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Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story — Chapter 198 197, codenamed Niulan Mountain!

At this point, Haihara Ai was the first to break through the defense and glared at Sano fiercely.

Sano, on the other hand, calmly used his height advantage to look down at the opponent.

When the eyes of the two parties met, there seemed to be a faint flash of electric light.

Conan hid behind and looked at the two of them, feeling that his throat was a little dry.

This transfer student’s courage seemed a bit alarming.

Fortunately, this guy didn’t break Sano’s defense, otherwise with Conan’s understanding of the opponent…

There is no telling what kind of fight between gods and mortals will happen next.

After the verbal contest, Sano and Haibara Ai made eye contact, but it was obvious that the fake loli’s big eyes, apart from being cute, had no lethality at all.

So just half a minute later, Haiyuan Ai was the first to snort and look away.

…This should be considered a ceasefire signal for the time being.

However, Haihara Ai’s desire for a ceasefire does not mean that Sano’s desire.

The military saying goes, take advantage of the victory to pursue, cut off the grass and root out the enemy, and hit him with one punch to avoid hundreds of punches.

If this fake loli is not beaten to the point where she loses her temper completely, she might not be able to go to heaven in the future.

Sano looked at Officer Megure: “Close your eyes.”


The confused Officer Megu looked confused: “Why, why?”

“Just close it.”


Although Officer Megure was puzzled, he still closed his eyes, and then…

Sano gave Haihara Ai a hammer on his head.


Haibara Ai obviously didn’t expect that Sano would suddenly move… the hammer. He covered his head and revealed the same pain mask as Conan before, with tears in the corners of his eyes.

“Why did you hit me!?”

Sano calmly took back the hammer, glanced at Officer Megure who was peeping through his eyes, and explained: “Because you didn’t listen to Conan’s rare command not to commit suicide, and you ran up and almost lost your life, so I I’m educating you on behalf of your parents.”

Hui Yuan Ai’s eyes widened, and he didn’t expect that Sano would find such a poor excuse.

“No, who am I? Why do you educate me for my parents!?”

“Because I got into a fight with this gang of armed gangsters to save you, and I almost lost my life. You don’t have to say anything because you didn’t ask me to save you. If you die, it will be considered as Officer Memu’s responsibility for public security.” It’s inappropriate. As a friend, I can’t let him bear this kind of responsibility for your death.”

“Even more broadly, the death of a child may cause great turmoil in society. It may also cause other children to imitate your behavior, or it may arouse the desire of other criminals to treat children like this. Attack in groups.”

Without hesitation, Sano stood on the highest moral level and began to put a high hat on Haibara Ai, criticizing her to the point of being completely useless.

Of course, after Haihara Ai was stunned for a short time, he would not feel that he was indeed wrong.

Let’s not talk about the later stuff that sounds nonsense at first glance, let’s talk about the very beginning.

Almost lost his life because of a confrontation with a gun-wielding gangster?

Do you want to look at the guys in the corner before talking?

What’s more, the silver fox almost got the gun before, but he kicked him out. Sano even kicked him back again.

Who is more seeking death?

Can you please make a draft when you talk?

Seeing that Haihara Ai wanted to speak again, Sano turned the hammer of justice in his hand, narrowed his eyes and said, “Why, you still want to refuse to admit your mistakes and talk to me?”

This is a threat of force, absolutely!

Haiyuan Ai naturally knew in her heart that, let alone the shrunken version of herself, even the unshrunk version of herself might not be able to compete with this popcorn hammer man in terms of force, so she turned her attention to Officer Memu, trying to get the second person to Three parties intervened.

It’s a pity that after Haiyuan Ai looked over, Officer Memu, who was still squinting his eyes to peek, immediately closed his eyes again and even turned his head.

Didn’t see it, didn’t see it…

Not to mention that Sano also mentioned Officer Megure when he was hating Haibara Ai just now. Even if he didn’t mention it, he wouldn’t be able to do anything to the other person just because he educates the child.

What’s more, Officer Megure actually feels that these children should be educated… Sano’s brother can hit people without leaving any injuries, and there will be no problems, so he is just suitable for educating children.

Well, that makes sense.

Officer Mumu convinced himself with a few words and pretended to be blind with peace of mind.

Seeing this, Hui Yuan Ai couldn’t help but understand that he was definitely without help, so he could only withdraw his gaze in a depressed manner and suffer the consequences of this mute.

Otherwise, what else can I do, get another hammer?

Seeing Haibara Ai giving in, Sano showed a look of satisfaction in his eyes, and then turned his attention to the pitiful trio of team members.

…After all, Sano had just spoken out in order to stand on the highest moral ground, so naturally he had to be fair and educate these three children.

The trio had already shaken themselves into a sieve when Hui Yuan Ai was hammered before, and tried their best to reduce their presence by keeping silent. They did not expect that they would eventually be educated.

The two thoughts of not wanting to get hammered and the possibility of getting hammered more were constantly entangled in their minds, making the three children tremble and voluntarily go to death as if they were going to the execution ground.

So Sano gave each of the three neatly arranged heads a hammer.

Conan looked on with sympathy and relish – although it seemed a bit gloating, but according to Sano, he didn’t need to be hammered this time.

Ah, I really have to thank the two policemen who didn’t want to believe my words and forced me to call in reinforcements. Otherwise, this hammer would definitely not be able to escape today.


By the way, have you already received a hammer? ?

Conan felt as if he had discovered a blind spot, although this blind spot was particularly depressing.

After educating Haibara Ai and the three-man team, another problem emerged that even Sano had originally ignored.

“That, that…”

The young man who was kidnapped by the counterfeit banknote gang and has never had any sense of existence cried and hugged his fearful brother: “After all, my brother came here to save me. Otherwise, you still have to hit him with this hammer.” I’m fine…”

Sano: “…”

Who do you think you are?

After the incident was successfully concluded, Officer Memu led the group of criminals back to the police station, while the rest naturally went back to their homes to find their own mothers.

Except for the brothers, Sano and the five members of the Dog Rider team were going home in the same direction, except that the three real children among them had to leave the team earlier.

“Then, thank you Brother Sano for coming to save us today. I will go home first. Goodbye.”

Genta bowed respectfully to Sano, thanked him and said goodbye at the corner. After receiving Sano’s response, he immediately ran away with relief.

It was as if I was afraid that I would go to hell if I left even one second late.

Then only the three-man team of Sano, Conan, and Haibara Ai continued to move forward.

Haihara Ai fell at the back of the team, frowning slightly as she looked at the backs of Sano and Conan.

It’s a bit troublesome.

Haibara Ai originally wanted to take the opportunity tonight to chat with Conan, the shrunken Kudo Shinichi, about the current and future situation, but she didn’t expect Sano, an outsider, to unexpectedly join in.

And according to the location of the Sano family in Haibara Ai’s memory, the other party would not separate before she and Conan parted ways.

Do you want to put it off until tomorrow?

Haihara Ai glanced at Conan’s side face and recalled a series of his performances today.

Anxious, careless, without any sense of crisis, flaws of all sizes were exposed countless times.

But there was another high school student detective beside him. Was this guy afraid that his true identity would not be exposed?

Hui Yuan Ai sighed feeling very disappointed.

It’s going to be a long night and a lot of dreams, so it’s better to solve it as soon as possible.

Haihara Ai quickened her pace and came to Conan’s side, and said softly: “APTX4869.”


Conan, who was feeling a little disappointed because of tonight’s mistake, asked confusedly.

“That’s the name of the medicine you took.”


After getting the answer, Conan became even more confused.

“Well, it’s just…the medicine that makes your body smaller.”

Conan’s figure suddenly stiffened, and he stopped in an instant. He looked at Haibara Ai blankly, and after a while he laughed and said with sweat on his face: “What are you talking about, Haihara-san, why is your body getting smaller?” Could it be that your head was damaged?”

Hearing Conan’s last words, Haibara Ai, who originally wanted to create an atmosphere, instantly lost interest and said in a cold voice: “Really, that medicine is something I made myself, even myself It has also shrunk, do you think I am joking with you?”

“Develop it yourself and shrink it…”

Conan was stunned by the bombshell thrown by Haihara Ai. After a while, he finally came to his senses. He looked at Haihara Ai angrily and asked, “So, you are also a member of that black organization.” Huiyuan!?”


Hui Yuan Ai chuckled: “Hui Yuan Ai is just a fake name. If you have to say it, you can call me… Shirley.”

Sherry… is the name of the wine, it’s unmistakable!

Conan’s eyes widened and his breathing began to become rapid.

What happened? Has your identity been exposed? The other party has actually come to the door! ?

“By the way, I remember I mentioned my address to you when I was out of school.”

Haibara Ai jumped forward two steps, turned around and faced Conan. Under the light of the street lamp, the shadow of her short hair covered her eyes: “Mika Town 2-chome 22nd Division, you haven’t thought of this yet. What’s the address?”

Conan was stunned for a moment and suddenly realized, isn’t this the address of Dr. A Li’s home?

These guys, could it be that they have already given Dr. Ali to him! ?

While Conan and Haibara Ai were communicating, neither of them noticed that Sano, who was walking in front, had stopped and turned around like Haibara Ai.

…Is that Conan guy’s problem contagious? Did this fake loli think she was deaf and couldn’t hear the two of them talking, or did she think she was blind and couldn’t notice that the two people behind her weren’t following her?

…By the way, Haihara Ai is living in that doctor’s house now?

Seeing Conan’s expression changed drastically, Sano finally stopped just listening and stepped out of the shadows into the light of the street lamp.

“This is really interesting.”

Sano first gave Conan a look to signal him not to act rashly. Then, in the eyes of Haibara Ai who looked back in shock, he took out the pistol lighter from his arms and lit a cigarette, then took out another gun and pointed it at Aimed at her head.

“It took no effort to find Gin even after searching for it. I’ve been looking for you for so long but I didn’t expect you to deliver it to me now, Shirley.”


Looking at the dark muzzle of the gun in Sano’s hand, Haibara Ai’s expression was even more stupid than Conan’s just now.

In just two sentences, Haiyuan Ai’s mental journey has almost turned into eighteen turns.

At first, Haibara Ai was shocked that she had ignored the high school detective in front of her and actually allowed him to listen to such important and dangerous information.

As a result, I didn’t expect that what the other party said the next second would be even more shocking.

This guy is actually from the organization! ?

“Okay Kudo Shinichi, stop pretending. As a precious experimental subject, you actually played a role in fishing this guy out. It’s really surprising.”

Sano glanced at Conan indifferently, causing Conan behind Haibara Ai to have question marks on his face.

What experiment? ? ?

I seemed to know every word Sano said, but when they were put together, it became a holy book, right?

Sano didn’t pay much attention to Conan, and looked down at Haibara Ai, who had begun to tremble: “Oh, it seems you may not know yet. In fact, the organization has already known about this guy’s shrinkage, and you are probably the only one. Being kept in the dark, I thought I was the only one who knew, and even after escaping, I took the initiative to find him as if I was grasping the last straw.”

The organization… already knew it! ?

Hui Yuanai’s pupils trembled wildly, feeling that the situation was completely beyond his control.

“Who are you…?”

Facing Haihara Ai’s familiar look of fear and resentment, Sano smiled faintly and handed the muzzle of the gun forward. The cold touch made Haihara Ai’s body unconsciously get goosebumps.

“Oh, I forgot to introduce myself, I am your… former colleague, code name…”

Sano paused for a moment, then searched his mind again for the name of a bottle of wine that came to mind first.

…Wait a minute, why again?

“Niulan Mountain.”

Listening to the name of the wine reported by Sano, Haibara Ai’s face turned extremely ugly, and his brain was running like a paste. In the end, he only got a piece of information from his huge knowledge base.

“Is it the wine from the flower garden…”

Conan, whose face was full of question marks at the back, seemed to have wandered into the wrong crew. After hearing Haihara Ai’s trance-like murmur, the question marks all over his head suddenly turned into one.

…Why does this conversation feel so familiar?

Wait a minute, this scene, this development…

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Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story

Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story

Status: Completed Author:


I, Sano Shinichiro, a time traveler, have a system.
Although the system's tasks are very strange, the rewarded equipment is even more... fresh and refined.
For example, a hammer that cannot cause damage, a small electric donkey that can fly quickly, a coat that turns into a roadie when used, sunglasses that cannot distinguish between humans and animals within 500 meters after wearing them, etc...
What, you ask me how to live better in this world?
Sano Shinichiro smiled faintly and put on his vest: "How can you not get stabbed when you are floating in the world? If you want to avoid getting stabbed, you have to open a trumpet. The more vests I have, the more slutty I will be. I will wave the flag of the winery."
When Akai Shuichi asked Conan what he thought of the black organization, Conan responded like this: The black organization? Although they act a little rough, they are all good people... Wait, which black organization are you asking about?


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