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Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story — Chapter 21 21. This kid is extremely reckless.

Sano moved quickly, and his fist fell four or five times in almost the blink of an eye.

The Oriental bandit who was closest to Sano was unable to fight back at all. As he kept retreating, his body was fluttering like a sandbag.

This transnational criminal is surprisingly weak.

After Sano’s accident, of course we couldn’t just catch this one person and beat him.

Although the other two people were obviously frightened by Sano’s current three superimposed momentum attributes, they still reacted and surrounded Sano.

Without hesitation, Sano knocked one of them down with a roundhouse kick, and then knocked down the other with an over-the-shoulder throw.

Sano has not received professional training in fighting. Just like those bad boys, apart from straight punches and tortoise punches, Sano only uses kicks, kicks and throws.

But this is enough. After all, Sano’s strength and speed are strong enough. Even if he can’t knock down a gangster at once, he should be able to knock him out as long as he finds an opportunity to press his head and punch a few times.

It’s a pity that the Oriental bandit doesn’t seem to be prepared to fight Sano too much with fists and kicks. After all, he’s not stupid. After receiving those few blows just now, can’t he see that he doesn’t have the advantage in bare-handed fighting?

So just when Sano was free to deal with the other two people, the Oriental robber quickly took out a pistol from his arms.


The fire suddenly appeared, and the violent sound of gunshots echoed in the empty building, causing the dog knight team who was tied up to the side to scream in surprise, but Sano’s raised right leg suddenly fell down, It hit the oriental man on the head.

The man’s eyes suddenly bulged out, and the disbelief in his eyes had not faded away, because just a second before he was about to pull the trigger, Sano raised his leg and kicked the gun out of his hand.

Shooting at such a close range, the opponent was actually able to react and attack first to interrupt! ?

It was promised that the gun would be fast from seven steps away, but the gun would be fast and accurate within seven steps! ?

The pistol kicked away by Sano a few meters away clattered to the ground, but Sano’s eyes did not change at all.

As a transnational criminal organization, it is not surprising that this trio of robbers has a gun or something in their hands. Sano has already suspected this.

The reason why Sano is not too afraid of firearms is because in fact, even the last time he faced Gin, it was not the first time he faced a gun.

Earlier, before Sano gave up decisively in his previous life, he had fought with gunmen more than once.

Except for the first time when he was hit in the shoulder because he was too excited and took a step slower, Sano was never hit by a gun again until Shiro.

Because Sano can be faster than the gun, or as long as the opponent aims and shoots fast enough, Sano can be faster than the gun. Of course, even if this is the case, the premise must be that the distance between the two parties is close enough.

…It doesn’t work if it’s too close. If the gun is pressed directly against the head, just like when Sano was squatted by Bourbon before, unless the speed difference between the two parties is too big, it is very likely that the head has not been hit yet. A hole will be made.

This was also the case with Sano’s sincere behavior when he was pointed at a gun by Gin, a guy whose melee ability was no weaker than his own, six or seven meters away.

To put it bluntly, if you want to avoid being injured by firearms, there are only two conditions.

1. Comparison of speed between the two sides, mainly hand speed and reaction speed.

Second, the distance between the two parties is limited. They cannot be close or too close.

Facing these three people, Sano obviously meets the conditions.

Of course, no matter what, firearms are an extremely dangerous existence. Now that the bandit gangs have drawn their guns, Sano feels that it is better to speed up to avoid long nights.

Sano ignored the Oriental man who was knocked down by him on the ground. He swung the hammer of justice from his sleeve and gave it to the two foreigners behind him who finally reacted and wanted to draw their guns.

Both of them were hammered on the head, and they followed the oriental man’s footsteps and fell to the ground. However, compared to the former, the latter suffered injuries due to the characteristics of the hammer of justice, but their faces were hit by the ground. A little hurt.


Another characteristic of the Hammer of Justice is fully displayed in these two people.


The heart-rending scream was refreshing.

Of course, the role of the hammer of justice is not only to test whether a person is a good person or a bad person, but its more important function is to “punish” and “deal with” bad people.

Severe pain sometimes cannot be avoided by relying on willpower. The body will have an uncontrollable direct reaction.

Including but not limited to body paralysis, trembling, loss of control, etc. In terms of specific performance in battle, is it probably similar to the effect of the momentum attribute?

Anyway, it is equivalent to… soft control in the game mechanism.

It’s just that the momentum attribute is passive, and the Hammer of Justice has a flat effect.

Sano turned around without any emotion, and gave the Eastern man who had just gotten up another blow on the head, which immediately caused one more of the two painful screams to come out.

For a time, the building named “Ghost Building” was filled with wailing, just like a real ghost building, making the people in the building feel like they had fallen into purgatory on earth.

That’s solved.

The Hammer of Justice turned in a circle in Sano’s hand and returned to his sleeve.

Immediately afterwards, Sano randomly picked one of the three gangsters who was rolling on the ground in pain, stretched out his hands to hold him down, as if he was killing a pig during the New Year, and punched the back of his head three times to knock him out while he screamed. passed.

After Sano knocked out the other two in the same way, he finally ended the suffering of the trio and made the world quiet again.

Looking at the trio of robbers lying peacefully on the ground like corpses, Zuo Ye couldn’t help but murmur, wondering if he could get away with two handfuls of wool by first capturing these three people alive and then handing over the maple leaf gold coins.

emmm… I’m afraid Gin won’t let himself get this bug.

Sano turned his attention to the dog knight team aside, instantly making the four little kids nervous.

What the four children experienced today can truly be said to be legendary.

The treasure map I picked up by chance turned out to be real. After all the hard work, I finally found the treasure, but was kidnapped by a gang of robbers. Then a man suddenly appeared and started a fight with the gang of robbers, and even… Even the gun was taken out.

This unfair battle of 1v3, where the third party still had a gun in hand, showed an unexpected result at the expected ultra-short speed.

The person who comes out last wins!

This undoubtedly made the four members of the Young Detective Team breathe a sigh of relief. After all, they would face off against bad guys, so of course they should be good people. But when the man really looked at them, they saw those scarlet red eyes that didn’t seem to be human. When looking at their eyes, their thoughts seem to be somewhat different…


Ayumi’s tears that she had suppressed because of the change in circumstances began to come out again: “You are a good person…right…”

Sano didn’t speak, but still looked at the four of them. Ayumi finally couldn’t hold it any longer and burst into tears.

Mitsuhiko on the side wanted to speak out to comfort his companion, but found that he was shaking so much that he couldn’t even hold his tongue straight.

As for Yuantai, the little fat man rolled his eyes and fainted.

Only our dog knight can remain calm at this moment. Not only is there no panic, but excitement and vigilance can even be seen in his wide eyes.

“Who are you, a police officer or an agent? Can you help us untie you?”

Facing Conan’s series of questions, Sano narrowed his eyes and did not respond. He just sighed with emotion. How could this kid withstand the superimposed momentum of the Bad, the Extremely Evil and the Eyes of the Beast just by relying on his will?

Sure enough, it’s not simple. He is indeed a guy whose mount is more popular than his own little electric donkey.

Sano did not intend to loosen the bonds of Conan and the others, or in other words, he did not intend to approach them, because that would reveal his current appearance in front of them.

There were no lights in the ghost building and it was very dim. Sano knew without asking that except for a pair of red eyes, it was impossible to see Conan’s other features, including the Hammer of Justice.

After all, the Maple Leaf Gold Coin is very involved, and the Dog Knight is no ordinary child. If he knew that he had taken the Maple Leaf Gold Coin, it might bring some trouble to his other identity.

As for the three robbers on the ground.

Sano narrowed his eyes, but picked up the pistol beside him, shot each of the three people, and silenced them.

And these three gunshots instantly caused the three young detectives who had not fainted, the tiger…cat body to tremble.

Ayumi, who had been crying, stopped crying, her waist no longer hurt, and her back was no longer sore. She just rolled her eyes and passed out along with Moto Kojima.

Although Mitsuhiko was not unconscious, his face was pale, as if he had been stunned.

The excitement in Conan’s eyes gradually turned into horror and anger.

“Hey, what are you doing? Why do you want to kill them!?”

Sano turned his head slightly and glanced at Conan, feeling a little surprised. Did this guy dare to “question” himself under such circumstances?

Speaking of which, it was the same before. He dared to find kidnappers single-handedly. He also dared to wander around the corpse at Okino Yoko’s house. He was so arrogant when he knocked out Kogoro Mori and sang the oboe for fear that others would not notice him. He was just arrested Even when the trio of robbers approached them, they didn’t lose their composure in fear.

This kid is extremely reckless.

Zuo Ye sighed with emotion.


Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story

Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story

Status: Completed Author:


I, Sano Shinichiro, a time traveler, have a system.
Although the system's tasks are very strange, the rewarded equipment is even more... fresh and refined.
For example, a hammer that cannot cause damage, a small electric donkey that can fly quickly, a coat that turns into a roadie when used, sunglasses that cannot distinguish between humans and animals within 500 meters after wearing them, etc...
What, you ask me how to live better in this world?
Sano Shinichiro smiled faintly and put on his vest: "How can you not get stabbed when you are floating in the world? If you want to avoid getting stabbed, you have to open a trumpet. The more vests I have, the more slutty I will be. I will wave the flag of the winery."
When Akai Shuichi asked Conan what he thought of the black organization, Conan responded like this: The black organization? Although they act a little rough, they are all good people... Wait, which black organization are you asking about?


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