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Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story — Chapter 186 185, I’m sorry, it was me who killed your sister.

In the picture, it looks like a corridor, with a man in a suit inside.

The man curled his lips in displeasure and seemed to be mumbling something. The next second he pulled off a human skin mask from his face, revealing the face of Kuroba Kaito.

“Now you are satisfied, you also know my name, where I live… and my number is…”

While listening to the voice in the video, Sano unconsciously thought of the dubbing “My name is Hu Tutu, I live in Tumble Garden…” while watching Kuroba Kaito’s reaction.

A video of more than ten seconds was played quickly.

However, after the video ended, there was still silence in the living room.

After Kuroba Kaito was silent for a few seconds with his hands folded across his chest, he suddenly pounced on Sano, aiming directly at the mobile phone in his hand.

Not to mention that although Sano is currently wearing a special attack suit, he is actually blessed by the superhuman effect of the Masked Superman pendant. Even if he is only blessed by a special attack suit, how could it be so easy for Kuroba Kaito to snatch his phone away?

Kuroba Kaito pounced in the air, and immediately extended his arms to grab it.

Sano leaned back the arm holding the phone and immediately hid again.

Kuroba Kaito saved again, while Sano threw the phone to his other hand.


After the air was silent for a moment, Kuroba Kaito moved his hands wildly and kept pressing towards Sano, as if he was preparing to take it by force.

Sano, on the other hand, kept retreating and did not try to attack Kuroba Kaito. He used force to suppress him and just dodged.

The speed of both parties became faster and faster, until finally they were moving on various objects on the sofa and coffee table in the living room, shuttling between corners.

The stunned Miyano Akemi almost didn’t think she was watching a sideshow, and the drummer cheered.

It’s a pity that after all the dancing, Kuroba Kaito still couldn’t touch Sano even slightly.

With the blessing of the superman effect, Sano can now be said to have almost full dodge and full body skills. Can he still let a thief steal something?

After this situation lasted for about ten minutes, Kuroba Kaito finally couldn’t hold on anymore, panting and holding his knees, he stopped moving.

But Kuroba Kaito’s eyes were still fixed on Sano’s mobile phone. He gritted his teeth and asked, “You actually secretly recorded the video!??”

“How can we prove that you are Kaitou Kidd without recording a video?”

Sano finally put the phone in his arms and said matter-of-factly.

“But this is different from what was promised!”

Kuroba Kaito was immediately furious: “I owed you a favor as I promised you to help me escape. Today I have also gone to help that rye for you as a substitute. We are now clear!”

“Ah, the favor you mentioned has indeed been repaid, but the favor for me to help you keep Kaitou Kidd’s identity a secret has not yet happened.”

Sano was still confident: “I’ll keep the secret for you, and you’ll keep her identity for me. It’s fair.”

“How is it fair? Hey, don’t talk to yourself!”

Kuroba Kaito glared at Sano fiercely.

In fact, if you think about it carefully, Kuroba Kaito already felt that something was not right from the first “transaction” between the two parties on the Suzuki Group ship.

It is obvious that the other party knows his true identity, but he still wants to “admit it personally”. This purpose is not simple. I am afraid that it is all to pave the way for today.

The most important thing is that Kuroba Kaito also sensed a bit of familiarity from the “fair trade” the other party just mentioned.

…In the previous two “transactions”, the premise of the latter transaction was based on the previous transaction.

According to what the other party said – as long as you confess your true identity, you can conduct a second transaction.

This may seem like nothing, but you really have to dig deeper.

Isn’t this just a waste of money? ? ?

Coupled with the fact that the other party has clearly paid off the favor but has thrown out another excuse, Kuroba Kaito can say this sentence with absolute determination.

This guy is such a scoundrel!

If you believe the other party’s words again this time, you don’t know what it will be like in the future. You will definitely be trapped and trapped deeper and deeper until you are completely reduced to a tool.

I cannot agree, I absolutely cannot agree!


Then to Kuroba Kaito’s surprise, after he clearly expressed his rejection, Sano just nodded calmly: “I understand, there is nothing we can do about it.”


Kuroba Kaito blinked and scratched his head unconsciously.

…This reaction, could it be that I misunderstood and thought too badly of the other party?

What if the other party actually just wants to seek help from me?

So isn’t it that you are a bit…too unhuman?

And although the “deal” between the two parties should be considered to be completely over now, and the two parties owe nothing to each other, after all, they have met each other, so I’d better help as much as I can.

In particular, the woman seemed to be in a very dangerous situation. If she didn’t help, she might be implicated in that so-and-so Rye.

At most, Heishi would owe him a favor, and he might be able to use it in the future.

Kuroba Kaito smacked his lips and couldn’t help but sigh in his heart. He was indeed too soft-hearted. What a good thing…

However, before Kuroba Kaito could finish his emotion, Sano’s voice made him freeze again the next second.

“Since you are unwilling to help, then I have no choice but to hand over this video to Officer Zhongmori.”

Sano muttered: “Officer Nakamori’s daughter seems to be very beautiful. Even Rye has a partner, so I might as well find one.”

Kuroba Kaito began to gnash his teeth again, and his anger almost burst out of his nose.

This guy actually still threatens me! ?

And he also investigated his interpersonal relationships in advance and used his childhood sweetheart Qingzi as a handle! ? ?

Fortunately, I was so soft-hearted just now, bah! !

Sano turned his head slightly, looked at Kuroba Kaito, and asked deliberately: “What’s wrong?”

“…No, it’s nothing.”

Kuroba Kaito finally gave in. Well, it wasn’t like he was really worried about his childhood sweetheart being taken away.

But because Kuroba Kaito still has an important mission to find the mysterious organization that killed his father, it is not okay to be chased around by the police.

Furthermore, judging from what happened tonight, no matter which side they belong to, these guys are obviously not merciful beings. If they really push the other party, it would be bad to directly attack the people around them.

After all, the other party didn’t force him to do something evil, but actually did a good thing to save people.

We are balancing the two sides and not infringing on each other’s bottom line. We may be able to help at some point in the future.

Well, that makes sense.

Thinking of this, Kuroba Kaito no longer hesitated. Even if he was threatened to agree, which made him feel a little embarrassed, he still put the most important thing first.

“I will help her keep her true identity secret, but accordingly, you must never threaten me with this matter in the future!”

Listening to the task completion prompt from the system, Sano knew that everything he should do had been done.

If Sano didn’t deliberately cause trouble later, then at least for a long time, Miyano Akemi’s life would no longer be in danger.

As for the future, what does that have to do with Sano? He only needs that the other party will not die according to the system’s standards.

Sano, who was in a light mood, nodded happily: “This is natural. I always abide by the rules.”

Kuroba Kaito: “…”

I fucking believe you!

“Anyway, that’s it.”

Sano looked at Miyano Akemi: “Just stay here peacefully and try not to run around. If anything happens, I will notify you.”

“Okay, thank you, and thank Rye for me too.”

Sano waved his hand and left Kuroba Kaito’s house.

Of course, Sano didn’t forget the billion that was still in the vehicle prepared by Miyano Akemi.

Sano planned to use this money as an extra reward for himself.

After this blessing, Sano’s net worth has directly exceeded nine digits and reached ten digits… although the gap with Suzuki Sonoko’s family is still so big.

But having said that, Sano feels that he has a special connection with the number one billion.

First there were one billion Maple Leaf gold coins, then one billion gold coins on board the Shenlong, and now one billion in cash.

…But I still hope that this identity can continue to be maintained in the future, hey.

Sano happily lit a cigarette.

The day after rescuing Miyano Akemi, Gin assigned Sano a new task – to assassinate a company executive.

…Finally it’s not the boring black-and-white kind of thing.

In order to ensure the naturalness of the assassination, Sano naturally needed to go to Miyano Shiho to get the medicine – the medicine he got in the previous mission to Moon Shadow Island was not used due to… an emergency during the mission. According to the regulations, it was Returned to the other party.

But now it seems obvious that Miyano Shiho’s sister Miyano Akemi was killed by herself after all. When we met in the past, I always felt a little embarrassed…

…Although Miyano Shiho may not know this yet.

Soon, Sano met Miyano Shiho at the Seigang Research Institute.

What’s more surprising is that Gin is actually here too.

And I don’t know what happened, but the atmosphere between the two was a bit solemn – Miyano Shiho’s eyes were a little red, and his anger could be faintly seen.

…Could it be that you already know about Miyano Akemi?

Zuo Ye was speechless. Is he going to evolve a crow’s mouth?

Sensing Sano’s arrival, the tense atmosphere between Gin and Miyano Shiho solidified slightly, and they both glanced at Sano.

“Give him the medicine.”

Gin said coldly to Miyano Shiho.

Miyano Shiho gritted his teeth: “Do you want to use my medicine to kill people again? Unless you tell me what happened to my sister first, I can’t give you the medicine!”

“Don’t act like a child with me here.”

Gin snorted and pulled out the gun directly, pointing at Miyano Shiho’s head: “It’s like you can’t get it if you don’t give it to me. Understand your status, Shirley.”

“Then you kill me!”

Miyano Shiho didn’t show any fear: “Anyway, as long as I don’t see my sister for a day, I won’t be able to do any more research for you!”

“You guy…”

Upon hearing Miyano Shiho’s threat, Sano saw a rare look of anger on Gin’s face.

“Your sister is dead and you will never see her again. If you are not willing to conduct research anymore, then you have no use for the organization.”

Gin pushed Miyano Shiho away, his face gradually dull, took out a pill box from his drawer and threw it to Sano: “Before that, you should think carefully in the prison room whether to die or to continue. Study on it.”

The so-called prison cell is actually a place similar to a prison cell.

“Hey, the system task has been triggered.”

[Please make sure there is an APTX4869 in Miyano Shiho’s body. If you complete it, you will get 50 strengthening points. The remaining time of the mission is – 5:59:59].

The sudden mission prompt made Sano raise his eyebrows in surprise, and the content of the mission was even more unpredictable.

A, what is A?

How does it feel? Does it sound familiar?

Sano’s eyes fell on the pill box he just caught.

Ah…it turns out to be this.

But why should Miyano Shiho keep this thing on his body? It is not for killing people…

Conan’s annoying face suddenly appeared in Sano’s mind.

Could it be that this is for Miyano Shiho himself, so that he can become as small as Conan?

Oh, that’s really… interesting.

While Sano imagined Miyano Shiho shrinking, he looked at Miyano Shiho who was slumped on the ground. After regaining his composure, he looked at Gin with eyes full of anger and fear.

In comparison, the fear Sano felt in Miyano Shiho’s eyes seemed to be more than anger, and not even a little bit.

Of course, this doesn’t mean that Miyano Shiho doesn’t have deep feelings for Miyano Akemi, so much so that he doesn’t even have the intention to kill Gin now that he might die if he hears it.

On the contrary, in Sano’s view, Miyano Shiho may have had such deep feelings for Miyano Akemi that his mentality collapsed immediately after hearing that the other party was dead.

When you see Gin, you may think of the scene of Miyano Akemi’s death, and your level of fear will naturally increase significantly.

…This condition is also called PTSD, or post-traumatic stress disorder.

Of course, I don’t know if it’s Sano or not. After all, he’s not a doctor. I’m just guessing.

And just when Gin was about to order two peripheral members to come over and send Miyano Shiho to the prison room, Sano who was watching suddenly spoke up.

“Sorry, let me mention it.”

“It wasn’t Gin who killed your sister, Shirley.”

As Sano’s voice sounded, just like Sano’s sudden appearance before, the cold air suddenly froze for a moment.

“But me.”

Hearing Sano’s calm voice, Gin frowned slightly, and looked at Sano at the same time as the godless Miyano Shiho.

Sano took off his passerby hat and showed his face to Miyano Shiho for the first time… although it was just a fake, and the other party knew it was fake.

“Your sister was killed by me with a bomb.”

Sano raised his hand and patted the back of his neck, staring directly at Miyano Shiho: “Use the bomb I installed on the back of her neck, and with a bang, even her head was gone.”

“Do you know how I installed a bomb in her? The answer is simple.”

“Just like Shuichi Akai back then, he just slightly provoked her feelings, and she actually took the bait.”

The corners of Sano’s mouth turned up with a strong sense of ridicule: “You are really stupid. First, you believed that as long as she robbed a billion yuan, Gin would agree to let her take you out of the organization, and then you believed that I would feel sorry for her. Interest, you don’t know how funny the way she looked at me before she died, I guess you’ll think she’s stupid after seeing it… Could it be that she thought I didn’t really want to kill her until she died?”

“Huh? Hahahaha!”

Along with Sano’s trash talk and taunts, the anger in Miyano Shiho’s eyes became more and more intense, burning like a flame, and the hatred that served as nourishment grew crazily.

It wasn’t until he heard Sano’s last unbridled laughter that Miyano Shiho’s murderous intention finally overcame his fear.


Miyano Shiho roared and rushed towards Sano, like a dying beast that was at the end of its rope and wanted to make a last ditch effort to die together.

Sano turned sideways casually, stretched out his left foot, grabbed Miyano Shiho’s hair and pulled him, causing him to fall to the ground with a plop.

Miyano Shiho should have rolled away a little distance, but Sano grabbed his hair and forcibly pulled him back. He raised his right hand and slapped him away.

“You are really a waste. Your sister even lost her life to save you. But as for you, your enemy is right in front of you, but you can’t do anything. Instead, you still have to be ravaged.”

After the slap came, Sano still did not stop, slapping him while continuing to taunt, until the corner of Miyano Shiho’s mouth bleeds, his left face is red and swollen, his head is buzzing, and he is dizzy.

“It’s really boring.”

Sano chuckled disdainfully, finally stopped and looked at Gin: “Then I’ll send her to the prison cell.”

Gin, who had been silent all this time, looked at Sano indifferently, and after a few seconds said, “Don’t do unnecessary things.”

Sano understood the meaning behind Gin’s words, and immediately couldn’t help but snorted in amusement: “Do I look so beastly?”

Gin said nothing, Sano grabbed Miyano Shiho’s hair and dragged him to the prison cell.

But whether on the way to the prison cell or in the prison cell, there were high-definition surveillance cameras, so Sano couldn’t find a chance to stuff drugs into Miyano Shiho’s body.

Sano took advantage of the effect of the passerby’s hat and looked at the surrounding environment unscrupulously.

…This is also the biggest reason why Sano deliberately made fun of him.

Only by forcing Miyano Shiho to do something to him can Sano be able to beat the opponent logically. Only in this way can it appear realistic enough, so that he can have an excuse to escort the opponent, and can also have the opportunity to complete tasks on the road.

It’s a pity that even so, Sano still didn’t seem to find a chance.

…What’s more, according to what Sano knows, APTX4869 seems to be an extremely important existence, not as simple as an ordinary poison, so the use of each pill needs to be recorded, and even the status of the user must be recorded. All require a second confirmation.


Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story

Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story

Status: Completed Author:


I, Sano Shinichiro, a time traveler, have a system.
Although the system's tasks are very strange, the rewarded equipment is even more... fresh and refined.
For example, a hammer that cannot cause damage, a small electric donkey that can fly quickly, a coat that turns into a roadie when used, sunglasses that cannot distinguish between humans and animals within 500 meters after wearing them, etc...
What, you ask me how to live better in this world?
Sano Shinichiro smiled faintly and put on his vest: "How can you not get stabbed when you are floating in the world? If you want to avoid getting stabbed, you have to open a trumpet. The more vests I have, the more slutty I will be. I will wave the flag of the winery."
When Akai Shuichi asked Conan what he thought of the black organization, Conan responded like this: The black organization? Although they act a little rough, they are all good people... Wait, which black organization are you asking about?


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