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Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story — Chapter 192 191, Sano wants to silence him! ?

Considering that Vodka might report the situation to Gin after the mission, in order to avoid unnecessary trouble, Sano directly pressed connect and amplify.

“Which one?”

“…Ah, hello, Sano Shinichiro, I am Futo Kyosuke.”

A gentle male voice came from the other end of the phone, announcing his name.

…It’s just that Sano still doesn’t know who the other party is.

“Kyosuke Futo…who is he?”

Sano’s brows frowned more and more.

He knows his own name and can get his mobile phone number, but he has never even heard of the other person’s name.

…I always feel like I smell trouble.

“Um… Futo Kyosuke is… your psychiatrist, have you forgotten??”

The voice on the other end of the phone was stunned for a moment, obviously not expecting Sano to not remember him, and his tone was full of surprise.

Psychologist? ?

Sano glanced at Vodka again, whose ears were about to stand up like antennae: “Ah… well, I remembered it, so what’s the matter? Is there something wrong?”

“Well, it’s like this. It’s been almost half a week since the scheduled follow-up time, and I can’t get through your phone, so I can only call your teacher and ask for your mobile phone. Number.”

Futo Kyousuke rambled on a lot, but the general idea was to ask Sano to go for a follow-up consultation.

In this regard, Sano was of course speechless…and speechless.

…As a patient with a mental disorder, it is of course not surprising that he would see a psychiatrist. However, the fact that the disease is not cured yet and even requires further consultation is actually somewhat reasonable and unexpected.

But what does this have to do with him, Shinichiro Sano?

It’s not him who’s sick, so what’s the point?

While Sano was complaining in his heart, Vodka on the side narrowed his eyes thoughtfully.

Sano has a mental disorder. Vodka remembers that when he first met him, he heard Gin mention it when he was reading the other person’s information.

It’s just that as time went by, I naturally didn’t care anymore.

Looking at it now, the other party’s psychological disorder is not cured yet, does it still need to be re-examined?

…By the way, is this the reason why this guy lost control during the mission?

Vodka straightened his back slightly, feeling as if he had discovered the truth.

Although Vodka didn’t know what Sano’s previous mental disorder was, his out-of-control behavior of “crazy death” in previous missions was undoubtedly abnormal.

If Sano’s disease is cured, does that mean that even if he is forced to form a team with the opponent in the future, he no longer has to worry about being hit hard by the opponent! ?

“I think I’m already cured and don’t need any more follow-up visits, so that’s it.”

And just when Vodka was thinking wildly, Sano, who was too lazy to talk nonsense with this doctor, had already hung up the phone.

…But it seems that looking at Sano’s current state, he doesn’t seem to want to cure his illness.

Vodka was running his brain like crazy. It might not work if he relied on him, so he might as well tell his elder brother to force Sano to get cured.

It allows Sano to treat the disease without letting him take the blame.

It is wonderful to drive away wolves and swallow tigers with the hand of God!

Vodka mentally praised his wit.

Sano didn’t know that Vodka was secretly planning how to harm him.

Because after hanging up the phone, Sano discovered that while he was listening to Fuudo Kyosuke’s nonsense, an extra text message had appeared on his phone. He opened it and looked at it. This time it was from Officer Megure.

The general content of the message was that when Conan, the troublemaker, was fishing with his team members by the river two days ago, he accidentally encountered a balloon tied to a remote-controlled boat that was blown up from a distance with a gun.

After using the telescope to observe, Conan discovered that it was a man practicing sniping with a rifle, and the gun actually hit him. What a coincidence.

And the most important thing is that Conan also saw someone pointing a pistol at the person next to the person practicing sniping, obviously forcing the other person to practice.

Then the next day, Officer Megure discovered that among the large number of Metropolitan Police Department officers currently on vacation, a young police officer who was once the national rifle shooting champion was missing. Also missing at the same time was the other party’s girlfriend.

Therefore, the police now suspect that the officer was forced to practice shooting someone with a sniper rifle.

Originally, according to the joint “reasoning” of Conan and Moori Kogoro, Officer Megure and the others should have found the location and time of the sniper.

But as time passed, Officer Megure and his team who were squatting at the sniper site found nothing wrong, so they came to seek Sano’s help again.

The only clue at present is that Conan found a message that was suspected to be left by the police officer on the rooftop of the building where the opponent practiced sniping at that time——

A string of letters and numbers on a computer.

…What a mess. To put it bluntly, I just want to find someone to help me solve the puzzle.

Sano curled his lips. Forget about finding the murderer, you have to solve the mystery first when looking for someone. Do you really think of yourself as a detective?

However, looking at the relationship between rifles and snipers, as well as the sniper time mentioned by Conan, Sano’s rich experience tells him——

If nothing else, I am afraid that something will happen to me on this mission.

“Jia Ge, look at the nearby commanding heights to see if there’s anything wrong.”


After hearing Sano’s words, Vodka, who was immersed in his own blissful fantasy, felt nervous at first and thought he had been exposed. After reacting, he was confused about Sano’s instruction.

What to do when looking at the nearby commanding heights?

However, although Vodka didn’t understand the purpose of Sano’s instruction, he still followed the other party’s words very seriously.

… Just be patient for a while, and when the other party is cured, you won’t have to be so afraid.

After Vodka took a telescope and looked around, he suddenly said “Huh?”

“Rye, there seems to be a few weird guys on the rooftop of a building five hundred meters away…”

Sure enough?

Sano took the binoculars and looked at the building.

There were five people in total, four men and one woman. One man with a sea urchin haircut had a rifle in his hand. The other three men had pistols in their hands. Only the woman had her hands and feet tied. Throw it in the corner.

“It seems that our target has been targeted by others.”

Sano bit his finger again. To be honest, it wasn’t this that troubled him, but whether Conan would discover the truth and bring the police over to hinder him.

“Hey, the system task has been triggered.”

[Please ensure the survival of the young police couple. You will receive 100 strengthening points upon completion. The remaining time of the mission is – 0:14:59].

…Tsk, what the hell.

Sano pulled out the map and took a look, and sure enough, the police couple in the mission target were the two guys on the rooftop of the building.

If so…

Sano lowered his head and looked at the “message” in the message sent by Officer Megure on the screen of his mobile phone. After looking at it for a while, he turned it over.

I see, is it the number of the Heisei Express?

Sano made a phone call, pinched his throat and told Officer Megure the location of the rooftop where the couple was.

The mission time limit was only fifteen minutes, and it was already too late to rush over.

Although the distance between the two parties is not too far, the problem is that they are both on the rooftop, and it takes a lot of time just to go up and down the stairs.

There were two people watching next to the sea urchin sniper, and a hostage was being watched by a third.

Even if the sniper is only allowed to deal with one person, it will be difficult for even Sano to deal with the remaining two people before the other party reacts.

Therefore, Sano needs to attract “foreign aid”.

…As for the voice, it is a little bit of voice-changing skills that Sano learned. Although it is not as perfect as those disguise masters, it is still similar to the image, especially through a mobile phone, so it should not be a big problem to fool him. .

The vodka on the side has not had much contact with “Sano Shinichiro”, so I can’t tell the difference.

Otherwise, Sano couldn’t make a phone call in front of Vodka, or switch to another place and wear a vest, right?

Isn’t that why there are three hundred taels of silver in this place?

After Sano hung up the phone, Vodka on the side still couldn’t calm down.

“Rye, you…”

Looking at Vodka who was hesitant to speak, Sano took out his passerby hat and put it on, and asked calmly: “What’s wrong?”


In fact, Vodka wanted to ask why the police were led so close to them.

Although Vodka didn’t know what happened, he was not a fool. How could he not know that if the police arrived at the building over there, it would inevitably cause unnecessary trouble for the two of them in their next mission.

…If we go by ordinary experience, Vodka might suspect that Sano is actually an undercover agent, and now he is bringing the police here to arrest him.

But when it comes to Sano…

This is impossible no matter how you think about it, right?

After Vodka shook his head, he suddenly stiffened again.

Wait a minute, could Sano… be out of control? ?

After a period of calm, Sano’s bohemian heart finally couldn’t hold it in any longer, and the death-defying setting of “cheating his teammates” was about to come into play. That’s why he deliberately wanted to mess up the situation now and prepared to talk to the police later. Let’s start a big battle and then kill ourselves, right? ? ?

…wait a moment.

Why did Sano lose control at this time?

Could it be that Sano saw what he was thinking just now, or maybe he felt that the reason why he “lost control” was known to him, so he actually planned to take the opportunity to silence him! ?

For a moment, the storm in Vodka’s mind continued, and finally it turned into only the word “danger”, forcing him to instinctively take two steps back.


Sano glanced at Vodka. What happened to this guy? Was he frightened by some movement again?

Forget it, it’s the little things that don’t matter, the important thing is the task.

Sano raised his gun and aimed it in the direction of the building where the sea urchin sniper was. After changing the sunglasses he was wearing back to sniper sunglasses, he aimed the ballistic simulation trajectory at the man next to the woman.

…In addition to conducting a lot of practical training in the past two days, Sano also passively absorbed a lot of sniper-related knowledge.

The simplest thing is to use the scale on the sniper scope to estimate the target distance.

Just like now, the rooftop of that building is almost more than 600 meters away from the rooftop of Sano.

Calculated according to the sniper unit that Chianti said was exclusive to snipers, it was about seven hundred yards.

…Speaking of the distance of seven hundred yards, Sano finally understood why Gin and the others looked like they hoped he could hit the seven hundred-yard target that day.

Because the distance of seven hundred yards was once a distance record set by the person with the strongest sniper skills in the organization, and no one has been able to break it to this day.

But that person is Shuichi Akai, a rat. It’s no wonder that Gin and the others hope that someone can break it.

But having said that, based on the calculation that the distance of one yard is approximately 0.915 meters, Shuichi Akai’s highest sniper record is about 640 meters, while Chianti and Cohen are only less than 550 meters. .

…Can this alone be considered a top sniper?

How could Sano remember those top snipers in his previous life, who could easily kill targets thousands of meters away?

Is it because the levels of the two worlds are different, or is it that I, a guy who only hears about things from hearsay, is actually too amateurish?

Sano shook off these random thoughts and focused on the present.

If the police failed to make a difference, then priority should be given to dealing with the guy next to the hostage. If the situation is good, the sea urchin sniper may be able to take the opportunity to knock down another one, turning the three-on-one minus one situation into one-on-one.

After that, even if Sano was too late to fire the second bullet, the opponent would still have a chance of winning in a one-on-one duel.

…To be honest, Sano thinks that the probability of success of this plan is not particularly high, but it is already the highest countermeasure he can come up with.

Hope it works.

A few minutes later, the sound of the train running on the track could be heard faintly.

Vodka looked at the Heisei Express, which was getting closer and closer, and then at Sano, who was eight hundred miles away from the muzzle of the gun and the train. He wanted to give a warning but didn’t dare. He didn’t give a warning but was afraid of failing the mission. He was looked down upon by his own boss and hated by Sano.

…here, I don’t even know if I can survive today, and I have to start worrying about tomorrow.

How worrying!

Vodka felt like he was starting to go bald.

Haven’t you come yet?

Sano frowned slightly as he looked at the sea urchin sniper in the sniper scope, who had also taken an aiming position, his fingers trembling slightly.

This special position has already been reported to the other party, why should we still play the trick of arriving at the last moment?

And just when Sano was hesitating whether he could take a shot, Vodka suddenly spoke up.

“Rye, there’s a police helicopter coming!”

Is it finally here?

Sano waited for a few more seconds until he saw the people on the rooftop. Their expressions seemed to have changed because they noticed the so-called helicopter, and then he finally pulled the trigger.


A bullet shot out quickly and hit the man who was responsible for keeping an eye on the hostage directly in the head, killing him with one blow.

After the bullet was fired, Sano pulled the bolt again without any hesitation, and instead moved the ballistic trajectory to the two nearby targets.

At the same time, a helicopter also broke into Sano’s sniper scope, forcing the two people to panic. The sea urchin sniper took the opportunity to sneak attack from behind and knocked one of them unconscious with the rifle in his hand.

So the situation became the one-on-one situation Sano expected.

…It’s a bit useless, whether it’s the sea urchin sniper or those guys who forced the sea urchin sniper to kill.

Sano complained while pulling the trigger. After the bullet flew out, he immediately modified his sniper sunglasses, pulled the bolt, and pointed the muzzle at the train approaching from the other end.

After quickly using his naked eyes to locate the window of the carriage where the mission target was located, Sano modified the sniper sunglasses again and leaned on the sniper scope.

The ballistic simulation trajectory of the next bullet appears instantly.

Sano took a deep breath and deflected the trajectory some distance to the front of the car.

… Just like this sea urchin sniper, he will be pulled to practice sniping under similar environmental conditions before starting to snipe. In the previous sniper simulation dynamic shooting training, Sano mainly performed sniping like this. The target is shooting on a moving train.

Regardless of the terrain, the length of the train, and the speed, we have tried our best to ensure the greatest degree of reproduction, so Sano can even say that he has formed muscle memory now.

…Although it is a temporary fix, it is definitely useful.

And this angle, this speed, this position, this timing.

…exactly perfect!


After pulling the trigger, Sano put away the gun and stood up without saying a word: “Retreat.”


Before Vodka could even recover from Sano’s sudden first shot, he received another order to retreat, and his brain was suddenly confused.

…So what is going on now?

Is this task completed or not?

Are you going to give up if you don’t finish it?

And who the hell were Sano’s first two shots fired at?

What exactly did Sano do, and what does he want to do next?

I can’t understand, I can’t understand!

Vodka stood up in confusion and prepared to follow Sano.

However, just when Sano was about to modify his sniper sunglasses, he accidentally discovered that the police helicopter on the building in the distance seemed to be faintly deflected towards him.

Although Sano is currently blind, it is still such a big thing flying in the sky in broad daylight, so the outline can be clearly seen.

Did you realize your location so quickly?

After Sano raised his eyebrows unexpectedly, he raised his rifle again and pointed it at the helicopter.

From the perspective of the sniper scope, the pilot and police officer in the cabin, as well as Conan, who is holding a helmet, are clearly visible.

…It turns out that this is the devil.

At the same time, in the helicopter, Conan was pointing at the building where Sano was, with a stern look on his face.

“You can’t be wrong, that sniper must be on that building, hurry up!”


Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story

Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story

Status: Completed Author:


I, Sano Shinichiro, a time traveler, have a system.
Although the system's tasks are very strange, the rewarded equipment is even more... fresh and refined.
For example, a hammer that cannot cause damage, a small electric donkey that can fly quickly, a coat that turns into a roadie when used, sunglasses that cannot distinguish between humans and animals within 500 meters after wearing them, etc...
What, you ask me how to live better in this world?
Sano Shinichiro smiled faintly and put on his vest: "How can you not get stabbed when you are floating in the world? If you want to avoid getting stabbed, you have to open a trumpet. The more vests I have, the more slutty I will be. I will wave the flag of the winery."
When Akai Shuichi asked Conan what he thought of the black organization, Conan responded like this: The black organization? Although they act a little rough, they are all good people... Wait, which black organization are you asking about?


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