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Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story — Chapter 184 183, wait for me to see my pants

Because this was the “name” that Sano said out loud at Marudenjiro’s house when he first got the passerby hat.

In the end, I didn’t expect that this boy Conan actually took it seriously. In the later mission to intimidate the Kudo couple, when he exposed his vest to Sano, he mentioned it together with gin vodka.

More outrageous than outrageous.

It’s so outrageous that his mother opened the door for him. It’s so outrageous.

Have a moral talk with that ghost.

Sano shook his head. To sum up, these vests that he made intentionally or unintentionally were really too many and too messy. Even if he didn’t draw a picture himself, he might not be able to tell them apart.

Because of this, it is almost impossible to find the source of Sano based on these things.

Not to mention that even if there are clues, there is no way to prove that it is Sano’s vest, so there is nothing to worry about.

It’s better to go to bed quickly. After all, if nothing happens, there will be an accident tomorrow…

The next afternoon, Gin called Sano.

“We are going to trade tonight. You will be in charge of the public side. The Vodka Bourbon and Chianti team and I will be watching in the dark and proceed with caution.”

…You actually let yourself stand in front of the public and trade?

Sano rubbed his chin with a strange expression on his face. Should he be happy that Gin trusted his strength, or should he be unhappy that he was being thrown out as another bait?

Forget it, none of this matters, what matters is the mission.

Sano shook off unnecessary thoughts and focused on the current situation. The task he was referring to was of course not the task given by Gin, but the system task.

Just after returning home last night, Sano received a new task, which is why he was convinced that there would be an accident today.

[Please save Miyano Akemi, you will get 300 strengthening points upon completion, the remaining time of the mission is – 13:29:48].

That’s right, it’s another mission of the Messenger of Justice.

Only this time, Sano is not asked to be a nanny to save the child, but to be a flower protector and a hero to save the beauty!

Sano naturally wanted to complete this task, and he already had an idea on how to complete it.

…It would be better to say that sooner or later, there will be system tasks that will conflict with Gin and even the organization. Sano has already expected it.

And in addition to this, Sano also felt that there would be a mission to confront Conan in the future… although compared to Gin, Conan’s butt would undoubtedly be much easier to whip.

Sano’s idea is actually very simple, which is to let his No. 3 vest, Black Mask, appear and save Miyano Akemi from Gin.

Among Sano’s current three, or should I say four, vests, apart from the No. 3 vest, whether it is the main body vest, the black death vest, or the rye vest, Gin “knows” them all, so naturally he is not suitable to take action. superior.

For this reason, Sano naturally needs to create a new vest that no one knows to deal with Gin, as well as any tasks that may conflict with the winery.

But what originally gave Sano a headache was that even if he created a new vest, in order not to arouse suspicion, he would not be able to use the enhancements in his hand, and his combat power level would naturally be pitifully low.

So there is no use in creating it.

Of course, there is no need to worry now, because Sano has a Masked Superman pendant.

A superhero character who specializes in dealing with criminals is perfect for this situation. Moreover, this vest has just appeared, and it makes sense to go against a criminal organization like a winery.

However, just after Sano figured out the process, the next second the system triggered another task prompt, which directly blocked his thoughts.

[Please ensure that the mission assigned by Gin goes smoothly. You will receive two hundred strengthening points upon completion. The remaining time of the mission is – 9:59:59].

What the hell?

Sano compared the two tasks before and after.

Then he compared it a second time without belief.

It was finally confirmed that the content and purpose of these two different tasks were completely opposite.

One wants to save, the other wants to kill.

What is the dog system trying to do?

Is there really a bug?

Sano frowned. If this thing was real, he would most likely slap it twice as hard as he did when he was a kid.

Unfortunately, Sano couldn’t find the so-called system manufacturer to complain, so he could only figure out which task he should do.

…If you look at the benefits alone, of course the first mission is better, but if you look at the difficulty, the latter mission is simply a waste of money.

Of course, it is also possible that the system has predicted the future through the plot and knows that Akai Shuichi will definitely appear to save people, so the difficulty of this task may not be that low.

This is the first time that such a conflict between tasks has appeared in the system. If you have to say what the meaning of this is, Sano can only say – this is a choice.

The two tasks seem to represent two different directions.

After choosing different tasks, different changes may occur in the future…

Oh, that’s really annoying. Don’t you know that you have difficulty choosing?

Sano bit his finger, then put it down and started rubbing it after realizing it.

To be honest, Sano hates to be entangled. If it were in the past, he might just throw a coin and make the decision, or see if he is tired of his current state, see whether the mission target lives or dies, what does he really care about? , and then just follow your intuition and that’s it.

But in the end, this is related to the strengthening point that has the greatest influence on all Sano’s current actions.

Especially since every one of Sano’s tasks has been completed so far, it is really uncomfortable for him to give up one now… In fact, he is suffering from obsessive-compulsive disorder.

…In this case, it seems that this is the only way to do it.

Sano stood up and only a child made a choice. As a mature boy, of course he would accept both!

At night, a pier in Tokyo.

The neatly arranged warehouses seem to turn this pier into a maze. Once you enter, you can never come out.

Amidst the sound of the wheels rolling, Miyano Akemi, who had changed into a room attendant’s clothes, pushed out a trolley with several boxes stacked on it, and turned her eyes to the figure sitting on the door of a warehouse.

There is a peaked cap under the hood of the black sweatshirt. Under the moonlight, the messy white hair tips can be faintly seen.

The next second, dark clouds passed by, completely covering the moon and plunging the dock into true darkness.

“Rye…right, where is the gin man? I have brought the money as promised. You should fulfill your promise and let me and my sister go!”

Miyano Akemi shouted loudly.

In three dark places, Amuro Toru, Gin, and Vodka were lying in wait, holding pistols in their hands. From a higher place, Cohen and Chianti had already aimed their sniper rifles at Miyano Akemi.

“Don’t talk nonsense with her, just kill her. If Shuichi Akai is here, he won’t be able to hold it in any longer.”

As the sound of gin sounded in the earphones, Sano, who had been silent until now, took out his left hand from his pocket, then snapped his fingers and dropped it.


Fire sprayed out from the back of Miyano Akemi’s neck, and before she even had time to react, she fell to the ground, breathless.

And at the silent dock, even such a weak explosion was undoubtedly equivalent to throwing a stone on the calm lake, which seemed very abrupt.

Amidst the sound of the wind, Chianti’s smacking sound came from the headphones, and Gin and the three people who were closer walked out of the darkness.

“…When did you plant a bomb on her?”

Looking at the very familiar dead body on the ground, Toru Amuro couldn’t help but narrow his eyes and asked Sano.

However, facing Toru Amuro’s obvious doubts and fears, Sano just glanced at him coldly and did not give any response.

…too lazy to answer?

Vodka glanced at Sano and leaned towards Gin quietly.

…It feels like Sano is not in a good mood, so in order to avoid getting into trouble, it’s best to stay away from him.

“It seems that Akai Shuichi is really not in Neon, or he doesn’t care about this guy’s life or death at all.”

Chianti and Cohen, who were further away, also arrived. The former kept mumbling: “It’s such a pity. I wanted to blow that guy’s head off with my own hands. It was all in vain.”

Gin ignored Chianti, just glanced at Miyano Akemi’s body, and then asked Sano the same question that Toru Amuro asked just now.

“When was this bomb installed?”

Sano’s eyes rolled slightly, and finally he said: “The first day of surveillance.”

…Good guy, when Bourbon asked before, he didn’t even bother to reply a word, but Gin gave the answer as soon as he asked. Why don’t you treat him differently?

It’s easy to embarrass people, okay?

Except for Gin and Sano, everyone couldn’t help but feel a little uncomfortable for a moment.

The same is naturally true for Toru Amuro.

Just in the next second, a new question appeared in several people’s minds, making this awkward moment disappear, that is –

Although Rye had already said that he planted a bomb on Miyano Akemi on the first day of surveillance, let alone how the other party planted the bomb under the eyes of his teammate Toru Amuro.

It’s scary enough to say that Miyano Akemi didn’t know that a bomb was planted on her body.

Especially from the first day of surveillance to now, it is not a day or two.

Could it be that Miyano Akemi would not take a shower or change clothes these days?

How can Rye guarantee that this bomb is still on Miyano Akemi to this day?

Thinking of this, a sense of horror arose spontaneously.

Whether it was Toru Amuro or the Vodka Cohn Chianti beside him, they almost instinctively raised their hands to touch the back of their necks – hell, could it be that they had already been loaded with bombs long ago without knowing it? Bar? ?

Of course, it’s impossible for a few people to touch something.

Toru Amuro and the sniper duo lowered their hands as if relieved, but their faces were still a little ugly.

…When an idea begins to sprout, it is not that simple. It will fade away. Even if it is confirmed that there is no bomb on the back of the neck, several people will still feel extremely uncomfortable, as if there are ants crawling all over their bodies. .

Like… vodka on the side.

After touching the back of his neck, Vodka did not stop, but used both hands to touch his whole body again, for fear of not paying attention to any place and missing the inspection.

If he hadn’t realized something was wrong in the atmosphere later, Vodka might even have taken off his shoes and opened his underwear for a look.

…To be honest, even though Vodka had already known that Sano had “unknowingly planted a bomb on mezcal to kill him”, but after all, he was just listening with his ears.

When this kind of thing actually happens before our eyes, and the level of horror is further enhanced, can it not make people feel creepy?

Gin, who just twitched his fingers at the beginning, was the only person present who didn’t lose his temper.

…I can only say that he is truly worthy of Gin, and his mentality is really stable.

As if he deliberately waited until the vodka was checked, Gin looked at Sano and said: “Akai Shuichi is an FBI agent. Although we didn’t meet him this time, we will always meet him in the future. You will have plenty of opportunities to slowly compete with him.”

what’s the situation?

Everyone present followed Gin’s line of sight and looked at Sano. After reacting for a while, they gradually understood what was going on.

It turns out that this guy was too lazy to pay attention to bourbon because he failed to meet Akai Shuichi and got into a childish temper…

Yes, after all, judging from the current performance, although this generation of Rye is indeed powerful, there is still a slight gap compared to the Akai Shuichi in their impression.

And for a person with extraordinary abilities like Rye, he is somewhat arrogant.

After knowing that his code name was inherited from someone else, of course he wanted to kill the other person to prove that he was more capable.

Amuro Toru blinked thoughtfully. From this, it seems that Rye has a lot of murderous intentions towards Akai Shuichi. Maybe he can use him to deal with Akai Shuichi in the future…

Faced with Gin’s… “comfort” and the looks of several other colleagues, Sano could only squeeze out the word “hmm” from his throat after being silent for a while.

Gin didn’t pay too much attention. He just reluctantly found half a hair from Miyano Akemi’s body on the ground, and put the vodka on the side into a bag, ready to take it back for examination to confirm that the dead person was indeed Miyano Akemi.

While Gin was looking for hair, Chianti and Cohen had already pried open several boxes on the side, and what they saw next was just a ball of air.

“…What’s going on? Where’s the money?”

Chianti looked at Gin dumbfounded.

Gin also didn’t expect that the box would be empty, and was just silent for a moment.

Several people present were stunned and speechless. Only Chianti reacted and cursed: “Damn it, I was fooled. This guy didn’t even think about giving us the money. Now his work was really in vain!” “

“First dispose of the body, and then find a way to investigate where Miyano Akemi hid the money.”

Gin looked at Sano with a gloomy look: “Rye, I’ll leave the body to you, is there any problem?”


“Bourbon, the investigation is left to you. Do you have any questions?”


After redoing the task distribution, the six people quickly divided into three waves. Sano stayed alone, while Toru Amuro turned back and prepared to investigate Miyano Akemi’s itinerary today.

As for Gin and the other three, they will probably not be involved in this matter anymore.

After all, it is only one billion yuan in the final analysis.

If the six codename members were divided into three groups to carry out one mission every day, it would only take a few days to complete the task if they worked hard. If too much time and resources were wasted on this, it would be a loss.

It was only at this time that Sano looked at the dark corner at the other end and said, “Okay, come out quickly.”

“Tap, step…”

The outline of a human figure gradually became clearer in the darkness. At this moment, the dark clouds in the sky dissipated, revealing a person wearing a rye vest that was exactly the same as the current “Sano”.

Black sweatshirt, passerby hat, white hair.

“It’s not me. You never mentioned to me that people would die, and you even used bombs. I was almost frightened and couldn’t continue acting!”

“Sano” spoke again, but the voice he spoke was completely different from before. While speaking, he also pulled up a layer of skin from his neck, and with one force, the entire face was pulled off, exposing A face…exactly the same as Kudo Shinichi’s.

Of course, this is not Kudo Shinichi, but Kuroba Kaito.

After tearing off the boring human skin mask, Kuroba Kaito, who was covered in cold sweat, finally let out a sigh of relief: “Who are you, who are those guys, who is this woman, who are you?” What do you want to do?”

Sano looked at Kuroba Kaito without saying a word, but silently picked up the body of “Miyano Akemi” on the ground, walked all the way to the edge of the pier, and threw it into the sea.

To the vast ocean, a corpse is no different than a small stone, unable to splash any water.

Kuroba Kaito was still following Sano: “You’d better give me an explanation. Although Black Death did ask me to help you, I have never heard of anyone dying. Does Black Death know about this? , if you don’t make it clear, even if your true identity is exposed, I won’t necessarily help you keep it a secret!”

Sano turned around and looked directly at Kuroba Kaito.

To be honest, Sano was very surprised when he saw the other person’s face under the human skin mask on that meat boat that day.

She was surprised that the other person looked the same as Kudo Shinichi, and even more surprised that she had actually met the other person before.

It is indeed a coincidence.

Sano still remembered how resistant Kuroba Kaito had been that day when he heard that he had to know his true identity.

…Although in the end I had no choice but to tear off the human skin mask and reveal my true appearance, I also told Sano my address and phone number.

Because to put it bluntly, even if Kuroba Kaito is unwilling to reveal his true identity, Sano can force it out for him.


Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story

Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story

Status: Completed Author:


I, Sano Shinichiro, a time traveler, have a system.
Although the system's tasks are very strange, the rewarded equipment is even more... fresh and refined.
For example, a hammer that cannot cause damage, a small electric donkey that can fly quickly, a coat that turns into a roadie when used, sunglasses that cannot distinguish between humans and animals within 500 meters after wearing them, etc...
What, you ask me how to live better in this world?
Sano Shinichiro smiled faintly and put on his vest: "How can you not get stabbed when you are floating in the world? If you want to avoid getting stabbed, you have to open a trumpet. The more vests I have, the more slutty I will be. I will wave the flag of the winery."
When Akai Shuichi asked Conan what he thought of the black organization, Conan responded like this: The black organization? Although they act a little rough, they are all good people... Wait, which black organization are you asking about?


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