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Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story — Chapter 2 2. The most handsome boy in Tokyo

“How could this happen, no?”

“Hahaha, the Sherlock Holmes of the Heisei era is just like this in my opinion. I said, are you deliberately trying to frame me?”

Listening to the confused boy’s voice in the crowd, and the rampant female voice that obviously came out after a few seconds, Sano couldn’t help but quietly took a few steps back. Although there was no evidence, he had reason to suspect that the system was playing a trick. he.

Picking up trash?

Is this to help people hide criminal evidence?

No, if this is exposed, the identity of the accomplice will definitely be confirmed, and I am afraid that there will be many mouths that cannot tell the truth.

It’s still Thirty-Six Strategies, let’s go first…

Just as Sano was about to retreat, he suddenly remembered that he had bumped into other people in the tunnel. Even though he was just a child, there was still a risk.

So what should we do?

Suddenly, Sano had an idea and punched his palm. Now he had the advantage of information gap, but he, as a messenger of justice, could choose to hand over the evidence uprightly. Wouldn’t this clear up the relationship?

Or simply go deeper and hand it over anonymously. When handing over the things, you can also remove yourself. In this way, the case can be solved and the police will not waste their energy to find out who helped.

Even if the other party did investigate later and found Sano, then Sano didn’t do anything bad. On the contrary, he should be regarded as doing something good. What can they do?

As for why he had to hide his head and tail after doing good deeds, people doubted whether this point would be brought up for discussion, but Sano was not worried at all.

When is it wrong to do good deeds without leaving your name?

There are always people who don’t like to be in the limelight, and there are always people who don’t want to cause unnecessary trouble. It’s reasonable and reasonable.

Sano curled his lips, and immediately took away a peaked cap hanging on a bag of an onlooker, put it on his head, and then approached an amusement park staff member.

“Hello, a detective asked me to hand this thing over to you. He said that you should show it to the police officers inside, and then you’ll know what’s going on.”

With that said, Sano took out the things in his arms and stuffed them into the other party, then turned around and got into the crowd without saying a word, leaving only the confused staff.

Sano didn’t care about the outcome of the roller coaster murder incident, because at this moment he was using the rental contract left in his original pocket and following the system map, which had no real-time positioning function because he was not during the mission, to his residence.

The house that I originally rented was located at the 4th-chome of Yoneka Town, Yoneka City, Tokyo. Sano didn’t know the exact number, but he only knew that the house was located on the side of the road.

The overall look is very much like a temporary board house built on a construction site. There are three floors in total, with eight rooms on each floor, facing south side by side. As for the stairs, they are on the side.

This kind of house is relatively common in Neon. Because the cost is low, the rent is also low. Generally, people who are reluctant to spend money live here.

The inside of the house is as simple as its appearance. It is a large room of about ten square meters, where you eat and sleep. There is no furniture in it, just a large TV, an electric fan, a small table and a quilt, which makes it look empty.

There is a large box placed in the corner next to it, which should be the original person’s luggage, clothes, etc. In the opposite corner is a bathroom made of partitions. There is only a toilet and a washbasin. You can’t even take a shower. Go to the bathhouse to solve it.

But Sano didn’t dislike it too much. He had stayed in a room that cost twenty yuan a night next to the train station, so it didn’t matter. At least there weren’t cockroaches and mice running rampant everywhere.

The first step in finding a residence should be to collect information about the original person.

Sano started a large search, but unfortunately, not many useful things were found.

An orphan certificate, a student ID card, and a bankbook, with more than 300,000 yuan on it, but it’s a pity that it’s in Japanese yen, well, it can only be in Japanese yen.

But even eating the cheapest bento here would probably cost at least a thousand yen a day, not to mention rent, water and electricity bills, garbage bills, or other daily necessities expenses.

Of course, this is still a lot of money for Sano now. It can at least guarantee that he will not starve to death in the next two months, and besides the bankbook, he still has more than 30,000 in cash.

“Sano Shinichiro, 18 years old, an orphan, a student… Because at this age, even the financial support has been cut off, and there is no sign of working, and there is no income at all. Isn’t this equivalent to a homeless person…”

Sano began to rummage more carefully, and then found a set of… clothes that looked particularly strange.

A thin coat similar to a windbreaker, trousers of the same material and a mask should be a three-piece set.

But that’s not important. What’s important is that this thing seems to be called a special attack server, right?

Sano doesn’t know much about neon-related things, but the special attack suit happens to be one of them because the characteristics of this thing are quite prominent.

Not to mention the pure black trousers, the black mask embroidered with the word “Kill” in red, and the black windbreaker, with “Heaven and Earth” on the left chest, “I am the only one” on the right chest, and “Extremely Evil” on the left cuff. The word “Strongest” is written on the right cuff, and on the back, the two big words “Invincible” are even more eye-catching.

For Sano, who once lived in the 21st century, the appearance of this thing is usually in neon anime and manga adaptations. Its true origin is from the neon delinquents in the early years. At that time, it was more commonly known as neon delinquents. A kind of “battle uniform” worn only by the gangsters of the Bosozoku clan.

However, it seems that I am in the 1990s now. Even if the original person is really a delinquent, how can I have this thing that has been eliminated more than ten years ago?

Sano tilted his neck and threw the three-piece special attack suit aside. Forget it, he had no interest in caring about the original person’s hobbies. It seemed that those were the only things that were useful at the moment.

After lighting a cigarette for himself, Sano remembered that the reward for the system task just now had not been used yet, so he immediately pulled out the system.

“Perform random reinforcement.”

Zuo Ye read silently.

“It is being randomly strengthened. Congratulations to the host’s special attack server for being strengthened. The strengthening is successful. The details are as follows…”


Sano choked on the cigarette, stared at the three-piece special attack suit that was thrown in the corner, and the corners of his eyes twitched.

No, no, no, no, is it really that outrageous?

Sano quickly crawled to the corner with his hands and feet, grabbed the corner of the special attack suit, and immediately appeared in front of his eyes a detailed interface like the previous Hammer of Justice.

Reinforcement Name: The Strongest Bad Special Attack Server


1. Bad (aura attribute +10, constitution attribute +100).

2. Extremely evil (aura attribute +30).

3. The strongest u0026 invincible (the explosive attributes and flexible attributes will be upgraded to the top of Tokyo’s bad world).

Restrictions: The most powerful bad special attack suit (including mask, coat, and pants) must be worn in full to be effective, and extremely bad effects and bad effects may have other effects.

Note: Wear this and you will be the most handsome boy in Tokyo!

Sano: “…”

“You really need to wear it!”

Sano let go of his hand with a suspicious look on his face.

Although for the special attack suit that was only popular in the 1970s and 1980s, if you wear it now, in the eyes of others, it will probably be the same as watching others wear tight pants and shoes before Sano time travel… No, more accurately. It should be like looking at someone else’s mink coat.

But Sano is not really a neon person after all, and his sense of immediateness in this aspect is not very strong. What really makes him feel awkward is the middle-class feeling inherent in the clothes themselves.

Especially the words on the masks and coats are too strange to wear out, and as a person, it is really shameful.

After smoking the entire cigarette in one breath, Sano finally calmed down a little.

In any case, it is a strengthening item and cannot be wasted. Judging from the description of the effect, it is quite powerful. There is also a long list of various attributes with unknown meanings…

Sano was silent for a moment, found a backpack, stuffed the three-piece special attack suit into it, picked up his bankbook and keys, and then went out.

Sano first took a taxi to the bank to withdraw all the money, and then found a commercial street to buy a bottle of quick styling hairspray and a bottle of quick softening spray.

When passing by a motorcycle shop on the way, Sano was still fooled by the clerk, and he spent a huge sum of money to buy a small electric donkey for transportation.

However, Sano realized something was wrong after buying it. He also forgot where he saw it or who he heard it from. Neon should not have such a thing as a battery car, right?


Where did you lie?

Forget it, it’s not important.

Sano got on the electric donkey, put on his backpack, and began to look for the target of the “experiment”.


Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story

Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story

Status: Completed Author:


I, Sano Shinichiro, a time traveler, have a system.
Although the system's tasks are very strange, the rewarded equipment is even more... fresh and refined.
For example, a hammer that cannot cause damage, a small electric donkey that can fly quickly, a coat that turns into a roadie when used, sunglasses that cannot distinguish between humans and animals within 500 meters after wearing them, etc...
What, you ask me how to live better in this world?
Sano Shinichiro smiled faintly and put on his vest: "How can you not get stabbed when you are floating in the world? If you want to avoid getting stabbed, you have to open a trumpet. The more vests I have, the more slutty I will be. I will wave the flag of the winery."
When Akai Shuichi asked Conan what he thought of the black organization, Conan responded like this: The black organization? Although they act a little rough, they are all good people... Wait, which black organization are you asking about?


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