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Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story — Chapter 19 19. The familiar feeling of blow

Sano took the employment form and put it together with the two documents: “Is there anything else, Gin, sir?”


“Goodbye then, Gin, my lord.”

Sano turned the accelerator and quickly left the sight of Gin and the two.


Until then, the man in sunglasses beside him finally couldn’t help but ask: “He’s just a bad boy, why do we have to go all the way for him?”

Gin looked at the man in sunglasses and sneered: “It’s just that? Why don’t you fight him first and see who wins and who loses? Vodka?”

Vodka thought of the figure of Dao and his eldest brother walking on the stairs the night before yesterday. His eyes suddenly twitched and he shook his head wildly: “It’s still not eldest brother. I think this kid is enough for us to make a trip in person.”


On the other side, Sano, who returned home, finally opened the two mission files to view them.

First of all, the first task that Gin gave him at the beginning was to ask Sano to take away a very important USB flash drive from the leader of a gang organization by any means. The specific use was unknown.

As for the second task, which is said to be a task that should only be given to core members, it is a big deal.

Maple leaf gold coin.

The document stated that there was an Italian bandit gang that had previously stolen maple leaf gold coins worth one billion. The leader of the gang was arrested by the police yesterday, but the other three were nowhere to be found, let alone It’s the Maple Leaf Gold Coin.

Sano continued to scroll down, and after seeing the photos on the detailed information of the three members of the bandit gang, he couldn’t help but curl up his lips. This is really…


Are these the three people Sano saw behind the Dog Rider team before?

“Those who provide clues to the location of the three bandit gang members or the location of the maple leaf gold coins will be given a bonus of fifty to five million, depending on the situation. Those who directly capture the bandit gang members alive will be given a bonus of one thousand to thirty million to directly find the maple leaf gold coins. Those who are willing to pay will be given a one-third share.”

Sano sighed and said with emotion: “Forget the previous ones, what the hell is the last one? I handed in the whole thing and only got one-third of the commission. In this case, it’s better to swallow it yourself, three-points The second Maple Leaf Gold Coin is just for more performance, I’m afraid only a fool would do this.”

Unfortunately, Sano just had to be this fool.

Who makes Sano lack performance now?

Only with sufficient performance can you be promoted to core members…

“Hey, the system task has been triggered.”

[Please find the maple leaf gold coin and hand it over to the winery. After completing it, you can get 50 strengthening points. The remaining time of the task is – 35:59:59. 】

Sano, who was walking towards the door, couldn’t help but whistle, feeling more and more that he was very lucky today.

Sure enough, luck and misfortune always go hand in hand, and when you encounter nasty bourbon, other good things will happen.

Sano rubbed his fingers together, and his brain began to spin wildly.

It seems that because the content of this mission includes the condition of “finding the Maple Leaf Gold Coin”, there is no relevant navigation on the system map. Sano has to find a way to find the Maple Leaf Gold Coin on his own.

Of course, Sano is not completely without clues. Although he doesn’t know where the Maple Leaf Gold Coin is, he knows where the person who can find the Maple Leaf Gold Coin is.

Although there was only one glance, Sano clearly remembered that he saw what looked like the Tokyo Tower on the “treasure map” in Conan’s hand, and looking at that direction, it was indeed where the Dog Rider Team was going. Tokyo Tower is the right one.

But that happened a few hours ago, and the area “around Tokyo Tower” is also very large. Sano might not be able to find it even if he searches for it by himself.

Looks like I need to find some help.

So Sano acted quickly, and after going out to search for more than ten minutes, he found several delinquent boys wearing special attack uniforms exactly like him in a game arcade.


Several delinquents who were laughing and joking also noticed Sano and cast doubtful glances. However, when they saw the special attack suit on Sano, their eyes became much kinder.

“What’s wrong, brother, how can I help?”

After all, the Black Death was only established for a day or two, and it included many large and small runaway organizations that had been together in the past, so it was not surprising that the members did not know each other.


“It’s a bit too much to claim to be a member of the Black Death, but it turns out you don’t even recognize your boss, right?”

Sano grinned under his mask and walked towards the bad boys.


Several bad boys frowned and immediately became vigilant. They pulled out the steel pipe from their arms or crotches. Well, didn’t they panic?

A few minutes later, several delinquent boys suddenly woke up from Nasano’s fists.

Ah…this familiar feeling of shock~

It was unmistakable. This delinquent boy who they had originally thought was causing trouble was the lunatic from the night before yesterday, and they were now their nominal boss.

From the arcade to the alley, several bad boys with bruises and swollen faces were kneeling on the ground respectfully.

“Tell me, who is the person responsible for what Black Death said?”


Regarding Sano’s question, several people looked hesitant and confused: “What are you talking about? Isn’t the Black Death yours…”

Sano narrowed his eyes.

“Other than me, who else has a bigger say? Forget it, just call him directly and tell him… Heidi asked him to arrange some people to help find someone. I will wait at Tokyo Tower. Come on, don’t think about fooling around, I’ve already remembered your faces.”

“yes, Sir!”

Several bad boys nodded repeatedly.

Sano got on the electric donkey and headed towards Tokyo Tower first.

That’s right, Sano is going to let these members of the Black Death help him find someone.

The reason why Gin gave Sano this task was because he took a fancy to his “little brothers”?

There are thousands of delinquents who have nothing to do all day long but ride around Tokyo on electric donkeys. Is there anyone better suited to find someone than this?

Although Sano didn’t know who created this black death organization, let alone whether the other party wanted to gain benefits from it or for some other purpose.

But since the other party has put his name on it, it’s not too much to ask him to help with some small things.

All in all, regardless of whether these people really want to be his little brothers, Sano has now officially announced that they are his little brothers. If not, then it has to be.

With the joint efforts of dozens or hundreds of delinquents, the missing person mission was completed very quickly.

Sano had already abandoned the electric donkey and relied on his legs to move around.

He was hiding in an alley at the moment, and there were several teenagers in special attack uniforms standing beside him who were not involved in the mission to find the person.

These are basically the leaders of the largest runaway organization in Tokyo.

And during the ten or twenty minutes that he had just asked his younger brother to find the target person, Sano also learned what the Black Death was from his interactions with these people.

It turns out that according to the rules of the delinquent world, Sano picked off the Black Angel, the former strongest gangster organization in Tokyo, and he is now the overlord of the delinquent community in Tokyo.

To put it simply, it means “dominating” Tokyo. Well, it’s a bit shameful.

Although Sano didn’t deliberately do anything after that, it still caused many people to fanatically follow him, especially since he was connected with the former overlord of Tokyo, Black Angel.


Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story

Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story

Status: Completed Author:


I, Sano Shinichiro, a time traveler, have a system.
Although the system's tasks are very strange, the rewarded equipment is even more... fresh and refined.
For example, a hammer that cannot cause damage, a small electric donkey that can fly quickly, a coat that turns into a roadie when used, sunglasses that cannot distinguish between humans and animals within 500 meters after wearing them, etc...
What, you ask me how to live better in this world?
Sano Shinichiro smiled faintly and put on his vest: "How can you not get stabbed when you are floating in the world? If you want to avoid getting stabbed, you have to open a trumpet. The more vests I have, the more slutty I will be. I will wave the flag of the winery."
When Akai Shuichi asked Conan what he thought of the black organization, Conan responded like this: The black organization? Although they act a little rough, they are all good people... Wait, which black organization are you asking about?


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