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Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story — Chapter 196 195, Rice Flower Hammer Man, returns for a limited time!

Come to the third floor.

Although the lights were on, there was no one in the newspaper office.

After a short period of vigilance, several naughty children quickly relaxed their vigilance and began to browse through the newspaper office.

Then Mitsuhiko pulled out a large piece of counterfeit money that had not been cut yet and seemed to have not been perfectly made.

“It’s not wrong now. They must have kidnapped Junye’s brother. The evidence is already there. Let’s go down and tell the police!”

Sano stood in the corridor outside, watching coldly through the window, with no intention of going in.

…Anyway, the mission time limit is still a little long, so this naughty kid can’t have any problems.

The old rule is to let these guys get excited first.

Otherwise, how can you learn to be obedient?

…Although they have been stimulated before, these naughty children still show no sign of becoming better behaved.

But it doesn’t matter, it doesn’t matter. The reason why Sano wants to stimulate these little brats is not entirely to make them obedient. He is just in a bad mood and wants to see them in a bad mood.

“Bah, bah, bah.”

Suddenly, Sano moved his ears and heard a burst of rapid footsteps.

After hiding his figure for a while, Sano turned his head and saw Conan, who was panting and hurriedly arrived.

Conan came to the door of the newspaper office and was visibly relieved when he heard the voices of several naughty kids inside.

… Conan really didn’t expect that just when he went to bring in some reinforcements, a few naughty kids would already be there first.

Fortunately, nothing bad has happened yet. We have to take them away quickly and wait for Officer Megure to bring someone over.

However, the moment Conan put his hand on the doorknob, Sano, who was hiding in the dark, had already thrown out the Hammer of Justice.

Idiot, you can’t feel the presence of someone behind you?

The cold muzzle of the gun pressed against the back of Conan’s head, causing his expression to freeze instantly.

“Kids, the detective game is over here.”

Conan turned around in shock. Behind him was a fat man wearing sunglasses and a headscarf, with a cruel smile on his face.

However, just in the next second, the tension on Conan’s face disappeared instantly, and the anesthetic needle watch that was opened was closed again.

“It’s time for the kidnapping game to end.”

Seeing the sarcastic smile suddenly appear on Conan’s face, the big fat man couldn’t realize what he meant for a while, so he subconsciously asked in surprise: “What?”

“Bang bang!”


The heavy body fell to the ground.

In the dark corridor, the cigarette butt in Sano’s mouth was glowing a little scarlet.


After blowing out a puff of smoke, Sano glanced indifferently at the fat man on the ground who had been knocked unconscious by him.

“There’s so much nonsense, no wonder he’s just a villain’s sidekick.”


Seeing the big fat man being knocked down instantly, Conan immediately suppressed his voice and called out the name of his good teammate in surprise.

“Why are you here?”

Sano just glanced at Conan and didn’t bother to pay attention to him at all.

But then again, Sano seems to have no need to take action at all.

After all, the mission deadline has not yet expired, so nothing should happen to Conan.

Conan seemed to be flipping his watch just now… finally figured out how to use his equipment flexibly.

Seeing that Sano was unwilling to pay attention to him, Conan didn’t pay attention… because he was used to it.

The two of them approached the door of the newspaper office, and the situation inside seemed to have changed.

Looking through the window, there was already a short-haired woman wearing a black top hat, completely black, with hair color similar to Haihara Ai, and holding a pistol in her hand.

There was also a young man tied up with a rope, a foreign man with a plaster on his arm, and a man with medium-long hair.

“…Conan? If you are talking about the kid with glasses, he should have been killed by Inuyama by now.”

The woman in black looked at Ayumi who was being held up in the air by the man with medium-long hair, with a sarcastic sneer on her lips.

…How come it’s just a matter of knocking someone out, and it’s already started?

Sano watched Mitsuhiko and Genta rush forward very righteously, as if they wanted to rescue Ayumi, but unfortunately their strength was limited and they could only hang on each other like pendants.

“……How to say?”

Conan asked.


After taking a look at the task time limit of only three minutes, Sano knew that it was time to wrap up, and opened the door of the newspaper office directly.

Conan on the side suddenly twitched his eyes when he saw this.

There’s a gun on the other side, so you just go in there so carelessly? ?

I didn’t expect that my good teammate would still be so reckless after not seeing him for many days!

Conan was speechless in his heart, but he still quickly twisted the foot strength-enhancing shoes on his feet, and then kicked the pistol that the fat man Inuyama next to him had dropped on the ground.

The black shadow flew into the newspaper office through the door opened by Sano, and directly hit the gun-holding hand of the woman in black, knocking the pistol away.


The woman in black instinctively looked in the direction of the door where the black shadow flew from, and met Sano’s gaze as he just pushed the door open.

“…Popcorn Hammer Man.”

Sano said this – Rice Flower Hammer Man is back for a limited time!

“Brother Sano!?”

The trio of Dog Rider Team let out screams of surprise and joy.

Of course, they were happy because they were saved, but shocked because they might not be saved again.

…Oh, there is also a fourth person who just joined the team, but after realizing that something was wrong, he just huddled in the corner and watched.

Isn’t this guy the stupid high school boy from a few days ago? Why is he here?

There was a bit of surprise in Hui Yuan Ai’s eyes. Also, who the hell is Rice Flower Hammer Man? Did the other party tell him his name like this last time?

I didn’t feel it before, but now that I hear it again, it feels a bit familiar. I seem to have heard it somewhere, Sano…

“Popcorn Hammer Man…that high school detective!?”

To Sano’s surprise, the woman in black actually knew the meaning behind her name.

“And me, Edogawa Conan!”

Conan walked out from behind Sano shortly after, immediately causing his three friends to let out a cry of joy that truly came from the heart.

“How could it be… Inuyama should have dealt with you!?”

Looking at the woman in black who was obviously flustered and stunned, Conan raised his lips confidently and dragged the fat man in from the door to fill the cup: “It turns out his name is Inuyama. What a pity, he is already unconscious. , it was his pistol that hit your hand just now.”

“I failed to catch your tail last time. This time, I will never let you go…”

“Last time?”

Hearing Conan’s words, it wasn’t just the woman in black who was confused, even Sano was confused.

Has this plague god met this group of people before?

These guys are quite capable, and they can actually survive until now…

While Sano was thinking, Conan had already given the answer, with a hint of gritted teeth in his voice: “Yes, just yesterday, he continuously sniped in front of me…”



…Good guy, this guy turns out to think of this group of people as his colleagues?

Sano instantly understood Conan’s current psychological journey.

Especially this woman, who is wearing a black top hat that looks like a winery work uniform, so it seems normal for her to be misunderstood.

But the problem is that our own organization doesn’t need to do these fancy things at all.

Printing counterfeit money?

Isn’t it more convenient and safer than this thing to have a bad time when you’re short of money?

Sano turned the hammer of justice. Seeing that Conan still showed signs of continuing to chatter and fight with the air, he just hit it with the hammer.

“…That’s right, you guys are the ones who fucked my body – me!”

Conan covered his head that had been hit by a hammer, and while showing a mask of pain, he looked at Sano who had already walked forward: “No, why did you hit me!?”

“Too much nonsense.”

Sano walked towards the woman in black expressionlessly, and when the two men next to her saw this, they immediately abandoned the naughty children and came forward.

Seeing that Sano was actually preparing to attack the opponent directly, Conan couldn’t care so much and quickly grabbed two paint buckets from the side to help.

After all, in Conan’s impression, Sano’s fighting ability is very similar to his. Basically, he can only rely on sneak attacks. He can’t be considered powerful in frontal confrontation, let alone the members of the terrifying black organization on the opposite side, who should not be underestimated.

Although one of the two men still had a plaster on his hand, it was still two against one.

As a teammate, of course I need to contribute.

Unfortunately, before Conan could place the paint buckets he took out, a sudden scream forced him to stop what he was doing.

Turning his head to look, Sano, who was surrounded by the two men, had already swung the hammer in his hand into an afterimage, and kept hitting the two men’s bodies everywhere.

Back of hands, elbows, shoulders, back, calves, knees, sides, etc.

The severe pain forced the two men to moan continuously, but they did not try to fight back.

But facing Sano, who had the superhuman effect, they couldn’t even touch the corner of his clothes.

In the small room, Sano was dodging while swinging the hammer. In just a few seconds, he had already hit the two men more than a dozen times each.

This also made the two men who were still trying to fight back become more and more timid. After about ten seconds, their mentality finally collapsed. They completely lost the idea of ​​fighting back and just wanted to escape.

And Sano’s state also changed from a defensive counterattack with ease to a violent “chase”.


The screams of the two grown men became more and more harsh. After trying to escape to the door, Sano knocked them back again, and then they immediately crawled into the corner with a look of horror on their faces.

“I was wrong! I was wrong! Let me go! Let me go!!”

Undoubted begging for mercy and abuse were mixed together. The two of them curled up or even hugged each other, relying on their instincts to seek a state where they could receive the least amount of hammering.


Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story

Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story

Status: Completed Author:


I, Sano Shinichiro, a time traveler, have a system.
Although the system's tasks are very strange, the rewarded equipment is even more... fresh and refined.
For example, a hammer that cannot cause damage, a small electric donkey that can fly quickly, a coat that turns into a roadie when used, sunglasses that cannot distinguish between humans and animals within 500 meters after wearing them, etc...
What, you ask me how to live better in this world?
Sano Shinichiro smiled faintly and put on his vest: "How can you not get stabbed when you are floating in the world? If you want to avoid getting stabbed, you have to open a trumpet. The more vests I have, the more slutty I will be. I will wave the flag of the winery."
When Akai Shuichi asked Conan what he thought of the black organization, Conan responded like this: The black organization? Although they act a little rough, they are all good people... Wait, which black organization are you asking about?


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