodded secretly in his mind.

“Let’s go, I’ll take you there.”

Conan immediately led Sano to the monitoring room, and the other three naughty kids hesitated and followed.

Soon, the group arrived at the door of the monitoring room.

What surprised Sano was that except for a few guards whose hands and feet were tied and a young woman, there was no sign of any “robbers” in the monitoring room.

What is the situation? Could it be that he ran away in advance?

Sano narrowed his eyes, no, if he has already run away, then it should not be a danger factor, then the opponent is most likely ambushing somewhere…

Putting himself into the opponent’s role, Sano came up with the best choice.

Dark under the lamp.

The most dangerous place is the safest place.

If the perpetrator blends into the victim’s group, there is a high probability of escaping safely. Even if things go wrong, there will be a good opportunity for a sneak attack.

Conan on the side looked at the motionless “Masked Superman” and secretly raised his lips. As expected, the other party did not know the identity of the last member of the bandit gang.

…Although I only had the intelligence advantage to be able to discover it.

Before Conan could speak to remind him, Sano suddenly walked towards the tied people.

Sano didn’t know how accurate the guess he just made could be, but it’s not a game that ends if you make one wrong choice. Just take a look at it, and if there’s a problem, solve it. If there’s no problem, go look for a solution. .

So Sano walked in front of the tied people, glanced down, and immediately noticed that the woman among them was not tied tightly.

In other words, maybe he tied it himself.

Without saying a word, Sano slapped the other person on the back of the head: “Stop pretending, tell me honestly, are there any other accomplices!”

After this slap, both the female robber who was the leader of the robber gang and Conan at the other end were instantly stunned.

How did this guy figure it out?

The female robber panicked for a moment, gritted her teeth secretly, and then pretended to be calm and motionless, as if she had really passed out and didn’t hear Sano’s words.


Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story

Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story

Status: Completed Author:


I, Sano Shinichiro, a time traveler, have a system.
Although the system's tasks are very strange, the rewarded equipment is even more... fresh and refined.
For example, a hammer that cannot cause damage, a small electric donkey that can fly quickly, a coat that turns into a roadie when used, sunglasses that cannot distinguish between humans and animals within 500 meters after wearing them, etc...
What, you ask me how to live better in this world?
Sano Shinichiro smiled faintly and put on his vest: "How can you not get stabbed when you are floating in the world? If you want to avoid getting stabbed, you have to open a trumpet. The more vests I have, the more slutty I will be. I will wave the flag of the winery."
When Akai Shuichi asked Conan what he thought of the black organization, Conan responded like this: The black organization? Although they act a little rough, they are all good people... Wait, which black organization are you asking about?


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