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Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story — Chapter 204 203, recovering well, just entered the psychiatric department

Sano followed the medical team out of the office in a daze, went through the hospitalization procedures, changed into hospital clothes, and came to the psychiatric area.

“Well, I may have to take these things away. After all, leaving these things with you… may be a bit dangerous.”

The hospital nurse said, holding Sano’s hammer water gun and pistol lighter.


Zuo Ye responded absently.

At this point, the medical escort team could no longer stay, and they all waved goodbye to Sano with a… well, indescribable look.

“Senior, you need to take good care of your illness!”

I am not sick at all!

Sano’s face darkened, and when he turned around, he happened to meet the eyes of Suzuki Sonoko, who was bluffing, and Mao Lilan, who was hesitant to speak, and you.

Why are you looking at yourself with such strange eyes? It’s not like you’re terminally ill. Don’t act like you’re dying.

As the culprit, Haihara Ai looked at Sano and let out a deep breath.

This time, thanks to his presence, I was so lucky to discover Sano’s problem.

Otherwise, I don’t know when the other party’s mental illness will be detected.

Following him was indeed the right decision, and his work was not in vain.

Seeing Sano turn his eyes towards him, Haibara Ai felt relieved and nodded to him – this is what he should do as a teammate, you’re welcome!

…Damn girl, I’ll take note of today’s grudge, and I’ll settle the score with you later.

Sano gave Haibara Ai a look, and then walked into the prison door under the watch of the medical team – because of the list issued by Futo Kyosuke, Sano seemed to belong to a dangerous group that could hurt people at any time.

The mental area of ​​Mihua General Hospital is divided into two parts. One is for patients whose behavior is relatively normal and at least will not hurt others.

This area is also in contact with other areas.

The other area is naturally for Sano to live in this style.

In addition to being divided by a large iron door in the middle, the windows of each ward inside are also connected by iron bars to prevent “jailbreak”.

No sharp objects are even allowed inside, and some critically ill patients are kept locked in the ward by reinforced doors, with something wrapped around them…

A straitjacket?

Still wearing a straitjacket.

Fortunately, Sano doesn’t deserve such treatment yet.

Sano can move around freely except that he cannot leave the “severely affected area”.

… Of course, rules and regulations still need to be followed, such as what time to go to bed, what time to get up, what time to eat, what time to watch TV, and even what time to listen to ideological education.

so troublesome.

Sano sighed and turned his attention to the patients in the corridor.

Some people are in a daze, some are sleeping, some are squatting in the corner, muttering and not knowing what to say, and some are gathering together to play video games.

…It’s the kind that Sano used to play when he was a kid in his last life by inserting a card into the TV and using a controller, similar to Super Mario Contra Tank Battle or something like that.

It’s boring enough.

Sano curled his lips.

Half an hour later.

“Hey, hey, hey, I won again, you guys can’t do this, you’re too weak.”

Sano looked at the TV showing his victory and smiled.

On Sano’s side, there were a dozen mental patients huddled together with resentment on their faces.

Basically, these people have taken turns to compete with Sano at least once, but no one can win the opponent.

…After all, Sano still has a mask pendant on his body, and his hand speed, dynamic strength, and reaction speed are all at a non-human level. It is not easy to kill such a group of people.

As for why Sano started playing games…

Just because it’s too boring.

There were no gadgets in this hard-hit area. Although there were some books, they were not interesting. After reading them for a while, Sano joined the game team.

“So, brother, can you teach me how to play the game so well?”

A patient approached Sano.

“This thing can only rely on talent.”

Sano waved his hand, but he didn’t expect that the next second the other party took out… a bag of potato chips from his arms.

“Master, as someone who respects you, can you please teach me?”

Looking at the patient with a flattering look on his face, Sano raised his eyebrows in surprise – as the hardest-hit area is a key management area, these potato chips are basically not allowed, and he doesn’t know how the other party got it. .

“…Do you have any cigarettes?”

Sano asked a key question, and after a moment of silence, the patients around him immediately rushed up.

“I have this, I have this!”

“I have Coke!”

“I’ve got a cigar!”


Looking at a lot of flashy things in front of him, Sano couldn’t help but be stunned: “Where did you get these things?”

The patient at the beginning smiled mysteriously: “I sold them all.”

“Then where did you get it?”

“Well…the secret must not be revealed.”

Sano actually curled his lips and accepted all these “apprenticeship gifts” without hesitation.

“Everyone sit down and watch me operate.”

“Yes, Master!”

In this way, in the first hour of Sano’s first day entering the hard-hit psychiatric department of Miwa General Hospital, he accepted more than twenty…disciples.

Until the evening came, Sano was supposed to rest and sleep under the arrangement of the nurse, but unexpectedly the nurse actually brought two people to see him.


Mao Lilan and Conan stood at the door and greeted Sano.

“Why are you here?”

Sano was a little surprised that the two of them left and returned.

“Oh, actually, dad was injured when he arrested the prisoner in the afternoon, so he came over and was hospitalized…”

Mao Lilan rubbed the back of his head and explained.

…Good guy, now that both the front and rear legs are hospitalized, are we going to become brothers in trouble?

Sano scratched his face: “So, is something wrong?”

Tsk, this guy came to see him with good intentions, but why did he look so indifferent?

Conan smacked his lips in displeasure at the side, but after Mao Lilan’s eyes turned around, he immediately took a deep breath: “Ouch, I have a stomachache and want to go to the toilet. Sister, where is the toilet? I don’t know the way to you. Can you take me there? Ouch, hurry up, hurry up, I’m going to pee…”

Sano watched blankly as Conan pulled the nurse away. What was going on? Why did this kid lure the nurse away on purpose? Could it be…

Want to help yourself “jailbreak”?

It’s not that serious, right?

Before Sano could think about it, Mao Lilan suddenly opened his clothes, revealing a pile of snacks and drinks: “Quick, quick, quick, while the nurse is not here, senior, take it to the room quickly. I didn’t buy cigarettes for you. Just in time.” It’s better to take this opportunity to quit.”

Sano subconsciously took the pile of things as the other party said, and after realizing it, he couldn’t help but feel a little moved.

“Did you buy it especially for me?”

“Well, because I heard that these things are not allowed inside.”

Mao Lilan rubbed the back of his head and giggled.

…Wow, although I no longer need to worry about this need, I still feel vaguely that there is holy light coming out from behind Mao Lilan.

A bit dazzling.

“Senior, I will leave first. Conan and I will visit Dad every day. If you need anything else, you can always tell us.”


Sano leaned against the iron gate and waved goodbye to Mao Lilan.

On the way back to his ward, he happened to meet the lunatic who specializes in “smuggling” for patients.

Looking at the pile of goods in Sano’s arms, the patient’s eyes widened and asked: “Damn it, Master, where did you get so many good things? I went through a lot of effort to get just a little bit, it’s amazing! “

“Oh, the secret must not be revealed.”

Sano waved his hand and returned to his room.

The next day, Sano received a call from Gin.

“What’s the result of the follow-up examination?”

Sano held the phone between his neck, operating the game controller with one hand and stuffing potato chips into his mouth with the other: “It’s okay, the doctor said he’s recovering well.”

“Well, in that case, let’s go on a mission tonight…”

“can not go.”

Before Gin could finish speaking, Sano refused.


Gin obviously didn’t expect that he would be rejected, and rejected so simply.

This doesn’t fit with Sano’s previous style.

As for the promised performance geek, why are you slacking off after just a day or two?

“I said I couldn’t go.”

Sano heard the words and repeated them again.


Gin’s voice became colder and colder.

“I am at the hospital.”

Sano explained the reason.

“say clearly.”

“I’m in the hospital and can’t get out.”

Is hospitalised?

Gin frowned slightly: “Are you injured?”

“That’s not true. It’s just…well, there’s something wrong with my brain. The doctor said I have a mental disorder, so I’m currently hospitalized in a psychiatric hospital.”


Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story

Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story

Status: Completed Author:


I, Sano Shinichiro, a time traveler, have a system.
Although the system's tasks are very strange, the rewarded equipment is even more... fresh and refined.
For example, a hammer that cannot cause damage, a small electric donkey that can fly quickly, a coat that turns into a roadie when used, sunglasses that cannot distinguish between humans and animals within 500 meters after wearing them, etc...
What, you ask me how to live better in this world?
Sano Shinichiro smiled faintly and put on his vest: "How can you not get stabbed when you are floating in the world? If you want to avoid getting stabbed, you have to open a trumpet. The more vests I have, the more slutty I will be. I will wave the flag of the winery."
When Akai Shuichi asked Conan what he thought of the black organization, Conan responded like this: The black organization? Although they act a little rough, they are all good people... Wait, which black organization are you asking about?


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