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Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story — Chapter 20 20. Hesitation leads to defeat.

The former leader of the Black Angels was the blond delinquent in front of Sano.

Sano didn’t know why the other party became a fanatical believer just because he beat him up, but after that day, the Black Angel changed his name to the Black Death, claiming to follow the “Black Death”, and attracted more than a dozen large and small gangs. of joining.

In just one day, the membership of Black Death has exceeded four digits.

This made a few excited and excited people think that even if they did not continue to attack the country, they would still have a good celebration.

But who would have thought that a whole day had passed and Hei Shi had not appeared. The next day had almost passed and this naughty man still had not appeared.

This made several people dumbfounded. After careful study, they discovered that they didn’t even know their boss’s name and age, let alone his appearance, address or phone number.

Was there an accident on the way home the night before yesterday, or did the other party think these boys were too useless and didn’t want them?

All in all, it hurts, it hurts so much.

And just when the pain intensified, Sano took the initiative to appear again and found them…

Sure enough, the boss has not abandoned us, he still has us in his heart!

After seeing Sano, several people couldn’t help but feel a little excited. This is what they originally thought.

But at this moment, Sano issued a new instruction: “Okay, thank you for your hard work, go back.”

A few bad boys: “…”

Why do you feel like you are being treated as a tool and just thrown away after use?

Several people watched Sano leave with grievance, like a resentful little wife abandoned by a scumbag.


However, just after Sano walked more than ten meters, he suddenly stopped, turned around and asked: “Is your daily gathering place at the abandoned factory in Sanchome?”

The blond delinquent trembled and quickly said, “Yes, big brother!”


Sano retracted his gaze and continued to move forward, waving his hand behind him: “I will go and have fun when I have time.”


The eyes of several bad boys were red, and they hugged each other and burst into tears.

It’s so confusing…

Sano glanced behind him with his peripheral vision. In fact, he had no intention of getting involved with the bad boys anymore.

After all, Sano’s previous “bloodbath” was just to experiment with the effects of the special attack suit, and there were not without some bad boys clamoring to hang out with him.

But why would Sano accept them?

If you really want to find subordinates, you have to find some elites. What’s the point of looking for bad boys, is it just playing house?

But now it seems that these people are still somewhat useful. After all, even trash fish can play a certain role once the number is large. Win by quantity, at least in terms of finding people, they are very efficient.

The most important thing is that Sano doesn’t even need to pay them wages.

Is there a more perfect tool man than this?

Sano paused and suddenly turned around: “In addition to clothing, hair styles and transportation work should also be unified.”


The originally satisfied delinquents were stunned for a moment and then quickly responded: “Yes, big brother!”

Sano nodded and turned his attention to the three men in suits dozens of meters away.

One oriental face, two western faces, they are obviously very vicious robbers, but now they are sneaking around like thieves behind a few little kids.

According to the notes on the document, the gold maple leaf coins that the bandit gang had snatched before seemed to have been hidden by the leader. In the end, the only person caught was also the leader, so now they don’t even know that they are Where is the maple leaf gold coin that I grabbed?

The Dog Riders team said before that the treasure map they picked up was most likely the hiding place of the Maple Leaf gold coins, but they just needed to decipher the message on it. This logic is very smooth.


You three robbers believe that a few brats can solve the mystery of the treasure map that you can’t solve on your own. Is there really nothing wrong with this? Are you not considering going to a brain or psychiatric department?

Zuo Ye cursed in his heart, but did not immediately go and capture the bandits alive, and then snatched the “treasure map” from the dog knight to hunt for the treasure.

After all, unlike the three bandits, Sano had seen the unusual things about Dog Knight with his own eyes. Maybe he could really figure out where the maple leaf gold coins were hidden.

Turning in maple leaf gold coins, and turning in clues about bandits and maple leaf gold coins, are two completely different achievements.

What, why didn’t Sano decipher the message on the treasure map himself?

… Sano felt that people still need to be self-aware. He couldn’t even understand advanced mathematics, so it would be better for him to take a rest and do some physical work.

In this way, Sano, the oriole, followed the bandit gang who was Mantis, and followed the dog knight team all the way to a building with the neon lights of “Ghost Building” flashing.

In the dark building, Conan looked at a few gold coins that fell on the ground and waved his fist excitedly: “Sure enough, it can’t be wrong, it’s right here!”

“Hey, that’s really hard work for you guys.”

The Eastern man among the three robbers picked up the gold coins on the ground first, with a look of joy that could not be concealed on his face.

“What are you doing? This is the treasure we found. Return it to me!”

Yuanta, the fat little guy in the Dog Riders team, is really very courageous. When faced with the fierce robbers, he immediately pounced on them and started to entangle them.

And the end result is naturally… a beating.

Sano stood outside the door, watching the three gangsters quickly tie up the entire dog knight team, knowing in his heart that it was time for him to appear.

Sano did not jump out in a bluffing manner and roared “Here comes the hero”, but caught the three people busy tying up people, lowered his body and rushed out quickly, aiming directly at the back of the three people’s heads.

If you can make a sneak attack, then why do you do it openly?

It’s just that the trio of robbers were not ordinary robbers after all, but a transnational criminal gang. They responded extremely quickly. Although the temptation of maple leaf gold coins was right in front of them, they were still not careless enough to ignore the slight movement behind them.


Under the reminder from the Oriental, Sano’s idea of ​​a sneak attack came to nothing, but it didn’t matter. It would be best if he could make a sneak attack. If he couldn’t make a sneak attack, he would just attack by force.

Sano had already opened the Eyes of the Beast in advance before rushing out. Just three seconds had passed, and two eye-catching red lights immediately appeared on the blurry figure in the darkness.

The moment the trio of robbers saw the red light, they felt as if they had seen some wild beast rushing towards them. The sense of oppression surged in like a tide, squeezing their bodies.

Shortness of breath, stiff body, and slow reaction time.

Sano did not notice the changes in the three of them because it was too dark in the ghost building.

If possible, Sano would of course want to seize this opportunity and use these three extraordinary people to concretely test the effect of the Eyes of the Beast.

But unfortunately, the situation does not allow it.

Although Sano will transform into Superboy after putting on the special attack suit, and he can handle hundreds of bad boys just like a chicken.

But judging from Mao Lilan’s previous kick, Sano is not the only little superman in this world.

Faced with these three transnational criminals whose specific strength is unclear, Sano actually doesn’t know whether he can defeat them.

It was just the only thing Sano believed in that told him.

If you hesitate, you will lose!

Well, although there is another sentence later, it will be in vain, just like Sano did in the previous life, and then he came here.


Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story

Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story

Status: Completed Author:


I, Sano Shinichiro, a time traveler, have a system.
Although the system's tasks are very strange, the rewarded equipment is even more... fresh and refined.
For example, a hammer that cannot cause damage, a small electric donkey that can fly quickly, a coat that turns into a roadie when used, sunglasses that cannot distinguish between humans and animals within 500 meters after wearing them, etc...
What, you ask me how to live better in this world?
Sano Shinichiro smiled faintly and put on his vest: "How can you not get stabbed when you are floating in the world? If you want to avoid getting stabbed, you have to open a trumpet. The more vests I have, the more slutty I will be. I will wave the flag of the winery."
When Akai Shuichi asked Conan what he thought of the black organization, Conan responded like this: The black organization? Although they act a little rough, they are all good people... Wait, which black organization are you asking about?


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